Possible GDI Leak when ReDrawing CButton's - c++

I have a problem when re-sizing a CControlBar that contains a few CButtons. After re-sizing for a while, the whole display breaks and stops painting correctly.
Based on what I can find about these kinds of issues, I am thinking that I am leaking GDI objects when the Button's are re-drawn.
Below is my DrawItem method. I keep finding different methods to use online but I still get the problem.
Please can someone help me pinpoint exactly what I need to change and how.
void CNJABarFolderButton::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct) {
if( lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED )
CDC dc;
if( !IsWindowEnabled() )
CString csText;
if (m_iDisplayType != 2 || !m_hIcon)
CFont font;
memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT));
lf.lfHeight = m_iFontSize;
strcpy(lf.lfFaceName, "Tahoma Bold");
CFont* def_font = dc.SelectObject(&font);
RECT buttonRect = lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem;
buttonRect.left += 10;
buttonRect.right += 10;
if (m_iDisplayType != 1 || !m_hIcon) //text & Icon
buttonRect.left += 30;
buttonRect.right += 30;
if (m_hIcon && m_iDisplayType != 1)
CSize czText = dc.GetTextExtent(csText);


DrawText Refresh Problem - Text Disappears

I'm using Objective Grid and wanted to have a grid cell control that can show an icon and text. So I took RogueWave's example (https://rwkbp.makekb.com/entry/466/) and modified it as below.
Initially the text renders correctly, but if I do anything in the grid that refreshes the relevant cell, the text disappears. If I update the whole grid, or even refresh the cell by dragging it off screen and back again, the text reappears - until it disappears again. Seems like a paint or InvalidateRect problem - but I can't figure out how to fix it. Any ideas?
void CGXIconControl::Draw(CDC* pDC, CRect rect, ROWCOL nRow, ROWCOL nCol, const CGXStyle& style, const CGXStyle* pStandardStyle)
// ASSERTION-> Invalid Device Context ->END
ASSERT(nRow <= Grid()->GetRowCount() && nCol <= Grid()->GetColCount());
// ASSERTION-> Cell coordinates out of range ->END
DrawBackground(pDC, rect, style);
if (rect.right <= rect.left || rect.Width() <= 1 || rect.Height() <= 1)
CString str = style.GetIncludeValue() ? style.GetValue() : _T("");
CString sTxtBefore = _T("");
CString sTxtAfter = _T("");
int nHAlign = style.GetHorizontalAlignment();
int nVAlign = style.GetVerticalAlignment();
// Save these value to restore them when done drawing
COLORREF crOldTextColor = pDC->GetTextColor();
COLORREF crOldBkColor = pDC->GetBkColor();
if (!style.GetEnabled())
CBrush Brush;
Brush.CreateSolidBrush(style.GetEnabled() ? ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT) : ::GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT));
LOGBRUSH lBrush = { 0 };
CBrush* pOldBrush = (CBrush*)pDC->SelectStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);
CPen linePen;
linePen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, &lBrush);
CPen* pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&linePen);
// Set font bold if necessary
CFont* pCurfont = pDC->GetCurrentFont();
CFont font;
if (pCurfont)
if (style.GetFont().GetBold())
lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD;
CFont* pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject(&font);
int nIcoStart = str.Find(_T("#ICO"));
if (nIcoStart == -1)
// We didn't find an icon indicator, so just draw the text
pDC->DrawText(str, rect, DT_SINGLELINE|nHAlign|nVAlign);
sTxtBefore = str.Left(nIcoStart);
CSize szBefore = pDC->GetTextExtent(sTxtBefore);
int nIconEnd = str.Find(_T(")"), nIcoStart);
CString strIDResource = str.Mid(nIcoStart + 5, nIconEnd - (nIcoStart + 5));
UINT nIDResource = _ttoi(strIDResource);
// Load the highest bit-depth available
hIcon = LoadResourceIcon(nIDResource, m_nIconSize, m_nIconSize, 32);
hIcon == NULL ? LoadResourceIcon(nIDResource, m_nIconSize, m_nIconSize, 24) : NULL;
hIcon == NULL ? LoadResourceIcon(nIDResource, m_nIconSize, m_nIconSize, 16) : NULL;
hIcon == NULL ? LoadResourceIcon(nIDResource, m_nIconSize, m_nIconSize, 8) : NULL;
sTxtAfter = str.Right(str.GetLength() - nIconEnd - 1);
CSize szAfter = pDC->GetTextExtent(sTxtAfter);
CRect rectCell = CGXControl::GetCellRect(nRow, nCol, rect, &style);
CRect rectBefore = rectCell;
CRect rectAfter = rectCell;
int nTotalWidth = szBefore.cx + m_nIconSize + szAfter.cx;
// Calculate positions
int nTop, nLeft;
switch (nHAlign)
case DT_LEFT:
rectBefore.right = rectBefore.left + szBefore.cx;
nLeft = rectBefore.right;
rectAfter.left = nLeft + m_nIconSize;
rectAfter.right = rectAfter.left + szAfter.cx;
} break;
rectBefore.left = (rectCell.right - rectCell.Width() / 2) - nTotalWidth / 2;
rectBefore.right = rectBefore.left + szBefore.cx;
nLeft = rectBefore.right;
rectAfter.left = nLeft + m_nIconSize;
rectAfter.right = rectAfter.left + szAfter.cx;
} break;
case DT_RIGHT:
// Work from the right
rectAfter.right = rectCell.right;
rectAfter.left = rectAfter.right - szAfter.cx;
nLeft = rectAfter.left - m_nIconSize;
rectBefore.right = nLeft;
rectBefore.left = rectBefore.right - szBefore.cx;
} break;
switch (nVAlign)
case DT_TOP:
nTop = rectCell.top;
nTop = rectCell.top + (rectCell.Height() / 2 - m_nIconSize / 2);
nTop = rectCell.bottom - m_nIconSize;
if (!sTxtBefore.IsEmpty())
pDC->DrawText(sTxtBefore, rectBefore, DT_SINGLELINE|nHAlign|nVAlign);
b = ::DrawIconEx(pDC->m_hDC, nLeft, nTop, hIcon, m_nIconSize, m_nIconSize, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL);
b = ::DestroyIcon(hIcon);
if (!sTxtAfter.IsEmpty())
pDC->DrawText(sTxtAfter, rectAfter, DT_SINGLELINE|nHAlign|nVAlign);
// Reset original values
// Child Controls: spin-buttons, hotspot, combobox btn, ...
CGXControl::Draw(pDC, rect, nRow, nCol, style, pStandardStyle);

WinAPI Window does not update anymore after taking screenshot with PrintWindow

I am taking screenshots of an application using PrintWindow(). The application contains a listview and after some time, the list does not update anymore. Only when I select an entry in the list, does it update the name of that entry. My assumption is that the ListView's window does not get invalidated somehow, but that's just a guess. I tried calling InvalidateRect() after taking the screenshot, but that doesn't help either.
I thought the reason for this must be a resource leak, but I encapsulated all required resources in a class, that automatically handles releasing them.
struct DrawingSurface
DrawingSurface(const DrawingSurface&) = delete;
DrawingSurface& operator=(const DrawingSurface&) = delete;
// Window is a custom class, but it's not really important here.
DrawingSurface(const Window& window)
: hwnd(window.handle()), pixels(0), windowDC(0), memoryDC(0), bitmap(0), previous(0)
// Get window size.
Rect clientRect = window.getClientRect();
width = clientRect.width();
height = clientRect.height();
// Create DCs.
windowDC = ::GetDC(window.handle());
if(windowDC == NULL)
memoryDC = ::CreateCompatibleDC(windowDC);
if(memoryDC == NULL)
// Create bitmap.
ZeroMemory(&bitmapInfo, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = width;
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = -height;
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = width * height * 4;
bitmap = ::CreateDIBSection(windowDC, &bitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)&pixels, 0, 0);
if(bitmap == NULL)
previous = ::SelectObject(memoryDC, bitmap);
if(windowDC != NULL)
::ReleaseDC(hwnd, windowDC);
if(previous != NULL && previous != HGDI_ERROR && memoryDC != NULL)
::SelectObject(memoryDC, previous);
if(memoryDC != NULL)
if(bitmap != NULL)
bool valid() const
return width * height > 0
&& previous != NULL
&& previous != HGDI_ERROR
&& windowDC != NULL
&& memoryDC != NULL
&& bitmap != NULL;
int width, height;
HWND hwnd;
HDC windowDC;
HDC memoryDC;
HBITMAP bitmap;
RGBQUAD* pixels;
BITMAPINFO bitmapInfo;
HGDIOBJ previous;
I then use this drawing surface to take a screenshot with this function:
bool Screenshot::take(const Window& window)
m_width = 0; m_height = 0;
DrawingSurface surface(window);
return false;
if(PrintWindow(surface.hwnd, surface.memoryDC, PW_CLIENTONLY) == 0)
return false;
if(GdiFlush() == 0)
return false;
// Set attributes.
m_hwnd = surface.hwnd;
m_width = surface.width;
m_height = surface.height;
// Copy pixels.
m_pixels.resize(surface.width * surface.height, { 0, 0, 0, 0 });
memcpy(&m_pixels[0], surface.pixels, surface.bitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage);
return true;
I don't see where I could leak any resources here. Any other ideas why what I described above might happen?
Any help appreciated, thanks.
Thanks everyone for the answers. I was able to solve this myself now and the problem really wasn't related to the screenshot function. Instead I had posted a WM_KEYDOWN message to the ListView, and forgot to post WM_KEYUP as well. This left the ListView in an invalid state and therefore it did not update anymore.
Thanks again for all the answers and especially for helping to verify that there are no resources leaked.

What is the correct way to use CFontDialog common dialog?

I recently change the relationship between the window extent and the view port of an MFC application, and, since then, every time I change my application font size, the selected font become supper gigantic even if I chose the smallest of all font size.
(EDIT: I noticed that CFontDialog::GetSize() return a size that is ten times the size chosen in the dialog. Is that a usual behaviour ? If not what could make the dialogue return such a value? Although I am not sure, but it seem this multiplication of size seem to be my problem. How do I get CFontDialog::GetSize() to return the actual selected size, if that indeed is the problem?)
What am I doing wrong? What is the correct way to use CFontDialog ?
Shown next is a snippet of the font changing code:
CClientDC dc(pView);
pLastFont = pLastText->GetFont();
oldColor = pLastText->GetColor();
LOGFONT logFont = (LOGFONT) (*pLastFont);
CFontDialog fontDialog(&logFont);
CSize szPrevSize;
//Some missing codes
MyFigure *pMyFigure;
if(dynamic_cast<MyTextFigure*>(pMyFigure) != NULL)
if(dynamic_cast<MyTextBoxFigure*>(pLastText) != NULL)
MyTextBoxFigure *pTextBox = dynamic_cast<MyTextBoxFigure*>(pLastText);
szPrevSize = pTextBox->GetTextSize();
else if(dynamic_cast<MyTableFigure*>(pMyFigure) != NULL)
MyTableFigure *pTableFigure = dynamic_cast<MyTableFigure*>(pMyFigure);
TCell *pCell = (TCell *)*pTableFigure;
szPrevSize = pCell->GetTextSize();
fontDialog.m_cf.rgbColors = (COLORREF) oldColor;
if (fontDialog.DoModal() == IDOK)
MyFont newFont = (MyFont) logFont;
MyColor newColor = (MyColor) fontDialog.GetColor();
pMyFigure->SetFont(newFont, &dc);
Please note that MyFont is a wrapper around the LOGFONT structure and has an operator that enable cast to LOGFONT. Also note that MyFigure class has a MyFont data member that is set by the member function SetFont.
The following code shows how the relationship between the view port and the window extent was set.
void CDisplayView::OnInitialUpdate()
CRect rcClient;
CClientDC dc(this);
CSize szWindow(m_pAppDoc->GetZoomRatio() * SCALE_RATIO * dc.GetDeviceCaps(HORZRES),m_pAppDoc->GetZoomRatio() * SCALE_RATIO * dc.GetDeviceCaps(VERTRES));
CSize szViewport(dc.GetDeviceCaps(HORZRES),dc.GetDeviceCaps(VERTRES));
//And so on
ZoomRatio is 1, an SCALE_RATIO is 1.2
The assignment operator is:
MyFont& MyFont::operator=(const MyFont& font)
if (this != &font)
m_logFont = font.m_logFont;
return *this;
The summary of the code is:
LOGFONT OldlogFont ;
LOGFONT newLogFont;
COLLORREF OldColorref;
COLORREF newColorref;
CFontDialog fontDialog(&OldlogFont);
fontDialog.m_cf.rgbColors = oldColorref;
if (fontDialog.DoModal() == IDOK)
newLogFont = OldlogFont;
newColorref = fontDialog.GetColor();
The focus here is the LOGFONT structure.
The user selected value is gotten with old logfont then assigned to new logfont.
For debugging purposes, I retrieved the size of the selected font and was shocked to find that it is ten times the size that I selected after lunching the CFontDialog for use in my application i.e
LOGFONT OldlogFont ;
LOGFONT newLogFont;
COLLORREF OldColorref;
COLORREF newColorref;
CFontDialog fontDialog(&OldlogFont);
fontDialog.m_cf.rgbColors = oldColorref;
if (fontDialog.DoModal() == IDOK)
newLogFont = OldlogFont;
newColorref = fontDialog.GetColor();
int iFontSize = fontDialog.GetSize();
//when I selected a font size of 10 from the dialog, what I get here in my code is 100.
This is how I do it:
void CExportSettingsDlg::OnBtnSelectFont()
CClientDC dc(this);
m_plfCurrentFont->lfHeight =
-MulDiv(m_plfCurrentFont->lfHeight, dc.GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY), 72);
CMyFontDialog dlgFont( m_plfCurrentFont );
dlgFont.m_cf.Flags |= CF_NOSCRIPTSEL;
dlgFont.m_cf.rgbColors = m_crCurrentFontColour;
if( dlgFont.DoModal() == IDOK)
m_plfCurrentFont->lfHeight = -(dlgFont.GetSize()/10);
// We must retrieve the font colour into the correct variable.
// The logfont is already correct because we passed in the
// logfont pointer into the font dialogue.
switch( m_iFontType )
m_sSettings.crTitleFontColour = dlgFont.GetColor();
m_sSettings.crHeadingFontColour = dlgFont.GetColor();
m_sSettings.crGeneralFontColour = dlgFont.GetColor();
m_sSettings.crEventFontColour = dlgFont.GetColor();
m_sSettings.crNotesFontColour = dlgFont.GetColor();
// Update display
// Html Preview
If it does not answer your question I will remove the answer. Notice how I set the font size at the start of the code.
If you read up on the MSDN for GetSize it states:
The font's size, in tenths of a point

How to render CRichEditCtrl on CDC with transparent backgorund ? (MFC)

I need help with rendering CRichEditCtrl content with transparent background on graphical context which is displayed on screen and printed as well.
Now I have following code, which is working good except transparency issues:
CRichEditCtrl ctrl; // my CRichEditCtrl
CDC *dc; // - my graphical context
CRect cHiMetricRect( 0, 0, origSize.cx*factor,origSize.cy*factor);
CRect cTwipsRect( 0, 0, (TWIPS_INCH * targetSize.cx + HIMETRIC_INCH / 2) / HIMETRIC_INCH, (TWIPS_INCH * targetSize.cy + HIMETRIC_INCH / 2) / HIMETRIC_INCH);
CMetaFileDC metaFile;
metaFile.CreateEnhanced( dc, NULL, cHiMetricRect, NULL );
metaFile.SetAttribDC( dc->m_hDC );
stFR.hdcTarget = stFR.hdc = metaFile.m_hDC;
stFR.rcPage = stFR.rc = cTwipsRect;
stFR.chrg.cpMin = 0;
stFR.chrg.cpMax = -1;
ctrl.FormatRange( &stFR, TRUE);
ctrl.FormatRange( NULL, TRUE);
HENHMETAFILE hMetaFile = metaFile.CloseEnhanced();
I need to render this text with transparency because there are already things drawn on my DC.
I tried to search web for any help about metafiles and transparency but found nothing adequate. I will be thankful for any kind of help.
I'm not very sure about MetaFiles, but I've done something similar with EMFs with straight WinAPI which does work -- call EnumEnhMetaFile instead of PlayMetaFile, like:
BOOL bFirstTime = TRUE;
EnumEnhMetaFile(hDC, m_hEmf, (ENHMFENUMPROC)EmfEnumProc_Play_TranspBackground, &bFirstTime, &rc);
where the EnumProc is defined as
int CALLBACK EmfEnumProc_Play_TranspBackground(HDC hDC, LPHANDLETABLE lpHTable, LPENHMETARECORD lpEMFR, int nObj, LPARAM lpData)
if (lpEMFR->iType == EMR_SETBKMODE)
if (lpEMRBkMode->iMode == OPAQUE)
EmrBkMode.emr.iType = EMR_SETBKMODE;
EmrBkMode.emr.nSize = (sizeof(EmrBkMode) % 4 == 0 ? sizeof(EmrBkMode) : (((sizeof(EmrBkMode) / 4) + 1) * 4));
EmrBkMode.iMode = TRANSPARENT;
bOK = PlayEnhMetaFileRecord(hDC, lpHTable, (LPENHMETARECORD)&EmrBkMode, (UINT)nObj);
return bOK;
bOK = PlayEnhMetaFileRecord(hDC, lpHTable, lpEMFR, (UINT)nObj);
if (lpEMFR->iType == EMR_HEADER)
{ BOOL* pbFirstTime = (BOOL*)lpData;
if (*pbFirstTime)
EmrBkMode.emr.iType = EMR_SETBKMODE;
EmrBkMode.emr.nSize = (sizeof(EmrBkMode) % 4 == 0 ? sizeof(EmrBkMode) : (((sizeof(EmrBkMode) / 4) + 1) * 4));
EmrBkMode.iMode = TRANSPARENT;
PlayEnhMetaFileRecord(hDC, lpHTable, (LPENHMETARECORD)&EmrBkMode, (UINT)nObj);
*pbFirstTime = FALSE;
return bOK;
I used EnumEnhMetaFile function:
EnumEnhMetaFile(dc->m_hDC, hMetaFile, myMetafileProc, NULL, rect );
Then I used callback procedure that retrives each record of metafile:
int metafileProc( HDC hDC, HANDLETABLE *lpHTable, const ENHMETARECORD *lpEMFR, int nObj, LPARAM lpData) {
if ( lpEMFR->iType == EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW ) {
s->textStruct.options = 0x00;
if ( bgColorFlag ) {
bgColorFlag = false;
renderRect( hDC, s->textStruct.rect, c );
PlayEnhMetaFileRecord( hDC, lpHTable, lpEMFR, nObj );
} else if ( lpEMFR->iType == EMR_SETBKCOLOR ) {
BYTE *ptr = (BYTE*)lpEMFR;
COLORREF temp = *((COLORREF*)(ptr+8));
if ( temp != 0xFFFFFF ) {
lastBgColor = temp;
bgColorFlag = true;
return 1;
where renderRect( hDC, s->textStruct.rect, c ) is function which draws transparent background in c color. I have to zero options flag for text becouse there was different behaviour in Windows XP and Windows 7 and 8 - after that everything works ok. Thanks for help. Best regards.

When code accidently starts to work without a real change

I have run into similar situations before when my code is not working properly and on my quest to solve the problem I made some changes than comment those changes and boom it fixed the problem. All of sudden just a an 'edit' in the file somewhere has fixed the issue but there was no real change in the code. I ran into similar problem again and I am just wondering how does this happen?
void CDlgResizeHelper::Init(HWND hparent)
m_hParent = hparent;
if (::IsWindow(m_hParent))
::GetWindowRect(m_hParent, m_OrigParentSize);
// get all child windows and store their original sizes and positions
HWND hCtrl = ::GetTopWindow(m_hParent);
while (hCtrl)
CtrlSize cs;
cs.hctrl = hCtrl;
::GetWindowRect(hCtrl, cs.orig_size);
::ScreenToClient(m_hParent, &cs.orig_size.TopLeft());
::ScreenToClient(m_hParent, &cs.orig_size.BottomRight());
// CString msg;
// msg.Format("Old Size: %d %d %d %d\r\n", cs.orig_size.left, cs.orig_size.top, cs.orig_size.right, cs.orig_size.bottom );
// TRACE( msg );
hCtrl = ::GetNextWindow(hCtrl, GW_HWNDNEXT);
This class/function resizes controls based on the dialog size. It was working in debug version but the same code doesn't work (=resize properly) in release version. I made changes and added the three lines in the loop above for TRACE function. It starts to work properly in release version as well. Than I commented these lines, it still works in release build. I removed them and it doesn't work in release build anymore. I have to have these lines just commented present for release build to do the right thing. How can this be justified? What could really cause this 'edit' of file which is really no change in the real code fix the problem?
I also want to add that I have tried 'edit' or commented new code else where in the file that doesn't necessarily fixes the problem. I only need to have the commented code in the above function that would fix it.
Update Here is the complete class. I must say this class is available free somewhere on web and I am not the original author.
Init is called from the OnInitDialog of the dialog which needs resizing. It just stores the coordinates of all controls.
OnSize() actually does the resizing.
void CDlgResizeHelper::Init(HWND hparent)
m_hParent = hparent;
if (::IsWindow(m_hParent))
::GetWindowRect(m_hParent, m_OrigParentSize);
// get all child windows and store their original sizes and positions
HWND hCtrl = ::GetTopWindow(m_hParent);
while (hCtrl)
CtrlSize cs;
cs.hctrl = hCtrl;
::GetWindowRect(hCtrl, cs.orig_size);
::ScreenToClient(m_hParent, &cs.orig_size.TopLeft());
::ScreenToClient(m_hParent, &cs.orig_size.BottomRight());
CString msg;
msg.Format("Old Size: %d %d %d %d\r\n", cs.orig_size.left, cs.orig_size.top, cs.orig_size.right, cs.orig_size.bottom );
Sleep( 50 );
hCtrl = ::GetNextWindow(hCtrl, GW_HWNDNEXT);
void CDlgResizeHelper::Remove(HWND hwnd)
CtrlList::iterator it;
for (it = m_CtrlsList.begin(); it != m_CtrlsList.end(); ++it)
if (it->hctrl == hwnd)
void CDlgResizeHelper::Update(HWND hwnd)
if (m_hParent && hwnd)
CtrlList::iterator it;
for (it = m_CtrlsList.begin(); it != m_CtrlsList.end(); ++it)
if (it->hctrl == hwnd)
::GetWindowRect(hwnd, &(it->orig_size));
::ScreenToClient(m_hParent, &(it->orig_size.TopLeft()));
::ScreenToClient(m_hParent, &(it->orig_size.BottomRight()));
void CDlgResizeHelper::Add(HWND hwnd)
if (m_hParent && hwnd)
CtrlSize cs;
cs.hctrl = hwnd;
::GetWindowRect(hwnd, cs.orig_size);
::ScreenToClient(m_hParent, &cs.orig_size.TopLeft());
::ScreenToClient(m_hParent, &cs.orig_size.BottomRight());
void CDlgResizeHelper::OnSize()
if (::IsWindow(m_hParent))
CRect currparentsize;
::GetWindowRect(m_hParent, currparentsize);
double xratio = ((double) currparentsize.Width()) / m_OrigParentSize.Width();
double yratio = ((double) currparentsize.Height()) / m_OrigParentSize.Height();
HDWP hdwp;
hdwp = BeginDeferWindowPos((int)m_CtrlsList.size());
// resize child windows according to their fix attributes
CtrlList::const_iterator it;
for (it = m_CtrlsList.begin(); it != m_CtrlsList.end(); ++it)
CRect currctrlsize;
HorizFix horiz_fix = it->horiz_fix;
VertFix vert_fix = it->vert_fix;
if (horiz_fix & LEFT)
currctrlsize.left = it->orig_size.left;
currctrlsize.left = (LONG)( ((horiz_fix & WIDTH) && (horiz_fix & RIGHT)) ? (it->orig_size.left + currparentsize.Width() - m_OrigParentSize.Width()) : (it->orig_size.left * xratio));
if (horiz_fix & RIGHT)
currctrlsize.right = it->orig_size.right + currparentsize.Width() - m_OrigParentSize.Width();
currctrlsize.right = (LONG)((horiz_fix & WIDTH) ? (currctrlsize.left + it->orig_size.Width()) : (it->orig_size.right * xratio));
if (vert_fix & TOP)
currctrlsize.top = it->orig_size.top;
currctrlsize.top = (LONG)(((vert_fix & HEIGHT) && (vert_fix & BOTTOM)) ? (it->orig_size.top + currparentsize.Height() - m_OrigParentSize.Height()) : (it->orig_size.top * yratio));
if (vert_fix & BOTTOM)
currctrlsize.bottom = it->orig_size.bottom + currparentsize.Height() - m_OrigParentSize.Height();
currctrlsize.bottom = (LONG)((vert_fix & HEIGHT) ? (currctrlsize.top + it->orig_size.Height()) : (it->orig_size.bottom * yratio));
if (! it->resize)
flags |= SWP_NOSIZE;
hdwp = ::DeferWindowPos(hdwp, it->hctrl, NULL, currctrlsize.left, currctrlsize.top, (it->resize)? currctrlsize.Width() : 0, (it->resize)? currctrlsize.Height() : 0, flags);
if (hdwp == NULL)
} //end for (it = m_CtrlsList.begin(); it != m_CtrlsList.end(); ++it)
} //end if (::IsWindow(m_hParent))
BOOL CDlgResizeHelper::Fix(HWND a_hCtrl, HorizFix a_hFix, VertFix a_vFix, bool resize /= true/)
CtrlList::iterator it;
for (it = m_CtrlsList.begin(); it != m_CtrlsList.end(); ++it)
if (it->hctrl == a_hCtrl)
it->horiz_fix = a_hFix;
it->vert_fix = a_vFix;
it->resize = resize;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
BOOL CDlgResizeHelper::Fix(int a_itemId, HorizFix a_hFix, VertFix a_vFix, bool resize /= true/)
return Fix(::GetDlgItem(m_hParent, a_itemId), a_hFix, a_vFix, resize);
BOOL CDlgResizeHelper::Fix(HorizFix a_hFix, VertFix a_vFix, bool resize /= true/)
CtrlList::iterator it;
for(it = m_CtrlsList.begin(); it!=m_CtrlsList.end(); ++it)
it->horiz_fix = a_hFix;
it->vert_fix = a_vFix;
it->resize = resize;
return TRUE;
UINT CDlgResizeHelper::Fix(LPCTSTR a_pszClassName, HorizFix a_hFix, VertFix a_vFix, bool resize /= true/)
char cn_buf[200];
memset(cn_buf, 0, 200);
UINT cnt = 0;
CtrlList::iterator it;
for (it = m_CtrlsList.begin(); it!= m_CtrlsList.end(); ++it)
::GetClassName(it->hctrl, cn_buf, sizeof(cn_buf));
if (strcmp(cn_buf, a_pszClassName) == 0)
it->horiz_fix = a_hFix;
it->vert_fix = a_vFix;
it->resize = resize;
return cnt;
This sounds like you have uninitialized variable used somewhere. It can get different values depending on build mode and it just so happens that it is assigned something harmless in debug.
Try running CppCheck application against your code. Won't hurt anyway.