Facebook API: Best practices when using a load balancer - facebook-graph-api

I'm developing a Facebook connected website using the PHP SDK and I am looking for guidance on best practices for scaling.
I have two pages
http://www.example.com/foo.php -> User reads about the web app here and Authorizes the Facebook application
The user is then has the option to go to another page:
http://www.example.com/bar.php -> Custom page generated for the user based on data queried using FQL
I am looking to distribute this application across a series of servers on PHPFog and they are sitting behind a load balancer. This means that the user may end up getting foo.php from Server1 and then being redirected to Server2 for bar.php. I am concerned that this will break the Facebook auth session.
Does anyone know how I can correctly code for this scenario or if there are any best practices published anywhere?

The access token will be valid across both servers, you can even take the access token an use it in your own browser while it is valid.
I would store the access token in an encrypted cookie, that way every server would be able to obtain the right access token for the user.


want to push/pull data into/from SalesForce Accounts/leads from/to my external web app

I have my web application. Now i want to integrate salesforce into my web app so that i can push data from my app to any salesforce org after the authentication(OAuth).
I found 2 ways:
1. Connected Apps
2. via wsdl generation file and use
I created a connected app from my developer account and i authenticated using consumer key, cusumer secret key(from my connected app) and username of user and secret token of the user account.
I tried with another free trail account, It's validating and fetching the details and post data also working.
My question is, shall i deploy my connected app into app exchange, then only i caan use REST APIs ?
generating wsdl and coding around is the better option than the above ?
Is there a option, only one time authentication enough for any number of sessions and use the REST APIs?
Please suggest me a best way to proceed.
You're mixing up a couple of independent issues here.
If you're going to authenticate via OAuth, you must have a Connected App.
A SOAP API login() call requires you to store a username and password, which is undesirable.
There is no way to "permanently" authenticate, i.e., to get a session id that never expires. Your app must always be ready to get a new access token via the OAuth refresh token it obtains and stores (via, for example, the Web Server OAuth flow), or to reauthenticate via JWT flow.
Connected Apps are global metadata in most cases. You don't need to deploy a Connected App into a target org in order to authenticate using its Client Id and Secret into that org. The only exception I'm aware of is if you want to use the JWT flow with a certificate and preauthorized Profiles and Permission Sets.
Based on what you've shared, I don't see any reason for the AppExchange to be involved.

Securing publicly accessible REST endpoints

We have a REST endpoint that provides some back end services to our publicly available Web site. The web site does not require any user authentication to access its content. Anyone can access it anonymously.
Given this scenario, we would still like to protect the back-end REST api to be somewhat secured in the sense that only users using our Web site can call it.
We dont want a malicious user to run a script outside the browser bombarding it for example.
We dont even want him to run a script automating the UI to access the endpoint.
I understand that a fully public endpoint without user authentication is somewhat impossible to secure. But can we restrict usage to valid scenarios?
Some ideas:
Use TLS/SSL for the communication - this protects the channel only.
Use some Api key (that periodically expires) that the client/browser needs to pass to the server. (a malicious user can still use the key)
Use the key to throttle the number of requests.
Use it with conjunction of a CSRF token??
Use CAPTCHA on the web site to ensure human user ( adds an element of annoyance to the final user).
Use IP whitelisting.
Use load balancing and scaling of server to handle loads.
I suppose this should be a scenario occurring in the wild.
What security steps are prevalent?
Is it possible to restrict usage via only the website and not via a script?
If its not possible to secure, what kind of mitigations are used with such public rest endpoints?

How can I implement user authentication for ColdFusion Web Services called from a mobile application?

I am developing several Web Services that will be accessed by a mobile application. I have several requirements:
Each user will need to sign in with their own User ID and Password (the same User ID and Password they use to sign into the website).
Every Web Service request will need to be authenticated to ensure that the request is coming from the mobile app(s).
Every Web Service request will need to authenticate the user, since there is user-specific fucntionality built in, and access will need to be blocked if the user's account is disabled.
Let's assume that OAuth is not an option.
In order to ensure that Web Service requests are coming only from the mobile app(s), I am planning to use HTTP Basic Authentication in IIS (the mobile app(s) will need to have a User Account setup in Windows Server and the mobile app will need to store the User Name & Password and pass these in the header).
Next is the User Authentication for each Web Service request. Would it be suitable to encrypt the User ID, Password, and some shared secret key (a "pepper", of sort) with AES-256, pass that encrypted string as a parameter with each request (over HTTPS, of course), and then decrypt and parse it on the server to authenticate? This is the existing plan, but something just doesnt seem right about it - like it's not "secure enough".
What else can I do to properly authenticate users for Web Service requests?
I recently went through this problem and asked opinions from a group of senior people about how they solve the problem. Opinions were varied, but one consistent feeling is that your level of security depends on the use case of your application. Are you doing online banking or storing medical records? Then your security needs may be quite high. Social networking? Maybe not so much.
Basic Authentication is generally fine when encrypted over SSL, ColdFusion works well with it. If you use Basic Auth, make sure to encrypt your traffic with 1024-bit keys or better. Don't authenticate every request with username/password - that's unnecessary. Authenticate the first request, set a session token, and rely on the session token for your identification of users.
Set a polling mechanism from the client to the server to keep the session alive - set the session timeout to 30 minutes and the polling frequency at 25 minutes, for example. Otherwise you may need to re-authenticate expired sessions. Again, how you approach this part of the solution depends on your paranoia level, which depends on what kind of data/app you are dealing with.
Cookies, and therefore sessions, should work fine in iOS apps. If you use sessions to verify identity after authentication, make sure your session cookies are memory-only (set at the server level).
Check the SSL implementation of your server against the Qualysis SSL Test:
The report will give you a surprising amount of detail about the strength of your SSL implementation.
Lastly, consider implementing two-factor authentication to combat password theft.
If you ignore the SSL advice and plan on encrypting your password and communicating over an insecure channel, look at the Kerberos protocol for a well-known example of how to authenticate securely:
Yes, you can use Basic Authentication but that means the client will need to store the username/password in plain text, and also send them over in plain text. Sending part is sort of fine if it's under HTTPS, but storing username/password in plain text may not be a good idea, unless you're using some secure key store.
Let's assume you have decided that Basic Authentication is the way to go, and you want to make use of the official CF way of supporting that, then you can use CFLOGIN.name & CFLOGIN.password. You may also check out Ask Ben: Manually Enforcing Basic HTTP Authorization In ColdFusion. In the remote cfc side, always validate the username/password, or return some sort of token and asks the client to use that token going forward. The token can be cfid+cftoken if you like, or even roll your own that never expires. If you use cfid+cftoken, and send them over as cookie or in body along with your web service call, I believe you can resume the session if you so choose.

Securing a REST API with Facebook OAuth

I am building a app/API that allows user to login with Facebook, Twitter or Google. I am wondering what are the best practices in allowing those user to use the same account to login to the API.
A couple Ideas that I have had is pass the auth token/cookie in a header to the API for every request and use that to authenticate on the backend.
Run my own OAuth setup and make the user authenticate once with the back end to get my OAuth token and use those from then on.
I am doing the same thing and my solution is to match the email addresses that you get from these respective APIs.
For Facebook, you need special permission from the end user to get the email address registered there. You do this by adding &scope=email to the first oauth request.
A disadvantage is that you need to get this permission from the end user and they may decline. Another disadvantage is that users need to use the same email addresses for Google, Facebook and Twitter.
An advantage is that user records are merged automatically, so users can directly access all their data if they logged in the first time through Google, and the second time through Facebook.
Another approach would be to manually merge their data by making them log in to Google when they are already logged in through Facebook. Then you can conclude that they are the same user, even when they use different email addresses for both. But this is a more tedious approach, as you still need to merge the app's user data from both accounts.
Your first solution is exactly the way I do it. As all my rest services are stateless, the access token goes in the header and is parsed by spring security authentication filters on every request. I use a grails sever with the spring-security-oauth plugin. We also run a website which allows for using session cookies for browser based access.

It is possible (and/or a good idea) to reuse OAuth tokens between apps?

I'm working on an iPhone app that uses xAuth to login to Twitter. The app also communicates with my own web service. Rather than maintain a user model inside the web service, I'd like to just allow anyone who's already authenticated via Twitter to make requests.
The high-level use case is this: the user logs into and interacts with Twitter through the app. They can also interact with my web service through the app. The web service itself never interacts with Twitter. Instead of maintaining a separate authentication system on my side, I'd like the server to say "OK, if Twitter says you're #joshfrench then you can have access."
I'm not sure how I should validate requests on the server side, though. How would I pass some proof of authentication from the mobile client to my web service? Can I send along the existing Twitter token and verify it from the server? Or somehow sign the request with my Twitter app's credentials? Is this even a valid use of OAuth?
If you store your twitter app key and secret on both he iphone app and your server, and then somehow transmit the user's oauth token (also called "access token") key/secret from the iphone app to the server, then you can do the same type of api calls from the server.
consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new(app_key, app_secret, …)
access_token = OAuth::AccessToken.new(consumer, user_key, user_secret)
response = access_token.get('/stuff.xml')
So, is it Okay to transmit that info from the app to the server? If you do it securely, and it's within the user's expectation for how the app behaves, then it's a perfectly fine use of oauth.
It's possible that it's not allowed by Twitter's terms of service -- I could imagine there being something that says you can't transfer a user's access secret across the network, or some such thing. (total wild speculation, I don't think it's particularly likely that that's the case)