Passing lists from Mathematica to c++ (Mathlink) - c++

I simply want to pass a list of integers to a function written in C++. I've set up the template (.tm) file and all, and I can successfully call a test function whith scalar arguments. Calling the function with the list argument behaves as though the function was not defined at all. I suspect that the argument types don't match.
In the documentation for templates ( the datatype for lists is something like "Int32List". When I use that, my C++ function must contain an extra long parameter for the list length. The only example code which uses a list is "". This example uses IntegerList (a type which doesn't appear in the doku).
When I use Int32List, the mprep result requires a function with an extra integer argument (not long as written in the doku). When I use the undocumented IntegerList type, the extra argument is of type long.
During my experiments with scalar types, I had a similar problem - a c++ function was called properly when using "Integer" in the tm-file, and not recognized with "Integer32".
The "" example also uses a strange Pattern (list:{___Integer}) about which I didn't find any documentation. I'd also like to understand what the Evaluate line means (I suspect that it's used make the function callable without the curly braces around the list).
So who know which datatypes are really appropriate to call a c++ function with a list - maybe also with reals... ?

The mapping of MathLink data types (e.g., Integer32, Integer32List, ...) to C/C++ types is described on the MathLink template file documentation page.
The page no longer documents the old interface types Integer, Real, IntegerList and RealList. These should no longer be used, because the mapping of these types depends on C types whose bit length is platform and compiler dependent (e.g., long). Use the corresponding new type with explicit bit length instead (i.e., Integer32 or Integer64 instead of Integer). The old interface types are still documented in the somewhat dated MathLink reference guide.
The following talk slides contain a simple MathLink example that shows how to implement a MathLink function that adds a scalar value to a vector of reals. This may serve as a starting point.

I don't know much about MathLink, but I can explain the pattern, list:{___Integer}.
The colon is just the general form for a named pattern, that is symbol:pattern just says that the object referred to by symbol has to match pattern. Indeed, pattern like a_Integer or b__List are really just short forms for a:_Integer and b:__List.
So what we are left with interpreting is {___Integer}. This is a pattern matching a list of arbitrary many (including zero) integers. It works as follows:
{Pattern} is the Pattern for a list whose contents matches Pattern
___Integer is the Pattern for a sequence of zero or more Integers.


What is the number after the class name in llvn type?

I got function types in LLVM pass by getFunctionType(), when I print them, the function type contains something like: (%"class.xalanc_1_8::ReusableArenaBlock.10232"*).
The former part is the class name class.xalanc_1_8::ReusableArenaBlock, what about the number. Some of them contain multiple numbers. I'm wondering about the usage of the numbers.
The frontend (which typically parses a source code language) needs to create LLVM types with unique names. Most frontends use type names and other strings from the source code to construct the IR type's name, but sometimes that's not (guaranteed to be) unique. Appending a number is the normal way to achieve uniqueness.
In fact appending a number it is what LLVM itself does if you create certain types or many other things, and there's no error except that your requested name is already taken.
It's not the only way to avoid conflicts. My own code adds line numbers from the source code in some cases (not for types, though).

Why would I ever want to use Maybe instead of a List?

Seeing as the Maybe type is isomorphic to the set of null and singleton lists, why would anyone ever want to use the Maybe type when I could just use lists to accomodate absence?
Because if you match a list against the patterns [] and [x] that's not an exhaustive match and you'll get a warning about that, forcing you to either add another case that'll never get called or to ignore the warning.
Matching a Maybe against Nothing and Just x however is exhaustive. So you'll only get a warning if you fail to match one of those cases.
If you choose your types such that they can only represent values that you may actually produce, you can rely on non-exhaustiveness warnings to tell you about bugs in your code where you forget to check for a given a case. If you choose more "permissive" types, you'll always have to think about whether a warning represents an actual bug or just an impossible case.
You should strive to have accurate types. Maybe expresses that there is exactly one value or that there is none. Many imperative languages represent the "none" case by the value null.
If you chose a list instead of Maybe, all your functions would be faced with the possibility that they get a list with more than one member. Probably many of them would only be defined for one value, and would have to fail on a pattern match. By using Maybe, you avoid a class of runtime errors entirely.
Building on existing (and correct) answers, I'll mention a typeclass based answer.
Different types convey different intentions - returning a Maybe a represents a computation with the possiblity of failing while [a] could represent non-determinism (or, in simpler terms, multiple possible return values).
This plays into the fact that different types have different instances for typeclasses - and these instances cater to the underlying essence the type conveys. Take Alternative and its operator (<|>) which represents what it means to combine (or choose) between arguments given.
Maybe a Combining computations that can fail just means taking the first that is not Nothing
[a] Combining two computations that each had multiple return values just means concatenating together all possible values.
Then, depending on which types your functions use, (<|>) would behave differently. Of course, you could argue that you don't need (<|>) or anything like that, but then you are missing out on one of Haskell's main strengths: it's many high-level combinator libraries.
As a general rule, we like our types to be as snug fitting and intuitive as possible. That way, we are not fighting the standard libraries and our code is more readable.
Lisp, Scheme, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, etc., manage to get along with just one type each, which you could represent in Haskell with a big sum type. Every function handling a JavaScript (or whatever) value must be prepared to receive a number, a string, a function, a piece of the document object model, etc., and throw an exception if it gets something unexpected. People who program in typed languages like Haskell prefer to limit the number of unexpected things that can occur. They also like to express ideas using types, making types useful (and machine-checked) documentation. The closer the types come to representing the intended meaning, the more useful they are.
Because there are an infinite number of possible lists, and a finite number of possible values for the Maybe type. It perfectly represents one thing or the absence of something without any other possibility.
Several answers have mentioned exhaustiveness as a factor here. I think it is a factor, but not the biggest one, because there is a way to consistently treat lists as if they were Maybes, which the listToMaybe function illustrates:
listToMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
listToMaybe [] = Nothing
listToMaybe (a:_) = Just a
That's an exhaustive pattern match, which rules out any straightforward errors.
The factor I'd highlight as bigger is that by using the type that more precisely models the behavior of your code, you eliminate potential behaviors that would be possible if you used a more general alternative. Say for example you have some context in your code where you uses a type of the form a -> [b], though the only correct alternatives (given your program's specification) are empty or singleton lists. Try as hard as you may to enforce the convention that this context should obey that rule, it's still possible that you'll mess up and:
Somehow a function used in that context will produce a list of two or more items;
And somehow a function that uses the results produced in that context will observe whether the lists have two or more items, and behave incorrectly in that case.
Example: some code that expects there to be no more than one value will blindly print the contents of the list and thus print multiple items when only one was supposed to be.
But if you use Maybe, then there really must be either one value or none, and the compiler enforces this.
Even though isomorphic, e.g. QuickCheck will run slower because of the increase in search space.

Splitting a mixed string/number argument list of a Lua function call in C++/Qt

I want to parse the argument list of a Lua function call in C++ using Qt (4.8) in order to avoid a dependency to the Lua interpreter. The comma-separated argument list can be assumed to consist only of string literals and numbers. Eventually the result should be available as a QStringList. The tricky part there is to cope with commas that are part of string arguments as well with the fact that string arguments may use single or double quotes. Until I get to a solution (using regular expressions) myself, somebody might already have dealt with that or a similar problem.
The argument list string
"Foo", "not 'bar'", 'a, b ,c', 42, 1e-8
should be transformed to a string list containing the items
Foo, not 'bar', a, b, c, 42 and 1e-8
(omitting the quotes per item to avoid confusion)
Not familiar with all the possibilities of your arguments, but the examples you mentioned get correctly matched with this: (?<=")[\w',-]*?(?=")|(?<=^'|\s').*(?='(?:,|$))|[\w-]+, as seen here:
The idea is that you write the "difficult" situations in alternations, preferably to the left, while the less difficult solutions to the right. This way, the engine will first check if a problem situation is present before trying to match whole words.
The current regex doesn't work correctly if quotes/doublequotes appear in middle of the arguments, but your examples didn't have such situations.

What's the OCaml naming convention for "constructors"?

An OCaml module usually contains at least one abstract type whose idiomatic name is t. Also, there's usually a function that constructs a value of that type.
What is the usual / idiomatic name for this?
The StdLib is not consistent here. For example:
There's Array.make and a deprecated function Array.create. So that function should be named make?
On the other hand, there's Buffer.create but not Buffer.make. So that function should be named create?
Some people find this way of module design makes OCaml programming easier, but this is not a mandatory OCaml programming style, and I do not think there is no official name for it. I personally call it "1-data-type-per-1-module" style. (I wrote a blog post about this but it is in Japanese. I hope some autotranslator gives some useful information to you ...)
Defining a module dedicated to one data type and fix the name of the type t has some values:
Nice namespacing
Module names explain about what its type and values are, therefore you do not need to repeat type names inside: Buffer.add_string instead of add_string_to_buffer, and Buffer.create instead of create_buffer. You can also avoid typing the same module names with local module open:
let f () =
let open Buffer in
let b = create 10 in (* instead of Buffer.create *)
add_string b "hello"; (* instead of Buffer.add_string *)
contents b (* instead of Buffer.contents *)
Easy ML functor application
If an ML functor takes an argument module with a data type, we have a convention that the type should be called t. Modules with data type t are easily applied to these functors without renaming of the type.
For Array.create and Array.make, I think this is to follow the distinction of String.create and String.make.
String.create is to create a string with uninitialized contents. The created string contains random bytes.
String.make is to create a string filled with the given char.
We had Array.create for long, to create an array whose contents are filled with the given value. This behavior corresponds with String.make rather than String.create. That's why it is now renamed to Array.make, and Array.create is obsolete.
We cannot have Array.create in OCaml with the same behaviour of String.create. Unlike strings, arrays cannot be created without initialization, since random bytes may not represent a valid OCaml value for the content in general, which leads to a program crash.
Following this, personally I use X.create for a function to create an X.t which does not require an initial value to fill it. I use X.make if it needs something to fill.
I had the same question when I picked up the language a long time ago. I never use make and I think few people do.
Nowadays I use create for heavy, often imperative or stateful values, e.g. a Unicode text segmenter. And I use v for, functional, lighter values in DSL/combinator based settings, e.g. the various constructors in Gg, for example for 2D vectors, or colors.
As camlspotter mentions in his answer the standard library distinguishes make and create for values that need an initial value to fill in. I think it's better to be regular here and always use create regardless. If your values support an optional initial fill value, add an optional argument to create rather than multiply the API entry points.

Erlang- Encoding function in my list comprehension doesn't seem to work?

%% Function even_print(List),takes a list and returns a list of only even numbers. Function even_odd(X), takes an integer and tells if it is even or odd.
even_print(List) ->
[X||X<-List, even<-even_odd(X)].
I don't understand why I get this error:
3> seq_erlang:even_print([2,3,4]).
** exception error: no function clause matching
seq_erlang:'-even_print2/1-lc$^1/1-1-'(even) (seq_erlang.erl, line 154)
Just to comment, I have already implemented another function that prints even numbers just fine (so please don't comment with other implementations). I need help with this one only.
That should be even == even_odd(X) instead of using <-. A list comprehension has two types of "clauses": those that map over a list with <-, and those that filter out undesired combinations using a guard or boolean expression that doesn't contain <-.
(And a third one: extract bytes from a binary using <=; but that one is more rarely used.)