Is it necessary to escape slashes in strings in Windows Registry? - c++

This is a question mostly concerning WinAPI RegSetValueEx. If you look at its description in MSDN here you'd find:
lpData [in] The data to be stored.
REG_SZ, the string must be null-terminated. With the REG_MULTI_SZ data
type, the string must be terminated with two null characters. A
backslash must be preceded by another backslash as an escape
character. For example, specify "C:\\mydir\\myfile" to store the
string "C:\mydir\myfile".
The question I have, do I really need to escape slashes? Because I've never done that before and it worked perfectly fine.

This is indeed a documentation error. You do not need to escape backslashes here. The exact string that you send to this API is what will be stored in the registry. No processing of backslashes will be performed.
Now, it's true that in C and C++ you need to escape certain characters in string literals, but that's not pertinent to a Win32 API documentation. That's an issue for source code to object code translation for specific languages and quite beyond the remit of this documentation.

Yes, because \ has a meaning in C++, whereas \\ means an ordinary backslash.
When \ appears in a string, C++ compiler will look at the next character and convert the combination into something (for example \n will be converted into a "newline" character). \\ will be converted into a regular backslash. This is called "escaping" (historically, on old terminals, the ESC+key combination was used for many keys that were not on the keyboard).


Why does it give me an error when opening a txt fiile? [duplicate]

I'm really confused about the escape character " \ " and its relation to the windows file system. In the following example:
char* fwdslash = "c:/myfolder/myfile.txt";
char* backslash = "c:\myfolder\myfile.txt";
char* dblbackslash = "c:\\myfolder\\myfile.txt";
std::ifstream file(fwdslash); // Works
std::ifstream file(dblbackslash); // Works
std::ifstream file(backslash); // Doesn't work
I get what you are doing here is escaping a special character so you can use it in this string. In no way by placing a backslash in a string literal or std::string do you actually change the string ---
---Edit: This is completely wrong, and the source of my confusion---
So it seems that the escape character is only treated by certain classes or things to mean something other than a backslash, like outputting on the console, ie., std::cout << "\hello"; will not print the backslash. In the case of ifstream (or I'm not sure if the same applies with the C fopen() version), it must be that this class or function treats backslashes as escape characters. I'm wondering, since the Windows file system uses backslashes wouldn't it make sense for it to accept the simple string with backslashes, ie., "c:\myfolder\myfile.txt" ? Trying it this way fails.
Also, in my compiler (Visual Studio) when I include headers I can use .\ and ..\ to mean either the current folder, or the parent folder. I'm pretty sure the \ in this isn't related to the escape character, but are these forms specific to Windows, part of the C preprocessor, or part of the C or C++ language? I know that backslashes are a Windows thing, so I can't see any reason another system would expect backslashes even when using .\ and ..\
In no way by placing a backslash in a string literal[...] do you
actually change the string
You do. Compiler actually modifies literal you wrote before embedding it into compiled program. If a backslash is found in string or character literal while parsing source code it is ignored and next character is treated specially. \n becomes carriage return, etc. For escaped characters without special meaning threatment is implementation defined. Usually it just means character unchanged.
You cannot just pass "c:\myfolder\file.txt" because it is not a string which will be seen by your program. Your program will see "c:myfolderfile.txt" instead. This is why escaped backslash has a special meaning, to allow embedding backslashes in actual string your program will see.
The solution is to either escape your backslashes, or use raw string literals (C++11 onwards):
const char* path = R"(c:\myfolder\file.txt)"
Filenames given to #include directive are not string literals, even if they are in form "path\to\header", so substitution rules are not applied to them.
The single backwards slash practically escapes the next character. In order to get rid of this behavior you need to double escape it. Now for the forward slash, it is probably a compatibility issue which follows the Unix tradition.
Similar thing to this is also in the Java world. A single forward slash is treated for path separation on both Windows and Unix, while also a double backslash.
To make it more clear why single backslash doesn't work, just remember that the following String practically produces a newline, a backslash and a tab:
i.e. in an example like:
would actually produce:
(the double space is form feed, see here)
Because when declaring a cstring literal the backslashes escape the next character, for special characters. This is so you can do newlines (\n), nulls (\0), carriage returns (\r) etc...
char* backslash = "c:\myfolder \myfile.txt";

Could someone explain C++ escape character " \ " in relation to Windows file system?

I'm really confused about the escape character " \ " and its relation to the windows file system. In the following example:
char* fwdslash = "c:/myfolder/myfile.txt";
char* backslash = "c:\myfolder\myfile.txt";
char* dblbackslash = "c:\\myfolder\\myfile.txt";
std::ifstream file(fwdslash); // Works
std::ifstream file(dblbackslash); // Works
std::ifstream file(backslash); // Doesn't work
I get what you are doing here is escaping a special character so you can use it in this string. In no way by placing a backslash in a string literal or std::string do you actually change the string ---
---Edit: This is completely wrong, and the source of my confusion---
So it seems that the escape character is only treated by certain classes or things to mean something other than a backslash, like outputting on the console, ie., std::cout << "\hello"; will not print the backslash. In the case of ifstream (or I'm not sure if the same applies with the C fopen() version), it must be that this class or function treats backslashes as escape characters. I'm wondering, since the Windows file system uses backslashes wouldn't it make sense for it to accept the simple string with backslashes, ie., "c:\myfolder\myfile.txt" ? Trying it this way fails.
Also, in my compiler (Visual Studio) when I include headers I can use .\ and ..\ to mean either the current folder, or the parent folder. I'm pretty sure the \ in this isn't related to the escape character, but are these forms specific to Windows, part of the C preprocessor, or part of the C or C++ language? I know that backslashes are a Windows thing, so I can't see any reason another system would expect backslashes even when using .\ and ..\
In no way by placing a backslash in a string literal[...] do you
actually change the string
You do. Compiler actually modifies literal you wrote before embedding it into compiled program. If a backslash is found in string or character literal while parsing source code it is ignored and next character is treated specially. \n becomes carriage return, etc. For escaped characters without special meaning threatment is implementation defined. Usually it just means character unchanged.
You cannot just pass "c:\myfolder\file.txt" because it is not a string which will be seen by your program. Your program will see "c:myfolderfile.txt" instead. This is why escaped backslash has a special meaning, to allow embedding backslashes in actual string your program will see.
The solution is to either escape your backslashes, or use raw string literals (C++11 onwards):
const char* path = R"(c:\myfolder\file.txt)"
Filenames given to #include directive are not string literals, even if they are in form "path\to\header", so substitution rules are not applied to them.
The single backwards slash practically escapes the next character. In order to get rid of this behavior you need to double escape it. Now for the forward slash, it is probably a compatibility issue which follows the Unix tradition.
Similar thing to this is also in the Java world. A single forward slash is treated for path separation on both Windows and Unix, while also a double backslash.
To make it more clear why single backslash doesn't work, just remember that the following String practically produces a newline, a backslash and a tab:
i.e. in an example like:
would actually produce:
(the double space is form feed, see here)
Because when declaring a cstring literal the backslashes escape the next character, for special characters. This is so you can do newlines (\n), nulls (\0), carriage returns (\r) etc...
char* backslash = "c:\myfolder \myfile.txt";

C++ - Escaping or disabling backslash on string

I am writing a C++ program to solve a common problem of message decoding. Part of the problem requires me to get a bunch of random characters, including '\', and map them to a key, one by one.
My program works fine in most cases, except that when I read characters such as '\' from a string, I obviously get a completely different character representation (e.g. '\0' yields a null character, or '\' simply escapes itself when it needs to be treated as a character).
Since I am not supposed to have any control on what character keys are included, I have been desperately trying to find a way to treat special control characters such as the backslash as the character itself.
My questions are basically these:
Is there a way to turn all special characters off within the scope of my program?
Is there a way to override current digraphs definitions of special characters and define them as something else (like digraphs using very rare keys)?
Is there some obscure method on the String class that I missed which can force the actual character on the string to be read instead of the pre-defined constant?
I have been trying to look for a solution for hours now but all possible fixes I've found are for other languages.
Any help is greatly appreciate.
If you read in a string like "\0" from stdin or a file, it will be treated as two separate characters: '\\' and '0'. There is no additional processing that you have to do.
Escaping characters is only used for string/character literals. That is to say, when you want to hard-code something into your source code.

How to do string concatenation in gdb/ada

According to the manual, string concatenation isn't implemented in gdb. I need it however, so is there a way to achieve this, perhaps using array functions?
I don't have a copy of gdb around to try this on, but perhaps this line from later in the Ada section of the document will help you?
Rather than use catenation and
symbolic character names to introduce
special characters into strings, one
may instead use a special bracket
notation, which is also used to print
strings. A sequence of characters of
the form ["XX"]' within a string or
character literal denotes the (single)
character whose numeric encoding is XX
in hexadecimal. The sequence of
characters["""]' also denotes a
single quotation mark in strings. For
example, "One line.["0a"]Next
contains an ASCII newline character
(Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LF) after each
For Objective-C:
[#"asd" stringByAppendingString:#"zxc"]
[#"ID: " stringByAppendingString:(NSString*) [aTaskDict valueForKey:#"ID"]]

What's the Magic Behind Escape(\) Character

How does the C/C++ compiler manipulate the escape character ["\"] in source code? How is compiler grammar written for processing that character? What does the compiler do after encountering that character?
Most compilers are divided into parts: the compiler front-end is called a lexical analyzer or a scanner. This part of the compiler reads the actual characters and creates tokens. It has a state machine which decides, upon seeing an escape character, whether it is genuine (for example when it appears inside a string) or it modifies the next character. The token is output accordingly as the escape character or some other token (such as a tab or a newline) to the next part of the compiler (the parser). The state machine can group several characters into a token.
An interesting note on this subject is On Trusting Trust [PDF link].
The paper describes one way a compiler could handle this problem exactly, shows how the c-written-in-c compiler does not have an explicit translation of the codes into ASCII values; and how to bootstrap a new escape code into the compiler so that the understanding of the ASCII value for the new code is also implicit.
It generally escapes the following character:
In a string literal or character literal, it means escape the next character. \a means 'alert' (flashing the terminal, beeping or whatever), \n means 'linefeed', \xNUM means an hexadecimal number for example.
If it appears as the last visible character before a newline, whether within a string or not (and even within a line-wide comment!), it acts as a line-continuation: The following newline character is ignored, and the next line is merged with the current line.
escape character with a following character (like \n) is a single character for C compiler - scanner presents it to parser as character token, so there is no need in special syntax rules in parser for escape character.