C++ passing an object to a thread - c++

i have a question about a behaviour i don't quite understand:
i have two variations of c++ code:
CreateThread( NULL, 0, ( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE ) clientThread, ( LPVOID ) connectionSocket, 0, NULL );
Client a;
a.clientsocket = connectionSocket;
works just fine (sendSocket sends some test data to the socket).
However if i do
Client a;
a.clientsocket = connectionSocket;
CreateThread( NULL, 0, ( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE ) clientThread, ( LPVOID ) &a, 0, NULL );
and use
only testText() works.
I am a bit confused why that is. I am a hobbyist on C++ though :-)
added the Client class:
class Client
SOCKET clientsocket;
void displayMessage()
std::cout << "test message client class" << std::endl;
int sendSocket()
char *sendbuf = "CLIENT TEST";
send(clientsocket, sendbuf, (int)strlen(sendbuf),0);
return 0;

I'm guessing that in your main thread the CreateThread succeeds and then then your Client variable, a, goes out of scope and therefore destructed.

Anon is might be on the right track that something goes out of scope, but I think that it's the connectionSocket. However, you would have to provide more details on what you mean when you say that a.sendSocket() doesn't work. Does the application crash? Do you catch an exception? Does the application continue to work, but the sendSocket() call didn't result in actually sending something? What's the actual problem?

In the first case you pass a connectionSocket and in the second case a pointer to a which is of type Client. Maybe you meant:
CreateThread( NULL, 0, ( LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE ) clientThread, ( LPVOID ) a.clientsocket, 0, NULL );

It looks to me like it's the a object that goes out of scope. The SOCKET is just an int HANDLE value and gets stored in a member of a. 'a' goes out of scope in the thread-creating function as the creating thread runs on, (or is corrupted when the next accept() returns).
Client a= new Client();
Think 15 times before allocating objects on the stack in multithreaded code, then decide to dynamically allocate.
PS - #Anon got there first - I didn't notice.

from your client class
SOCKET clientsocket;
whenever you pass that on into a thread then the SOCKET is going to have the copy constructor called on it. This copy constructor may be undefined or it may be trying to open up a new connection on the same port and causing it to fail.
change it to this:
SOCKET* clientsocket;
then have it so that whenever you want to do...
a.clientsocket = connectionSocket;
the variable "connectionSocket" is a pointer and then boom goes the dynamite. When it is not declared as a variable the copy constructor is called and you get a whole new socket than the one you were using before. i think that should help?


HeapFree() Possible Causes of Crash

typedef inside header file:
typedef struct tagMYSTRUCT {
wchar_t mystr[40] = { 0 };
DWORD threadId = NULL;
HANDLE threadHandle = NULL;
HWND receiverWnd = NULL;
Thread creation:
MYSTRUCT ats = *(PMYSTRUCT)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(MYSTRUCT));
wcscpy(ats.mystr, L"hello");
ats.threadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, MyThread, &ats, 0, &(ats.threadId));
This is thread which uses HeapFree() function. But it crashes. I believe this is bad practice but I want to know why. What is the logic behind and why HeapFree crashes program?
MYSTRUCT ActiveStruct = *(PMYSTRUCT)lpParam;
if (lpParam != NULL) {
std::cout << "1" << std::endl; // Gets printed.
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, lpParam);
std::cout << "2" << std::endl; // Crashes before this line.
You've obviously come from another language that blends the concepts of pointers and references differently than C++. Your usage is wildly inappropriate in C++. You have complicated things further by using non-standard functions (HeapAlloc() which is windows specific, not C++, etc) to manage memory.
If you are going to use HeapAlloc() (which is non-standard C++, being windows specific) or any standard function that dynamically allocates memory, the result needs to be stored in a pointer.
MYSTRUCT ats = *(PMYSTRUCT)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(MYSTRUCT));
wcscpy(ats.mystr, L"hello");
ats.threadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, MyThread, &ats, 0, &(ats.threadId));
What this does is convert the pointer returned by HeapAlloc() into a pointer to MYSTRUCT, dereferences that pointer which interprets that memory location as the value of a MYSTRUCT, and copies that value into ats.
At the least this is a memory leak - the memory allocated by HeapAlloc() is lost (never used again, it's address not stored anywhere), and you are passing the address of ats to the thread function.
There is therefore NO RELATIONSHIP between the memory allocated by HeapAlloc() and the address passed to the thread function.
Even worse is the thread function itself, which I've simplified here
MYSTRUCT ActiveStruct = *(PMYSTRUCT)lpParam;
if (lpParam != NULL)
std::cout << "1" << std::endl; // Gets printed.
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, lpParam);
std::cout << "2" << std::endl; // Crashes before this line.
lpParam is going to contain the address of ats from the function that was passed by the function creating the thread.
If the function creating the thread has returned (after all, threads run in parallel) then that ats will no longer exist. If that happens, lpParam will be a dangling pointer (the address of an object that no longer exists as far as your program is concerned).
ActiveStruct is now going to be a local object which contains a copy of the object at the address passed to the function. In other words, it is a local copy of ats allocated previously by the func. If that ats has ceased to exist, and the address passed is dangling, the simple act of creating ActiveStruct causes undefined behaviour.
Even worse, lpParam is the address of (what was) ats. If ats still exists (i.e. the function which created the thread hasn't returned), it was not created on the heap, so should not be released using HeapFree(). If it no longer exists, then it shouldn't be passed to HeapFree() either. Either way, HeapFree() is being asked to release memory that was not allocated using HeapAlloc(). That will be virtually guaranteed to cause a runtime error.
At minimum, you need to change the code which creates the thread to
MYSTRUCT *ats = (PMYSTRUCT)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(MYSTRUCT)); // note changed position of *
wcscpy(ats->mystr, L"hello"); // note usage of ats as a pointer
DWORD threadID; // we need these since ats is being released by the thread function
HANDLE threadHandle; // it is not a good idea for CreateThread() to use them
threadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, MyThread, ats, 0, &(threadId)); // changes since ats is now a pointer
and the thread function to
MYSTRUCT *ActiveStruct = (PMYSTRUCT)lpParam; // this is now a pointer
if (lpParam != NULL)
std::cout << "1" << std::endl; // Gets printed.
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), NULL, lpParam);
std::cout << "2" << std::endl; // Crashes before this line.
Since you are making fundamentally wrong assumptions about the C++ memory model, I would assume other things (which you haven't shown) are wrong in your code. But this should get you started.
You are getting in something of a mess over this. You are passing the address of a stack allocated structure which you do not intend to do. I think it's clear that you intend to pass the address a heap allocated structure. When you try to deallocate that structure, calling HeapFree, you encounter a runtime error because you passed to HeapFree the address of memory not allocated by HeapAlloc.
I'll show you how it is done using new and delete rather than HeapAlloc and HeapFree. There's really no need to use HeapAlloc here. Use the standard C++ memory allocator.
MYSTRUCT *pats = new MYSTRUCT(); // zero initialise
wcscpy(pats->mystr, L"hello");
DWORD threadId;
HANDLE threadHandle = CreateThread(NULL, 0, MyThread, pats, 0, &threadId);
MYSTRUCT ActiveStruct = *(PMYSTRUCT)lpParam;
delete (PMYSTRUCT)lpParam;
// if you want the thread ID, call GetCurrentThreadId
// or if you want a thread handle call GetCurrentThread
Note that I did not attempt to store the thread handle and thread ID directly into the structure. That's because the structure could in theory be destroyed before the call to CreateThread returns. I'm using local variables instead. If your thread needs to find its ID, or obtain a handle to itself, there are API calls to do that.
1) you are not checking pointers before casting and dereferencing them
2) you are actually allocating MYSTRUCT on the stack and copy zeros from a heap-allocated buffer of MYSTRUCT size
3) your heap-allocated pointer leaks after copy assignment
4) you are passing pointer to stack-allocated MYSTRUCT instance to CreateThread which becomes invalid right after MYSTRUCT goes out of scope (which may happen at any time before new thread starts, while it works, or after it exits)
5) CreateThread and c++ runtime don't play well together
this is the corrected version if you insist on using HeapAlloc
PMYSTRUCT ats = (PMYSTRUCT)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(MYSTRUCT));
if(ats == NULL)
return; // exit, throw do something
wcscpy(ats->mystr, L"hello");
CreateThread(NULL, 0, MyThread, ats, 0, &(ats.threadId));
HeapAlloc returns a pointer to the allocated memory, that is placed in a pointer. The pointer is then used to manipulate the allocated struct, finally this pointer is passed to the thread. And dont assign the result of createthread to something this is destroyed by the thread.

C++ - Passing an object to CreateThread() by ref

I'm not sure what the correct syntax is for this because it involves the winapi which i'm not familiar with. For example, i didnt know it won't let me xhangethe predefined thread function parameters from processClient(LPVOID) to processClient(LPVOID&).
I need to pass the "params" object by reference(just so theres no problems for now, even though im not going to change values in it) to the thread function "processClient()".
... struct(the object) declaration
struct ClientParams{
ClientParams::ClientParams():sock(INVALID_SOCKET), i(NULL){};
SOCKET sock;
int i;
... in processClient(LPVOID lpParam){
SOCKET ClientSocket=(SOCKET)*lpParam->sock; ?? doesnt work
int i=*lpParam->i; ?? doesn't work
... in main{
ClientParams *params = new ClientParams();
NULL, // don't inherit handle
0, // use default size for the executable
(LPVOID)params, // thread data
0, // run right away
&i );
SOCKET ClientSocket=(SOCKET)*lpParam->sock; ?? doesnt work
lpParam has the same value it did when you passed it, in main, where it was 'params', of type 'ClientParams*', so you don't have any business dereferencing it with '*'. The rest of it is just a precedence problem. It should be
SOCKET ClientSocket=((ClientParams*)lpParam)->sock;
Access structure members must through the structure.
SOCKET ClientSocket=((ClientParams*)lpParam)->sock;

Array of sockets as a parameters in CreateThread

I have an exmaple wich describes how to send 1 socket as a parameter to the new thread.
SOCKET clientSocket;
CreateThread(NULL, NULL, SexToClient, &clientSocket, NULL, &thID);
DWORD WINAPI SexToClient(LPVOID client) {
SOCKET clientSocket;
clientSocket = ((SOCKET*)client)[0];
... }
But now I want to make another thread with array of sockets. How can I send them and use in thread?
And what does mean [0] at the end of this line? In this particular example we're send only one socket and it's working fine.
You can pass any arguments to the CreateThread method by wrapping all the arguments into simple structure. For example:
struct ThreadParams {
std::vector<SOCKET *> sockets;
std::string clientName;
// more params
All you need to do is to initialize this structure before calling CreateThread function, and then pass a pointer:
ThreadParams * params = new ThreadParams();
CreateThread(, , SexToClient, params, );
ThreadParams * params = reinterpret_cast<ThreadParams *>(arg);
// delete after usage;
delete params;
You can call CreateThread as many times as you want with different data as the fourth parameters and the new thread will get that data.
just grabs the first element. It casts it to a SOCKET pointer then grabs the first element. This is another way to write
*(SOCKET *)client;

Variables overlap when calling thread twice in C++

I'm having a problem calling a thread more than once and the variables messing up. I'm new to threads, so I'm sure I'm missing something simple.
struct PARAMS
time_t secondsAtStart;
DWORD WINAPI ProcessChange(void* parameter) {
PARAMS* params = (PARAMS*)parameter;
_tprintf(TEXT("Seconds: (%d)\n"), params->secondsAtStart);
return 0;
void FileChanged(CString filename, CString action) {
struct PARAMS *params = NULL;
params = (struct PARAMS *)malloc(sizeof(PARAMS)+1);
params->secondsAtStart = time(null);
// I've also tried it this way.
//PARAMS params;
//params.secondsAtStart = time(NULL);
HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, ProcessChange, &params, 0, NULL);
// If I uncomment this, it works, but just one thread runs at a time.
//WaitForSingleObject(hThread, INFINITE);
If I don't uncomment the WaitForSingleObject, then the secondsAtStart variable gets corrupted. The end result I need is that if FileChanged gets called 3 times right after one another, I'm going to have the first two runs do nothing and the last one do the action.
Passing addresses of (or references to) local variables of a function, i.e. variables of automatic storage, to a thread causes undefined behaviour if the thread lives longer than the function.
In your code, params points to an object of dynamic storage, but the pointer itself is a local variable. You pass its address &params to the thread. This only works if by waiting for the thread to finish you guarantee the pointer lives longer than the thread. Otherwise it causes undefined behaviour, which quite naturally manifests itself in nonsensical values being printed.
Passing params instead of &params should solve the problem. (Also note that the code as written causes a memory leak; you'll need to make sure you actually free the space allocated after the thread has finished.)

Handling of LPWSAOVERLAPPED after WSASend

I am currently writing a winsock server-side socket in managed C++. After creating the LPWSAOVERLAPPED object and passing it to the WSASend function, I do not see where to delete it when the operation completes nonblocking (WSASend returns SOCKET_ERROR and WSAGetLastError() returns WSA_IO_PENDING). My current solution was to create a System::Threading::WaitHandle, get the unsafe pointer to the wait handle and pass that onto hEvent under the LPWSAOVERLAPPED object. However, this is causing unnessecary object creation since I do not really care about when the send operation is completed. On the other hand, I need a LPWSAOVERLAPPED object in order to make the operation complete non-blocking. Does anyone have any better solution to solve this? Here is my current code:
void Connectivity::ConnectionInformation::SendData(unsigned char data[], const int length)
if (isClosed || sendError)
LPWSAOVERLAPPED overlapped = OverlappedObjectPool::GetOverlapped();
WaitHandle ^ handle = gcnew ManualResetEvent(false);
IntPtr handlePointer = handle->SafeWaitHandle->DangerousGetHandle();
sendInfo->buf = (char*)data;
sendInfo->len = length;
overlapped->Internal = 0;
overlapped->InternalHigh = 0;
overlapped->Offset = 0;
overlapped->OffsetHigh = 0;
overlapped->Pointer = 0;
overlapped->hEvent = (void*)handlePointer; //Set pointer
if (WSASend(connection, sendInfo, 1, NULL, 0, overlapped, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR)
if (WSAGetLastError() == WSA_IO_PENDING)
ThreadPool::UnsafeRegisterWaitForSingleObject(handle, sentCallback, (IntPtr)((void*)overlapped), -1, true);
this->sendError = true;
//The send error bool makes sure that the close function doesn't get called
//during packet processing which could lead to a lot of null reffernce exceptions.
sentData((IntPtr)((void*)overlapped), false);
For async I/O, completion is notified either by the calling of a completion routine or by the queueing of an IOCP completion message to an IOCP completion queue. In both cases, it should be noted that the OVL struct should have the lifetime of at least the entire async operation, but can be longer if convenient:)
In the case of a completion routine, the unused hEvent parameter in the OVL can be used to transfer a pointer to an 'IOrequest' class instance that contains the data buffer/s, WSABUF array and the OVL struct as members, (and surely a pointer to the socket object for which the I/O has been issued). The OVL pointer is supplied as a parameter to the completion routine and so the hEvent can be retrieved and cast to the class type, so retrieving the complete class instance - OVL, data buffer etc. When the data has been processed, (or immediately in the completion routine the case of WSASend), and this IOrequest is eventually destroyed, (or repooled), the OVL will go with it. This sounds a bit incestuous, but works fine and does not need any nasty macro or other tricks.
A similar approach can be used with full IOCP or, alternatively, the OVL passed as the lpCompletionKey 'spare' parameter.
Oh - and you do care if the operation is completed - you need to at least check for errors.