Appropriate image sizes to support various android phones & tablets - cocos2d-android

I am developing an android game in cocos2d. How many different sizes of images do I need to support android devices and tablets?

I have never used that engine but if you mean by image size, device screen size, then you should use an scale.
I took for base the most bigger I could, 1280x800, the one that's on my tablet, just to be more precise in tablets too.
I apply the scale in (X,Y) to every image size and every operation that screen or screen size it's involved. i.e:
scaleX and scaleY represents your scale and movement represent how many pixel your soodier will move.
This is an example to understand how to apply the scale. I don't recommend you to move your sprites with this operation but have in mind if you should apply the scale.
You can apply this to every screen possible and your game will feet exactly in all of it. Beware of for example QVGA screens, more "squared" in comparision with other standards and very small.
EDIT (how to get the scale):
_xMultiplier = (_screenWidth/(1280.0f/100.0f))/100.0f;
_yMultiplier = (_screenHeight/(800.0f/100.0f))/100.0f;
matrix.setScale(_xMultiplier, _yMultiplier);
this is an example of the scale applied to the matrix that we'll use.

Through ScaleX and ScaleY Property you can easily scale the images for example you take for tablet size is 1280 * 800 ,yo u can scale that sprite and use it; you can also use that image for smaller resolution e.g. 320 * 480.....


Building an object detector for a small dataset with a single class

I have a dataset of a single class (rectangular object) with a size of 130 images. My goal is to detect the object & draw a circle/dot/mark in the centre of the object.
Because the objects are rectangular, my idea is to get the dimensions of the predicted bounding box and take the circle/dot/mark as (width/2, height/2).
However, if I were to do transfer learning, would YOLO be a good choice to detect a single class of objects in a small dataset?
YOLO should be fine. However it is old now. Try YoloV4 for better results.
People have tried transfer learning from FasterRCNN to detect single objects with 300 images and it worked fine. (Link). However 130 images is a bit smaller. Try augmenting images - flipping, rotating etc if you get inferior results.
Use same augmentation for annotation as well while doing translation, rotation, flip augmentations. For example in pytorch, for segmentation, I use:
if random.random()<0.5: # Horizontal Flip
image = T.functional.hflip(image)
mask = T.functional.hflip(mask)
if random.random()<0.25: # Rotation
rotation_angle = random.randrange(-10,11)
image = T.functional.rotate(image,angle = rotation_angle)
mask = T.functional.rotate(mask ,angle = rotation_angle)
For bounding box you will have to create coordinates, x becomes width-x for horizontal flip.
Augmentations where object position is not changing: do not change annotations e.g.: gamma intensity transformation

Pygame: slow performance using pygame.Surface and convert_alpha()

I'm developing a simple tile game that displays a grid image and paints it with successive layers of images. So I have-
list_of_image_tiles = { GRASS: pygame.image.load('/grass.png').convert_alpha(), TREES: pygame.image.load('/trees.png').convert_alpha(), etc}
Then later on I blit these-
DISPLAYSURF.blit(list_of_images[lists_of_stuff][TREES], (col*TILESIZE,row*TILESIZE))
DISPLAYSURF.blit(list_of_images[lists_of_stuff][GRASS], (col*TILESIZE,row*TILESIZE))
Note that for brevity I've not included a lot of code but it does basically work- except performance is painfully slow. If I comment out the DISPLAYSURF stuff performance leaps forward, so I think I need a better way to do the DISPLAYSURF stuff, or possibly the pygame.image.load bits (is convert_alpha() the best way, bearing in mind I need the layered-image approach?)
I read something called psycho might help, but not sure how to fit that in. Any ideas how to improve the performance most welcome.
There are a couple of things you can do.
Perform the "multi-layer" blit just once to a surface then just blit that surface every frame to the DISPLAYSURF.
Identify parts of the screen that need to be updated and use screen.update(rectangle_list) instead of screen.flip().
Edit to add example of 1.
Note: you didn't give much of your code, so I just fit this with how I do it.
# build up the level surface once when you enter a level.
for row in range(LEVEL_HIGHT):
for col in range(LEVEL_WIDTH):
level.blit(list_of_images[lists_of_stuff][TREES], (col * TILESIZE, row * TILESIZE))
level.blit(list_of_images[lists_of_stuff][GRASS], (col * TILESIZE, row * TILESIZE))
then in main loop during draw part
# blit only the part of the level that should be on the screen
# view is a Rect describing what tiles should be viewable
disp = DISPLAYSURF..get_rect()
level_area = Rect((view.left * TILESIZE, * TILESIZE), disp.size)
DISPLAYSURF.blit(level, disp, area = level_area)
You should use colorkey whenever you dont need per pixel alpha. I just changed all convert_alphas in my code to simple convert and set color key for fully opaque parts of image. Performance increase TEN FOLD!

Kinect as Motion Sensor

I'm planning on creating an app that does something like this:
That means, I want to be able to set up "Trigger Zones" using the Kinect and it's 3d Image. Now I know that Microsoft is stating that the Kinect can detect the skeleton of up to 6 People.
For me however, it would be enough to detect whether something is entering a trigger zone and where.
Does anyone know if the Kinect can be programmed to function as a simple Motion Sensor, so it can detect more than 6 entries?
It is well known that Kinect cannot detect more than 5 entries (just kidding). All you need to do is to get a depth map (z-map) from Kinect, and then convert it into a 3d map using these formulas,
X = (((cols - cap_width) * Z ) / focal_length_X);
Y = (((row - cap_height)* Z ) / focal_length_Y);
Z = Z;
Where row and col are calculated from the image center (not upper left corner!) and focal is a focal length of Kinect in pixels (~570). Now you can specify the exact locations in 3D where if the pixels appear, you can do whatever you want to do. Here are more pointers:
You can use openCV for the ease of visualization. To read a frame from Kinect after it was initialized you just need something like this:
Mat inputMat = Mat(h, w, CV_16U, (void*) depth_gen.GetData());
You can easily visualize depth maps using histogram equalization (it will optimally spread 10000 Kinect levels among your available 255 levels of grey)
It is sometimes desirable to do object segmentation grouping spatially close pixels with similar depth together. I did this several years ago, see this but had to delete the floor and/or common surface on which object stayed otherwise all the object were connected and extracted as a single large segment.

Background extraction

Can anyone suggest me a fast way of getting the foreground image?
Currently I am using BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 class to do this. it is very slow. and my task doesn't need that much complex algorithm.
I can get a image of the background in the binging. camera position will not change. so I believe that there is a easy way to do this.
I need to capture a blob of the object moving in front of the camera. and there will be only one object always.
I suggest to do as following, simple solution:
Compute difference matrix:
cv::absdiff(frame, background, absDiff);
This makes each pixel (i,j) in absDiff set to |frame(i,j) - background(i.j)|. Each channel (e.g. R,G,B) is procesed independently.
Convert result to single-channeled monocolor image:
cv::cvtColor(absDiff, absDiffGray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
Apply binary filter:
cv::threshold(absDiffGray, absDiffGrayThres, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY | CV_THRESH_OTSU);
Here we used Ots'u Method to determine appriopriate threshold level. If there was any
noise from step 2, binary filter would remove it.
Apply blob detection in absDiffGrayThres image. This can be one of built-in opencv method's or manually written code which look for pixels positions which vale are 255 (remember about fast opencv pixel retrieval operations)
Such process is enough fast to manage with 640x480 RGB images with frame rate at least 30 fps on quite old Core 2 Duo 2.1 GHz, 4 GB RAM without GPU support.
Hardware remark: be sure that your camera lense aperture is not set to auto-adjust. Imagine following situation: you computed a background image on the beginning. Then, some object appears and covers bigger part of camera view. Less light comes to the lense and, beacause of auto light adjustment, camera increases aperture, background color changes, difference gives a blob in place where actually there is not any object.

Zoom image inside preview

I am writing a GUI application that works on Mac and Win and there is one little problem, which i do not know how to solve.
In my application I have a small (250 x 250 px) preview window (let' call it SW) in which placed the image. Image can be much bigger, than SW. Somewhere I have a slider which implements zoom function of image inside SW. My main problem is implement zoom function on this image.
On enter I have:
source image and it's width and height;
view image - it is zoomed copy of source image;
position of zoomed image
size of viewport is 250 x 250 px
It should works like zoom in image processing programs. When we changing our zoom value image becomes smaller or bigger relative to viewport center and position of image inside it. We can move image inside of viewport.
For correct implementation of that problem we need to calculate images size and position inside our view. I'm already wrote some "algo" that implements image size modification.
It is looks like:
float one = (source_original_size - thumbnail_size) / 100;
int bigger_side_size = qRound((100-value) * one) + thumbnail_size;
But I can not imagine how I can calculate position on scene of that zoomed image.
Can anybody help me with ideas?
If it is important I am using Qt framework and QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene and QGraphicsPixmapItem.
Take a look at the Image Viewer Example, it has some features that you are looking for.