Is it possible to use AS sql statement with Django ORM:
SELECT my_field AS something_shiny WHERE my_condition = 1
If it is possible then how?
By now the Django documentation says that one should use extra as a last resort.
So here is a better way to do this query:
from django.db.models import F
use extra()
Then you could access sth_shiny attr of resulted Foo instances
I use postgresql database in my project and I use below example from django documentation.
from django.db.models import OuterRef, Subquery
newest = Comment.objects.filter(post=OuterRef('pk')).order_by('-created_at')
but instead of newest commenter email, i need last two commenters emails. i changed [:1] to [:2] but this exception raised: ProgrammingError: more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression.
You'll need to aggregate the subquery results in some way: perhaps by using an ARRAY() construct.
You can create a subclass of Subquery to do this:
class Array(Subquery):
template = 'ARRAY(%(subquery)s)`
output_field = ArrayField(base_field=models.TextField())
(You can do a more automatic method of getting the output field, but this should work for you for now: see for more details).
Then you can use:
posts = Post.objects.annotate(
The reason this is happening is because a correlated subquery in postgres may only return one row, with one column. You can use this mechanism to deal with multiple rows, and perhaps use JSONB construction if you need multiple columns.
I'm trying to count the dates users register from a DateTime field. In the database this is stored as '2016-10-31 20:49:38' but I'm only interested in the date '2016-10-31'.
The raw SQL query is:
select DATE(registered_at) registered_date,count(registered_at) from User
where course='Course 1' group by registered_date;
It is possible using 'extra' but I've read this is deprecated and should not be done. It works like this though:
.filter(course='Course 1')
.extra(select={'registered_date': "DATE(registered_at)"})
.annotate(**{'total': Count('registered_at')})
Is it possible to do without using extra?
I read that TruncDate can be used and I think this is the correct queryset however it does not work:
.filter(course='Course 1')
.annotate(**{'total': Count('registered_at')})
I get <QuerySet [{'total': 508346, 'registered_date': None}]> so there is something going wrong with TruncDate.
If anyone understands this better than me and can point me in the right direction that would be much appreciated.
Thanks for your help.
I was trying to do something very similar and was having the same problems as you. I managed to get my problem working by adding in an order_by clause after applying the TruncDate annotation. So I imagine that this should work for you too:
.filter(course='Course 1')
.annotate(**{'total': Count('registered_at')})
Hope this helps?!
This is an alternative to using TruncDate by using `registered_at__date' and Django does the truncate for you.
from django.db.models import Count
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
metrics = {
'total': Count('registered_at__date')
.filter(course='Course 1')
For Postgresql this transforms to the DB query:
("auth_user"."registered_at" AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Kolkata')::date,
COUNT("auth_user"."registered_at") AS "total"
("auth_user"."registered_at" AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Kolkata')::date
("auth_user"."registered_at" AT TIME ZONE 'Asia/Kolkata')::date ASC;
From the above example you can see that Django ORM reverses SELECT and GROUP_BY arguments. In Django ORM .values() roughly controls the GROUP_BY argument while .annotate() controls the SELECT columns and what aggregations needs to be done. This feels a little odd but is simple when you get the hang of it.
Use Postgres as db and Django 1.9
I have some model with field 'price'. 'Price' blank=True.
On ListView, I get query set. Next, I want to sort by price with price=0 at end.
How I can write in SQL it:
How write it on Django ORM? Or on rawsql?
Ok. I found alternative. Write own NullIf with django func.
from django.db.models import Func
class NullIf(Func):
template = 'NULLIF(%(expressions)s, 0)'
And use it for queryset:
Edit : Django 2.2 and above have this implemented out of the box. The equivalent code will be
from django.db.models.functions import NullIf
from django.db.models import Value
queryset.annotate(new_price=NullIf('price', Value(0)).order_by('new_price')
You can still ORDER BY PRICE NULLS LAST if in your select you select the price as SELECT NULLIF('price', 0). That way you get the ordering you want, but the data is returned in the way you want. In django ORM you would select the price with annotate eg TableName.objects.annotate(price=NullIf('price', 0) and for the order by NULLS LAST and for the order by I'd follow the recommendations here Django: Adding "NULLS LAST" to query
Otherwise you could also ORDER BY NULLIF('price', 0) DESC but that will reorder the other numeric values. You can also obviously exclude null prices from the query entirely if you don't require them.
I have two models:
class Note(model):
class Permalink(model):
note = foreign key to Note
I want to execute a query: get all notes which don't have a permalink.
In SQL, I would do it as something like:
SELECT * FROM Note WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT note FROM Permalink);
Wondering how to do this in ORM.
Edit: I don't want to get all the permalinks out into my application. Would instead prefer it to run as a query inside the DB.
You should be able to use this query:
you can use:
Note.objects.exclude(id__in=Permalink.objects.all().values_list('id', flat=True))
I have a very simple query: select * from tbl1 where title not in('asdasd', 'asdasd').
How do I translate that to Django? It's like I want the opposite of: Table.objects.filter(title__in=myListOfTitles)
try using exclude
(this thread is old but still could be googled)
you can use models.Q with "~" as follows:
this method specially is helpful when you have multiple conditions.
Django provides two options.
Method 2 using Q() method
>>> from django.db.models import Q
>>> queryset = User.objects.filter(~Q(id__lt=5))