Unexpected Program Stoppage on Arduino - c++
I have an issue where my Arduino program hangs for no reason. I run my program, and at some undetermined point, the Serial Monitor stops printing output. Here's what I've tested so far:
In my "com.init_drone()" method, I've commented everything out except for the last line, which signals that the method returned. When I do this, my program hangs somewhere else but still it doesn't get to the infinite while loop.
I've been outputting memory usage, and I'm getting numbers no lower than 450 -- this tells me that I'm not using an absurd amount of memory.
I've tried removing the Timer1 instantiation, interrupt attach/detach, bu that has had no effect on the program.
My .ino file(and Command) is located here for anyone that wants a fuller picture and doesn't want to scroll through all this code I'm going to post below.
Here's my log output so far. Notice the truncation!:
Here is my .ino file:
#include "Command.h"
#include "Streaming.h"
int debug = 1;
extern ring_buffer rx_buf;
extern resultint_ resultint;
Command com;
int sequenceNumber = 1;
String atcmd = "";
#include "TimerOne.h"
#define LEDpin 13
void setup()
com.drone_is_init = com.init_drone();
void watchdog_timer() {
void loop()
if (com.drone_is_init == 0) {
if (debug) {
// never use three ! together in arduino code
PCsrl.println("Drone wasn't initlized before loop() was called. Initalizing now.\r\n");
} else {
//end of program
PCsrl.println("Program finished");
while (1){};
And my Command.cpp
#ifndef GAINSPAN
#define GAINSPAN
#include "Command.h"
extern int sequenceNumber;
extern int debug;
ring_buffer rx_buf= {{0}, 0, 0};
resultint_ resultint;
at = "";
command = "";
s2ip_running = 0;
drone_is_init = 0;
drone_is_hover = 0;
emergency = 0;
void Command::sendwifi(String s) {
WIFIsrl.write(27); //esc
WIFIsrl.print("S0"); //choose connection CID 0
if(debug) PCsrl.println(s);
int Command::start_wifi_connection()
//WIFIsrl.println("ATE0"); //turn off echo
WIFIsrl.print("AT+NMAC=00:1d:c9:10:39:6f\r"); //set MAC address
/* drone's network profile, change if needed*/
delay(3000); //need 3 seconds for connection to establish
return 0;
String Command::makeComwdg()
at = "AT*COMWDG=";
command = at + getSequenceNumber() + "\r\n";
return command;
void Command::sendComwdg_t(int msec)
for (int i = 0; i < msec; i+=20) {
void Command::sendFtrim()
at = "AT*FTRIM=";
command = at + getSequenceNumber() + "\r\n";
void Command::sendConfig(String option, String value)
at = "AT*CONFIG=";
command = at + getSequenceNumber() + ",\"" + option + "\",\"" + value + "\"\r\n";
void Command::sendRef(flying_status fs)
at = "AT*REF=";
if(fs == TAKEOFF){
command = at + getSequenceNumber() + ",290718208\r\n"; //takeoff
else if(fs == LANDING){
command = at + getSequenceNumber() + ",290717696\r\n"; //landing
} else if (fs == EMERGENCY_TOGGLE){
command = at + getSequenceNumber() + ",290717952\r\n"; //landing
// emergency -> 290717952
void Command::send_control_commands(){
at = "AT*CTRL=";
void Command::drone_emergency_reset()
at = "AT*REF=";
command = at + getSequenceNumber() + ",290717952\r\n";
/** Movement functions **/
int Command::moveForward(float distanceInMeters)
float i = 0;
String moveForward = makePcmd(1, 0, -.855, 0, 0);
return 1;
int Command::moveRotate(float yawInDegrees)
int i = 0;
while (i < yawInDegrees) {
String stayRotate = makePcmd(1, 0, 0, 0, 0.17);
i += 8;
return 1;
String Command::makePcmd(int enable, float roll, float pitch, float gaz, float yaw)
at = "AT*PCMD=";
command = at + getSequenceNumber() + "," + enable + "," + fl2int(roll) + "," + fl2int(pitch) + "," + fl2int(gaz) + "," + fl2int(yaw) + "\r";
return command;
void Command::sendPcmd(String command)
previousCommand = command;
void Command::sendPcmd(int enable, float roll, float pitch, float gaz, float yaw)
at = "AT*PCMD=";
command = at + getSequenceNumber() + "," + enable + "," + fl2int(roll) + "," + fl2int(pitch) + "," + fl2int(gaz) + "," + fl2int(yaw) + "\r";
String Command::makeAnim(anim_mayday_t anim, int time)
at = "AT*ANIM=";
command = at + getSequenceNumber() + "," + anim + "," + time + "\r\n";
return command;
void Command::doLEDAnim(int animseq, int duration)
PCsrl << "calling LEDAnim" << endl;
at = "AT*LED=";
command = at + getSequenceNumber() + "," + animseq + ",1073741824," + duration + "\r\n";
int Command::start_s2ip()
char temp;
//delay(20000); //wait for drone to start
if (debug) {
PCsrl << "trying to start s2ip" << endl;
ARsrl << "cd ~" << endl;
if (debug) {
ARsrl << "cd data/video/apps/" << endl;
ARsrl << "./s2ip.arm" << endl;
while ((int) temp != 2) {
temp = ARsrl.read();
if (temp == 2) {
PCsrl << "s2ip is running" << endl;
ARsrl << "bullshit\r\n"; //to fix a delay bug
//PCsrl << "s2ip not running" << endl;
if (debug) {
while (ARsrl.available()) {
return 1;
void Command::quit_s2ip()
while (ARsrl.available()) {
int Command::init_drone()
drone_emergency_reset(); //clear emergency flag
return 1;
int Command::drone_takeoff()
int i = 0;
return 1;
int Command::drone_hover(int msec)
int i = 0;
while (i < msec) {
sendwifi(makePcmd(1, 0, 0, 0, 0));
i += 100;
return 1;
int Command::drone_landing()
return 1;
int Command::drone_move_up(int centimeter)
int i = 0;
while (i < centimeter) {
ARsrl << makePcmd(1, 0, 0, 0.6, 0);
i += 10;
return 1;
int Command::drone_move_down(int centimeter)
int i = 0;
while (i < centimeter) {
sendwifi(makePcmd(1, 0, 0, -0.5, 0));
i += 10;
return 1;
long Command::fl2int(float value)
resultint.i = 0;
if (value < -1 || value > 1) {
resultint.f = 1;
} else {
return resultint.i;
void Command::readARsrl()
while (ARsrl.available()) {
if (debug) {
//Memory test code from : http://www.faludi.com/2007/04/18/arduino-available-memory-test/
int Command::memoryTest() {
int byteCounter = 0; // initialize a counter
byte *byteArray; // create a pointer to a byte array
// More on pointers here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pointer#C_pointers
// use the malloc function to repeatedly attempt
// allocating a certain number of bytes to memory
// More on malloc here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malloc
while ( (byteArray = (byte*) malloc (byteCounter * sizeof(byte))) != NULL ) {
byteCounter++; // if allocation was successful, then up the count for the next try
free(byteArray); // free memory after allocating it
free(byteArray); // also free memory after the function finishes
return byteCounter; // send back the highest number of bytes successfully allocated
int Command::getSequenceNumber(){
return sequenceNumber++;
// Volatile, since it is modified in an ISR.
volatile boolean inService = false;
void SrlRead()
if (inService) {
PCsrl.println("timer kicked too fast");
inService = true;
while(ARsrl.available()) {
unsigned char k = ARsrl.read();
store_char(k, &rx_buf);
inService = false;
void read_rx_buf()
while (rx_buf.tail != rx_buf.head) {
if (debug) {
rx_buf.tail = (unsigned int) (rx_buf.tail+ 1) % SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE;
inline void store_char(unsigned char c, ring_buffer *buffer)
int i = (unsigned int)(buffer->head + 1) % SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE;
// if we should be storing the received character into the location
// just before the tail (meaning that the head would advance to the
// current location of the tail), we're about to overflow the buffer
// and so we don't write the character or advance the head.
if (i != buffer->tail) {
buffer->buffer[buffer->head] = c;
buffer->head = i;
else {
Serial.println("ring buffer is too small");
I know it sounds weird but, sometimes this happens when arduino is not getting enough power supply. Try connecting the arduino to a power source different from USB.
As soon as I started to put things in prog memory my program started to clear up it's hiccups. It seems it was a memory issue.
I had the same problem, but the issue was with Timer1.initialize(). Try this:
com.drone_is_init = com.init_drone();
Open serial monitor and see... it will show until "Two", and then Arduino will hang.
The issue was I calling some functions of the LiquidCrystal_I2C library, that need interrupt routines. Check if your timer ISR is using some interrupts. If so, you should move this code to another place in your project.
Get rid of noise while using recv in C++
I am receiving data following a certain format over a TCP server by serializing them. the class of the object: class Command { private: char letter; int x; int y; std::string button; public: Command(char _letter, int _x, int _y, std::string _button) { letter = _letter; x = _x; y = _y; button = _button; } Command(std::string serializedCmd) { size_t delimPos = 0; std::vector<std::string> parts; while ((delimPos = serializedCmd.find(SERIALIZE_DELIM)) != std::string::npos) { parts.push_back(serializedCmd.substr(0, delimPos)); serializedCmd.erase(0, delimPos + 1); } if (parts.empty()) { this->letter = '$'; this->x = -1; this->y = -1; this->button = "nan"; return; } this->letter = (char)atoi(parts.at(0).data()); this->x = atoi(parts.at(1).data()); this->y = atoi(parts.at(2).data()); this->button = parts.at(3); } Command() {} ~Command() {} std::string serialize() { return std::to_string(letter) + SERIALIZE_DELIM + std::to_string(x) + SERIALIZE_DELIM + std::to_string(y) + SERIALIZE_DELIM + button + SERIALIZE_DELIM; } char getLetter() { return letter; } int getX() { return x; } int getY() { return y; } std::string getButton() { return button; } bool isEmpty() { return((this->letter == '$') && (this->x == -1) && (this->y == -1) && (this->button == "nan")); } void printCommand() { std::cout << "letter: " << letter << std::endl; std::cout << "x : " << x << std::endl; std::cout << "y : " << y << std::endl; std::cout << "button: " << button << std::endl; std::cout << "================" << std::endl; } }; The data after being DeSerialized at the clients end follows this format: ||{key}|{x}|{y}|{button}|| Example: ||$|20|40|nan|| The problem is that when using recv to get the data, it seems that I'm picking up some noise around the command. Example: Sending: ||$|301|386|nan|| Reciving: (¿ⁿ8T√|301|386|╠╠↕▼ The command is there although it's crowded with noise for some reason. The code I'm using to receive the data: char buf[4096]; Command c; std::string commandTemp = ""; while (true) { memset(buf, '\0', 4096); const int size = recv(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); std::string s(buf,size); std::cout << s << std::endl; buf[size] = 0; commandTemp = buf; if (!commandTemp.empty()) { try { c = Command(commandTemp); exe(c); //executes command (unrelated) } catch (const std::exception& err) { std::cout << "Couldn't execute!!!!!!!!" << std::endl; } } else { std::cout << "Error empty command!\n"; } } If I am missing any information I will happily provide it. Can someone maybe tell what the problem is?
You have to loop on the recv till you get the entire message This may not be the immediate cause of you problem but you will hit it eventually. TCP is a stream protocol, not a message protocol. All that TCP guarantees is that the bytes you send are received once and in order. But you might send one 100 byte message and receive 20 5 byte messages. You will say "but it works now", true if on the same machine or the messages are small but not true with larger message over a real netwrok so you must do this char buf[4096]; Command c; std::string commandTemp = ""; while (true) { memset(buf, '\0', 4096); int offset = 0; int len = ??; while(len > 0){ const int size = recv(sock, buf + offset, sizeof(buf) - offset, 0); if (size == 0) break; // record that we got incomplete message offset += size; len -= size; } .... Note that you need to know the length in advance too. So either send fixed length message or prepend a fixed size length to each message and read that first
Arduino problems
I have a problem. I'm working with Arduino but i'm not good with C++ and i take a error. I work on active security system. I used to motion sensor, RFID, embedded clock and wifi modele. But i say, i take a error Can you help me ? #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include <MFRC522.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <virtuabotixRTC.h> String agAdi = ""; String agSifresi = ""; int rxPin = 3; int txPin = 5; int RST_PIN = 9; int SS_PIN = 10; int CLK_PIN = 6; int DAT_PIN = 7; int PST_PIN = 4; int buzzerPin = 2; int pirPin = 8; int hareket; int tarih; int saat; String ip = ""; MFRC522 rfid(SS_PIN, RST_PIN); byte ID[4] = {47, 219, 106, 81}; byte okunandeger[4]; virtuabotixRTC myRTC(CLK_PIN, DAT_PIN, RST_PIN); SoftwareSerial esp(rxPin, txPin); void setup() { pinMode(pirPin, INPUT); pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT); myRTC.setDS1302Time(00, 57, 22, 7, 23, 1, 2022); Serial.begin(9600); SPI.begin(); rfid.PCD_Init(); Serial.println("Started"); esp.begin(115200); esp.println("AT"); Serial.println("AT Yollandı"); while (!esp.find("OK")) { esp.println("AT"); Serial.println("ESP8266 Bulunamadı."); } Serial.println("OK Komutu Alındı"); esp.println("AT+CWMODE=1"); while (!esp.find("OK")) { esp.println("AT+CWMODE=1"); Serial.println("Ayar Yapılıyor...."); } Serial.println("Client olarak ayarlandı"); Serial.println("Aga Baglaniliyor..."); esp.println("AT+CWJAP=\"" + agAdi + "\",\"" + agSifresi + "\""); while (!esp.find("OK")) ; Serial.println("Aga Baglandi."); delay(1000); } void loop() { saatModulu(); rfidGiris(); byte okunankart[4] = rfid.uid.uidByte[]; int saat = String(myRTC.hours + ":" + myRTC.minutes + ":" + myRTC.seconds); int tarih = String(myRTC.dayofmonth + ":" + myRTC.month + ":" + myRTC.year); espFonk(); rfidCikis(); okunankart = rfid.uid.uidByte[]; int saat = String(myRTC.hours + ":" + myRTC.minutes + ":" + myRTC.seconds); int tarih = String(myRTC.dayofmonth + ":" + myRTC.month + ":" + myRTC.year); espFonk(); } void espFonk() { esp.println("AT+CIPSTART=\"TCP\",\"" + ip + "\",80"); if (esp.find("Error")) { Serial.println("AT+CIPSTART Error"); } String veri = "GET https://api.thingspeak.com/update?api_key="; veri += "&field1="; veri += String(okunankart); veri += "&field2="; veri += String(saat); veri += "&field3="; veri += String(tarih); veri += "\r\n\r\n"; esp.print("AT+CIPSEND="); esp.println(veri.length() + 2); delay(2000); if (esp.find(">")) { esp.print(veri); Serial.println(veri); Serial.println("Veri gonderildi."); delay(1000); } Serial.println("Baglantı Kapatildi."); esp.println("AT+CIPCLOSE"); delay(1000); } void rfidGiris() { if (!rfid.PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) return; if (!rfid.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) return; if (rfid.uid.uidByte[0] == ID[0] && rfid.uid.uidByte[1] == ID[1] && rfid.uid.uidByte[2] == ID[2] && rfid.uid.uidByte[3] == ID[3]) { Serial.println("Güvenlik Sistemi Aktif!"); ekranaYazdir(); hareketSensor(); } else { Serial.print("Yetkisiz Kart"); ekranaYazdir(); melodi(500); delay(500); melodi(500); } rfid.PICC_HaltA(); } void ekranaYazdir() { Serial.print("ID Numarası : "); for (int sayac = 0; sayac < 4; sayac++) { Serial.print(rfid.uid.uidByte[sayac]); Serial.print(" "); } } void saatModulu() { myRTC.updateTime(); Serial.print("Tarih / Saat: "); Serial.print(myRTC.dayofmonth); Serial.print("/"); Serial.print(myRTC.month); Serial.print("/"); Serial.print(myRTC.year); Serial.print(" "); Serial.print(myRTC.hours); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(myRTC.minutes); Serial.print(":"); Serial.print(myRTC.seconds); delay(1000); } void hareketSensor() { hareket = digitalRead(pirPin); if (Hareket == HIGH) { melodi(5000); } } int melodi(int dly) { tone(buzzerPin, 832); delay(dly); noTone(buzzerPin); delay(dly); } void rfidCikis() { if (!rfid.PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) return; if (!rfid.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) return; if (rfid.uid.uidByte[0] == ID[0] && rfid.uid.uidByte[1] == ID[1] && rfid.uid.uidByte[2] == ID[2] && rfid.uid.uidByte[3] == ID[3]) { Serial.println("Güvenlik Sistemi Deaktif!"); ekranaYazdir(); hareket = LOW; } else { Serial.print("Yetkisiz Kart"); ekranaYazdir(); melodi(500); delay(500); melodi(500); } rfid.PICC_HaltA(); } This is error: main.ino:166:8: note: suggested alternative: 'hareket' exit status 1 expected primary-expression before ']' token And Arduino IDE lighting okunankart = rfid.uid.uidByte[];
For starters arrays do not have the assignment operator okunankart = rfid.uid.uidByte[]; and in any case the expression with empty brackets is wrong. The initializer in this declaration byte okunankart[4] = rfid.uid.uidByte[]; is also wrong. You need to copy elements from one array in another array for example using the standard algorithm std::copy or the C function memcpy.
Arduino compiler failing with error code - invalid types 'int[int]' for array subscript
Quite a bit of untested code but the only thing really concerning me at the moment is my DISPLAY variable. I don't see how it is much different than my FONT array (which works fine) yet DISPLAY is the one that gets 'invalid types 'int[int]' for array subscript' I should be able to index an array of integers with integers (at least I have been with FONT). #include <WiFiNINA.h> #include <NTPClient.h> #include <WiFiUdp.h> #include "font.h" const int PIXEL_WIDTH = 30; const int PIXEL_HEIGHT = 5; int DISPLAY[PIXEL_HEIGHT][PIXEL_WIDTH] = {}; bool MILI_TIME = false; String FORMATTING[2] = {"LONGS","SHORTH:LONGM"}; char ssid[] = "REMOVED"; // your network SSID (name) between the " " char pass[] = "REMOVED"; // your network password between the " " int keyIndex = 0; // your network key Index number (needed only for WEP) int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS; // connection status WiFiServer server(80); // server socket WiFiClient client = server.available(); WiFiUDP ntpUDP; NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP); int ledPin = LED_BUILTIN; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); while (!Serial); // dont do anything until there is a serial connection enable_WiFi(); connect_WiFi(); server.begin(); printWifiStatus(); timeClient.begin(); timeClient.setTimeOffset(-14400); } void loop() { timeClient.update(); client = server.available(); if (client) { printWEB(); } preRender(); } void preRender(){ String FILLED_FORMATTING[2] = FORMATTING; for(int i=0;i<2;i++){ FILLED_FORMATTING[i].replace("LONGH",leadWithZero(timeHours())); FILLED_FORMATTING[i].replace("LONGM",leadWithZero(timeMinutes())); FILLED_FORMATTING[i].replace("LONGS",leadWithZero(timeSeconds())); FILLED_FORMATTING[i].replace("SHORTH",timeHours()); FILLED_FORMATTING[i].replace("SHORTM",timeMinutes()); FILLED_FORMATTING[i].replace("SHORTS",timeSeconds()); } int x = 0; for(int i=0;i<FILLED_FORMATTING[0].length();i++){ int c_ID = charID(FILLED_FORMATTING[0][i]); if(c_ID < 38){ for(int j=0;j<5;j++){ DISPLAY[j][x] = FONT[c_ID][j][0]; x += 1; DISPLAY[j][x] = FONT[c_ID][j][1]; x += 1; DISPLAY[j][x] = FONT[c_ID][j][2]; x += 1; if(i != FILLED_FORMATTING[0].length()){ DISPLAY[j][x] = 0; x += 1; } } } } x = PIXEL_WIDTH-1; for(int i=FILLED_FORMATTING[1].length()-1;i>=0;i--){ int c_ID = charID(FILLED_FORMATTING[1][i]); if(c_ID < 38){ for(int j=0;j<5;j++){ DISPLAY[j][x] = FONT[c_ID][j][0]; x -= 1; DISPLAY[j][x] = FONT[c_ID][j][1]; x -= 1; DISPLAY[j][x] = FONT[c_ID][j][2]; x -= 1; if(i != 0){ DISPLAY[j][x] = 0; //<----------- compiler error here, and ofc all instances above x -= 1; } } } } } int charID(char c){ for(int i=0;i<FONT_ID.length();i++){ if(FONT_ID[i] == c){ return i; } } return 40; } String timeHours(){ if(MILI_TIME){ return String(timeClient.getHours()); } else{ return convFromMili(timeClient.getHours()); } } String timeMinutes(){ return String(timeClient.getMinutes()); } String timeSeconds(){ return String(timeClient.getSeconds()); } String leadWithZero(String t){ if(t.length() < 2){ t = "0"+t; return t; } } String convFromMili(int t){ if(t > 12){ t -= 12; }else if(t == 0){ t += 12; } String ts = String(t); return ts; } void printWifiStatus() { // print the SSID of the network you're attached to: Serial.print("SSID: "); Serial.println(WiFi.SSID()); // print your board's IP address: IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP(); Serial.print("IP Address: "); Serial.println(ip); // print the received signal strength: long rssi = WiFi.RSSI(); Serial.print("signal strength (RSSI):"); Serial.print(rssi); Serial.println(" dBm"); Serial.print("To see this page in action, open a browser to http://"); Serial.println(ip); } void enable_WiFi() { // check for the WiFi module: if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_MODULE) { Serial.println("Communication with WiFi module failed!"); // don't continue while (true); } String fv = WiFi.firmwareVersion(); if (fv < "1.0.0") { Serial.println("Please upgrade the firmware"); } } void connect_WiFi() { while (status != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.print("Attempting to connect to SSID: "); Serial.println(ssid); status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass); delay(10000); } } void printWEB() { if (client) { // if you get a client, Serial.println("new client"); // print a message out the serial port String currentLine = ""; // make a String to hold incoming data from the client while (client.connected()) { // loop while the client's connected if (client.available()) { // if there's bytes to read from the client, char c = client.read(); // read a byte, then Serial.write(c); // print it out the serial monitor if (c == '\n') { // if the byte is a newline character // if the current line is blank, you got two newline characters in a row. // that's the end of the client HTTP request, so send a response: if (currentLine.length() == 0) { // HTTP headers always start with a response code (e.g. HTTP/1.1 200 OK) // and a content-type so the client knows what's coming, then a blank line: client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); client.println("Content-type:text/html"); client.println(); //create the buttons client.print(WiFi.getTime()); client.print("<br>"); client.print(timeClient.getEpochTime()); client.print("<br>"); client.print(timeClient.getFormattedTime()); client.print("<br>"); client.print(timeClient.getDay()); client.print("<br>"); client.print(timeClient.getHours()); client.print("<br>"); client.print(timeClient.getMinutes()); client.print("<br>"); client.print(timeClient.getSeconds()); client.print("<br>"); client.print("<div style=\"display:block;padding-left:calc(50% - 150px);margin-bottom:50px\"><div style=\"background-color:#e3e3e3;width:300px;height:120px;font-size:50px;text-align:center;padding-top:50px\">ON</div></div>"); client.print("<div style=\"display:block;padding-left:calc(50% - 150px)\"><div style=\"background-color:#e3e3e3;width:300px;height:120px;font-size:50px;text-align:center;padding-top:50px\">OFF</div></div>"); // The HTTP response ends with another blank line: client.println(); // break out of the while loop: break; } else { // if you got a newline, then clear currentLine: currentLine = ""; } } else if (c != '\r') { // if you got anything else but a carriage return character, currentLine += c; // add it to the end of the currentLine } if (currentLine.endsWith("GET /H")) { digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); } if (currentLine.endsWith("GET /L")) { digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); } if (currentLine.endsWith("%VAL")) { // Trim 'GET /' and '%VAL' currentLine.remove(0,5); currentLine.remove(currentLine.indexOf("%"),4); Serial.println(currentLine); Serial.println(); } } } // close the connection: client.stop(); Serial.println("client disconnected"); } } font.h: int FONT[37][5][3] = {{{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1},},{{1,1,0},{0,1,0},{0,1,0},{0,1,0},{1,1,1},},{{1,1,1},{0,0,1},{1,1,1},{1,0,0},{1,1,1},},{{1,1,1},{0,0,1},{1,1,1},{0,0,1},{1,1,1},},{{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1},{0,0,1},{0,0,1},},{{1,1,1},{1,0,0},{1,1,1},{0,0,1},{1,1,1},},{{1,1,1},{1,0,0},{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1},},{{1,1,1},{0,0,1},{0,0,1},{0,0,1},{0,0,1},},{{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1},},{{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1},{0,0,1},{1,1,1},},{{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},},{{1,1,0},{1,0,1},{1,1,0},{1,0,1},{1,1,0},},{{1,1,1},{1,0,0},{1,0,0},{1,0,0},{1,1,1},},{{1,1,0},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,0},},{{1,1,1},{1,0,0},{1,1,1},{1,0,0},{1,1,1},},{{1,1,1},{1,0,0},{1,1,1},{1,0,0},{1,0,0},},{{1,1,1},{1,0,0},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1},},{{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},},{{1,1,1},{0,1,0},{0,1,0},{0,1,0},{1,1,1},},{{0,0,1},{0,0,1},{0,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1},},{{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,0},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},},{{1,0,0},{1,0,0},{1,0,0},{1,0,0},{1,1,1},},{{1,1,1},{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},},{{1,1,0},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},},{{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1},},{{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1},{1,0,0},{1,0,0},},{{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,0},{0,0,1},},{{1,1,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,0},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},},{{0,1,1},{1,0,0},{0,1,0},{0,0,1},{1,1,0},},{{1,1,1},{0,1,0},{0,1,0},{0,1,0},{0,1,0},},{{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1},},{{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{0,1,0},{0,1,0},},{{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1},{1,1,1},},{{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{0,1,0},{1,0,1},{1,0,1},},{{1,0,1},{1,0,1},{1,1,1},{0,0,1},{1,1,1},},{{1,1,1},{0,0,1},{0,1,0},{1,0,0},{1,1,1},},{{0,0,0},{0,1,0},{0,0,0},{0,1,0},{0,0,0}}}; String FONT_ID = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ:"; did check - int D[5][30]; void setup() { } void loop() { D[0][0] = 0; } and of course its fine, so I'm just wondering where I went wrong in the mess above? and yes there's a good bit of mess/debugging stuff
Simple solution... don't use DISPLAY as a variable it seems. Changing to DISPLAY_ fixed it, figured the variable was defined as a normal integer somewhere... just not in my code.
Program crashes when receiving data from eeprom
My program crashes every time when I try to run the code in this link. The problem seems to be in this line *((char*)&configuration + i) = (char)EEPROM.read(i);. I think there is no need to allocate memory for variable configuration since the variable configuration is already initialized. int loadconfig() { if(EEPROM.read(0) == config_ver[0] && EEPROM.read(1) == config_ver[1] && EEPROM.read(2) == config_ver[2] && EEPROM.read(3) == config_ver[3]) { for(int i = 0; i <= sizeof(configuration_type); i++) { *((char*)&configuration + i) = (char)EEPROM.read(i); //<------problem } return 1; } return 0; } Whole code from the link: #include <EEPROM.h> #define CONFIG_VERSION "VER01" // Where in EEPROM? #define CONFIG_START 32 typedef struct { char version[6]; // detect if setting actually are written int my_setting_integer; } configuration_type; // with DEFAULT values! configuration_type CONFIGURATION = { CONFIG_VERSION, 42 }; // load whats in EEPROM in to the local CONFIGURATION if it is a valid setting int loadConfig() { // is it correct? if (EEPROM.read(CONFIG_START + 0) == CONFIG_VERSION[0] && EEPROM.read(CONFIG_START + 1) == CONFIG_VERSION[1] && EEPROM.read(CONFIG_START + 2) == CONFIG_VERSION[2] && EEPROM.read(CONFIG_START + 3) == CONFIG_VERSION[3] && EEPROM.read(CONFIG_START + 4) == CONFIG_VERSION[4]){ // load (overwrite) the local configuration struct for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(CONFIGURATION); i++){ *((char*)&CONFIGURATION + i) = EEPROM.read(CONFIG_START + i); } return 1; // return 1 if config loaded } return 0; // return 0 if config NOT loaded } // save the CONFIGURATION in to EEPROM void saveConfig() { for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(CONFIGURATION); i++) EEPROM.write(CONFIG_START + i, *((char*)&CONFIGURATION + i)); } void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println("Hello world!"); // prints hello with ending line break if(loadConfig()){ Serial.println("Config loaded:"); Serial.println(CONFIGURATION.version); Serial.println(CONFIGURATION.my_setting_integer); }else{ Serial.println("Config not loaded!"); saveConfig(); // overwrite with the default settings } } void loop() { //every 5s increment and save the settings! delay(5000); CONFIGURATION.my_setting_integer++; saveConfig(); }
It is the "<=" in the for loop. Change it to "<" and try again. Hint: Typical Buffer Overflow problem
Getting a "vector subscript out of range" error when passing a vector into a function: c++ [closed]
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I am trying to write a c++ program that assembles MIPS instructions. While debugging, it keeps throwing an error at line 74 of my main: myassembler.add(lexed[i].labels[0], lexed[i].name, tokens, i); my main is here: #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <memory> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include "exceptions.h" #include "lexer.h" #include "util.h" #include "assembler.h" std::string read_file(const std::string& name) { std::ifstream file(name); if (!file.is_open()) { std::string error = "Could not open file: "; error += name; throw std::runtime_error(error); } std::stringstream stream; stream << file.rdbuf(); return std::move(stream.str()); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Adjusting -- argv[0] is always filename. --argc; ++argv; if (argc == 0) { std::cerr << "Need a file" << std::endl; return 1; } assembler myassembler; for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { std::string asmName(argv[i]); if (!util::ends_with_subseq(asmName, std::string(".asm"))) { std::cerr << "Need a valid file name (that ends in .asm)" << std::endl; std::cerr << "(Bad name: " << asmName << ")" << std::endl; return 1; } // 4 is len(".asm") auto length = asmName.size() - string_length(".asm"); std::string baseName(asmName.begin(), asmName.begin() + length); std::string objName = baseName + ".obj"; try { auto text = read_file(asmName); try { auto lexed = lexer::analyze(text); // Parses the entire file and returns a vector of instructions for (int i =0; i < (int)lexed.size(); i++){ if(lexed[i].labels.size() > 0) // Checking if there is a label in the current instruction std::cout << "label = " << lexed[i].labels[0] << "\n"; // Prints the label std::cout<< "instruction name = " << lexed[i].name<< "\n"; // Prints the name of instruction std::cout << "tokens = "; std::vector<lexer::token> tokens = lexed[i].args; for(int j=0; j < (int)tokens.size(); j++){ // Prints all the tokens of this instruction like $t1, $t2, $t3 if (tokens[j].type == lexer::token::Integer) std::cout << tokens[j].integer() << " "; else std::cout << tokens[j].string() << " "; } myassembler.add(lexed[i].labels[0], lexed[i].name, tokens, i); myassembler.p(); std::cout << "\n\n\n"; } } catch(const bad_asm& e) { std::stringstream error; error << "Cannot assemble the assembly code at line " << e.line; throw std::runtime_error(error.str()); } catch(const bad_label& e) { std::stringstream error; error << "Undefined label " << e.what() << " at line " << e.line; throw std::runtime_error(error.str()); } } catch (const std::runtime_error& err) { std::cout << err.what() << std::endl; return 1; } } /*getchar();*/ return 0; } assembler.h: #include "lexer.h" #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <string> struct symbol { std::string label = ""; int slinenum; }; struct relocation { std::string instruct = ""; std::string label = ""; int rlinenum; int rt = 0; int rs = 0; }; struct opcode { std::string instruct = ""; int opc = 0; bool isloadstore = false; int extType = 0; bool isbranch = false; }; struct function { std::string instruct = ""; int funct = 0; bool isjr = false; bool isshift = false; }; struct regs { std::string name; int num; }; enum instrtype { R, I, neither }; class assembler { public: assembler(); void oinit(void); void finit(void); void rinit(void); void printToFile(std::fstream &file); void savesymb(std::string label, int line); void saverel(std::string instr, std::string label, int line, int rt, int rs); std::vector<int> formatr(std::string instr, lexer::token toke1, lexer::token toke2, lexer::token toke3, int line); int formatr(std::string instr, lexer::token toke, int line); std::vector<int> formati(std::string instr, lexer::token toke1, lexer::token toke2, lexer::token toke3, int line); std::vector<int> formati(std::string instr, lexer::token toke1, lexer::token toke2, int line); int findnum(std::string regname); void add(std::string label, std::string instr, const std::vector<lexer::token> &tokens, int linen); void secAdd(void); int rassemble(std::string instr, int rd, int rs, int rt, int shamt); int iassemble(std::string instr, int rt, int rs, int imm); void p(); private: std::vector<int> results; std::vector<symbol> symbtable; std::vector<relocation> reloctable; std::vector<opcode> ops; std::vector<function> functions; std::vector<regs> registers; instrtype type = neither; }; and assembler.cpp: // ECE 2500 // Project 1: myAssembler // assembler.cpp // Sheila Zhu #include "lexer.h" #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include "assembler.h" assembler::assembler() { oinit(); finit(); rinit(); } void assembler::oinit() { opcode myop; myop.instruct = "addi"; myop.opc = 8; myop.extType = 1; ops.push_back(myop); // more of the same } void assembler::finit() { function myfunc; myfunc.instruct = "add"; myfunc.funct = 32; functions.push_back(myfunc); // more of the same } void assembler::rinit() { regs myreg; myreg.name = "$zero"; myreg.num = 0; registers.push_back(myreg); //more of the same } void assembler::printToFile(std::fstream &file) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)results.size(); i++) file << results.at(i) << std::endl; } void assembler::savesymb(std::string label, int line) { symbol symb; symb.label = label; symb.slinenum = line * 4; symbtable.push_back(symb); } void assembler::saverel(std::string instr, std::string label, int line, int rt, int rs) { relocation re; re.instruct = instr; re.label = label; re.rlinenum = line; re.rt = rt; re.rs = rs; } int assembler::findnum(std::string regname) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)registers.size(); i++) { if (regname == registers.at(i).name) return registers.at(i).num; } return -1; } std::vector<int> assembler::formatr(std::string instr, lexer::token toke1, lexer::token toke2, lexer::token toke3, int line) { int rd = 0, rs = 0, rt = 0, shamt = 0; std::vector<int> x; function currf; for (int i = 0; i < (int)functions.size(); i++) { if (instr == functions.at(i).instruct) currf = functions.at(i); } try { if (currf.isshift) { if (toke1.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rd = findnum(toke1.string()); if (rd == -1) throw 2; } if (toke2.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rs = findnum(toke2.string()); if (rs == -1) throw 2; } if (toke3.type == lexer::token::Integer) { shamt = toke3.integer(); if (shamt < 0) throw 3; } else throw 1; } else { if (toke1.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rd = findnum(toke1.string()); if (rd == -1) throw 2; } if (toke2.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rs = findnum(toke2.string()); if (rs == -1) throw 2; } if (toke3.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rt = findnum(toke3.string()); if (rt == -1) throw 2; } } } catch (int e) { if (e == 1) std::cerr << "Wrong argument in line " << line << std::endl; else if (e == 2) std::cerr << "Invalid register name in line " << line << std::endl; else std::cerr << "Shift amount cannot be negative in line " << line << std::endl; } x.push_back(rd); x.push_back(rs); x.push_back(rt); x.push_back(shamt); return x; } int assembler::formatr(std::string instr, lexer::token toke, int line) { int rs = 0; try { if (toke.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rs = findnum(toke.string()); if (rs == -1) throw 2; } } catch (int e) { if (e == 1) std::cerr << "Wrong argument in line " << line << std::endl; else std::cerr << "Invalid register name in line " << line << std::endl; } return rs; } std::vector<int> assembler::formati(std::string instr, lexer::token toke1, lexer::token toke2, lexer::token toke3, int line) { int rt = 0, rs = 0, imm = 0; std::vector<int> x; opcode currop; for (int i = 0; i < (int)ops.size(); i++) { if (instr == ops.at(i).instruct) currop = ops.at(i); } try { if (currop.isbranch) { if (toke1.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rt = findnum(toke1.string()); if (rt == -1) throw 2; } if (toke2.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rs = findnum(toke2.string()); if (rs == -1) throw 2; } if (toke3.type == lexer::token::Integer) imm = toke3.integer(); else saverel(instr, toke3.string(), line, rt, rs); } else if (currop.isloadstore) { if ((instr == "lbu") || (instr == "sb")) { if (toke2.type == lexer::token::String) throw 1; else { if (toke2.integer() < 0) imm = (0xFFFF << 16) + (0xFF << 8) + toke2.integer(); else imm = toke2.integer(); } if (toke1.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rt = findnum(toke1.string()); if (rt == -1) throw 2; } if (toke3.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rs = findnum(toke2.string()); if (rs == -1) throw 2; } } else { if (toke2.type == lexer::token::String) throw 1; else { if (toke2.integer() < 0) imm = (0xFFFF << 16) + toke2.integer(); else imm = toke2.integer(); } if (toke1.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rt = findnum(toke1.string()); if (rt == -1) throw 2; } if (toke3.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rs = findnum(toke2.string()); if (rs == -1) throw 2; } } } else { if ((instr == "andi") || (instr == "ori")) { if (toke1.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rt = findnum(toke1.string()); if (rt == -1) throw 2; } if (toke2.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rs = findnum(toke2.string()); if (rs == -1) throw 2; } if (toke3.type == lexer::token::Integer) imm = toke3.integer(); else throw 1; } else { if (toke1.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rt = findnum(toke1.string()); if (rt == -1) throw 2; } if (toke2.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rs = findnum(toke2.string()); if (rs == -1) throw 2; } if (toke3.type == lexer::token::Integer) { if (toke3.integer() < 0) imm = (0xFFFF << 16) + toke2.integer(); else imm = toke3.integer(); } else throw 1; } } } catch (int e) { if (e == 1) std::cerr << "Wrong argument in line " << line << std::endl; else std::cerr << "Invalid register name in line " << line << std::endl; } x.push_back(rt); x.push_back(rs); x.push_back(imm); return x; } std::vector<int> assembler::formati(std::string instr, lexer::token toke1, lexer::token toke2, int line) { int rt = 0, imm = 0; std::vector<int> rval; try { if (toke1.type == lexer::token::Integer) throw 1; else { rt = findnum(toke1.string()); if (rt == -1) throw 2; } if (toke2.type == lexer::token::String) throw 1; else imm = toke2.integer(); } catch (int e) { if (e == 1) std::cerr << "Wrong argument in line " << line << std::endl; else std::cerr << "Invalid register name in line " << line << std::endl; } rval.push_back(rt); rval.push_back(imm); return rval; } void assembler::add(std::string label, std::string instr, const std::vector<lexer::token> &token, int linen) { int assembled = 0, rd = 0, rt = 0; std::vector<int> argh; int arg; if (label.length() > 0) savesymb(label, linen); for (int i = 0; i < (int)functions.size(); i++) { if (instr == functions.at(i).instruct) type = R; } for (int i = 0; i < (int)ops.size(); i++) { if (instr == ops.at(i).instruct) type = I; } if (type == R) { try { if (instr == "jr") { if ((int)token.size() == 1) { arg = formatr(instr, token.at(0), linen); assembled = rassemble(instr, rd, arg, rt, 0); } else throw 1; } else { if ((int)token.size() == 3) { argh = formatr(instr, token.at(0), token.at(2), token.at(3), linen); assembled = rassemble(instr, argh[0], argh[1], argh[2], argh[3]); } else throw 1; } } catch (int e) { if (e == 1) std::cerr << "Wrong number of arguments at line " << linen << std::endl; } } else if (type == I) { try { if (instr == "lui") { if ((int)token.size() == 2) { argh = formati(instr, token.at(0), token.at(1), linen); assembled = iassemble(instr, argh[0], 0, argh[1]); } else throw 1; } else { if ((int)token.size() == 3) { argh = formati(instr, token.at(0), token.at(1), token.at(2), linen); assembled = iassemble(instr, argh[0], argh[1], argh[2]); } else throw 1; } } catch (int e) { if (e == 1) std::cout << "Wrong number of arguments at line " << linen << std::endl; } } else std::cerr << "Instruction not recognized at line " << linen << std::endl; results.push_back(assembled); } void assembler::secAdd(void) { std::vector<int>::iterator iter = results.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)reloctable.size(); i++) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < symbtable.size(); j++) { if (reloctable.at(i).label == symbtable.at(j).label) { int assembled = 0; iter += (reloctable.at(i).rlinenum / 4); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < ops.size(); k++) { if (reloctable.at(i).instruct == ops.at(k).instruct) type = I; } if (type == I) assembled = iassemble(reloctable.at(i).instruct, reloctable.at(i).rt, reloctable.at(i).rs, symbtable.at(i).slinenum); else std::cerr << "Instruction not recognized at line " << reloctable.at(i).rlinenum << std::endl; results.erase(iter); results.insert(iter, assembled); } } } } int assembler::rassemble(std::string instr, int rd, int rs, int rt, int shamt) { int func = 0; int code = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)functions.size(); i++) { if (instr == functions.at(i).instruct) { func = functions.at(i).funct; break; } else { if (i == (functions.size() - 1)) return -1; } } code = (rs << 21) + (rt << 16) + (rd << 11) + (shamt << 6) + func; return code; } int assembler::iassemble(std::string instr, int rt, int rs, int imm) { int op = 0; int code = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)ops.size(); i++) { if (instr == ops.at(i).instruct) { op = ops.at(i).opc; break; } else { if (i == (ops.size() - 1)) return -1; } } code = (op << 26) + (rs << 21) + (rt << 16) + imm; return code; } void assembler::p() { for (int i = 0; i < (int)results.size(); i++) std::cout << results.at(i) << " "; std::cout << std::endl; } When debugging, the tokens parameter triggers the error, and the this pointer in the vector code shows that the vector size changes to 0 at these lines: #if _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 if (size() <= _Pos) What exactly is happening? Sorry if my formatting is bad/wrong, etc., and please let me know if I should make any edits/provide more code. Thanks in advance.
The error is caused by accessing by index vector element that does not exist. In you case lexed[i] should be valid. So, the only possible issue may be with empty labels vector. Validate this vector before accessing its elements, for example myassembler.add(lexed[i].labels.empty() ? "" : lexed[i].labels[0], lexed[i].name, tokens, i); Actually there is one more bug for very large lexed arrays when integer index may overflow. You should not cast result of .size() to int. Instead proper type should be used for i: for (size_t i = 0; i < lexed.size(); i++)