Do I need to override save method to add data to different models from django UserCreationForm - django

I want to add another field in UserCreationForm to be shown in RegistrationForm , I saw a couple of examples on stackoverflow for that purpose. I mean the examples by defining different RegisterForm inherited from UserCreationForm as explained in this question of stackoverflow:
But what will I do, if my data belongs to 2 or 3 different models including User model? Will I then override save method or do some other thing? Is there some way to handle it without going to more low level by just handling it in RegistrationForm that will be inherited from UserCreationForm? What is better way?

Okay, like you see in the link, there are many approaches which you can use, no one of them looks such highlevel as you want.
I don't know how familiar you are with Django, but the linked appraoch looks very promising. It's fresh, uses the signals framework (flexible) and is very easy to implement - high level enough for your problem. Look out for UserProfile Examples because they are very similiar to your Problem and more usual.
If you don't want to go the way with signals, the most straight-forward solution would be to override the save method.
So you already had the solutions in mind. Imho I can't figure out a better or more high level solution.


how can i replicate admin.TabularInline outside of the admin (on the user side?)

Given a mode A and a model B that has a field with a many to many relationship with model A, I am trying to allow users creating an object of model B to also create an object of model A inline/on-the-fly just like TabularInline allows you to do on the admin.
This is a very common problem and the solution is not trivial (at least for the moment). Django admin uses Javascript(jQuery) to do this task. Multiplication of a form requires lots of altering values and IDs etc. But recently people started doing this with htmx. The way it is done is explained in this article from JustDjango thoroughly. There is even a video tutorial about it. I personally like the way they do it. You can give it a try. It feels and looks like in the django admin. If you would like to do it purely in django, you can look up formset_factory

Django Rest Framework -A concrete example of when you would use a serializer class vs a model serializer class

I am learning django rest framework, while I understand what a serializer does and when you would use it, I cannot fully seat the need for a serializer and a model serialzer class. Can one of you please give me a concrete real world example use case of both please?
Yes I have gone through the tutorial on DRF website several times and I still am experiencing fuzziness
There is an excellent example on the DRF tutorial and it would take too much to cover in an answer, but I would like to make some points.
First, the DRF documentation explains:
Our SnippetSerializer class is replicating a lot of information that's also contained in the Snippet model. It would be nice if we could keep our code a bit more concise.
In the same way that Django provides both Form classes and ModelForm classes, REST framework includes both Serializer classes, and ModelSerializer classes.
The Snippet model is the name of the model used in that example. So as the documentation says, rather than typing again the same fields from the model over to a Serializer, we can use a ModelSerializer as a shortcut, in a similar way that we would use a ModelForm over a simple Form.
But this leaves the question essentially as "ok, then why is there a simple Serializer class at all?", as you pointed out in your comment.
In the vast majority of cases where you have models and you need to serialize/deserialize relevant data (usually JSON but not limited to), then ModelSerializer is the way to go. Even if additional fields, related serializers or arbitrary logic is required, a ModelSerializer can be easily tweaked. Personally it has never occured to me with any of my projects that ModelSerializer is not suitable for data related to a model.
But there may be cases where you need to handle data that do not abide to a model. Such data would be POSTed to a DRF view and a Serializer would handle them. Such cases could be for example to send a mail message, to setup a Celery task, to add data to session, and many others that do not involve a model at all.

Is there a way to express Django admin settings inside the models, instead of

Talking about Django 1.1.1. I thought at one time (0.96) the kinds of things put inside of the file were part of an inner class of the model.
There's a certain beauty in having all of this in one place. But I don't know if this change was out of necessity. Any compelling reasons one way or the other?
They took away that particular magic, but there is nothing to keep you from putting your admin.ModelAdmin subclass right after the models.Model subclass itself. I prefer keeping them together myself because it's less likely I'll forget to add a field to the list to show in the admin display.
Perhaps it would not be a good idea to have this stuff in the models anyway, since it would be excess information when using the site as a non-admin? (For performance reasons)
There isn't any way to express the admin options inside the model definition as an inner class in the latest version. But there is no reason why you can't put your ModelAdmin class right after your Model class in your file. You can then just call your right after your definition.
You may run into a problem with the register() being called more than once for a model, which will generate an error. should only get loaded once though so this should work. If not, you can definitely declare your ModelAdmin class in, and then put all your register() calls in
A couple reasons that I can think of to put it them in are:
Convention -- seems like this is becoming a best practice.
Decoupling -- the admin definitions don't really have much to do with the model.
Cleanness -- probably no need to fill up your file with stuff you aren't going to change much.
But if your file isn't going to be very long I can see the attraction of having them right next to each other.
use class Admin inside your models as u use class Meta
and then define what u want

Django: One FormWizard for multiple models

Would it be possible/best practice to use 1 FormWizard for manipulating multiple models?
I've experimented with the FormWizard and have defined all the forms. The page 'flow' itself works like a charm. However with all the checks that need to be done and Models that are manipulated it feels like I'm sticking code in the form's __init__ and/or process_step() that really belongs in The docs even state: "Dont manipulate form data via process_step().
Testing a concept with everything in one view, thus using a last_submitted_page (the step equiv) it feels like I'm writing another formwizard.
Anybody been here before? Tips welcome.
Thanx a lot.
Zooming out on the issue I decided to go for the FormWizard approach. I re-confirmed that code is easily placed in and that you can get your model info by using. the process_step().

Django and Generic Views

I've written an entire app pretty successfully in Django but I have this nagging question that I think I know the answer to but I just want to make sure.
One of the things I really liked about Django was the data model and the ability to not have to do "obvious" stuff. For example, we use the admin interface extensively in our app. The fact that I don't need to write an edit screen for every model and keep it up to date every time the model changes is really nice.
What I'm puzzled by is that I wanted to have one part of the app render "read-only" versions of the models. Essentially I want exactly what I have in the Admin interface but without editable widgets. Now I notice, from the Django code, that that admin interface actually goes through and substitutes the widgets to use the editable ones so I know that non-editable is certainly there.
But as far I can tell, there is no way to just say "render this object" and have Django do the "obvious" thing and render it just like it does for the admin interface but with non-editable fields. I find this hard to believe since it seems like a) this is easier than the admin stuff and b) I know the widgets are already there. But I've looked all over and even the Django examples seem to always create a template and spell out exactly what the page should look like.
Writing a template is probably a good idea in general but early on in development when things are changing it would be better to have something that just does something basic given the information available in the model.
Am I missing something? Sorry if this is a stupid question.
Could be that most non-toy sites want a custom layout/html anyway?
Or, are you looking for Databrowse?
I used something like this:
There are other similar things around if you google for 'django read-only admin' or similar.
Never underestimate how flexible the Django Admin is...