C++ MySQL error in libmysql.dll - c++

I've made an app in C++ that uses mysql to connect to a server, but when I send it to my friends to test it, this is what they get:
libmysql.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error.
It works completely fine on my pc, I even tried sending another libmysql.dll, same error persists. How can I fix this?

Most likely, libmysql.dll is either 64-bit and he is using a 32-bit operating system, or it is depending on other DLLs that aren't installed on his system.
There is a tool called dependency walker that will help you track down that kind of problem, but it is designed for advanced users and in short you should probably install the mysql client using a mysql installer instead.


What is needed to run a VS2019-compiled application on Windows Server 2012?

Recently I wrote a program with VS2019, invoking Tesseract OCR dll compiled in C++ (x64) and display result on a .NET Windows form. Everything works fine on my Windows 10 dev PC. When deployed to Windows Server 2012 (x64), it crashed, complaining that the C++ dlls are not found.
What I tried:
Install vc_redist.x64.exe from Microsoft, it's still not work. (Maybe not enough?)
Run a simple .NET windows form program on that server, and it works well. (It's not a .NET problem)
I used Dependency Walker that #Fenixil suggested, and the dlls below are not found:
Those dlls can be found in my dev PC, in C:/Windows/WinSxS, multiple files in same name under different directory. Do they belong to some Windows SP update, or are they in the Win10 platform API? What's the best way to install them instead of simply copying them to production server?
There are multiple versions of vc_redist, you need to provide one that is used in your application. Here is some discussion with vc_redist not found, might be related to your issue.
You can use Dependency Walker tool to check which dlls are missing in the system

Air Native Extensions: Released Air App w/Windows Native Extension works fine on develpment PC but not on other computers

I'm working on an AIR app that uses a Native Extension for windows that I developed for the same project. The app calls an ANE method called pingFunction and passes it a String containing the IP address where the pingFunction will perform, believe it or not, a ping test.
The application and it's ANE work great on Flash Builder and even after making it a release, they keep working like a charm on the development PC. The problem is that I've tried on two other computers and the application is throwing the following error:
ArgumentError: Error #3500: The extension context does not have a method with the name pingFunction.
at flash.external::ExtensionContext/_call()
at flash.external::ExtensionContext/call()
at com.mycompanyname.myappname::MyAppName/sendPing()[...
At the beggining I thought I had to do with the fact that I was using a DLL I compiled using the Debug configuration on Visual Studio instead of the Release configuration, because I read that sometimes the a debug-version of a DLL can use external DLLs. So, I changed it and rebuilt the whole library as a release build. Sadly for me, I'm still experiencing the same result.
Also, I tried changing the swf-version of both the AIR app and the ANE to the AIR SDK version I'm using (14.0), and got again the same error.
The development computer is running Windows 8.1 and the others, where the app is not working, Windows 7 and Windows 7 Service Pack 1.
Any ideas about why this is happening? Any questions or comments that might lead me to the right track will be deeply appreciated.
Error#3500 is coming because you don't have the required runtime installed on those machines, which is necessary to execute any c++ code .
On your development machine you have visual studio installed and hence you also have msvcr.
Solution of the problem is:
Install msvcr i.e. Microsoft Visual c++ redistribution - 2012 from here.
you need msvcr anywhere you want to run any VS compiled c++ code.

QNetworkAccessManager crash related to SSL

My Qt Windows desktop application crashes on first QNetworkAccessManager->get call. I get following error in the log.
Auto configuration failed
16100:error:02001015:system library:fopen:Is a directory:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.c:122:fopen('d:/openssl/ssl/openssl.cnf','rb')
16100:error:2006D002:BIO routines:BIO_new_file:system lib:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.c:127:
16100:error:0E078002:configuration file routines:DEF_LOAD:system lib:.\crypto\conf\conf_def.c:199:
It is something related to OpenSSL configuration, but I actually don't use (and don't need) SSL in my application. I know that OpenSSL library is loaded together with QNetworkAccessManager, but is there any way to disable it?
I can fix this problem by reinstalling openssl libraries like it is stated here, but this is not a good solution since I cannot force my customers to reinstall openssl on their systems because of my application. So I am looking for a better solution.
I already tried adding DEFINES += QT_NO_SSL into my project file but with no luck. Interesting here is that this is only happening after I deploy my application, it works smoothly from Qt Creator.
Important thing here is that I can manually manipulate crashing (on deploy systems) by modifying OPENSSL_CONF environment variable. If it does not exist or if it is set correctly, app won't crash, otherwise (env. variable is set to incorrect folder) app crashes.
Any ideas?

Error when running QDB2 driver on deployment machine

I am using Win7 and db2 express. I have successfully compiled and used the db2 drivers on one of my machines, but when trying to use it on another computer that does not have db2 installed the driver won't run and return an empty string as an error.
Just to make sure I copied everything from ibm/sqllib/bin to a directory that can be found on the computer I use for deployment and dependency walker confirms that indeed the qsqldb2 driver can find the libraries inside that directory.
Yet the problem remains and my app won't run properly, any ideas on how to solve this error?
I am yet not sure if this classifies as an answer or not but, even though in my development machine it worked fine with the libraries inside ibm/sqllib/bin. The way I made it work on my deployment machine is by instead providing it with the libraries coming with the clidriver.

Error STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_PATH when running qt executables through developer studio

I have searched and found no answer to this
I have a weird problem when running executables through developer studio (2008): a basic 'hello world' exe works OK when created through the usual dev studio project creation mechanism, but when trying to run a library based program the software crashes with STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_PATH. The program uses Qt and zlib behind the scenes and is written in C++, but (as far as I'm aware) is not dependent on any particular network locations on initialisation; we do have Sophos installed on the PC too.
The weird thing is that one cant even step into the main: the program fails well before this with the error. If we plug the network in, it starts up just fine ... The odd thing is this only occurs on a specific 64 bit Windows 7 machine.
Does anyone have any tips as to how to trace where the issue is? We've tried tracking using procmon but it is not very revealing; no obvious failures up to the point where the program crashes.
We have now figured out the answer. It transpired that there were 2 issues:
Firstly a wrapper .bat script that was launching developer studio was setting the PATH environment variable: a location in this path was being specified using a UNX style path (e.g. \\a\location\somewhere) rather than a mapped drive. The executables were not actually using this location but when the network was unplugged this it seems that this was disrupting things from dev studio
This, in tandem with a network configuration error on the PC, meant that deep down in the runes, something was failing.
So - advice if you see such an error
Check your PATH and make sure it is sensible
Look in your PC's configuration logs, and see if you can see any networking issues