#include <intrin.h>
using namespace std;
unsigned __int64 TimeValue=0;
unsigned __int64 rdtsc(void)
return __rdtsc();
void time_start() { TimeValue=rdtsc(); }
long long time_stop() {
return (rdtsc()-TimeValue);
int main()
long x[262144],i,k,r;
int j;
x[0] = 0;
for (i=1; i<262144; i++)
long r = rand()%i;
x[i] = x[r];
x[r] = i;
for (j=0; j<1000; j++)
for (k=0, i=0; i<262144; i++)
k = x[k];
In the program I need to create an array size of 1 megabyte. When debugging a program on the line long x [262144], an error occurs: An unhandled exception "0x00ff1997" in the "dgdxgdrfy.exe": 0xC00000FD: Stack overflow. Why is this and how to fix it?
Try to declare it as a global variable - outside the main method(). Otherwise it will be allocated on the stack which is far smaller than the heap. Another solution is to use dynamic allocation with new, but this is more error prone.
Local variables get allocated on the stack, but the stack is limited. You can probably increase the limit with a switch on the compiler.
The problem is the very large array you've declared. One simple fix will change it from being on the stack to being dynamically allocated:
std::vector<long> x(262144);
This happens because a local array is allocated on the stack. You can avoid this by using a dynamic array(one created with new), a vector or by declaring the array in the global scope.
You can use static long x[262144]; It does move the allocation outside the stack and you don't modify your code at all.
Basically, you should dynamically allocate the x array, as is seen in this article. The below example was pulled out from the text, if you change it to be appropriate for your case, it should work fine.
double *num;
num = (double *) malloc (BUFSZ* sizeof(double))
I have passed pointer to a pointer as a parameter to function and the goal is to make an array inside of that function. I have done that step properly and also inside of the function checked the *address and value of the array(local) as well as pointed by the pointer(op_ptr_array_) and they are the same(as desired).
But the problem is occurring while I want to dereference the provided pointer(op_ptr_array). The values are wrong while addresses are matched with the pointed array(local).
My idea is that as the address of op_ptr_array(pointer passed to the function) is equal to the local and op_ptr_array_ (array and pointer inside of the function) so using a for loop *(op_ptr_array+i) will provide me the result where i < op_size.
The approach I have taken is as follows:
#include <iostream>
void op_calculation(unsigned int* ip_ptr_array_,
unsigned int ip_size_,
unsigned int** op_ptr_array_,
unsigned int* op_size_)
*(op_size_) = ip_size_ + 2;
std::cout<<"op_size_ address: "<<op_size_<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"op_size_ value: "<<*(op_size_)<<std::endl;
unsigned int local[*(op_size_)];
std::cout<<"making local array to be pointed by op_ptr_array_\n";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i< *(op_size_); i++)
std::cout<<local[i]<<" ";
*op_ptr_array_ = &local[0];
local[3] = 87; // for checking pointer charecter
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < *(op_size_); i++)
std::cout<<"array address: "<<&local[i]<<" ,op_ptr_array address: "<<(*op_ptr_array_)+i<<" ,val of array: "<<local[i]<<" ,val at op_ptr_array: "<<*((*op_ptr_array_)+i)<<std::endl;
// here value and addresses are same which is desired
int main()
unsigned int ip_size = 10;
unsigned int* ip_ptr_array = new unsigned int[ip_size];
unsigned int op_size;
unsigned int* op_ptr_array;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ip_size; i++)
ip_ptr_array[i] = i+2*2;
std::cout<<"Value printing after operation of op_calculation function\n";
std::cout<<"op_size: "<<op_size<<std::endl;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < op_size; i++)
std::cout<<"Address: "<<(op_ptr_array+i)<<" , Value: "<<*(op_ptr_array+i)<<"\n";
/* Here only addresses are same with `local array` and
address pointed by op_ptr_array_ pointer` which you will find in op_calculation
function but values are different*/
return 0;
Any idea where I am making the mess is highly appreciable.
Variable local is being declared as a local variable (i.e. on the stack). This falls out of scope when the function op_calculation exits, which means that the memory originally used to allocate local may be used for something else.
This can be corrected by converting local to a pointer and using new to allocate memory for the array’s contents or by declaring local as static, which will place the contents elsewhere in RAM. Keep in mind, if you use static any future calls to op_calculation will overwrite the contents of the array, even if it is still in use elsewhere. This would not be a problem if you used new, but if you use new you will need to remember to deallocate the array using delete[] when it is no longer needed.
I've been trying to give an array its size through a variable, but it's not working because "must have a constant value".
int processes[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
int n = sizeof processes / sizeof processes[0];
findavgTime(processes, n);
void findavgTime(int processes[], int n, int bt[])
int wt[n], tat[n]; //These two vars are giving me the error
Am I missing something?
As you've seen, you can declare an array with a non-constant size like this. You could, however allocate it dynamically using new:
int* wt = new int[n];
int* tat = new int[n];
Just don't forget that you need to delete[] these arrays when you're done.
You can allocate it on the heap like how Mureinik said, but you can also allocate it on the stack (as you were trying to do) with alloca() like this:
int* wt = (int*)alloca(n * sizeof(int));
int* tat = (int*)alloca(n * sizeof(int));
free() should not be called as it is allocated on the stack, not the heap.
Some say using alloca() is bad practice because if the call causes a stack overflow, program behavior is undefined. This shouldn't be a problem as long as the array isn't too long.
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
int main (){
int n;
for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
return 0;
I just started working on a problem and I wanted to check if I knew how to read and array and make a sample output array. When I include the second loop program crashes as soon as I enter n and the first number With the following message
3 1
Process returned -1073741819 (0xC0000005) execution time : 4.943 s
Press any key to continue.
int *a; is a pointer to an integer, it is just a pointer to some memory, it has no memory allocated on its own. Since you are dereferencing this pointer a[i] without setting it up first, your compiler should even give you some warning telling that you are using a variable that has not been initialized.
0xC0000005 error code in Windows means access violation. In this case, you are trying to write to some memory which you don't have access to.
You need to allocate memory before you can read or write to it.
If you know beforehand how many entries you will have, you can do static memory allocation, if you don't, then you need to do dynamic memory allocation.
For instance, if you knew that you would need only 20 entries at max, you could easily swap int *a; for int a[20];.
But since you are only getting to know how many entries there will be when the program runs, then you need to go for dynamic memory allocation: int *a = new int[n];.
So your code should be
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
int main (){
int n;
int *a = new int[n];
for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
delete[] a; // Release allocated memory.
return 0;
You need to allocate memory for a, otherwise the behaviour of the program is undefined. Writing
int* a = new int[n];
would to it, followed by delete[] a; when you're all done (put this just before return 0;).
Alternatively, use a std::vector<int> a(n); and all the memory allocation will be taken care of for you.
Try : int a[20]; rather than int *a;
Your a doesn't point to any valid memory, resulting in undefined behaviour.
What you need is an std::vector :
#include <vector>
int n;
std::vector<int> numbers;
for (int i=0;i<n;i++){
int val;
for(int i=0;i<n /* or numbers.size()*/ ;i++){
std::cout<< numbers[i];
This takes care of dynamic allocation for you so that you don't have to do the dirty stuff yourself.
There are a few issues with your code. Primarily, you request the number 'n' then need to allocate enough space to store that many integers.
The best way to do that is to use vector. You can create this with:
std::vector< int > numbers( n );
You can also create it allocating the memory but waiting until you have data:
std::vector< int > numbers;
numbers.reserve( n );
You also should probably validate your input, for example your input stream (cin) will be invalid if the user enters something that is not an integer, and the original 'n' should be positive if you are going to try to create a vector of that size, and you may need to set a limit or you will suffer a bad_alloc. If you do not mind suffering a bad_alloc you should catch that exception and print an error such as "There is insufficient space to allocate as many numbers".
Of course if you enter a high number like 10 million, you may find the compiler is able to allocate that many but your user will get bored in your loop when you ask him to enter integers 10 million times.
You do not need <cstdio> as a header. You will need <vector> and <iostream>.
int* is a pointer to int, not an array.
To create an array of int, example: int a[100]; - where 100 is the size
Moreover, you should use a std::vector<int> instead:
vector<int> vec;
for (int i = 0; i != n; ++i) {
int temp;
cin >> temp;
This question already has answers here:
Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope?
(20 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
using namespace std;
int *Arr(int y,int size){
int arg[size];
for(int i=size-1;i>=0;i--){
return arg;
int main(){
int *p=Arr(2587,4);
for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
cout<<p[j]<<" ";
return 0;
> Blockquote
I dont why this isn't working ...I'm trying to back an array but the problem is in the second digits.Can somebody help ;) thanks
The problem is you are putting your result into a local array that is destroyed when the function ends. You need to dynamicaly allocate the array so that its life-span is not limited to the function it was created in:
using namespace std;
int *Arr(int y, int size)
// This local array will be destroyed when the function ends
// int arg[size];
// Do this instead: allocate non-local memory
int* arg = new int[size];
for(int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
arg[i] = y % 10;
y = y / 10;
return arg;
int main()
int *p = Arr(2587, 4);
for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
cout << p[j] << " ";
// You need to manually free the non-local memory
delete[] p; // free memory
return 0;
Allocating dynamic memory using new is to be avoided if possible. You may want to study up on smart pointers for managing it.
Also, in real C++ code, you would use a container like std::vector<int> rather than a builtin array
Of course it is not working.
At best, the behaviour is undefined, since Arg() is returning the address of a local variable (arg) that no longer exists for main(). main() uses that returned address when it is not the address of anything that exists as far as your program is concerned.
There is also the incidental problem that int arg[size], where size is not fixed at compile time, is not valid C++. Depending on how exacting your compiler is (some C++ compilers reject constructs that are not valid C++, but others accept extensions like this) your code will not even compile successfully.
To fix the problem, have your function return a std::vector<int> (vector is templated container defined in the standard header <vector>). Then all your function needs to do is add the values to a local vector, which CAN be returned safely by value to the caller.
If you do it right, you won't even need to use a pointer anywhere in your code.
I'm currently learning C++, so sorry if I seem a little silly.
My current exercise, that I'm stuck on, requires me to write a function, IndexArray(int n) that returns a pointer to a dynamically allocated integer array with n elements, each of which is initialised to its own index.
(copied from the worksheet).
I've read this several times and don't fully understand it, but they gave an example:
Assuming that intPtr is declared as
int *intPtr;
the statement
intPtr = IndexArray(10);
should produce the following memory configuration:
intPtr -> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
From this example I'm guessing my function needs to create an array of size n, with values from 0 to n-1, and then another pointer needs to point to that array.
Here's their test code:
int *values1;
values1 = IndexArray(10);
I know how to easily create the array, but I don't fully understand pointers enough to know really what to do. I figured returning an array would work:
int *IndexArray(int n) {
cout << n << endl;
int arrayTemp[n];
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
arrayTemp[i] = i;
return arrayTemp;
However when tested, values1 array doesn't contain the values from 0-9 (although arrayTemp does right before it's returned).
Any help would be amazing, and hopefully I've given everything you need to help. Thanks! :D
int arrayTemp[n];
Notice that the statement is in a function, so when the function terminates, the arrayTemp[] will not be available any more, it coule be removed : it is a #local# variable!
So, if you want to do that , you could use :
int * arrayTemp = new int[n];
NOTICE : you must delete it any how to avoid memory leaks.
You cannot do this:
int *IndexArray(int n) {
cout << n << endl;
int arrayTemp[n]; //declare a local array
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
arrayTemp[i] = i;
return arrayTemp; //return a pointer to a local
You cannot return a pointer to a local. The local ceases to exist once you return. The pointer now points to garbage.
Instead, you have to use malloc (C or C++) or new (C++) to dynamically create storage for 10 ints, and since this is dynamically created on the heap it will persist after returning (and will need to be freed if malloced or delete[]d if it was a an array made with new. For just single objects made with new you just use delete )