A method for indexing triangles from a loaded heightmap? - c++

I am currently making a method to load in a noisy heightmap, but lack the triangles to do so. I want to make an algorithm that will take an image, its width and height and construct a terrain node out of it.
Here's what I have so far, in somewhat pseudo
Vertex* vertices = new Vertices[image.width * image.height];
Index* indices; // How do I judge how many indices I will have?
float scaleX = 1 / image.width;
float scaleY = 1 / image.height;
float currentYScale = 0;
for(int y = 0; y < image.height; ++y) {
float currentXScale = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < image.width; ++x) {
Vertex* v = vertices[x * y];
v.x = currentXScale;
v.y = currentYScale;
v.z = image[x,y];
currentXScale += scaleX;
currentYScale += scaleY;
This works well enough to my needs, my only problem is this: How would I calculate the # of indices and their positions for drawing the triangles? I have somewhat familiarity with indices, but not how to programmatically calculate them, I can only do that statically.

As far as your code above goes, using vertices[x * y] isn't right - if you use that, then e.g. vert(2,3) == vert(3,2). What you want is something like vertices[y * image.width + x], but you can do it more efficiently by incrementing a counter (see below).
Here's the equivalent code I use. It's in C# unfortunately, but hopefully it should illustrate the point:
/// <summary>
/// Constructs the vertex and index buffers for the terrain (for use when rendering the terrain).
/// </summary>
private void ConstructBuffers()
int heightmapHeight = Heightmap.GetLength(0);
int heightmapWidth = Heightmap.GetLength(1);
int gridHeight = heightmapHeight - 1;
int gridWidth = heightmapWidth - 1;
// Construct the individual vertices for the terrain.
var vertices = new VertexPositionTexture[heightmapHeight * heightmapWidth];
int vertIndex = 0;
for(int y = 0; y < heightmapHeight; ++y)
for(int x = 0; x < heightmapWidth; ++x)
var position = new Vector3(x, y, Heightmap[y,x]);
var texCoords = new Vector2(x * 2f / heightmapWidth, y * 2f / heightmapHeight);
vertices[vertIndex++] = new VertexPositionTexture(position, texCoords);
// Create the vertex buffer and fill it with the constructed vertices.
this.VertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(Renderer.GraphicsDevice, typeof(VertexPositionTexture), vertices.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly);
// Construct the index array.
var indices = new short[gridHeight * gridWidth * 6]; // 2 triangles per grid square x 3 vertices per triangle
int indicesIndex = 0;
for(int y = 0; y < gridHeight; ++y)
for(int x = 0; x < gridWidth; ++x)
int start = y * heightmapWidth + x;
indices[indicesIndex++] = (short)start;
indices[indicesIndex++] = (short)(start + 1);
indices[indicesIndex++] = (short)(start + heightmapWidth);
indices[indicesIndex++] = (short)(start + 1);
indices[indicesIndex++] = (short)(start + 1 + heightmapWidth);
indices[indicesIndex++] = (short)(start + heightmapWidth);
// Create the index buffer.
this.IndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(Renderer.GraphicsDevice, typeof(short), indices.Length, BufferUsage.WriteOnly);
I guess the key point is that given a heightmap of size heightmapHeight * heightmapWidth, you need (heightmapHeight - 1) * (heightmapWidth - 1) * 6 indices, since you're drawing:
2 triangles per grid square
3 vertices per triangle
(heightmapHeight - 1) * (heightmapWidth - 1) grid squares in your terrain.


Perlin Noise getting wrong values in Y axis (C++)

I'm trying to implement the Perlin Noise algorithm in 2D with a single octave with a size of 16x16. I'm using this as heightmap data for a terrain, however it only seems to work in one axis. Whenever the sample point moves to a new Y section in the Perlin Noise grid, the gradient is very different from what I expect (for example, it often flips from 0.98 to -0.97, which is a very sudden change).
This image shows the staggered terrain in the z direction (which is the y axis in the 2D Perlin Noise grid)
I've put the code that calculates which sample point to use at the end since it's quite long and I believe it's not where the issue is, but essentially I scale down the terrain to match the Perlin Noise grid (16x16) and then sample through all the points.
Gradient At Point
So the code that calculates out the gradient at a sample point is the following:
// Find the gradient at a certain sample point
float PerlinNoise::gradientAt(Vector2 point)
// Decimal part of float
float relativeX = point.x - (int)point.x;
float relativeY = point.y - (int)point.y;
Vector2 relativePoint = Vector2(relativeX, relativeY);
vector<float> weights(4);
// Find the weights of the 4 surrounding points
weights = surroundingWeights(point);
float fadeX = fadeFunction(relativePoint.x);
float fadeY = fadeFunction(relativePoint.y);
float lerpA = MathUtils::lerp(weights[0], weights[1], fadeX);
float lerpB = MathUtils::lerp(weights[2], weights[3], fadeX);
float lerpC = MathUtils::lerp(lerpA, lerpB, fadeY);
return lerpC;
Surrounding Weights of Point
I believe the issue is somewhere here, in the function that calculates the weights for the 4 surrounding points of a sample point, but I can't seem to figure out what is wrong since all the values seem sensible in the function when stepping through it.
// Find the surrounding weight of a point
vector<float> PerlinNoise::surroundingWeights(Vector2 point){
// Produces correct values
vector<Vector2> surroundingPoints = surroundingPointsOf(point);
vector<float> weights;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < surroundingPoints.size(); ++i) {
// The corner to the sample point
Vector2 cornerToPoint = surroundingPoints[i].toVector(point);
// Getting the seeded vector from the grid
float x = surroundingPoints[i].x;
float y = surroundingPoints[i].y;
Vector2 seededVector = baseGrid[x][y];
// Dot product between the seededVector and corner to the sample point vector
float dotProduct = cornerToPoint.dot(seededVector);
return weights;
OpenGL Setup and Sample Point
Setting up the heightmap and getting the sample point. Variables 'wrongA' and 'wrongA' is an example of when the gradient flips and changes suddenly.
void HeightMap::GenerateRandomTerrain() {
int perlinGridSize = 16;
PerlinNoise perlin_noise = PerlinNoise(perlinGridSize, perlinGridSize);
numVertices = RAW_WIDTH * RAW_HEIGHT;
numIndices = (RAW_WIDTH - 1) * (RAW_HEIGHT - 1) * 6;
vertices = new Vector3[numVertices];
textureCoords = new Vector2[numVertices];
indices = new GLuint[numIndices];
float perlinScale = RAW_HEIGHT/ (float) (perlinGridSize -1);
float height = 50;
float wrongA = perlin_noise.gradientAt(Vector2(0, 68.0f / perlinScale));
float wrongB = perlin_noise.gradientAt(Vector2(0, 69.0f / perlinScale));
for (int x = 0; x < RAW_WIDTH; ++x) {
for (int z = 0; z < RAW_HEIGHT; ++z) {
int offset = (x* RAW_WIDTH) + z;
float xVal = (float)x / perlinScale;
float yVal = (float)z / perlinScale;
float noise = perlin_noise.gradientAt(Vector2( xVal , yVal));
vertices[offset] = Vector3(x * HEIGHTMAP_X, noise * height, z * HEIGHTMAP_Z);
textureCoords[offset] = Vector2(x * HEIGHTMAP_TEX_X, z * HEIGHTMAP_TEX_Z);
numIndices = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < RAW_WIDTH - 1; ++x) {
for (int z = 0; z < RAW_HEIGHT - 1; ++z) {
int a = (x * (RAW_WIDTH)) + z;
int b = ((x + 1)* (RAW_WIDTH)) + z;
int c = ((x + 1)* (RAW_WIDTH)) + (z + 1);
int d = (x * (RAW_WIDTH)) + (z + 1);
indices[numIndices++] = c;
indices[numIndices++] = b;
indices[numIndices++] = a;
indices[numIndices++] = a;
indices[numIndices++] = d;
indices[numIndices++] = c;
Turned out the issue was in the interpolation stage:
float lerpA = MathUtils::lerp(weights[0], weights[1], fadeX);
float lerpB = MathUtils::lerp(weights[2], weights[3], fadeX);
float lerpC = MathUtils::lerp(lerpA, lerpB, fadeY);
I had the interpolation in the y axis the wrong way around, so it should have been:
lerp(lerpB, lerpA, fadeY)
Instead of:
lerp(lerpA, lerpB, fadeY)

DirectX/C++: Marching Cubes Indexing

I've implemented the Marching Cube algorithm in a DirectX environment (To test and have fun). Upon completion, I noticed that the resulting model looks heavily distorted, as if the indices were off.
I've attempted to extract the indices, but I think the vertices are ordered correctly already, using the lookup tables, examples at http://paulbourke.net/geometry/polygonise/ . The current build uses a 15^3 volume.
Marching cubes iterates over the array as normal:
for (float iX = 0; iX < CellFieldSize.x; iX++){
for (float iY = 0; iY < CellFieldSize.y; iY++){
for (float iZ = 0; iZ < CellFieldSize.z; iZ++){
MarchCubes(XMFLOAT3(iX*StepSize, iY*StepSize, iZ*StepSize), StepSize);
The MarchCube function is called:
void MC::MarchCubes(){
int Corner, Vertex, VertexTest, Edge, Triangle, FlagIndex, EdgeFlags;
float Offset;
float CubeValue[8];
XMFLOAT3 EdgeVertex[12];
XMFLOAT3 EdgeNorm[12];
//Local copy
for (Vertex = 0; Vertex < 8; Vertex++) {
CubeValue[Vertex] = (this->*fSample)(
in_Position.x + VertexOffset[Vertex][0] * Scale,
in_Position.y + VertexOffset[Vertex][1] * Scale,
in_Position.z + VertexOffset[Vertex][2] * Scale
FlagIndex = 0;
Intersection calculations:
//Test vertices for intersection.
for (VertexTest = 0; VertexTest < 8; VertexTest++){
if (CubeValue[VertexTest] <= TargetValue)
FlagIndex |= 1 << VertexTest;
//Find which edges are intersected by the surface.
EdgeFlags = CubeEdgeFlags[FlagIndex];
if (EdgeFlags == 0){
for (Edge = 0; Edge < 12; Edge++){
if (EdgeFlags & (1 << Edge)) {
Offset = GetOffset(CubeValue[EdgeConnection[Edge][0]], CubeValue[EdgeConnection[Edge][1]], TargetValue); // Get offset function definition. Needed!
EdgeVertex[Edge].x = in_Position.x + VertexOffset[EdgeConnection[Edge][0]][0] + Offset * EdgeDirection[Edge][0] * Scale;
EdgeVertex[Edge].y = in_Position.y + VertexOffset[EdgeConnection[Edge][0]][1] + Offset * EdgeDirection[Edge][1] * Scale;
EdgeVertex[Edge].z = in_Position.z + VertexOffset[EdgeConnection[Edge][0]][2] + Offset * EdgeDirection[Edge][2] * Scale;
GetNormal(EdgeNorm[Edge], EdgeVertex[Edge].x, EdgeVertex[Edge].y, EdgeVertex[Edge].z); //Need normal values
And the original implementation gets pushed into a holding struct for DirectX.
for (Triangle = 0; Triangle < 5; Triangle++) {
if (TriangleConnectionTable[FlagIndex][3 * Triangle] < 0) break;
for (Corner = 0; Corner < 3; Corner++) {
Vertex = TriangleConnectionTable[FlagIndex][3 * Triangle + Corner];3 * Triangle + Corner]);
GetColor(Color, EdgeVertex[Vertex], EdgeNorm[Vertex]);
Data.VertexData.push_back(XMFLOAT3(EdgeVertex[Vertex].x, EdgeVertex[Vertex].y, EdgeVertex[Vertex].z));
Data.NormalData.push_back(XMFLOAT3(EdgeNorm[Vertex].x, EdgeNorm[Vertex].y, EdgeNorm[Vertex].z));
Data.ColorData.push_back(XMFLOAT4(Color.x, Color.y, Color.z, 1.0f));
(This is the same ordering as the original GL implementation)
Turns out, I missed a parenthesis showing operator precedence.
EdgeVertex[Edge].x = in_Position.x + (VertexOffset[EdgeConnection[Edge][0]][0] + Offset * EdgeDirection[Edge][0]) * Scale;
EdgeVertex[Edge].y = in_Position.y + (VertexOffset[EdgeConnection[Edge][0]][1] + Offset * EdgeDirection[Edge][1]) * Scale;
EdgeVertex[Edge].z = in_Position.z + (VertexOffset[EdgeConnection[Edge][0]][2] + Offset * EdgeDirection[Edge][2]) * Scale;
Corrected, obtained Visine; resumed fun.

Using glColorPointer with glDrawElements results in nothing being drawn

I'm working on just making uniformly colors spheres for a project and I'm running into an issue. The spheres run fine but when I try to color them with glColorPointer they stop appearing. OpenGL isn't showing any errors when I call glGetError so I'm at a loss for why this would happen.
The code to generate the vertices, colors etc:
void SphereObject::setupVertices()
//determine the array sizes
//vertices per row (+1 for the repeated one at the end) * three for each coordinate
//times the number of rows
int arraySize = myNumVertices * 3;
myNumIndices = (myVerticesPerRow + 1) * myRows * 2;
myVertices = new GLdouble[arraySize];
myIndices = new GLuint[myNumIndices];
myNormals = new GLdouble[arraySize];
myColors = new GLint[myNumVertices * 4];
//use spherical coordinates to calculate the vertices
double phiIncrement = 360 / myVerticesPerRow;
double thetaIncrement = 180 / (double)myRows;
int arrayIndex = 0;
int colorArrayIndex = 0;
int indicesIndex = 0;
double x, y, z = 0;
for(double theta = 0; theta <= 180; theta += thetaIncrement)
//loop including the repeat for the last vertex
for(double phi = 0; phi <= 360; phi += phiIncrement)
//make sure that the last vertex is repeated
if(360 - phi < phiIncrement)
x = myRadius * sin(radians(theta)) * cos(radians(0));
y = myRadius * sin(radians(theta)) * sin(radians(0));
z = myRadius * cos(radians(theta));
x = myRadius * sin(radians(theta)) * cos(radians(phi));
y = myRadius * sin(radians(theta)) * sin(radians(phi));
z = myRadius * cos(radians(theta));
myColors[colorArrayIndex] = myColor.getX();
myColors[colorArrayIndex + 1] = myColor.getY();
myColors[colorArrayIndex + 2] = myColor.getZ();
myColors[colorArrayIndex + 3] = 1;
myVertices[arrayIndex] = x;
myVertices[arrayIndex + 1] = y;
myVertices[arrayIndex + 2] = z;
if(theta <= 180 - thetaIncrement)
myIndices[indicesIndex] = arrayIndex / 3;
myIndices[indicesIndex + 1] = (arrayIndex / 3) + myVerticesPerRow + 1;
indicesIndex += 2;
arrayIndex += 3;
colorArrayIndex += 4;
And the code to actually render the thing
void SphereObject::render()
glColorPointer(4, GL_INT, 0, myColors);
glVertexPointer(3, GL_DOUBLE, 0, myVertices);
glDrawElements(GL_QUAD_STRIP, myNumIndices, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, myIndices);
Any and all help would be appreciated. I'm really having a hard time for some reason.
When you use GL_INT (or any integer type) for color pointer, it linearly maps the largest possible integer value to 1.0f (maximum color), and 0 to 0.0f (minimum color).
Therefore unless your values of RGB and A are in the billions, they will likely appear completely black (or transparent if that's enabled). I see that you've got alpha = 1, which will essentially be zero after conversion to float.

OgreBullet incorrect HeightmapCollisionShape shape scale?

I am trying to load a HeightmapTerrainShape in OgreBullet by (mostly) using the demo code, but my terrain mesh is offset from the HeightmapTerrainShape. I have no clue why this is happening. This is my code:
void TerrainLoader::setTerrainPhysics(Ogre::Image *imgPtr)
unsigned page_size = terrainGroup->getTerrainSize();
Ogre::Vector3 terrainScale(4096 / (page_size-1), 600, 4096 / (page_size-1));
float *heights = new float[page_size*page_size];
for(unsigned y = 0; y < page_size; ++y)
for(unsigned x = 0; x < page_size; ++x)
Ogre::ColourValue color = imgPtr->getColourAt(x, y, 0);
heights[x + y * page_size] = color.r;
OgreBulletCollisions::HeightmapCollisionShape *terrainShape = new OgreBulletCollisions::HeightmapCollisionShape(
OgreBulletDynamics::RigidBody *terrainBody = new OgreBulletDynamics::RigidBody(
imgPtr = NULL;
Ogre::Vector3 terrainShiftPos(terrainScale.x/(page_size-1), 0, terrainScale.z/(page_size-1));
terrainShiftPos.y = terrainScale.y / 2 * terrainScale.y;
Ogre::SceneNode *pTerrainNode = OgreInit::sceneManager->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode();
terrainBody->setStaticShape(pTerrainNode, terrainShape, 0.0f, 0.8f, terrainShiftPos);
//terrainBody->setPosition(terrainBody->getWorldPosition()-Ogre::Vector3(0.005, 0, 0.005));
This is what it looks like with the debug drawer turned on:
My world is 4096*600*4096 in size, and each chunk is 64*600*64
heights[x + y * page_size] = color.r;
This Line gives you negative values. If you combine negative terrain height values with ogre bullet terrain, you get a wrong bounding box conversation.
You need to use the intervall 0-1 for height values.
Had the same problem with perlin noise filter that gives you values from -1 to 1.

Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'indices' was corrupted

well I think I know what the problem is. I am just having a hard time debugging it. I am working with the directx api and I am trying to generate a plane along the x and z axis according to a book I have. The problem is when I am creating my indices. I think I am setting values out of the bounds of the indices array. I am just having a hard time figuring out what I did wrong. I am unfamiliar with the this method of generating a plane. so its a little difficult for me. below is my code. Take emphasis on the indices loop.
Ive been reviewing it. This is how the indices works
int curVertex = x + (z * NUM_VERTSX);
This always gets the beginning vertices. so say we have 17 vertices on the x axis and 17 vertices on the z axis and we are on the first loop of the x and z axis
curVertx = 0 + (0 * 17)
curVertx = 0 + 0 = 0
say we are on the first loop of the z axis and second loop of the x axis
curVertx = 1 + (0 * 17)
curVertx = 1+ 0 = 1
indices[curIndex] = curVertex;
indices[curIndex + 1] = curVertex + NUM_VERTSX;
indices[curIndex + 2] = curVertex + 1;
indices[curIndex + 3] = curVertex + 1;
indices[curIndex + 4] = curVertex + NUM_VERTSX;
indices[curIndex + 5] = curVertex + NUM_VERTSX + 1;
if we are on the first
loop indices[curIndex] = curVertex;
this equals the first vertex = 0.
indices[curIndex + 1] = curVertex + NUM_VERTSX;
this equals the second row vertices (its always the vertices below the starting vertices
x x x x
[x] x x x
#include "MyGame.h"
//#include "CubeVector.h"
/* This code sets a projection and shows a turning cube. What has been added is the project, rotation and
a rasterizer to change the rasterization of the cube. The issue that was going on was something with the effect file
which was causing the vertices not to be rendered correctly.*/
typedef struct
ID3D10Effect* pEffect;
ID3D10EffectTechnique* pTechnique;
//vertex information
ID3D10Buffer* pVertexBuffer;
ID3D10Buffer* pIndicesBuffer;
ID3D10InputLayout* pVertexLayout;
UINT numVertices;
UINT numIndices;
ModelObject modelObject;
// World Matrix
D3DXMATRIX WorldMatrix;
// View Matrix
D3DXMATRIX ViewMatrix;
// Projection Matrix
D3DXMATRIX ProjectionMatrix;
ID3D10EffectMatrixVariable* pProjectionMatrixVariable = NULL;
//grid information
#define NUM_COLS 16
#define NUM_ROWS 16
#define CELL_WIDTH 32
#define CELL_HEIGHT 32
#define NUM_VERTSX (NUM_COLS + 1)
#define NUM_VERTSY (NUM_ROWS + 1)
bool MyGame::InitDirect3D()
return false;
rastDesc.FillMode = D3D10_FILL_WIREFRAME;
rastDesc.CullMode = D3D10_CULL_FRONT;
rastDesc.FrontCounterClockwise = true;
rastDesc.DepthBias = false;
rastDesc.DepthBiasClamp = 0;
rastDesc.SlopeScaledDepthBias = 0;
rastDesc.DepthClipEnable = false;
rastDesc.ScissorEnable = false;
rastDesc.MultisampleEnable = false;
rastDesc.AntialiasedLineEnable = false;
ID3D10RasterizerState *g_pRasterizerState;
mpD3DDevice->CreateRasterizerState(&rastDesc, &g_pRasterizerState);
// Set up the World Matrix
D3DXMatrixLookAtLH(&ViewMatrix, new D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f, 10.0f, -20.0f), new D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), new D3DXVECTOR3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
// Set up the projection matrix
D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH(&ProjectionMatrix, (float)D3DX_PI * 0.5f, (float)mWidth/(float)mHeight, 0.1f, 100.0f);
return false;
return true;
//These are actions that take place after the clearing of the buffer and before the present
void MyGame::GameDraw()
static float rotationAngle = 0.0f;
// create the rotation matrix using the rotation angle
D3DXMatrixRotationY(&WorldMatrix, rotationAngle);
rotationAngle += (float)D3DX_PI * 0.0f;
// Set the input layout
// Set vertex buffer
UINT stride = sizeof(VertexPos);
UINT offset = 0;
mpD3DDevice->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &modelObject.pVertexBuffer, &stride, &offset);
mpD3DDevice->IASetIndexBuffer(modelObject.pIndicesBuffer, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT, 0);
// Set primitive topology
// Combine and send the final matrix to the shader
D3DXMATRIX finalMatrix = (WorldMatrix * ViewMatrix * ProjectionMatrix);
// make sure modelObject is valid
// Render a model object
D3D10_TECHNIQUE_DESC techniqueDescription;
// Loop through the technique passes
for(UINT p=0; p < techniqueDescription.Passes; ++p)
// draw the cube using all 36 vertices and 12 triangles
//Render actually incapsulates Gamedraw, so you can call data before you actually clear the buffer or after you
//present data
void MyGame::Render()
bool MyGame::CreateObject()
VertexPos vertices[NUM_VERTSX * NUM_VERTSY];
for(int z=0; z < NUM_VERTSY; ++z)
for(int x = 0; x < NUM_VERTSX; ++x)
vertices[x + z * NUM_VERTSX].pos.x = (float)x * CELL_WIDTH;
vertices[x + z * NUM_VERTSX].pos.z = (float)z * CELL_HEIGHT;
vertices[x + z * NUM_VERTSX].pos.y = 0.0f;
vertices[x + z * NUM_VERTSX].color = D3DXVECTOR4(1.0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
int curIndex = 0;
for(int z=0; z < NUM_ROWS; ++z)
for(int x = 0; x < NUM_COLS; ++x)
int curVertex = x + (z * NUM_VERTSX);
indices[curIndex] = curVertex;
indices[curIndex + 1] = curVertex + NUM_VERTSX;
indices[curIndex + 2] = curVertex + 1;
indices[curIndex + 3] = curVertex + 1;
indices[curIndex + 4] = curVertex + NUM_VERTSX;
indices[curIndex + 5] = curVertex + NUM_VERTSX + 1;
curIndex += 6;
//Create Layout
D3D10_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC layout[] = {
UINT numElements = (sizeof(layout)/sizeof(layout[0]));
modelObject.numVertices = sizeof(vertices)/sizeof(VertexPos);
//Create buffer desc
D3D10_BUFFER_DESC bufferDesc;
bufferDesc.Usage = D3D10_USAGE_DEFAULT;
bufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(VertexPos) * modelObject.numVertices;
bufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D10_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
bufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
bufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0;
initData.pSysMem = vertices;
//Create the buffer
HRESULT hr = mpD3DDevice->CreateBuffer(&bufferDesc, &initData, &modelObject.pVertexBuffer);
return false;
modelObject.numIndices = sizeof(indices)/sizeof(DWORD);
bufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(DWORD) * modelObject.numIndices;
bufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D10_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER;
initData.pSysMem = indices;
hr = mpD3DDevice->CreateBuffer(&bufferDesc, &initData, &modelObject.pIndicesBuffer);
return false;
//Set up fx files
LPCWSTR effectFilename = L"effect.fx";
modelObject.pEffect = NULL;
hr = D3DX10CreateEffectFromFile(effectFilename,
return false;
pProjectionMatrixVariable = modelObject.pEffect->GetVariableByName("Projection")->AsMatrix();
//Dont sweat the technique. Get it!
LPCSTR effectTechniqueName = "Render";
modelObject.pTechnique = modelObject.pEffect->GetTechniqueByName(effectTechniqueName);
if(modelObject.pTechnique == NULL)
return false;
//Create Vertex layout
D3D10_PASS_DESC passDesc;
hr = mpD3DDevice->CreateInputLayout(layout, numElements,
return false;
return true;
Your indices array contains 6 entries per 'cell' (since you're drawing two triangles for each), therefore it should be declared as
DWORD indices[NUM_ROWS * NUM_COLS * 6]
The error you get tells you, that you write outside the boundaries of indices, this is usually either a hint towards a wrong declaration (or a wrong index calculation).
Now let us take the code snippet in question (probable root cause)
int curIndex = 0;
for(int z=0; z < NUM_ROWS; ++z)
for(int x = 0; x < NUM_COLS; ++x)
int curVertex = x + (z * NUM_VERTSX);
indices[curIndex] = curVertex;
indices[curIndex + 1] = curVertex + NUM_VERTSX;
indices[curIndex + 2] = curVertex + 1;
indices[curIndex + 3] = curVertex + 1;
indices[curIndex + 4] = curVertex + NUM_VERTSX;
indices[curIndex + 5] = curVertex + NUM_VERTSX + 1;
curIndex += 6;
Here indices have max number of 'cells' = NUM_VERTX * NUM_VERTSY = (16 + 1) * (16+1) = 289. So there are 0...288 'cells'. During the boundary condition - there value of z = 15, x = 15. So curIndex would be 15 * 15 * 6 = 1350. This far exceeds allocated cells.
Since three values determine the size of the target array, all three must be part of the allocation of the array. so if you use DWORD indices[NUM_VERTSX * NUM_VERTSY * UNIT_BLOCK], where UNIT_BLOCK = 6, it should work fine.
Also instead of embedding magic number inside the code, you can use a const variable - it would help a great deal later (if you want to change the value of the index).