How to disable a date range in Jquery datepicker - jquery-ui-datepicker

I want to disable a range of dates which I are fetched using Ajax. I'm doing it as follows -
dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
constrainInput: true,
beforeShow:function(input, inst) {
type: "POST",
url: "/admin/get_time_span",
data: "",
success: function(data) {
disabled_day = data;
beforeShowDay: disableRangeOfDays
function disableRangeOfDays(d)
//var arr = "2012-04-19 to 2012-04-26,";
var arr = disabled_day.split(",");
var arr = arr.split(",");
var cnt = arr.length-1;
for(i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
arr1 = arr[i].split(" to ");
//create date for from_date
frm_dt = arr1[0].split('-');
//create date for to_date
to_dt = arr1[1].split('-');
if(d >= new Date(frm_dt[0],(frm_dt[1]-1),frm_dt[2]) &&
d <= new Date(to_dt[0],(to_dt[1]-1),to_dt[2])) {
return [false];
return [true,''];
This works but not for the first time. When I open the date picker first time, the date range still selectable. But, after I close and reopen it, the date range is disabled. Also, if I change the month and come back to the current month then also it works. How can I disable the date range for the first time I open the date picker ? Also, for each month, I want to fetch the date ranges and disable them. How can I do this ?

After spending much time in checking possibilities, I fetched all the date ranges only once while loading the page and assigned all to a hidden field. I removed the Ajax call and used the value of the hidden field directly in the function disableRangeOfDays(d) and it worked as expected.


Dropdown dynamic in django ajax

I am using django for dynamic dropdown. There are two dropdown when the first dropdown was click and there is a subcategory for it, the second dropdown will show options. I want to disable the second dropdown if there is no subcategory for it. How can I do that?
$("#id_general-collision_type").change(function () {
const url = $("#form_incidentgeneral").attr("data-acc-url"); // get the url of the `load_cities` view
const collisionId = $(this).val(); // get the selected country ID from the HTML input
$.ajax({ // initialize an AJAX request
url: url, // set the url of the request (= /persons/ajax/load-cities/ )
data: {
'collision_type_id': collisionId // add the country id to the GET parameters
success: function (data) {
//console.log(data) // `data` is the return of the `load_cities` view function
$("#id_general-collision_subcategory").html(data); // replace the contents of the city input with the data that came from the server
let html_data = '<option value="">---------</option>';
data.forEach(function (collision_subcategory) {
html_data += `<option value="${}">${collision_subcategory.sub_category}</option>`
success: function (data) {
let select_element = $('select'); #Sub_category select
$(select_element).html(''); #Make Empty Select
for(let i=;i<data.length;i++){
let x = data[i];
let option_element = `<option value='${x['id']}'`>${x['sub_category']}</option>`;

google visualization Query second iteration

I am using google.visualization.Query to get data from a Google Sheet. I am noticing the result does not include a comma between rows, which is causing an issue because I am trying to create an array. How can I fix this?
4,1,some text,2/25/2021,3/2/2021
9,1,some text,2/25/2021,3/1/2021
function initialize() {
var opts = {sendMethod: 'auto'};
var queryString = encodeURIComponent('SELECT A, B, D, F, G WHERE B=1 offset 1');
var query = new google.visualization.Query(
'' + queryString);
Query Result:
4,1,some text,2/25/2021,3/2/2021 9,1,some text,2/25/2021,3/1/2021
Iterate in an Array:
[ '+myArray[0]+', <div class="ggl-tooltip">'+myArray[1]+'</div>', myArray[2], myArray[3) ]
in the query's response function, you can get the data from the response argument.
function handleQueryResponse(response) {
var data = response.getDataTable();
this will return a google data table, which can then be used to draw a chart.
if you need the raw data in an array, you can use the toJSON method.
var data = response.getDataTable();
var rawData = data.toJSON();
the json will be returned in the format found here...

Google Meet: How can i catch the url?

I need to open a new google meet room, and send it. I can't use standard "share" button in app. I need to catch the final url.
I can't catch that with curl (it's not a normal redirect).
My idea is that i need to open a request/link in background or in the same page, wait some second and catch the link, after i can release the page and user can enter.
Do you know something that can help me?
Yes, i had miss to tell that i need to generate a room from a click and catch the url from code. Generally, i should to make this with Google Calendar API, but in this case i can't.
I use google Calendar API. I make a webApp for my organization, that from a form (with user information to send togheter meet link) make a google calendar event with google meet room (from google loggedin user account), catch the link and send it by a smsGateway.
function FormForMeet (Args) {
// get calendar name, if it already exists
var meetsCalendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarsByName ('CalendarName');
Logger.log (meetsCalendar.length)
if (meetsCalendar.length> = 1) {
// if some calendar be found, it catch the first, obviously here you can use some differet method. I had choose this because I don't expect to find more than 1
var calendar = meetsCalendar [0] .getId ();
// If miss, create new one.
var calendar = CalendarApp.createCalendar ('CalendarName', {summary: 'descrip Calendar',
// set a color of calendar label :D
color: CalendarApp.Color.PURPLE});
calendar = calendar.getId ();
// Call function to create meet
var LinkMeet = CreateConference_ (calendar);
// here you can use what you want for send Args + LinkMeet);
// if you want return link
return LinkMeet;
// Function to create Conference. You can obviously use the code up without make a new function.
function CreateConference_ (calendarId) {
// Custom of event, here I created the conferences according to my needs (now, with 1 h / conference)
var now = new Date ();
var start = new Date (now.getTime ()). toISOString ();
var end = new Date (now.getTime () + (1 * 60 * 60 * 1000)). toISOString ();
// generate random string to request
var rdmreqId = genStrg ();
var event = {
"end": {
"dateTime": end
"start": {
"dateTime": start
"summary": "conferenceName",
"conferenceData": {
"createRequest": {
"conferenceSolutionKey": {
"type": "hangoutsMeet"
"requestId": rdmreqId
// insert event in calendar
event = Calendar.Events.insert (event, calendarId, {
"conferenceDataVersion": 1});
// if use the function you can return the link to send
return event.hangoutLink
// random strind
function genStrg () {
var data = "something";
var text = "";
var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789! # # $% & <> * -";
for (var j = 2; j <= data.length; j ++) {
text = ""; // Reset text to empty string
for (var i = 0; i <possible.length; i ++) {
text + = possible.charAt (Math.floor (Math.random () * possible.length));
return text;
all google meet links look something like this:
You should be able to just copy and paste this link from your browser page. If someone enters this link, they will be taken to the meet lobby and they can enter at any time.
If you can't access this link for some reason, like if you're on mobile, you have to put your meet code (the abc-defg-hij) at the end of the aforementioned url.
edit: You actually can find the link if you're on mobile by going into your meeting lobby and scrolling down until you get to "joining information". Under that there should be the meeting link and the numbers to join by phone.

Google Script App Delete Duplicate Rows with a Specific Value in Specific Column in Google Sheet

I have a google sheet where people submit tasks they are working on and they'll submit a status update which is either 'in progress' or 'complete' for let's say task A. Task A is in column D[4] and Status is in column E[5]. I'm trying to get this code to only delete the 'in progress' row for Task A when there is duplicate Task A with the status being 'Complete'. This works for identifying the duplicate and removes the duplicate rows in order, but I'm not sure how to get it to only delete duplicate 'Task A' 'In Progress' rows when there is a 'Task A' 'Complete' row. Any help would be much appreciated!
function removeDuplicates() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Sheet2");
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
var newData = [];
for (i in data) {
var row = data[i];
var duplicate = false;
for (j in newData) {
if(row[3] == newData[j][3]){
duplicate = true;
if (!duplicate) {
sheet.getRange(1, 1, newData.length, newData[0].length).setValues(newData);
I would try
function removeDuplicates()
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("test");
var dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();
var data = dataRange.getValues();
var indexOfStatusColumn = 4;
var newData = [];
data.forEach(function (row, rowI){
var isDuplicate = false
if (newData.length)
newData.forEach(function (dup, dupI)
if (dup[3] == row[3])
if (row[indexOfStatusColumn] == "Complete" && dup[indexOfStatusColumn] != "Complete")
newData[dupI][indexOfStatusColumn] = "Complete";
isDuplicate = true;
return (false);
if (!isDuplicate)
dataRange = sheet.getRange(2, 1, dataRange.getLastRow() - 1, dataRange.getLastColumn());
sheet.getRange(1, 1, newData.length, newData[0].length).setValues(newData);
few things
I use forEach()loop it's more efficient
break loop by returning falseto avoid parsing trough all your newDatauselessly
when I find a duplicate I perform some of this actions
Check if duplicate is Complete on data and not on newData if so
change the value in newDatato "Complete" this way it will keep the complete status (be careful if there's different datas on both rows it will probably twist datas).
also use clearContent() from a range to avoid removing all the content of the sheet but only a specific portion of it. Here I've rebuilded it to keep the header
Tanaike benchmark

How to find and replace date, on timebased trigger by using ScriptApp Custom function

I have a Google Document with only one date in the body of the document. I am trying to write a script that updates the date every 24 hours.
The date in the document is currently set to "11/01/2016" as text, 1 day less than today (12/01/2016). I assumed using a replaceText() would work.
This is my script at the moment.
function myFunction()
var date = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), "GMT", "dd/MM/yyy");
var doc = DocumentApp.openById("ID of Document");
doc.replaceText(date-1,date) ;
What I am doing wrong here?
You can't replace text on document object, you need to get document body. your date is a string, you can't get yesterday by date-1. refer the date conversion too.
function myFunction()
var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
var d = new Date();
var yesterdayDate = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(d.getTime()-1*(24*3600*1000)), "GMT", "dd/MM/yyy");
var todayDate = Utilities.formatDate(d, "GMT", "dd/MM/yyy");
body.replaceText(yesterdayDate,todayDate) ;