changing name of website title when click Facebook like - facebook-graph-api

I created a web app with Rails and gave it the name on my local host LP4. Rails then made that the title of the site and, without thinking, I forgot to change it once I added a Facebook like button. Now anytime I or anyone else clicks "like" it shows that they like "LP4" on their facebook page. The only place it said LP4 on my site was in the title tags and I've changed them to the proper title of the site.
Furthermore, I put the Facebook meta tags in the header of my site indicating the new title etc, and the like button still puts "LP4" on the Facebook page.
I also never put the title LP4 on Facebook's developer settings so I don't know where it's getting it from.
Anyone know how to fix this?
<meta property="og:title" content="My New Title"/>
<meta property="og:type" content="website"/>
<meta property="og:url" content=""/>
<meta property="og:image" content="http://blah.png"/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Site Name"/>
<meta property="fb:admins" content="2484848484848"/>
<meta property="og:description"
content="random site description."/


Opencart remove demo catalog

when paste my web site link to Facebook time line the demo banner image appear in the preview although i removed them
Facebook Markup for sharing in facebook
Facebook has made its own markup language to understand content in your webpage.
This makes sharing in Facebook managed, beautiful and easy. For this you have to add following tags inside head tag of your webpage.
<meta property="og:url" content="Your current page's url" />
<meta property="og:type" content="content type" />
<meta property="og:title" content="Title of your page or title you want to show in facebook" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Short description what your webpage is about" />
<meta property="og:image" content="url of your image to be shown in facebook" />
You can now share beautiful content in facebook.
Hope it helps.
You have to use facebook open graph markup. Using this you can set title, description and image. To set an image, use this
<meta property="og:image" content="IMAGE_URL" />
Use those tags inside <head>. May be helpful, try this open graph markup

Like description does not display on Timeline

I made an app for Facebook. The 'like' description shows up in share but on people's Timeline it does not appear. I have debugged and tried over and over but it's still not working. The image appears, the link, the site name but no description.
These are the metatags I use:
<meta property="og:{tagName}" content="{tagValue}"/>
<meta property="og:image" content="..."/>
<meta property="og:title" content="..."/>
<meta property="og:url" content="..."/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="..."/>
<meta property="og:type" content="blog"/>
<meta name="keywords" content="giggle">
I just don't understand why the description appears on the main Facebook page but not the Timeline.
After having done an extensive amount of digging for a project of mine that had the same problem (that's how I found this question). I've come to the conclusion that this is the basic facebook functionality, and there's no way around it.
I checked out two popular websites that should be doing it correctly and here you can see the New York Times in News Feed:
and Time Line:
Also, Upworthy in News Feed:
and Time Line:

Facebook's Lint is crawling root URL rather than the given URL

There are previous posts about this on the web, however none of the proposed solutions actually work for my scenario.
I have a children pages which all have their own unique og tags, and a parent root domain page with its own og tag, all to be crawled by facebook so people can see the descriptions/images when they are posted.
However, when I post my child url in the box, the results are blatantly proof that facebook crawled the parent page instead. Even the "see exactly what our scraper sees" page confirms that because it is only the parent template being shown.
Here is a link to fb's scraper :
Here are my og tags in the root domain html template:
Suppose the parent is
Suppose one child is
<head> ...
<meta name="keywords" content="...">
<meta name="description" content="..." />
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="..."/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="..." />
<meta property="og:type" content="website" />
<meta property="og:title" content="..." />
<meta property="og:image" content="..." />
<meta property="og:description" content="..." />
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
Here are the og tags in the child html template:
<head> ...
<meta name="keywords" content="...">
<meta name="description" content="..." />
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="..."/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="..." />
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="og:title" content="..." />
<meta property="og:image" content="..." />
<meta property="og:description" content="..." />
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
This is very frustrating because i've tried removing and adding many of the tags in different combinations, and every single time, the parent gets crawled, while the child is left ignored!!
I tried to mimic the order of the tags of other sites with this feature working like, but however mine still refuse to crawl the child..
Any help? Thank you.
Check that you're not
Rejecting the crawler's attempt to reach the child page
Redirecting the child page to the parent page when the crawler tries to load it
Including an og:url meta tag on the child page pointing to the homepage
Including a canonical meta tag in the child page pointing to the parent
Those are by far the most likely reasons for this, and though you've said in your question your og:url tags are correct, in my experience that's most likely to be the problrm
I fixed the issue after after finally noticing some odd hints. The site i'm working on is set so the first page view redirects to a splash page if and only if a specific cookie has not been set.
Hence, the Facebook crawler was hitting that page every time. It was not obvious though because the splash page inherits so much and looks just like one of the regular child pages.
What an unfortunate & time consuming bug.
This may be a stupid question, but I'll ask it nonetheless: Do the child urls have public access? The problem you are facing could be because the child url is being redirected to root url.
In the facebook linter output check for Fetched Url and Canonical Url section. This will give you some idea, whether redirections are happening.
It's Facebook.... there's something in their 'cacheing' or whatever you want to call it....
when a page is registered with a incorrect url... correcting that can be tricky....if not impossible...
Just try this.... change your back page url to:
and run it thru the linter....with the correct metatags.....

get like count of urls shared on facebook wall (NOT link_stat)

I've Facebook like button correctly in my site.
My meta look like these:
<meta property="og:image" content="image url"/>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="site name"/>
<meta property="og:title" content="page title"/>
<meta property="og:url" content="page url" />
<meta property="og:description" content="page description" />
<meta property="og:type" content="article"/>
<meta property="fb:admins" content="my_user_id"/>
<meta property="fb:app_id" content="my_app_id"/>
Meta are properly inserted & verified (with Facebook linter)
I'm able to get like count value throught fql query
SELECT share_count, like_count, comment_count, total_count FROM link_stat WHERE url="mysiteurl"
It's all ok but these values don't include likes made from users on Facebook wall.
For example if I share a link ( on my wall and my friends or someone else likes the url from their own wall, the like count on doesn't reflect these new likes. It's not a cache delay issue.
It seems to me that, url shared on Facebook lives on its own.
I'd want to get the like count mentioned above.
Thanks for your help.
Liking a stream item (aka post/wall/feed/link) which happens to contain your link is not the same as liking a url.

vBulletin Facebook LIKEs thumbnail

I'm running vBulletin 4.1.5 and I have configured it's Facebook settings. The problem I'm facing is when someone clicked LIKE button, the thumbnail posted in Facebook is not the first image in the thread, it will pick randomly from anywhere in the page i.e. avatar of any user replied in that thread!
Appreciate your help!
one solution is that you can define a global "facebook-thumbnail" for all shares.
Go to
Facebook Options
Image URL
This image should be your site-logo or something else.
I'm still programming with vB3.8.x, however I'm working on a plugin for facebook liking. Might help you write you're own for vB4.x
First, you need opengraph and facebook namespaces defined:
<html xmlns="" xmlns:og="" xmlns:fb="">
<head profile="">
Second, you need facebook's javascript:
<scr ipt type="text/javascript" src="">
</scr ipt>
Last, you need open graph tags defined in the section of the html page:
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="og:title" content="this shows up as article's title when you like" />
<link rel="image_src" href="" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<link rel="image_src" href="" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<link rel="image_src" href="" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<link rel="image_src" href="" />
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
The plugin I'm working on will loop through the top 5 attachments for a post and write out image_src tags and og:image tags. Not yet sure which hook I'll use.
pseudo code:
$attachs = $db->query_read_slave("
SELECT attachmentid, attachment.dateline
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "post AS post
INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "attachment AS attachment ON (attachment.postid=post.postid AND attachment.visible=1)
WHERE threadid = $threadinfo[threadid]
AND post.visible = 1
ORDER BY filename DESC
if ($db->num_rows($attachs))
while ($attachment = $db->fetch_array($attachs))
$strImages = "<meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"/attachment.php?attachmentid=$attachment[attachmentid]&d=$attachment[dateline]\" />"
FYI - facebook seems to add thumbnails in a reverse manner. They'll look at the last og:image and use that as the first thumbnail; the next thumbnail shown would be the second to last and so on. Might want to play with the sort order of the SQL if that's important. Also, the image_src link is used for non-open graph social sites (google plus, twitter)