Migrating to Django 1.4 - django

I'm currently developing a website in Django v1.2.7. That's the version as per requirements, but I think I could change it without problems. I was thinking about using v1.3 (because of class-based views, etc), but the version 1.4 was released a few weeks ago. My questions are:
Does it worth migrating to Django 1.4?
What incompatibilities could I face when updating the version?

Both your questions are answered at the release page for 1.4


How can i make Mezzanine 4.3 work with django 3 without errors?

How to make Mezzanine 4.3 work with django 3 on AZURE without issues
l've made a mezzanine blog and i'm facing challenges deploying it in AZURE cloud. Everything goes well but, when bind the blog with Engine X it requires me to Update Django for static files (css, js, images to show). When i update django I have the worst problems. It needs me to change lots of file settings some of which i dont even understand. May someone help me if there is a way to Deploy Mezzanine 4.3 and any version of Django without such challenges. It seems building was better than deployment Now.
I will be glad to be help in simple steps possible for this to work.
Thank you very much in advance
Mezzanine doesn't run on Django 3 yet. Actually, the community is trying to make it support Django 2.2. As far as Mezzanine is concerned, you're stuck with Django 2 still. The original maintainer has stopped working on the project for a long time and the community is trying to find a way forward for the project. If I was you, I wouldn't start a new project on Mezzanine. Its future is very uncertain.

Django Admin Interface design is different

The django version is 1.9.2.
I have my website on two different servers ( the same website) the problem is that the Django admin interface on the first server is different from that on the second here are some screenshots of the two copies of the admin website
Before upgrading to a new Django version it is smart to read the release notes. Not only the release notes of the target but all versions in between. That way you know what you are going for.
1.9 introduces new styling see: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/releases/1.9/#new-styling-for-contrib-admin
New styling for contrib.admin
The admin sports a modern, flat design with new SVG icons which look perfect on HiDPI screens. It still provides a fully-functional experience to YUI’s A-grade browsers. Older browser may experience varying levels of graceful degradation.
You run your website on two different machines each with another Django versions installed. By deploying to a new server with newer Django you 'unknowingly upgraded'. Inspect the version you are using with:
$ python manage.py version
Downgrade Django to get your old admin style back.
The design of the Django admin has changed in the 1.9 release. If you think you have upgraded both projects to Django >= 1.9, you must check your requirements, since the first one clearly still runs with Django 1.8 or less.

Where are the docs for older Django versions?

As of this year Django core devs removed docs for Django versions older than 1.7 from https://docs.djangoproject.com/.
Unfortunately, there’re still apps using older Django versions in the wild, such as the project I’m currently busy upgrading.
Googling variations of “django 1.5 docs” gives links to unfamiliar domains such as django-doc-test1.readthedocs.io and django-document-tchinese.readthedocs.io, and a PDF under media.readthedocs.org.
I’m looking for hosted navigable Django 1.5–1.6 documentation, preferably in HTML, is that still a thing? Any options apart from building the docs myself from source?
The docs for Django 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 were removed from the official docs.djangoproject.com site in February 2016. See this discussion on the django-developers website for more details.
You can still view the docs for Django 1.4 and later on readthedocs.
For earlier versions of Django, you can view the source files on GitHub (for example, Django 1.3), but if you need html versions, you'll have to try building them yourself.

Django 1.8 and MongoDB?

This question is already asked on StackOverflow,
The asked questions date back to 2013, Its 2015 now and Django has grown up fast.
What is the situation of using mongodb with Django 1.8 as of 2015?
Does Django support Monogodb out of the box (with db adapters)? or another distribution like django-nonrel should be used?
I don't think Django provides out of the box support for MongoDB. It is more tailored for relational databases.
One solution could be using MongoEngine.
MongoEngine is an Object-Document Mapper, written in Python for
working with MongoDB.
You need to just configure MongoEngine with Django and then it should work comfortably.
just my thoughts and somewhat subjective and opinionated but I would say it does not work very well. I quickly disbanded the idea of trying to run Django with MongoDB, since it's auth system is heavily reliant upon a relational database to work.
There are apparently ways around this, but ultimately I decided for my project it was not worth the effort just to use MongoDB.
Does Django support Monogodb out of the box (with db adapters)?
No, it does not. If you can find a django compatible engine for mongodb, then it will work perfectly.
The good news is there is such an engine, called django-mongodb-engine; the bad news is that it relies on django-nonrel which is not updated against the latest stable version of django.
So, if you must - you can use MongoDB at the expense of not having some updated django features available to you (and more importantly, any security patches).
If you want to supplement your main database with mongodb - that is, mongodb will not be your primary database, then the process is a lot easier.
So, in summary:
django 1.8 provides no out-of-the-box support for mongodb (or other non-relational databases) as the primary data store.
support is available using the third party django-nonrel package, which is behind the current django production version.
I came across a new package that does support the latest django on MongoDB: djongo
As stated above, mongoengine does not support all contrib apps of django. Especially the auth app doesn' work on mongoengine
Djongo claims to compile SQL queries into mongodb queries. So its is essentially version agnostic and works for all versions of Django.
Disclosure: I have contributed to this package by making minor bug fixes.
I know that its been three years but for those who are wondering about MongoDB and Django now should know that the situation has not changed. Mongoengine as described earlier is a good enough tool but still there are limitations. For instance when i integrated mongodb with django using mongoengine i was not able the use elastic search with my application. Furthermore with mongoDB you loose you loose Django admin and authentications functionalities. So, MongoDB with Django is still a risky choice

Django 1.7 vs Django1.6 vs Django 1.5 [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been developing using Django 1.5 a lot. Is it worth the time to shift from Django 1.5 to Django 1.6 or Django 1.7? I know, In 1.7, migration is into the core of Django. How different is it from south?
Django 1.6 is a relatively incremental update compared to Django 1.7.
Django 1.6 adds a few comfort features (i.e., simplified project templates and admin enabling by default) for new projects, and some minor overhauls in algorithms (i.e., model save). There are also a myriad of other features that make development relatively easier when compared to 1.5.
Django 1.7, as you've noted, includes the migration features. In addition, it forces Python 2.7 (which may or may not be an issue for you). The migration is based off of South, so it's similar to use. In addition to various improvements, the plugin focused on being database agnostic, improved autodetection and improved the migration file format.
With both of these updates, your workflow shouldn't change significantly.