Mapping product data for Windows Error Reporting - windows-error-reporting

As described here, WinQual has moved and mapping product data for Windows Error Reporting has to be done using Microsoft Ecosystem Metadata Exchange (MEME).
Within our automated build process, a script created the XML file for Winqual and automatically did the upload.
Now MEME offers a set of powershell cmdlets to create a mapping file from the product binaries.
By now, I could not find any Documentation for this cmdlets but this article. The powershell script described there unfortunately seems not to set the company name correctly.
Can anyone provide a better documentation?

Microsoft says, that there is a known bug in the EMX GUI, displaying the product name instead of the company name in the files listing. Bug will be fixed through EMX upgrades.
Microsoft now also provides an update of the FAQ on how to use the PowerShell Cmdlets of EMX.


Getting Started with OpenDDS - Creating files that transfer data between devices

After reading the developer's guide listed on the OpenDDS website, I am still confused on how to set up my own project that allows the data types define to be transferred from the publisher to subscriber. The Messenger example provided in the documentation does not specify which files in the inventory were created as a result of building and which files were created by the developer. From what I currently understand, the DataType.idl, publisher.cpp, and subscriber.cpp have to be written by the developer and the rest of the files are created from the build system using ACE/TAO?
I have my datatypes all coded out in the idl file and am working on the publisher and subscriber but I do not know exactly what other files I need in order to build the project. I am thinking of using MPC since that is the more documented build system from their developer guide but can someone could help me determine what other files I need to set up as the developer?

AWS Artifact: downloaded reports don't include my company's name

I need to get SOC2 related report from AWS, and I downloaded it, but found no description of my company/organisation. Instead, the downloaded PDF contains some hexadeimal numbers with hyphens? what is it? Does AWS artifact report involves the user (organization)'s identity? It's not related?
Ah sorry, it was my misunderstanding that AWS is only responsible for its platform, such that the company (and its services) should obtain document separately.
sorry this was stupid question.

How to use a code node to list all of the datasets in a .egp file using SAS EG?

I want to get a list all of the datasets to enter them into an array.
I could then feed each item in the array into a macro to prevent me from having to do a repetitive task.
I don't recall EG having that level of introspection available to submitted code. However, an add-in tool can be programmed (as a Windows .dll) and the add-in will be able to examine the client (EG), project and other meta information not available to code submitted by the client (i.e. your SAS code that will run either locally or remotely depending on server settings of the active profile)
A link to reference documentation (SAS.EG.ADDins) and other add-in material can be found at
The SAS.EG.Addins help states
Services Supplied by the Host Application (to the Add-in)
The following interfaces
surface information and services that are supplied by the host
application (for example, SAS Enterprise Guide and the SAS Add-in for
Microsoft Office). These are the interfaces that are supported by all
host applications:
ISASTaskConsumer Provides information about what the application
supports and access to other supported interfaces. Also provides
access to options specific to the particular instance of the add-in.
ISASTaskData, ISASTaskDataAccessor, ISASTaskDataColumn Provides access
to data services.
These are the interfaces that might be supported by a given host
application. If your add-in code takes advantage of any of these
interfaces/services, you should include checks to ensure that an
interface is supported before you attempt to use it.
ISASTaskSubmit Allows your add-in to submit a SAS program for
processing while the user interact with your user interface.
ISASTaskUtilities Supplies utility methods for use by your add-in.

How do I create a TFS2017 Build Task equivalent to Visual Studio's Web Deploy Publish method?

I am trying to complete Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment automation for a web application project. I have been helped by a series of SO posts link1, link2, link3 and things are now running, except the upload to the hosting server is longer than it needs to be; I currently upload all files instead of just the ones that changed.
When creating the TFS2017 Build (or Release) there are many Task options, including some from the marketplace. I'm referring to, in this case, the dialogue for a Build as shown below:
I'm currently using a PowerShell script which seems a little archaic and inefficient as noted above. Do any of the tasks available to us mimic the Visual Studio 2017 Web Deploy Publish Method which runs quite nicely and quickly? If not, what can I use for an 'intelligent' upload process that checks whether or not a file must be uploaded?
Unfortunately, there is no this kind of build task could mimic the Visual Studio 2017 Web Deploy Publish Method for now.
The method trough VS IDE will dynamically check if some files need to be uploaded or not.
However through TFS build task or powershell script will not do this, just simply copy all files you assigned. Afraid there is no workaround for an 'intelligent' upload process that checks whether or not a file must be uploaded. Since we don't how VS IDE did this.

Create a SharePoint workflow programmatically

I am working on a copy of a SharePoint 2007 site for a client.
I would like to be able to automate as much of the update process as I can with minimal disruption to the client's system when the updates are ready for production.
To that effect, I was wondering if anyone knows how to automate creating a SharePoint workflow (created using SPD 2007) in another SharePoint server/site.
Perhaps I haven't searched enough yet, but I have not discovered if there is a way to do this with web services, which I believe would be my preference.
I do not believe I have the ability to use STSadm on this, as the hosting for the SharePoint site is separate.
I think I can export the workflows in a personal web package and I'll admit, I haven't experimented with this yet on workflows, but my current experience with other exports, such as lists, is that guids seem to get messed up between sites. Even if this is not an issue, I'm not sure if there is a way of automating the import process (without STSadm).
I'm hoping not to have to work through a long list of manual procedures (that could accidentally get missed) when implementing these changes on the target production site.
My preference is to be able to create some sort of update batch or application that will make the changes quickly and that I can test before implementing on the production system.
This entails quite a few things, but for now, I'd like to focus on getting workflows into the target system.
Any suggestions on where to get started would be welcome.
SharePoint Designer workflows are not portable between sites. (Reference) 1
For your situation, I would recommend taking the Visual Studio workflow route. Take a look at this tutorial: How to Create Custom SharePoint Workflows in Visual Studio 2008. The key for you is how you will associate it to lists.
The other option is to create a custom Workflow Activity (2007 has less options that 2010). You will still have to create the workflow using SharePoint Designer and add your custom activity to it in each site.
1. Yes, there is the "hack way" of trying to do it by copying the XML and changing the GUIDs... but it is error prone and difficult.
SharePoint 2010 gives more flexibility for workflows and thus the first #Kit Menke statement isn't true for readers using SP2010 (i see that this is tagged as sharepoint2007, but i'm making it clear for readers using SP2010)
However, if you publish a workflow template to a SharePoint site
collection, you can download that template as a WSP file and then
deploy it to other site collections.
Read more about Workflow deployment process (SharePoint Foundation 2010)