Unhandled exception at 0x93b3237d in project00.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation - c++

In my program when i exit the section of ASM code and returning to the C++ code i get the Unhandled exception at 0x93b3237d in project00.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation. In Crtexe.c at line mainret = main(argc, argv, envp); and in the disassembly when the 0C is add to ESP. i think the problem might be the return address of the main function is get corrupted before returning and that causing it to fail. Program find the intersection and union of two sets. Using VS10 and am out of ideas.
include "iostream.h"//modify line to show up in code block
using namespace std;
typedef int DWORD; //4 btye double word
typedef char BYTE; //1 byte
typedef short WORD; //2 byte double word
int main(){
int i =0;
BYTE str0[50] = "1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik,9ol.0p;/-[?]F!Q";
BYTE str1[50] ="QAZ#WSX#EDC$RFV%TGB^YHN&UJM*IK)P:?_{?}|1`";
DWORD length0 ;
DWORD length1 ;
BYTE IntersectArray[50];
BYTE result [100] ;
lea eax, str0
call COUNT
mov length0,ecx
lea eax, str1
call COUNT
mov length1,ecx
call JoinSet
xor eax,eax
mov ecx,0;
Q: mov dl, [eax]
cmp dl,0h
inc eax
inc ecx
jmp Q
cEnd: ret
lea edx, str0
mov ebx, length0
lea esi, IntersectArray
first: mov al, [edx]
mov ecx, length1
lea edi, str1
repne SCASB
cmp ecx,0
Back: inc edx
cmp ebx,0
dec ebx
jmp first
INTER: mov [esi] , al
inc esi
jmp Back
mov [esi], 0
JoinSet :
lea edi, result
lea esi, str0
mov ecx, length0
lea edx, str1
mov ebx, length1
lea esi, result + [ebx]
f: mov al, [edx]
mov ecx, length0
lea edi, str0
repne SCASB
cmp ecx,0
mov [esi] , al
inc esi
B: inc edx
cmp ebx,0
dec ebx
jmp f
mov [esi], 0
for(int i =0;i < 50;i++){
cout <<IntersectArray[i];}
cout << endl;
for (int i =0; i<100;i++)
cout <<result[i];
cout << endl;
return 0;

Probably a dumb comment since I've never done any x86 assembly. But I thought asm was inline? So what is your first 'ret' actually returning from?


How to call an assembly procedure from c++ code

I'd like to call from my c++ code some 3-rd party text outputting procedure which i have an memory offset. Here is the assembly code of the function:
op_float_msg_ proc near ; initIntExtra_+628o
a3 = dword ptr -3Ch
_object = dword ptr -34h
a2 = byte ptr -30h
font = dword ptr -28h
outline_clr= dword ptr -24h
clr = dword ptr -20h
text = dword ptr -1Ch
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push esi
push edi
push ebp
sub esp, 34h
mov ecx, eax
mov ebx, 65h
xor eax, eax
xor edx, edx
xor edi, edi
xor esi, esi
mov al, ds:_YellowColor
xor ebp, ebp
mov [esp+4Ch+clr], eax
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+4Ch+text], edx
mov al, ds:_colorTable ; Ś˝ÓşŰę
mov [esp+4Ch+font], ebx
mov [esp+4Ch+outline_clr], eax
loc_4592B6: ; op_float_msg_+BEj
mov eax, ecx ; a1
call interpretPopShort_ ; Get value type
mov word ptr [esp+esi+4Ch+a2], ax
mov eax, ecx ; a1
call interpretPopLong_ ; Get value
mov dx, word ptr [esp+esi+4Ch+a2]
mov [esp+ebp+4Ch+a3], eax
cmp dx, 9801h
jnz short loc_4592E9
mov ebx, eax ; a3
xor edx, edx
mov eax, ecx ; result
mov dx, word ptr [esp+esi+4Ch+a2] ; a2
call interpretDecStringRef_
loc_4592E9: ; op_float_msg_+57j
cmp edi, 1
jz short loc_459312
xor eax, eax
mov ax, word ptr [esp+esi+4Ch+a2]
and ah, 0F7h
cmp eax, 0C001h
jz short loc_459334
push edi
mov eax, [ecx]
push eax
push offset asc_50683C ; "script error: %s: invalid arg %d to flo"...
call interpretError_
add esp, 0Ch
jmp short loc_459334
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
loc_459312: ; op_float_msg_+6Cj
xor edx, edx
mov dx, word ptr [esp+esi+4Ch+a2] ; a2
mov eax, edx
and ah, 0F7h
cmp eax, 9001h
jnz short loc_459334
mov eax, ecx ; a1
mov ebx, [esp+ebp+4Ch+a3] ; a3
call interpretGetString_
mov [esp+4Ch+text], eax
loc_459334: ; op_float_msg_+7Dj ...
add ebp, 4
inc edi
add esi, 2
cmp edi, 3
jl loc_4592B6
mov edx, [esp+4Ch+_object]
test edx, edx
jnz short loc_459362
mov ebx, 1 ; type
mov edx, offset aFloat_msg ; "float_msg"
mov eax, ecx ; arg
call dbg_error_
jmp loc_459496
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
loc_459362: ; op_float_msg_+CAj
mov ebx, [esp+4Ch+text]
mov esi, edx
test ebx, ebx
jz short loc_459371
cmp byte ptr [ebx], 0
jnz short loc_459387
loc_459371: ; op_float_msg_+EAj
mov eax, esi ; result
call text_object_remove_
call tile_refresh_display_
add esp, 34h
pop ebp
pop edi
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
Based on the code above how can I call pass the parameters to the function, especially the string to display? I know, that it's maybe a little guessing but can someone please help me try to deduce it?

C++ inline asm move WCHAR in 32-bit register

I am trying to practice the inline ASM in C++ :) Maybe outdated, but it is interesting, to know how CPU is executing the code.
So, what I am trying to do here, is to loop through processes and get a handle of needed one :) I am using for that already created methods from tlhelp32
I have this code:
HANDLE RetHandle = nullptr, snap;
int SizeOfPE = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32), pid; PROCESSENTRY32 pe;
const char* Pname = "explorer.exe";
mov eax, pe
mov ebx, this
mov ecx, [ebx]pe.dwSize
mov ecx, SizeOfPE
mov[ebx]pe.dwSize, ecx
mov eax, PA
mov ebx,0
call CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
mov eax,snap
mov eax, snap
mov ebx, [pe]
call Process32First
cmp eax,1
jne exitLabel
mov eax, snap
mov ebx, [pe]
call Process32Next
cmp eax, 1
jne Process32NextLoop
mov edx, pe
mov ecx, [edx].szExeFile
cmp ecx, Pname
je ExitLoop
jne Process32NextLoop
mov eax, [ebx].th32ProcessID
mov pid, eax
Apparently, it is throwing error in th32ProcessID as well, however, it is just regular int.
Have been searching, but haven't found the equivalent for movl in C++

Proprietary DLL returning empty files after 3h45m

I'm using a proprietary DLL (CP5200.dll) to communicate with 10 scrolling message LED signs. I'm using openFrameworks generate and save images of the text I want to display, and then using the DLL to package the images into data the sign can process.
I call the following functions a few times a minute, and they return a file of 2-4kb , depending on image size, but at a certain point - around 3hrs 45 minutes after startup, they start returning files of 128 bytes, which result in a blank LED display when uploaded. I'm hypothesizing that there's a buffer inside the dll that doesn't get emptied, or something of the sort, but I can't make sense of the decompiled code.
Here are the functions:
int CP5200_Program_AddPicture(HOBJECT hObj, int nWinNo, const char* pPictFile, int nMode, int nEffect, int nSpeed, int nStay, int nCompress)
int CP5200_Program_SaveToFile(HOBJECT hObj, const char* pFilename)
Decompiled functions:
Exported fn(): CP5200_Program_AddImage - Ord:00C3h
:1000FD20 51 push ecx
:1000FD21 55 push ebp
:1000FD22 8B6C240C mov ebp, dword ptr [esp+0C]
:1000FD26 85ED test ebp, ebp
:1000FD28 7508 jne 1000FD32
:1000FD2A 83C8FF or eax, FFFFFFFF
:1000FD2D 5D pop ebp
:1000FD2E 59 pop ecx
:1000FD2F C23000 ret 0030
Function fully disassembled. I couldn't manage to decompile.
:1000FC50 ; Exported entry 15. CP5200_Program_AddPicture
:1000FC50 ; ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ S U B R O U T I N E ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
:1000FC50 public CP5200_Program_AddPicture
:1000FC50 CP5200_Program_AddPicture proc near
:1000FC50 arg_0 = dword ptr 8
:1000FC50 arg_4 = dword ptr 0Ch
:1000FC50 arg_8 = dword ptr 10h
:1000FC50 arg_C = dword ptr 14h
:1000FC50 arg_10 = dword ptr 18h
:1000FC50 arg_14 = dword ptr 1Ch
:1000FC50 arg_18 = dword ptr 20h
:1000FC50 arg_1C = dword ptr 24h
:1000FC50 push ebx
:1000FC51 mov ebx, [esp+arg_0]
:1000FC55 test ebx, ebx
:1000FC57 jnz short loc_1000FC60
:1000FC59 or eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
:1000FC5C pop ebx
:1000FC5D retn 20h
:1000FC60 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
:1000FC60 loc_1000FC60: ; CODE XREF: CP5200_Program_AddPicture+7j
:1000FC60 push esi
:1000FC61 push edi
:1000FC62 mov edi, ebx
:1000FC64 mov esi, offset aCprogram ; "CProgram"
:1000FC69 mov ecx, 9
:1000FC6E xor eax, eax
:1000FC70 repe cmpsb
:1000FC72 jz short loc_1000FC79
:1000FC74 sbb eax, eax
:1000FC76 sbb eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
:1000FC79 loc_1000FC79: ; CODE XREF: CP5200_Program_AddPicture+22j
:1000FC79 test eax, eax
:1000FC7B jz short loc_1000FC86
:1000FC7D pop edi
:1000FC7E pop esi
:1000FC7F or eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
:1000FC82 pop ebx
:1000FC83 retn 20h
:1000FC86 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
:1000FC86 loc_1000FC86: ; CODE XREF: CP5200_Program_AddPicture+2Bj
:1000FC86 mov esi, [esp+8+arg_4]
:1000FC8A test esi, esi
:1000FC8C jl short loc_1000FD07
:1000FC8E mov ecx, ebx
:1000FC90 call sub_10018020
:1000FC95 cmp esi, eax
:1000FC97 jge short loc_1000FD07
:1000FC99 push esi
:1000FC9A mov ecx, ebx
:1000FC9C call sub_10018030
:1000FCA1 push 3Eh
:1000FCA3 mov edi, eax
:1000FCA5 call ??2#YAPAXI#Z ; operator new(uint)
:1000FCAA add esp, 4
:1000FCAD test eax, eax
:1000FCAF jz short loc_1000FCBE
:1000FCB1 mov ecx, eax
:1000FCB3 call sub_100012E0
:1000FCB8 mov esi, eax
:1000FCBA test esi, esi
:1000FCBC jnz short loc_1000FCC9
:1000FCBE loc_1000FCBE: ; CODE XREF: CP5200_Program_AddPicture+5Fj
:1000FCBE pop edi
:1000FCBF pop esi
:1000FCC0 mov eax, 0FFFFFFFCh
:1000FCC5 pop ebx
:1000FCC6 retn 20h
:1000FCC9 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
:1000FCC9 loc_1000FCC9: ; CODE XREF: CP5200_Program_AddPicture+6Cj
:1000FCC9 mov eax, [esp+8+arg_8]
:1000FCCD push eax
:1000FCCE lea ecx, [esi+25h]
:1000FCD1 call sub_100076A0
:1000FCD6 mov ecx, [esp+8+arg_C]
:1000FCDA mov edx, [esp+8+arg_10]
:1000FCDE mov eax, [esp+8+arg_14]
:1000FCE2 mov [esi+2Ah], ecx
:1000FCE5 mov ecx, [esp+8+arg_18]
:1000FCE9 mov [esi+2Eh], edx
:1000FCEC mov edx, [esp+8+arg_1C]
:1000FCF0 mov [esi+36h], ecx
:1000FCF3 push esi
:1000FCF4 mov ecx, edi
:1000FCF6 mov [esi+32h], eax
:1000FCF9 mov [esi+3Ah], edx
:1000FCFC call sub_100015A0
:1000FD01 pop edi
:1000FD02 pop esi
:1000FD03 pop ebx
:1000FD04 retn 20h
:1000FD0F CP5200_Program_AddPicture endp
Exported fn(): CP5200_Program_SaveToFile - Ord:0013h
:1000CE80 8B542404 mov edx, dword ptr [esp+04]
:1000CE84 85D2 test edx, edx
:1000CE86 741F je 1000CEA7
:1000CE88 56 push esi
:1000CE89 57 push edi
:1000CE8A 8BFA mov edi, edx
:1000CE8C BE8C060610 mov esi, 1006068C
:1000CE91 B909000000 mov ecx, 00000009
:1000CE96 33C0 xor eax, eax
:1000CE98 F3 repz
:1000CE99 A6 cmpsb
:1000CE9A 5F pop edi
:1000CE9B 5E pop esi
:1000CE9C 7405 je 1000CEA3
:1000CE9E 1BC0 sbb eax, eax
:1000CEA0 83D8FF sbb eax, FFFFFFFF
I'm writing in VS 2012, with openframeworks version of_v0.8.3_vs_release.
Does the decompiled code give any clues as to what's happening in the DLL that causes this behavior?

Trying to understand ASM code

I switched from memcmp to a home brewed 13 byte compare function and the homebrew doesnt have the extra instructions. So all I can guess is that the extra assembly is just a flaw in the optimizer.
if (!EQ13(&ti, &m_ti)) { // in 2014, memcmp was not being optimzied here
000007FEF91B2CFE mov rdx,qword ptr [rsp]
000007FEF91B2D02 movzx eax,byte ptr [rsp+0Ch]
000007FEF91B2D07 mov ecx,dword ptr [rsp+8]
000007FEF91B2D0B cmp rdx,qword ptr [r10+28h]
000007FEF91B2D0F jne TSccIter::SetTi+9Dh (7FEF91B2D1Dh)
000007FEF91B2D11 cmp ecx,dword ptr [r10+30h]
000007FEF91B2D15 jne TSccIter::SetTi+9Dh (7FEF91B2D1Dh)
000007FEF91B2D17 cmp al,byte ptr [r10+34h]
000007FEF91B2D1B je TSccIter::SetTi+0B1h (7FEF91B2D31h)
My homebrew isn't perfect in this case since it does 3 movs at the start even though it is unlikely to ever check past the first mov. I need to work on that part.
Here is asm code from msvc 2010 showing how it can optimze a small, fixed-sized memcmp (in this case, 13 bytes). I've seen this type of optimization a lot in our code, but never with the last 6 lines. Can anyone tell me why the last 6 lines of assembly are there? TransferItem is 13 bytes so that explains the QWORD, DWORD, then BYTE cmps.
struct TransferItem {
char m_szCxrMkt1[3];
char m_szCxrOp1[3];
char m_chDelimiter;
char m_szCxrMkt2[3];
char m_szCxrOp2[3];
if (memcmp(&ti, &m_ti, sizeof(TransferItem))) {
2B8E lea rax,[rsp]
2B92 mov rdx,qword ptr [rax]
2B95 cmp rdx,qword ptr [r10+28h]
2B99 jne TSccIter::SetTi+0A2h (7FEF9302BB2h)
2B9B mov edx,dword ptr [rax+8]
2B9E cmp edx,dword ptr [r10+30h]
2BA2 jne TSccIter::SetTi+0A2h (7FEF9302BB2h)
2BA4 movzx edx,byte ptr [rax+0Ch]
2BA8 cmp dl,byte ptr [r10+34h]
2BAC jne TSccIter::SetTi+0A2h (7FEF9302BB2h)
2BAE xor eax,eax
2BB0 jmp TSccIter::SetTi+0A7h (7FEF9302BB7h)
2BB2 sbb eax,eax
2BB4 sbb eax,0FFFFFFFFh
2BB7 test eax,eax
2BB9 je TSccIter::SetTi+0CCh (7FEF9302BDCh)
Also what is the point of xor eax,eax which we know will be zero and then testing that for that known to be zero on line 2bb7?
Here is the whole function
// fWildCard means match certain fields to '**' in the db
// szCxrMkt1,2 are required and cannot be null, ' ', or '\0\0'.
// szCxrOp1,2 can be null, ' ', or '\0\0'.
TSccIter& SetTi(bool fWildCard, LPCSTR szCxrMkt1, LPCSTR szCxrOp1, LPCSTR szCxrMkt2, LPCSTR szCxrOp2) {
if (m_fSkipSet)
return *this;
m_iSid = -1; // resets the iterator to search from the start
// Pad the struct to 16 bytes so we can clear it with 2 QWORDS
// We use a temp, ti, to detect if the new transferitem has changed
class TransferItemPadded : public TransferItem {
char padding[16 - sizeof(TransferItem)]; // get us to 16 bytes
} ti;
U8(&ti) = U8(BUMP(&ti, 8)) = 0x2020202020202020; // 8 spaces
// copy in the params
CPY2(ti.m_szCxrMkt1, szCxrMkt1);
if (szCxrOp1 && *szCxrOp1)
CPY2(ti.m_szCxrOp1, szCxrOp1);
ti.m_chDelimiter = (fWildCard) ? '*' : ':'; // this controls wild card matching
CPY2(ti.m_szCxrMkt2, szCxrMkt2);
if (szCxrOp2 && *szCxrOp2)
CPY2(ti.m_szCxrOp2, szCxrOp2);
// see if different
if (memcmp(&ti, &m_ti, sizeof(TransferItem))) {
memcpy(&m_ti, &ti, sizeof(TransferItem));
m_fQryChanged = true;
return *this;
typedef unsigned __int64 U8;
#define CPY2(a,b) ((*(WORD*)a) = (*(WORD*)b))
And here's the whole asm
TSccIter& SetTi(bool fWildCard, LPCSTR szCxrMkt1, LPCSTR szCxrOp1, LPCSTR szCxrMkt2, LPCSTR szCxrOp2) {
2B10 sub rsp,18h
if (m_fSkipSet)
2B14 cmp byte ptr [rcx+0EAh],0
2B1B mov r10,rcx
return *this;
2B1E jne TSccIter::SetTi+0CCh (7FEF9302BDCh)
m_iSid = -1;
class TransferItemPadded : public TransferItem {
char padding[16 - sizeof(TransferItem)];
} ti;
U8(&ti) = U8(BUMP(&ti, 8)) = 0x2020202020202020;
2B24 mov rax,2020202020202020h
2B2E mov byte ptr [rcx+36h],0FFh
2B32 mov qword ptr [rsp],rax
2B36 mov qword ptr [rsp+8],rax
CPY2(ti.m_szCxrMkt1, szCxrMkt1);
2B3B movzx eax,word ptr [r8]
2B3F mov word ptr [rsp],ax
if (szCxrOp1 && *szCxrOp1)
2B43 test r9,r9
2B46 je TSccIter::SetTi+47h (7FEF9302B57h)
2B48 cmp byte ptr [r9],0
2B4C je TSccIter::SetTi+47h (7FEF9302B57h)
CPY2(ti.m_szCxrOp1, szCxrOp1);
2B4E movzx eax,word ptr [r9]
2B52 mov word ptr [rsp+3],ax
ti.m_chDelimiter = (fWildCard) ? '*' : ':';
2B57 mov eax,3Ah
2B5C mov ecx,2Ah
2B61 test dl,dl
2B63 cmovne eax,ecx
2B66 mov byte ptr [rsp+6],al
CPY2(ti.m_szCxrMkt2, szCxrMkt2);
2B6A mov rax,qword ptr [szCxrMkt2]
2B6F movzx ecx,word ptr [rax]
if (szCxrOp2 && *szCxrOp2)
2B72 mov rax,qword ptr [szCxrOp2]
2B77 mov word ptr [rsp+7],cx
2B7C test rax,rax
2B7F je TSccIter::SetTi+7Eh (7FEF9302B8Eh)
2B81 cmp byte ptr [rax],0
2B84 je TSccIter::SetTi+7Eh (7FEF9302B8Eh)
CPY2(ti.m_szCxrOp2, szCxrOp2);
2B86 movzx eax,word ptr [rax]
2B89 mov word ptr [rsp+0Ah],ax
if (memcmp(&ti, &m_ti, sizeof(TransferItem))) {
2B8E lea rax,[rsp]
2B92 mov rdx,qword ptr [rax]
2B95 cmp rdx,qword ptr [r10+28h]
2B99 jne TSccIter::SetTi+0A2h (7FEF9302BB2h)
2B9B mov edx,dword ptr [rax+8]
2B9E cmp edx,dword ptr [r10+30h]
2BA2 jne TSccIter::SetTi+0A2h (7FEF9302BB2h)
2BA4 movzx edx,byte ptr [rax+0Ch]
2BA8 cmp dl,byte ptr [r10+34h]
2BAC jne TSccIter::SetTi+0A2h (7FEF9302BB2h)
2BAE xor eax,eax
2BB0 jmp TSccIter::SetTi+0A7h (7FEF9302BB7h)
2BB2 sbb eax,eax
2BB4 sbb eax,0FFFFFFFFh
2BB7 test eax,eax
2BB9 je TSccIter::SetTi+0CCh (7FEF9302BDCh)
memcpy(&m_ti, &ti, sizeof(TransferItem));
2BBB mov rax,qword ptr [rsp]
m_fQryChanged = true;
2BBF mov byte ptr [r10+0E9h],1
2BC7 mov qword ptr [r10+28h],rax
2BCB mov eax,dword ptr [rsp+8]
2BCF mov dword ptr [r10+30h],eax
2BD3 movzx eax,byte ptr [rsp+0Ch]
2BD8 mov byte ptr [r10+34h],al
return *this;
2BDC mov rax,r10
2bb7 can be reached by different code paths: via taken jumps at 2b99, 2ba2 and 2bac, as well as directly when none of the conditional jumps is taken. The xor eax,eax is only executed at the last path, and it ensures that eax is 0 - which is apparently not the case otherwise.
The last 6 lines return the value in eax == 0 for a match, and also set the SF and ZF condition codes.
test eax, eax will test whether eax AND eax == 0. The following je will jump if zero.
And xor eax, eax is an efficient way to encode "eax = 0". It is more efficient than mov eax, 0
EDIT: Initially misread the question. It looks like something will happen at "TSccIter::SetTi+0A7h" which should change the value?
Also, the SBB trick to replicate the carry(2BB2-2BB4) is explained here:

C++ inline Assembler help. (error c2400)

I'm using Visual Studio 2010. I wrote a program that does a simple Binary Search algorithm. I'm trying to convert it into assemble code. I used the Disassembler to get the assembly code. I'm trying to paste it into _asm. I've tried so many ways and it's just not working.
I tried
_asm(" . . . .");
_asm( );
_asm{ } <--- -Currently going with this way for c++. seems to work well.
seen somewhere online people saying put '\' at the end of each line. That hasn't worked for me.
Here's the code. I'll comment where the errors are. well, I have 13 as of now. Some I won't list because they're the same as other errors. Once I fix one or 2 I should be able to fix them all. The orignal c++ code for the function is also in there.It's commented out.
bool binarySearch(int searchNum,int myArray[],int size){
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,0F0h
push ebx
push esi
push edi
lea edi,[ebp-0F0h]
mov ecx,3Ch
mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
// 217: int first=0,last=size-1,middle;
mov dword ptr [first],0
mov eax,dword ptr [size] // ERROR! Error 2 error C2400: inline assembler syntax error in 'second operand'; found ']'
sub eax,1
mov dword ptr [last],eax
// 218: bool found = false;
mov byte ptr [found],0
// 220: while (first <= last)
mov eax,dword ptr [first]
cmp eax,dword ptr [last]
jg binarySearch+80h (0B51970h) //ERROR! Error 4 error C2400: inline assembler syntax error in 'second operand'; found '('
// 222: middle = (first + last)/2;
mov eax,dword ptr [first] ; // Error 5 error C2400: inline assembler syntax error in 'opcode'; found '('
add eax,dword ptr [last] ;
sub eax,edx
sar eax,1
mov dword ptr [middle],eax
// 224: if(searchNum > myArray[middle])
mov eax,dword ptr [middle]
mov ecx,dword ptr [myArray]
mov edx,dword ptr [searchNum]
cmp edx,dword ptr [ecx+eax*4]
jle binarySearch+61h (0B51951h) // Error 8 error C2400: inline assembler syntax error in 'opcode'; found '('
// 226: first = middle +1;
mov eax,dword ptr [middle]
add eax,1
mov dword ptr [first],eax
jmp binarySearch+7Eh (0B5196Eh)
// 228: else if (searchNum < myArray[middle])
mov eax,dword ptr [middle]
mov ecx,dword ptr [myArray]
mov edx,dword ptr [searchNum]
cmp edx,dword ptr [ecx+eax*4]
jge binarySearch+7Ah (0B5196Ah)
// 230: last = middle -1;
mov eax,dword ptr [middle]
sub eax,1
mov dword ptr [last],eax
// 232: else
jmp binarySearch+7Eh (0B5196Eh) // Error 18 error C2400: inline assembler syntax error in 'second operand'; found '('
// 233: return true;
mov al,1 // Error 19 error C2400: inline assembler syntax error in 'opcode'; found '('
jmp binarySearch+82h (0B51972h)
jmp binarySearch+32h (0B51922h) // Error 22 error C2400: inline assembler syntax error in 'opcode'; found '('
// 236: return false;
xor al,al
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
int first=0,last=size-1,middle;
bool found = false;
while (first <= last)
middle = (first + last)/2;
if(searchNum > myArray[middle])
first = middle +1;
else if (searchNum < myArray[middle])
last = middle -1;
return true;
return false;
Here is the (almost 1:1) working code you posted for a standalone assembly.
extern "C"
bool BinSearch(int searchNum, int myArray[], int arraySize);
// This is the inlined version.
bool BinSearchInline(int searchNum, int myArray[], int arraySize)
int middle;
int first;
int last;
char found;
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov first,0
mov eax, arraySize
sub eax,1
mov last ,eax
mov found,0
mov eax, first
cmp eax, last
jg NotFound
mov eax, first
add eax, last
sub eax,edx
sar eax,1
mov middle,eax
mov eax,middle
mov ecx,myArray
mov edx,searchNum
cmp edx, dword ptr [ecx+eax*4]
jle MaybeLower
mov eax, middle
add eax,1
mov first, eax
jmp WhileLoop
mov eax, middle
mov ecx, myArray
mov edx, searchNum
cmp edx,dword ptr [ecx+eax*4]
jge Found
mov eax, middle
sub eax,1
mov last, eax
jmp WhileLoop
mov al,1
jmp Done
jmp LocalLoop
xor al,al
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
int main(int argc, char*arg[])
int testvalues[7];
for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
testvalues[i] = i;
bool b = BinSearch(8, testvalues, 7); // false, value not in array
b = BinSearch(3, testvalues, 7); // true, value is in array.
b = BinSearchInline(8, testvalues, 7); // false
b = BinSearchInline(3, testvalues, 7); // true
return 0;
.model flat, C
option casemap :none
BinSearch PROC, searchNum:DWORD, myArray:PTR DWORD, arraySize:DWORD
push ebx
push esi
push edi
; This block is only for debugging stack errors and should be removed.
; lea edi,[ebp-0F0h]
; mov ecx,3Ch
; mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
; rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
mov dword ptr [first],0
mov eax,dword ptr [arraySize]
sub eax,1
mov dword ptr [last],eax
mov byte ptr [found],0 ; not even used.
mov eax,dword ptr [first]
cmp eax,dword ptr [last]
jg ##NotFound
mov eax,dword ptr [first]
add eax,dword ptr [last]
sub eax,edx
sar eax,1
mov dword ptr [middle],eax
mov eax,dword ptr [middle]
mov ecx,dword ptr [myArray]
mov edx,dword ptr [searchNum]
cmp edx,dword ptr [ecx+eax*4]
jle ##MaybeLower
mov eax,dword ptr [middle]
add eax,1
mov dword ptr [first],eax
jmp ##WhileLoop
mov eax,dword ptr [middle]
mov ecx,dword ptr [myArray]
mov edx,dword ptr [searchNum]
cmp edx,dword ptr [ecx+eax*4]
jge ##Found
mov eax,dword ptr [middle]
sub eax,1
mov dword ptr [last],eax
jmp ##WhileLoop
mov al,1
jmp ##Done
jmp ##Loop
xor al,al
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
BinSearch ENDP