New MinGW gcc doesn't do anything - c++

I'm trying to compile a simple helloworld program with MinGW on Windows and nothing happens. No output, no executable, nothing. I've just installed the latest MinGW with their mingw-get-inst-20120421.exe installer. When I use an older version of MinGW that came with Code::Blocks, I am able to compile the program. I'm out of ideas and my googling has been in vain. C:\MinGW\bin is on my path and I'm using MSYS.
Command line parameters in MSYS:
gcc helloworld.c -o helloworld

Execute the console from the Start menu, Start->MingW->MinGW Shell or from filesystem:
Execute gcc in this shell.
Otherwise you will have to add the minGW/bin directory to your PATH environment variable.

Go to the directory where you have you gcc executable. In my case it's:
From there execute gcc:
gcc myFile.c
If it compiles, than something must screwed up your $PATH


C++ Why is MSYS2 MINGW UCRT x64 gdb command not found

So I tried to check Mingw-w64 tools are correctly installed and gcc, g++ were correctly installed but gdb wasn't. I'm planning to usE Visual studio code in windows 10.
In the, it said to match PATH entry but when I went to C:\msys64\mingw64\bin directory, the file was empty. Did I miss something or how do I know the correct path to put in the environment variable?
I tried C:\msys64\mingw64\bin as both user variable & system variable path but it won't work. and it said command not found.
This is what it said.
$ gdb --version
bash: gdb: command not found
Try installing GDB by running this in your Bash shell:

Compiling with MingW in CMD shows libisl-21.dll was not found

I was trying to compile a .cpp file using command-line, but I am encountering an error.
I have installed MinGW properly from the official installer.
Also, I sat the path to the bin folder of MinGW which is in C drive.
Now when I try to compile file with command:
g++ demo.cpp -o demo.exe
I get a "CC1plus.exe - System error" message-box, like:
The code execution cannot proceed because libisl-21.dll was not found.
Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
I can't find the .dll file anywhere. What seems to be going wrong? Any lead? I have reinstalled MinGW multiple times.
libisl-*.dll is part of the MinGW-w64 distribution.
I'm not sure older MinGW also provides it, but you should use MinGW-w64 anyway (e.g. from or installed via MSYS2's pacman) as it's much better maintained and supports newer Windows versions (including 64-bit).
Your problem is that g++.exe depends on libisl-21.dll but can't find it.
Check the following:
From which location is g++.exe being called? This should be the first location containing g++.exe in the PATH environment variable in the environment where you were running g++.exe from (e.g. if this is the Command Prompt type ECHO %PATH% to see its value).
Does the folder containing g++.exe also contain libisl-21.dll?
Is your MinGW setup broken or can it be uninstalled+reinstalled?
Do you have multiple MinGW / MinGW-w64 installations on your system that are getting mixed up (e.g. because multiple are point to via the PATH environment variable)?
You can try to unpack a standalone MinGW-w64 from - which doesn't have an installer and will not interfere with your other installed MinGW(-w64) releases - and try to use g++.exe from its bin folder by specifying it's entire path.
I'm working on an embedded program, but want to test out code snippets on g++ on Windows because it's much faster than building & loading on the embedded system itself. Our embedded system's unittests run on C:\MinGW\bin\gcc\g++.exe, so that's the copy of g++ I was trying to use when I had this problem. Using hints from Brecht Sanders's answer, this solved my problem:
In a "build.bat" file I created local to my code snippet "ftest.cpp" file:
#set PATH=C:\MinGW\bin;C:\MinGW\bin\gcc;%ORIGINAL_PATH_VARIABLE%
g++ -std=gnu++11 -g -Wall -Werror ftest.cpp
(I searched for and found libisl-21.dll at C:\MinGW\bin.)
Hopefully someone finds this helpful.

Where is G++in MinGW install?

I installed MinGW and set the variable PATH. Then g++ in the terminal worked only ONCE, then the terminal does not recognize g++ only gcc, as you can see:
I tried to reinstall it, but it did not work. Still the g++.exe file is missing.
And when I try to install it, the terminal says I already installed it, like this:
Just type echo $PATH then you should have your g++ executable file on that path.
I already have the solution, my antivirus deleted g++.exe very time when i installed it.

How to know the command line arugments to build a project that was coded in eclipse

I have a project that I coded in Eclipse, now I need to compile it and run using the terminal. The project has some additional libraries that were added to the linker.
g++ then what?
How can I know that command line arguments that I need to run it through the terminal?
The project was coded in c++ using eclipse Luna on a linux machine.
You could always try
g++ -std=c++0x your_file_name.cpp -o desired_output_name

Invalid toolchain error with Code::Blocks

"Hello - Debug" uses an invalid compiler. Probably the toolchain path within the compiler options is not setup correctly?! Skipping...
I get the above message when I try to run a simple HelloWorld program as below.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
return 0;
Any idea as to why this is happening and how I could solve it would be useful
FYI : Im using the GNU GCC compiler at the moment, I tried changing this too but there was no use.
Thanks to #Thrustmaster's comment. For anyone stuck with a similar problem in the future just go to Settings->Compiler and Debugger->ToolChain Executables ->Click Auto Detect on the compiler's installation directory . Presto! The IDE auto-detects the path and works!
Well, you could use a terminal (this assumes Linux or Mac OSX, and that GCC is installed):
g++ -o hello hello.cpp
Or, to install GCC on OSX, you have to install Xcode (the registration is free) and then go into Xcode → Preferences → Downloads → Components, and click on the install button next to "Command Line Tools".
To install GCC on Debian based Linux distros, use this: sudo apt-get install g++.
Go to Settings->Compiler and Debugger->ToolChain Executables
In Compilers installation directory, browse and select your MinGW installed Directory
Also for C compiler, browse and go to bin folder which is inside MinGW and select mingw32-gcc.exe
For C++ compiler, select mingw32-g++.exe from there
For Linker for dynamic libs , select mingw32-g++.exe from there
For Linker for static libs, select ar.exe from there
For Debugger, select gdb.exe from there
For Resource Compiler, select windres.exe from there
For Make program mingw32-make.exe from there
thats how it worked for me
This happens because your compiler settings are not configured. This is how i solved my issue
Download MinGW Instaltion Manager
Download mingw32-gcc and mingw32-g++ compilers through MingGW and apply changes.
go to Codeblocks and then settings/toolchain executables
inside program files section configure the C compiler with mingw32-gcc and C++ compiler with mingw32-g++ compiler