Does clojure have a powerful 'loop' like common lisp.
for example:
get two elements from a sequence each time
Common Lisp:
(loop for (a b) on '(1 2 3 4) by #'cddr collect (cons a b))
how to do this in Clojure?
By leveraging for and some destructuring you can achieve your specific example:
(for [[a b] (partition 2 [1 2 3 4])](use-a-and-b a b))
There is cl-loop, which is a LOOP workalike, and there are also clj-iter and clj-iterate, which are both based on the iterate looping construct for Common Lisp.
Clojure's multi-purpose looping construct is for. It doesn't have as many features as CL's loop built into it (especially not the side-effecting ones, since Clojure encourages functional purity), so many operations that you might otherwise do simply with loop itself are accomplished "around" for. For example, to sum the elements generated by for, you would put an apply + in front of it; to walk elements pairwise, you would (as sw1nn shows) use partition 2 on the input sequence fed into for.
I would do this with loop, recur and destructuring.
For example, if I wanted to group every two values together:
(loop [[a b & rest] [1 2 3 4 5 6]
result []]
(if (empty? rest)
(conj result [a b])
(recur rest (conj result [a b]))))
Ends up with a result of:
=> [[1 2] [3 4] [5 6]]
a and b are the first and second elements of the sequence respectively, and then rest is what is left over. We can then recur-sively go around until there is nothing left over in rest and we are done.
From what I gather a transformer is the use of functions that change , alter , a collection of elements . Like if I did added 1 to each element in a collection of
[1 2 3 4 5]
and it became
[2 3 4 5 6]
but writing the code for this looks like
(map inc)
but I keep getting this sort of code confused with a reducer. Because it produces a new accumulated result .
The question I ask is , what is the difference between a transformer and a reducer ?
You are likely just confusing various nomenclature (as the comments above suggest), but I'll answer what I think is your question by taking some liberties in interpreting what you mean to be reducer and transformer.
A reducing function (what you probably think is a reducer), is a function that takes an accumulated value and a current value, and returns a new accumulated value.
(accumulated, current) => accumulated
These functions are passed to reduce, and they successively step through a sequence performing whatever the body of the reducing function says with it's two arguments (accumulated and current), and then returning a new accumulated value which will be used as the accumulated value (first argument) to the next call of the reducing function.
For example, plus can be viewed as a reducing function.
(reduce + [0 1 2]) => 3
First, the reducing function (plus in this example) is called with 0 and 1, which returns 1. On the next call, 1 is now the accumulated value, and 2 is the current value, so plus is called with 1 and 2, returning 3, which completes the reduction as there are no further elements in the collection to process.
It may help to look at a simplified version of a reduce implementation:
(defn reduce1
([f coll] ;; f is a reducing function
(let [[x y & xs] coll]
;; called with the accumulated value so far "x"
;; and cur value in input sequence "y"
(if y (reduce1 f (cons (f x y) xs))
([f start coll]
(reduce1 f (cons start coll))))
You can see that the function "f" , or the "reducing function" is called on each iteration with two arguments, the accumulated value so far, and the next value in the input sequence. The return value of this function is used as the first argument in the next call, etc. and thus has the type:
(x, y) => x
A transformation, the way I think you mean it, suggests the shape of the input does not change, but is simply modified according to an arbitrary function. This would be functions you pass to map, as they are applied to each element and build up a new collection of the same shape, but with that function applied to each element.
(map inc [0 1 2]) => '(1 2 3)
Notice the shape is the same, it's still a 3 element sequence, whereas in the reduction above, you input a 3 element sequence and get back an integer. Reductions can change the shape of the final result, map does not.
Note that I say the "shape" doesn't change, but the type of each element may change depending on what your "transforming" function does:
(map #(list (inc %)) [0 1 2]) => '((1) (2) (3))
It's still a 3 element sequence, but now each element is a list, not an integer.
There are two related concepts in Clojure, Reducers and Transducers, which I just wanted to mention since you asked about reducers (which have as specific meaning in Clojure) and transformers (which are the names Clojurists typically assign to a transducing function via the shorthand "xf"). It would turn this already long answer into a short-story if I tried to explain the details of both here, and it's been done better than I can do by others:
Reducers and Transducers:
It turns out that many transformations of collections can be expressed in terms of reduce. For instance map could be implemented as
(defn map [f coll] (reduce (fn [x y] (conj x (f y))) [] [0 1 2 3 4]))
and then you would call
(map inc [1 2 3 4 5])
to obtain
[2 3 4 5 6]
In our homemade implementation of map, the function that we pass to reduce is
(fn [x y] (conj x (f y))))
where f is the function that we would like to apply to every element. So we can write a function that produces such a function for us, passing the function that we would like to map.
(defn mapping-with-conj [f] (fn [x y] (conj x (f y))))
But we still see the presence of conj in the above function assuming we want to add elements to a collection. We can get even more flexibility by extra indirection:
(defn mapping [f] (fn [step] (fn [x y] (step x (f y)))))
Then we can use it like this:
(def increase-by-1 (mapping inc))
(reduce (increase-by-1 conj) [] [1 2 3])
The (map inc) you are referring does what our call to (mapping inc) does. Why would you want to do things this way? The answer is that it gives us a lot of flexibility to build things. For instance, instead of building up a collection, we can do
(reduce ((map inc) +) 0 [1 2 3 4 5])
Which will give us the sum of the mapped collection [2 3 4 5 6]. Or we can add extra processing steps just by simple function composition.
(reduce ((comp (filter odd?) (map inc)) conj) [] [1 2 3 4 5])
which will first remove even elements from the collection before we map. The transduce function in Clojure does essentially what the above line does, but takes care of another few extra details, too. So you would actually write
(transduce (comp (filter odd?) (map inc)) conj [] [1 2 3 4 5])
To sum up, the map function in Clojure has two arities. Calling it like (map inc [1 2 3 4 5]) will map every element of a collection so that you obtain [2 3 4 5 6]. Calling it just like (map inc) gives us a function that behaves pretty much like our mapping function in the above explanation.
Updating a vector works fine:
(update [{:idx :a} {:idx :b}] 1 (fn [_] {:idx "Hi"}))
;; => [{:idx :a} {:idx "Hi"}]
However trying to do the same thing with a list does not work:
(update '({:idx :a} {:idx :b}) 1 (fn [_] {:idx "Hi"}))
;; => ClassCastException clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.Associative clojure.lang.RT.assoc (
Exactly the same problem exists for assoc.
I would like to do update and overwrite operations on lazy types rather than vectors. What is the underlying issue here, and is there a way I can get around it?
The underlying issue is that the update function works on associative structures, i.e. vectors and maps. Lists can't take a key as a function to look up a value.
user=> (associative? [])
user=> (associative? {})
user=> (associative? `())
update uses get behind the scenes to do its random access work.
I would like to do update and overwrite operations on lazy types
rather than vectors
It's not clear what want to achieve here. You're correct that vectors aren't lazy, but if you wish to do random access operations on a collection then vectors are ideal for this scenario and lists aren't.
and is there a way I can get around it?
Yes, but you still wouldn't be able to use the update function, and it doesn't look like there would be any benefit in doing so, in your case.
With a list you'd have to walk the list in order to access an index somewhere in the list - so in many cases you'd have to realise a great deal of the sequence even if it was lazy.
You can define your own function, using take and drop:
(defn lupdate [list n function]
(let [[head & tail] (drop n list)]
(concat (take n list)
(cons (function head) tail))))
user=> (lupdate '(a b c d e f g h) 4 str)
(a b c d "e" f g h)
With lazy sequences, that means that you will compute the n first values (but not the remaining ones, which after all is an important part of why we use lazy sequences). You have also to take into account space and time complexity (concat, etc.). But if you truly need to operate on lazy sequences, that's the way to go.
Looking behind your question to the problem you are trying to solve:
You can use Clojure's sequence functions to construct a simple solution:
(defn elf [n]
(loop [population (range 1 (inc n))]
(if (<= (count population) 1)
(first population)
(let [survivors (->> population
(take-nth 2)
((if (-> population count odd?) rest identity)))]
(recur survivors)))))
For example,
(map (juxt identity elf) (range 1 8))
;([1 1] [2 1] [3 3] [4 1] [5 3] [6 5] [7 7])
This has complexity O(n). You can speed up count by passing the population count as a redundant argument in the loop, or by dumping the population and survivors into vectors. The sequence functions - take-nth and rest - are quite capable of doing the weeding.
I hope I got it right!
I'm working on my first-ever functional program in Clojure. I'm having some issues figuring out how to step through each item in a list, in each list in a list, and operate on it while keeping return values. I'm sure the issue comes from my unfamiliarity with Clojure and functional programming and was hoping someone could explain the best method to do the following:
psuedo-code algorithm:
for each lst in list
for each item in lst
return_values.append = do_something(item)
I first tried nesting two doseq functions and then calling my do_something function, which worked to call the function on the item, but didn't save my return values. I then tried a for and cons to an empty list, but was unable to get my return values outside of the for.
Would it be possible/preferable to break the list of lists down first? Could I still get a list of lists of return values?
In the end, I would like the result to be a list of lists of return values to match the input list of lists.
If anyone could explain the best method for doing this in Clojure, and why, it would be much appreciated.
Nested for loop will do the trick:
(for [lst my-list]
(for [item lst] (do_something item)))
It will take nested list my-list (list of lists) and convert it into another nested list by applying do_something to each element.
In clojure, for returns a list of values already, so there is no need to handle it yourself. Furthermore, since all data structures in clojure are immutable, you can't do this by appending elements to initially empty list with cons.
If you have a deeply nested list and you want to keep its structure, but transform the values, you can use clojure.walk/postwalk to operate on each value, e.g.:
(def nested '(1 (2 3 (4 5)) 6))
(defn transform-values [coll f]
(clojure.walk/postwalk #(if (not (list? %))
(f %)
(transform-values nested inc)
=> (2 (3 4 (5 6)) 7)
You can, of course, pass any function to transform-values.
This can be done as a simple recursive walk. The first implementation that comes to mind for this would be the following for sequences:
(defn deep-walk
[f data]
(map (fn [s] (if (seq? s)
(deep-walk f s)
(f s)))
And this slight variation for vectors:
(defn vec-deep-walk
[f data]
(vec (map (fn [s] (if (vector? s)
(vec-deep-walk f s)
(f s)))
Just a quick test with the following:
(vec-deep-walk (partial + 1) [1 [2 3] 4 [5 [6 7]]])
Gives the following output:
[2 [3 4] 5 [6 [7 8]]]
The walk functions take two parameters, the first is a function that takes a single parameter. This will be called for each non-seq/vector element in your data, which is passed as the second parameter. The results will be returned in a nested structure that is identical to the input structure.
I have written code to find the common elements of a number of sequences:
(defn common [l & others]
(if (= 1 (count others))
(filter #(some #{%1} (first others)) l)
(filter #(and (some #{%1} (first others)) (not (empty? (apply common (list %1) (rest others))))) l)))
which can find the first common element of finite sequences like this:
(first (common [1 2] [0 1 2 3 4 5] [3 1]))
-> 1
but it is very easily sent on an infinite search if any of the sequences are infinite:
(first (common [1 2] [0 1 2 3 4 5] (range)))
I understand why this is happening, and I know I need to make the computation lazy in some way, but I can't yet see how best to do that.
So that is my question: how to rework this code (or maybe use entirely different code) to find the first common element of a number of sequences, one or more of which could be infinite.
This isn't possible without some other constraints on the contents of the sequence. For example, if they were required to be in sorted order, you could do it. But given two infinite, arbitrarily-ordered sequences A and B, you can't ever decide for sure that A[0] isn't in B, because you'll keep searching forever, so you'll never be able to start searching for A[1].
I would probably do something like
(fn [ & lists ]
(filter search-in-finite-lists (map (fn [ & elements ] elements) lists)))
The trick is to search one level by level, in all lists at once. At each level, you need only search if the last element of each list is in any other list.
I guess it is expected to search infinitely if the list are infinite and there is no match. However, you could add a (take X lists) before the filter to impose a maximum. like so :
(fn [ max & lists ]
(filter search-in-finite-lists (take max (map (fn [ & elements ] elements) lists))))
Well, that is still assuming a finite number of lists... Which shoud be reasonable.
Reduce works fine but it is more like fold-left.
Is there any other form of reduce that lets me fold to right ?
The reason that the clojure standard library only has fold-left (reduce) is actually very subtle and it is because clojure isn't lazy enough to get the main benefit of fold-right.
The main benefit of fold-right in languages like haskell is that it can actually short-circuit.
If we do foldr (&&) True [False, True, True, True, True] the way that it actually gets evaluated is very enlightening. The only thing it needs to evaluate is the function and with 1 argument (the first False). Once it gets there it knows the answer and does not need to evaluate ANY of the Trues.
If you look very closely at the picture:
you will see that although conceptually fold-right starts and the end of the list and moves towards the front, in actuality, it starts evaluating at the FRONT of the list.
This is an example of where lazy/curried functions and tail recursion can give benefits that clojure can't.
Bonus Section (for those interested)
Based on a recommendation from vemv, I would like to mention that Clojure added a new function to the core namespace to get around this limitation that Clojure can't have the lazy right fold. There is a function called reduced in the core namespace which allows you to make Clojure's reduce lazier. It can be used to short-circuit reduce by telling it not to look at the rest of the list. For instance, if you wanted to multiply lists of numbers but had reason to suspect that the list would occasionally contain zero and wanted to handle that as a special case by not looking at the remainder of the list once you encountered a zero, you could write the following multiply-all function (note the use of reduced to indicate that the final answer is 0 regardless of what the rest of the list is).
(defn multiply-all [coll]
(fn [accumulator next-value]
(if (zero? next-value)
(reduced 0)
(* accumulator next-value)))
And then to prove that it short-circuits you could multiply an infinite list of numbers which happens to contain a zero and see that it does indeed terminate with the answer of 0
(cycle [1 2 3 4 0]))
Let's look at a possible definition of each:
(defn foldl [f val coll]
(if (empty? coll) val
(foldl f (f val (first coll)) (rest coll))))
(defn foldr [f val coll]
(if (empty? coll) val
(f (foldr f val (rest coll)) (first coll))))
Notice that only foldl is in tail position, and the recursive call can be replaced by recur. So with recur, foldl will not take up stack space, while foldr will. That's why reduce is like foldl. Now let's try them out:
(foldl + 0 [1 2 3]) ;6
(foldl - 0 [1 2 3]) ;-6
(foldl conj [] [1 2 3]) ;[1 2 3]
(foldl conj '() [1 2 3]) ;(3 2 1)
(foldr + 0 [1 2 3]) ;6
(foldr - 0 [1 2 3]) ;-6
(foldr conj [] [1 2 3]) ;[3 2 1]
(foldr conj '() [1 2 3]) ;(1 2 3)
Is there some reason you want to fold right? I think the most common usage of foldr is to put together a list from front to back. In Clojure we don't need that because we can just use a vector instead. Another choice to avoid stack overflow is to use a lazy sequence:
(defn make-list [coll]
(cons (first coll) (rest coll))))
So, if you want to fold right, some efficient alternatives are
Use a vector instead.
Use a lazy sequence.
Use reduced to short-circuit reduce.
If you really want to dive down a rabbit hole, use a transducer.