About tbb tasks - concurrency

When working with tasks, for example with this:
class MyTask: public tbb::task {
int x;
void DoSomething(...){...} // Invoked only inside execute
void DoMore(...){...} // Invoked only inside execute
tbb::task* execute(){...}
Once the task is running, is it possible to execute concurrently DoSomething() or DoMore() or those methods can only be invoked by the thread that started the execution of the task?.
I read that TBB allows job stealing, but what it steals? Does it steal a piece of data, compute it and return the result to the main thread or could it be possible for the stealing to execute the private methods?
Sorry If my question isn't clear!

TBB steals a task, i.e. an instance of a class derived from tbb::task. The method execute() of the task is then invoked. This method is executed by a single thread, but it can produce new tasks that are put into thread's local task pool, and can be stolen by other threads.
In your case, the private methods that are only called by execute() will not run concurrently.


Automatically Call Method After Final Constructor

I have written up a framework for threaded objects with the following very basic structure:
class ThreadedObject {
ThreadedObject(Thread* parentThread);
virtual void initialize();
class MyThreadedObject {
MyThreadedObject(Thread* parentThread) : ThreadedObject(parentThread) {}
void initialize() override;
I have a mechanism whereby I don't call methods of subclasses of ThreadedObject's directly, instead I pass them onto a queue (via std::function) to be executed within the correct thread (parentThread).
I ran into an issue with the initialize method. The intent of this method is to act as a thread-conscious "constructor." What I mean is, since a ThreadedObject can be created in ANY thread, that means its constructor will run in the thread is was created in. However, I want the initialization (that would normally be in the constructor) to occur within the parent thread of the ThreadedObject instance.
The simplest solution to this problem would be:
Thread myThread();
MyThreadedObject myObject(&myThread);
invoke(&myObject, &MyThreadedObject::initialize);
Assuming the invoke method looks at what thread is assigned to myObject and queues a call to initialize within that thread.
However, I am wondering if there is any way to have this happen automatically AFTER the object has been constructed. My naive solution was to do the following:
ThreadedObject::ThreadedObject(Thread* parentThread) {
invoke(this, &ThreadedObject::initialize);
However, I learned quickly that you can't call a virtual method like this from within the constructor of a base class.
It looks to me as if I need some way to call initialize AFTER all the layers of constructors (base -> child 1 -> child 2 -> ...) have completed.
Is something like this possible?
I found an article about the same problem here: Is there any automated way to implement post-constructor and pre-destructor virtual method calls?
I am wondering if my real question then becomes, is there a way to wrap the construction of ThreadedObjects and their child classes in some sort of critical section so that construction completes before any other threads can take over?

C++11: How can I join a std::thread as soon as its execution function exits?

I have the following class that has a std::thread as one of its member fields:
class MyClass {
std::thread auxThread;
void run();
void start();
MyClass:~MyClass() {
if (auxThread.joinable())
void MyClass::run() {
//do stuff
void MyClass::start() {
auxThread = std::thread (&MyClass::run, this); //Move assignment
I can start the auxThread on-demand thanks to initializing it with an empty constructor and later move-assigning it to a std::thread object associated with an actual thread of execution (via the start() function), but to minimize system resource usage I'd like to join() auxThread with the main thread immediately after run() has exited i.e. when auxThread's work is done instead of in the MyClass destructor. It looks like condition_variable could be used to wake a sleeping main thread and accomplish this, but I don't want to block the main thread except (hopefully) briefly with join().
Two questions:
Is having a thread whose execution function has exited a drain on resources if it is never joined with the main thread, or is the thread and all associated resources released when the execution function exits (such that join() would presumably be unnecessary and return immediately)?
Is it possible to call join() on auxThread from the main thread in response to run() exiting without blocking the main thread?
Is having a thread whose execution function has exited a drain on resources if it is never joined with the main thread
Maybe. It depends on your implementation, but typically not.
is the thread and all associated resources released when the execution function exits
Probably, and if not, then as soon as possible by the OS. This is also implementation defined.
Is it possible to call join() on auxThread from the main thread in response to run() exiting without blocking the main thread?
Yes, but it wouldn't make any sense. The only thing that join does is block until the function being executed is done. Calling join again after run finished executing is unnecessary and basically a no-op.
Also, the "resources" from the thread are minimal. I wouldn't expect that a lot of memory would be allocated just for a single thread like yours. RAM is pretty cheap nowadays, so you shouldn't worry about that, as you are not executing 5M threads in parallel, which would make no sense on a conventional computer anyways.

C++ Gtk threading. Am I doing it right?

I have a gtkmm application and I'm trying to put some long running tasks into separate threads so they don't lock the GUI. Here's a tutorial I've based my design on:
I use Glib::Dispatcher signals to notify the GUI thread when the work is done or something needs to be updated, however I'm not sure how to pass the data between the worker thread and GUI thread. So far I've been passing a pointer to the class which creates the worker to the worker and then modifying public members of the class, but something tells me it's not the most correct to do it. Here's an example:
class Some_GUI_class
std::string thread_message;
Worker_class* worker;
void start_worker()
if (worker != NULL) return;
worker = new Worker_class(this);
worker->sig_message.connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Some_GUI_class::display_message_from_thread);
void display_message_from_thread()
class Worker_class
Worker_class(Some_GUI_class* gui_class) : gui_class(gui_class)
void start()
thread = Glib::Thread::create(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Worker_class::run), true);
Glib::Dispather sig_message;
Glib::Thread* thread;
Glib::Mutex mutex;
Some_GUI_class* gui_class;
void run()
// ...
gui_class->thread_message = "Message from a thread!";
This essentialy works, but I guess if the GUI thread wanted to modify thread_message at the same time there would be a problem? Is it safe to do it like this then as long as I'm sure the variables are only modified by a single thread or is there a better way?
You have a race condition. Even if your gui thread doesn't modify thread_message, allowing the GUI thread to read it while another thread is modifying it is not going to give you long term happiness. This is because std::string is not itself protected from multiple threads accessing it, and has multiple internal fields. If one thread is in the process of modifying one of its internal fields, while another is reading them, the internal state will not be consistent from the point of view of the second.
You can use a mutex in the GUI class to protect access to the variables which might be accessed by another thread. Lock and unlock the mutex in get/set routines, and use those routines for all other accesses to ensure that only one thread gets to access or modify the variables at one time.
Generally mutex usage is not enough to achieve the desired behaviour. The same worker thread (or another one if you have it) could want to send another message while first one had not been processed by the main thread yet. That is why in addition to mutex you should use message queue (e.g. object of std::deque<std::string> class) instead of just a std::string Some_GUI_class::thread_message variable to avoid this kind of message loss.

understanding a qthread subclass's run method and thread context

i have an encoder class with lots of methods . this is a subclass of Qthread. i am new to multi-threading and
trying to understand how this class is
threading its methods
... i understand to thread a method it has to be in a subclass of qthread. and the run of this implements the threaded code for this class. And the thread starts only when a call to start method on the object of this class is made.
Question : firstly what do you infer
from the this run implementation
void Encoder::run(void)
VERBOSE(VB_DEBUG, "Encoder::run");
print_stats_timer_id = QObject::startTimer(kEncoderDebugInterval);
health_check_timer_id = QObject::startTimer(kEncoderHealthCheckInterval);
if (init())
VERBOSE(VB_ERROR, "Encoder::run -- failed to initialize encoder");
if (print_stats_timer_id)
Question: what does thread context mean in
relation to its methods .
Question: what would happen If a method of this
class is called before this class's
thread has started
The class you have written creates a thread and initializes a QObject::timer. It then goes on to call a user defined init() function then the QThread::exec() function.
My guess is that you intended that exec() would be a user defined function where the actual work is to occur. Be aware that QThread::exec() processes the thread's Qt Event Queue.
Also, on some platforms you may get an "Error creating timer from thread" warning message. I've encountered this error on Windows when the code executed fine on Linux
Also, be aware that your timer will never occur if you do not call the QThread::exec() function or QApplication::processEvents() from within your thread.
Thread context in Qt is the same as any other thread concept. That is, all memory is shared between the threaded code (entered at this point in your "run()" function). And any other context which calls into your object. If this object may ever be executing in a thread and accessed from outside of the thread you must protect the shared data.
Because all data is shared between thread contexts (it's a shared memory multiprocessing model) there is no problem with calling functions before/after/during thread execution. Given that:
The object is fully constructed before you call any method. This is not special to threads, necessarily, unless the object is created in a thread.
Any data member is protected with a mutex lock (I eluded to this in #2). QMutexLocker is a handy stack based RAII way of dealing with mutex locks in Qt.
I believe I fully answered your question here, so I'll go ahead and link to RAII and threading articles I have written on another site, just for further reference.
Edit: specificity about threading scenarios:
class MyThreadedClass : public QThread
MyThreadClass(const boost::shared_ptr<SomeOtherClass> &t_object)
: m_object(t_object) {}
void doSomething()
// Depending on how this method was called (from main, from internal thread)
// will determine which thread this runs on, potentially complicating thread
// safety issues.
void run()
// I'm now in a thread!
m_object->someFunction(); // oops! The call to someFunction is occurring from
// a thread, this means that SomeOtherClass must be
// threadsafe with mutex guards around shared
// (object level) data.
// do some other stuff
int main()
MyThreadClass thread(someobjectfromsomewhere);
thread.start(); // MyThreadClass is now running
thread.doSomething(); // The call to doSomething occurs from main's thread.
// This means 2 threads are using "thread", main
// and "thread"'s thread.
// The call to thread.doSomething hits Thread.m_object, which means that
// now multiple threads are also accessing m_object ("thread" and "main").
// This can all get very messy very quickly. It's best to tightly control
// how many threads are hitting an object, and how
NOTE: It would be a good idea to investigate QFuture, which is designed to handle this kind of asynchronous task, like an encoder, that you are looking at QFuture will avoid some of the potential threading issues of shared data and deadlocks.

How to write an automated test for thread safety

I have a class which is not thread safe:
class Foo {
/* Abstract base class, code which is not thread safe */
Moreover, if you have foo1 and foo2 objects, you cannot call foo1->someFunc() until foo2->anotherFunc() has returned (this can happen with two threads). This is the situation and it can't be changed (a Foo subclass is actually a wrapper for a python script).
In order to prevent unwanted calls I've created the following -
class FooWrapper {
FooWrapper(Foo* foo, FooWrappersMutex* mutex);
/* Wrapped functions from Foo */
Internally, FooWrapper wraps calls to the Foo functions with the shared mutex.
I want to test FooWrapper for thread safety. My biggest problem is the fact that threads are managed by the operating system, which means I've got less control on their execution. What I would like to test is the following scenario:
Thread 1 calls fooWrapper1->someFunc() and blocks while inside the function
Thread 2 calls fooWrapper2->anotherFunc() and returns immediately (since someFunc() is still executing)
Thread 1 finishes the execution
What is the simplest to test a scenario like this automatically?
I'm using QT on Win32, although I would prefer a solution which is at least cross-platform as QT is.
You might want to check out CHESS: A Systematic Testing Tool for Concurrent Software by Microsoft Research. It is a testing framework for multithreaded programs (both .NET and native code).
If I understood that correctly, it replaces the operating system's threading libraries with its own, so that it can control thread switching. Then it analyzes the program to figure out every possible way that the execution streams of the threads can interleave and it re-runs the test suite for every possible interleaving.
Instead of just checking that a particular thread is finished or not, why not create a fake Foo to be invoked by your wrapper in which the functions record the time at which they were actually started/completed. Then your yield thread need only wait long enough to be able to distinguish the difference between the recorded times. In your test you can assert that another_func's start time is after some_func's start time and it's completed time is before some_funcs completed time. Since your fake class is only recording the times, this should be sufficient to guarantee that the wrapper class is working properly.
EDIT: You know, of course, that what your Foo object does could be an anti-pattern, namely Sequential Coupling. Depending what it does, you may be able to handle it by simply having the second method do nothing if the first method has not yet been called. Using the example from the Sequential Coupling link, this would be similar to having the car do nothing when the accelerator pedal is pressed, if the car has not yet been started. If doing nothing is not appropriate, you could either wait and try again later, initiate the "start sequence" in the current thread, or handle it as an error. All of these things could be enforced by your wrapper as well and would probably be easier to test.
You also may need to be careful to make sure that the same method doesn't get invoked twice in sequence if an intervening call to another method is required.
Intel Threadchecker.
If I recall correctly the tool checks your code for theoretically possible data races.
The point is you don't need to run your code to check whether it's correct or not.
When you start multithreading, your code becomes, by definition, non-deterministic, so testing for thread safety is, in the general case, impossible.
But to your very specific question, if you insert long delays inside Foo to cause each Foo method to take a looonnng time, then you can do what you ask. That is, the probablity of the first thread returning before the second thread enters the call becomes essentially zero.
But what is it that you're really trying to accomplish? What is this test supposed to test? If you trying to validate that the FooWrappersMutex class works correctly, this won't do it.
So far I've written the following code. Sometimes it works and sometimes the test fails, since the Sleep is not enough for running all threads.
//! Give some time to the other threads
static void YieldThread()
#ifdef _WIN32
#endif //_WIN32
class FooWithMutex: public Foo {
QMutex m_mutex;
virtual void someFunc()
virtual void anotherFunc()
class ThreadThatCallsFooFunc1: public QThread {
ThreadThatCallsFooFunc1( FooWrapper& fooWrapper )
: m_fooWrapper(fooWrapper) {}
virtual void run()
FooWrapper& m_fooWrapper;
class ThreadThatCallsFooFunc2: public QThread {
ThreadThatCallsFooFunc2( FooWrapper& fooWrapper )
: m_fooWrapper(fooWrapper) {}
virtual void run()
FooWrapper& m_fooWrapper;
TEST(ScriptPluginWrapperTest, CallsFromMultipleThreads)
// FooWithMutex inherits the abstract Foo and adds
// mutex lock/unlock on each function.
FooWithMutex fooWithMutex;
FooWrapper fooWrapper( &fooWithMutex );
ThreadThatCallsFooFunc1 thread1(fooWrapper);
ThreadThatCallsFooFunc2 thread2(fooWrapper);
thread1.start(); // Should block
ASSERT_FALSE( thread1.isFinished() );
thread2.start(); // Should finish immediately
ASSERT_TRUE( thread2.isFinished() );
EXPECT_TRUE( thread1.isFinished() );
Jinx to the rescue