How to reinitialize native code in managed dll - c++

For testing an existing application I wrote a dll that can be loaded into our simulation application. All is working just fine until I want to reset the existing application from within the dll. Although the main() is restarted, it seems that the memory is not reset/initialized.
The goal is to change as little as possible in the existing application, so actually I don't want to rewrite the application to initialize its variables at startup. Besides that, all local static variables also keep their old values.
Below a sample of how I call the existing application from within the dll.
void TimerThread::Run(void)
if ((nullptr != mpMainThread) && (mpMainThread->ThreadState == System::Threading::ThreadState::Stopped))
// Cleanup MainThread when thread has stopped
delete mpMainThread;
mpMainThread = nullptr;
if (nullptr == mpMainThread)
// (Re)create MainThread in which the existing application is executed
mpMainThread = gcnew System::Threading::Thread(gcnew System::Threading::ThreadStart(&Main));
mpMainThread->Priority = System::Threading::ThreadPriority::Highest;
dtStartTime = System::DateTime::Now; // Keep track when started.
if (nullptr != mpMainThread)
//Simulate timertick in existing application
dtEndTime = System::DateTime::Now;
iDuration = dtEndTime->Millisecond - dtStartTime->Millisecond; // Determine execution time.
System::Threading::Thread::Sleep(((TIMER_INTERVAL - iDuration) > 0) ? (miInterval - iDuration) : 0); // Set sleep time depending on time spent
void TimerThread::Main(void)
main(); // Run main off existing application
void TimerThread::Reset(void)
mpMainThread->Abort(); // Reset existing application by aborting MainThread
The main of the existing application is quite common. Below an indication of the main().
int main(void)
static char test = 0;
test = 1;
timer_tick = FALSE;
The static test variable is initialized at 0 and set to 1 in the infinite loop. When the application is reset from within the dll, the main restarts, but the test variable keeps the value 1. Obviously I want this variable to be reset to 0 when I reset the application.
Any ideas?

If the native DLL doesn't provide a function to reset its state then you will have to unload the DLL and then reload it. If you are using implicit linking that's not possible. You have to use explicit linking: LoadLibrary, GetProcAddress etc.
I'm assuming that the native code is contained in a separate DLL. If that's not the case then you are completely stuck.

Pretty simple.
static char test;
test = 0;


How to combine RegisterDragDrop, RoInitialize to work together in one thread?

I have a dilemma. My GUI-based C++ app requires to implement drag-and-drop functionality. At the same time, I'm converting this Win32 app to UWP to submit to Windows Store. But there's one issue:
To implement drag-and-drop I need to call these two methods:
HRESULT hr = RegisterDragDrop(hMainWnd, pDropTarget);
and to init WinRT stuff to work with Windows Store, I need to call:
Unfortunately OleInitialize initialized COM as single-thread apartment and RoInitialize requires multi-threaded model, while RegisterDragDrop cannot function without calling OleInitialize.
Any idea how to resolve it? (apart from moving RoInitialize and all WinRT code into a worker thread, that will complicate things.)
Raymond Chen in his usual condescending way is pretty good at criticizing things but offers no fix to an existing problem. I'm posting this mostly for later self-reference and in case someone else stumbles upon the same issue as well. I just spent several days trying to resolve this bug, so maybe it will save time for someone else.
First off, this is a native Win32 code (no .NET or C++/CX.) It is C++ with a sprinkle of WRL for easier handling of WinRT/COM stuff.
In my case I have a Win32 GUI app that implements drag-and-drop of files into its main window. So to init it, one needs to do this from the main thread, right when the app starts:
HRESULT hr = RegisterDragDrop(hMainWnd, pDropTarget);
The OleInitialize call above will initialize COM for the main thread to use single-thread apartment, which is required for RegisterDragDrop to succeed. Without it, the drag-and-drop function will not work.
Then, say you decide to convert this Win32 app to UWP using Microsoft's Project Centennial converter for inclusion into Windows 10 store.
When the app is converted and listed in the store under their trial-license scheme, you will employ the following logic to check if the user has a trial or an activated (i.e. purchased) copy of the app. You'll begin it as such:
//Init COM for WinRT
ComPtr<IStoreContextStatics> pStoreContextStatics;
&pStoreContextStatics)) &&
//Get store context for the app
ComPtr<IStoreContext> pStoreContext;
if(SUCCEEDED(pStoreContextStatics->GetDefault(&pStoreContext)) &&
//Got store context
and then if you need to know trial vs. activated status of the app, using this logic, you'd call:
ComPtr<IAsyncOperation<StoreAppLicense*>> p_opAppLic;
if(SUCCEEDED(pStoreContext->GetAppLicenseAsync(p_opAppLic)) &&
ComPtr<IAsyncOperationCompletedHandler<StoreAppLicense*>> p_onAppLicCallback =
Callback<Implements<RuntimeClassFlags<ClassicCom>, IAsyncOperationCompletedHandler<StoreAppLicense*>, FtmBase>>(
[](IAsyncOperation<StoreAppLicense*>* pOp, AsyncStatus status)
if (status == AsyncStatus::Completed)
ComPtr<IStoreAppLicense> pAppLicResult;
if(SUCCEEDED(pOp->GetResults(&pAppLicResult)) &&
BYTE nActive = -1;
BYTE nTrial = -1;
//Get app's store ID with SKU
HString strStoreId;
if(nActive == 1 &&
nTrial == 0)
//Activated, or purchased copy
else if(nActive == 1 &&
nTrial == 1)
//Trial copy
//Error -- store returned some gibberish
return S_OK;
//Success initiating async call
So, if you do all this, your UWP-converted app will behave in a very strange way. Here's an example. Say a user purchases a license for the app thru Windows Store. In turn your app logic calls the code above to see if the app is activated, but what you get back is nActive=0 and nTrial=1. Then if you check strStoreId it will be your app store ID but without the SKU. WTF!?
I know, it's really confusing. As an aside, let me explain. When you first list your app in a Windows Store it will be assigned a Store ID. Something like: ABCDEFG12345. Then if you submit any follow-up update(s) to the first version of the same app, they will add a SKU number to it, that will make the whole app ID change to ABCDEFG12345/0010, then ABCDEFG12345/0011 for the next update, and so on.
Well, the WinRT code above would return my app store ID as ABCDEFG12345 without any SKU attached to it. Which was wrong, since it was a third or so update to the first version of the app. And thus any additional attributes for that app store ID were also wrong.
So that was the issue that I was faced with...
All the headache that I described above was caused by my omission to check the result code returned from the first RoInitialize call. I would be able to catch the problem much faster if I did this:
//Init COM for WinRT
//WinRT COM initialization failed
//Go scratch your head why....
In this case RoInitialize will fail with error code RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE. The documentation for it is as helpful as Windows Help (F1) option:
A previous call to RoInitialize specified the concurrency model for
this thread as multithread apartment (MTA). This could also indicate
that a change from neutral-threaded apartment to single-threaded
apartment has occurred.
What previous call? The only parameter anyone can call it with is RO_INIT_MULTITHREADED.
So I started digging deeper and by the process of elimination found that the OleInitialize call earlier was the reason why RoInitialize failed and caused the cascade of events that I described above.
Thus I was at the point of asking the question here.
Note on the side, that the bug ridden WinRT library (ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5) gave me no indications of a problem in all the calls following RoInitialize and somewhere internally silently failed to retrieve the app's SKU because of a single-thread apartment COM initialization.
As was suggested by RbMm in the comments above, doing the following will work, but is a totally undocumented behavior:
So if you don't want your app to start crashing for no apparent reason, I would not use it.
My solution that I went with was to move all the WinRT COM stuff (code I listed above: 2nd and 3rd code segments) into a separate worker thread. It will work fine from there. The issue is marshalling calls between your main thread and this worker thread. It is doable, but requires some work, i.e. using mutexes and events for synchronized access, etc.
So if anyone finds an easier fix for this, please post your solution. I'll mark it as the answer.
solution to the IDsObjPicker crashes I mentioned in the comment ealier, quick code I wrote just now.
Use code below as:
TDsObjPicker lv_PickInfo;
memset(&lv_PickInfo, 0, sizeof(TDsObjPicker));
Sec_InitDsObjPicker(&lv_PickInfo, &lv_InitInfo);
Sec_InvokeDsObjPicker(&lv_PickInfo, 0, &lv_oData);
Solution is to run the dialog in another thread and init the thread without the Ole+Com combination:
// command codes
// parameters of object picker via thread
typedef struct tagDsObjPicker
// thread handle
HANDLE hThread;
// events
// commands
UINT CmdCode;
HRESULT hResult;
// command parameters - DSOPCMD_INITIALIZE
// command parameters - DSOPCMD_INVOKE
HWND hWnd;
IDataObject **oData;
} TDsObjPicker;
DWORD CALLBACK _Sec_DsObjPickerThread(VOID *in_Param)
/* locals */
HRESULT lv_hCreateResult;
HRESULT lv_hResult;
TDsObjPicker *lv_PickInfo;
IDsObjectPicker *lv_oPicker;
// get info structure
lv_PickInfo = (TDsObjPicker*)in_Param;
// init COM
// preclear object pointer
lv_oPicker = NULL;
// create instance of picker
lv_hCreateResult = CoCreateInstance(
IID_IDsObjectPicker, (VOID**)&lv_oPicker);
// while thread is not aborted
while (lv_PickInfo->CmdCode != DSOPCMD_EXITTHREAD)
// wait for command event
if (WaitForSingleObject(lv_PickInfo->hCmdEvt, INFINITE) == 0)
// what command?
switch (lv_PickInfo->CmdCode)
// call init
// call object
if (lv_hCreateResult)
lv_hResult = lv_hCreateResult;
lv_hResult = lv_oPicker->Initialize(lv_PickInfo->InitInfo);
// done
// call invoke
// call object
if (lv_hCreateResult)
lv_hResult = lv_hCreateResult;
lv_hResult = lv_oPicker->InvokeDialog(lv_PickInfo->hWnd, lv_PickInfo->oData);
// done
// other command codes
lv_hResult = E_FAIL;
// store result
lv_PickInfo->hResult = lv_hResult;
// notify caller
// destroy the picker object
if (lv_oPicker)
// cleanup COM
// leave the thread
return 0;
VOID Sec_DoneDsObjPicker(TDsObjPicker *in_PickInfo)
// is thread created?
if (in_PickInfo->hThread)
// set command code
in_PickInfo->CmdCode = DSOPCMD_EXITTHREAD;
// trigger the thread to process the code
// wait for thread to finish
WaitForSingleObject(in_PickInfo->hThread, INFINITE);
// close thread handle
// close event handles
if (in_PickInfo->hCmdEvt) CloseHandle(in_PickInfo->hCmdEvt);
if (in_PickInfo->hRdyEvt) CloseHandle(in_PickInfo->hRdyEvt);
// clear
memset(in_PickInfo, 0, sizeof(TDsObjPicker));
HRESULT Sec_InitDsObjPicker(TDsObjPicker *in_PickInfo, DSOP_INIT_INFO *in_InitInfo)
/* locals */
// thread not yet created?
if (!in_PickInfo->hThread)
// create events
in_PickInfo->hCmdEvt = CreateEvent(0,0,0,0);
in_PickInfo->hRdyEvt = CreateEvent(0,0,0,0);
// if ok
if (in_PickInfo->hCmdEvt && in_PickInfo->hRdyEvt)
// create the thread
in_PickInfo->hThread = CreateThread(
0, 0, _Sec_DsObjPickerThread, in_PickInfo, 0, &lv_TID);
// failed?
if (!in_PickInfo->hThread)
// cleanup
// return with error
// store parameter
in_PickInfo->InitInfo = in_InitInfo;
// set command code
in_PickInfo->CmdCode = DSOPCMD_INITIALIZE;
// trigger the thread to process the code
// wait for result
WaitForSingleObject(in_PickInfo->hRdyEvt, INFINITE);
// return the result
return in_PickInfo->hResult;
HRESULT Sec_InvokeDsObjPicker(TDsObjPicker *in_PickInfo, HWND in_hWnd, IDataObject **out_oData)
/* locals */
MSG lv_Msg;
// thread not yet created?
if (!in_PickInfo->hThread)
return E_FAIL;
// store parameters
in_PickInfo->hWnd = in_hWnd;
in_PickInfo->oData = out_oData;
// set command
in_PickInfo->CmdCode = DSOPCMD_INVOKE;
// trigger the thread
// process messages of this thread while picker runs in other thread until event
while (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &in_PickInfo->hRdyEvt, 0, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT) != 0)
// get next message
while (PeekMessage(&lv_Msg, 0,0,0, PM_REMOVE))
// translate/dispatch the message
// return the result
return in_PickInfo->hResult;
You asked why calling OleInitialize() first, followed by CoUnintialize and then reinit COM via CoInitializeEx works and is safe, look at the code of the rewritten OLE server in WINE, it comes pretty close to the "real thing". The OleInitialize calls CoInitializeEx itself with COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED and fails before doing the OLE-specific initializations upon a fail of CoInitializeEx. There is no reason to fail as the OLE code can run as well in MULTITHREADED mode. Remember MULTITHREADED means the caller must take care of synchronisation/locking while with APARTMENTTHREADED the COM libray will handle it for the code. So if you make sure you do not call the OLE code like dragdrop and clipboard at the same time from multiple threads then there is no problem. Keeping all UI in the main thread will do that. As you should already write multithreaded-aware code yourself using the requested MULTITHREADED mode.
I have the problem with directshow filters/drivers which lock the process when COM is initialized with APARTMENTTHREADED even when directshow is called from a thread with THREADED while the main UI thread runs in APARTMENTTHREADED.
Uninitializing COM after initializing OLE, then re-inititializing COM with MULTITHREAED during startup in the main UI thread makes you bypass the failure in OleInitialize. It is the best solution to make sure all runs well.

Object pointer randomly points to 0x00000

I'm running a Visual C++ MFC application in release mode. I'm compiling everything using Visual Studio 2010.
My app runs a mini CNC mill through USB VCP communication.
I have a XML file that stores the app's settings.
My problem is this: ocassionaly (and this is repeatable) the pointer to the tinyxml2::XMLDocument I'm using gets set to 0x000.
Occasionally, the XML file get written to while the mill is running.
Before the error happens, the mill I'm running siezes for almost 30 seconds.
I'm using mutex locks to make sure the xmldoc doesn't get written to file twice at once.
The mutex locks are working, and the mutex error never occurs. I know the mutex code isn't perfect, but that isn't the issue. Honest.
I never write to the xmldoc pointer except when the parent class is booting up.
And then, all of a sudden, the xmlDoc pointer gets set to zero.
Any thoughts anyone?
Here is my saving code, although the problem may lie elsewhere:
void XMLSettings::SaveToXML()
HANDLE g_Mutex = CreateMutex( NULL, TRUE, "XMLSavingMutex");
DWORD wait_success = WaitForSingleObject( g_Mutex, 30000L);
if(wait_success == WAIT_OBJECT_0){
CIsoProApp* pApp = (CIsoProApp*)AfxGetApp();
if(PathFileExists(pApp->DrivePath + "IsoPro\\temp.xml"))
DeleteFile(pApp->DrivePath + "IsoPro\\temp.xml");
OutputDebugString("xmlDoc == NULL");
int errorcode = xmlDoc->SaveFile(pApp->DrivePath + "IsoPro\\temp.xml");
if(errorcode != 0)
OutputDebugString("xmlDoc == errorcode");
OutputDebugString("xmlDoc == NULL2");
OutputDebugString("xmlDoc == NULL");
if(PathFileExists(pApp->DrivePath + "IsoPro\\Settings.xml"))
DeleteFile(pApp->DrivePath + "IsoPro\\Settings.xml");
MoveFile(pApp->DrivePath + "IsoPro\\temp.xml",pApp->DrivePath + "IsoPro\\Settings.xml");
int errorInt = GetLastError();
CString error;
AfxMessageBox("XMLSavingMutex Error. WaitSuccess = " + wait_success);
AfxMessageBox("XMLSavingMutex Error. GetLastError = " + error);
Since it seems that you are creating a Mutex each time SaveToXML is called, you should change your call to
HANDLE g_Mutex = CreateMutex( NULL, FALSE, "XMLSavingMutex");
Doing this will create a named mutex that allows the implementation to dictate who the owner is; other threads will receive the same mutex.
From the doc:
Two or more processes can call CreateMutex to create the same named mutex. The first process actually creates the mutex, and subsequent processes with sufficient access rights simply open a handle to the existing mutex. This enables multiple processes to get handles of the same mutex, while relieving the user of the responsibility of ensuring that the creating process is started first. When using this technique, you should set the bInitialOwner flag to FALSE; otherwise, it can be difficult to be certain which process has initial ownership.
(Credit to WhozCraig for pointing out named mutexes)
It appears that I was accessing the xml getter while writing the xml to a file. I put a single mutex lock in place for all xml actions and things seem to be functioning properly. Thanks to everyone for their help. I'll be in touch with more info if it becomes available.

Scriptable plugin: Error calling method on NPObject

I am getting a JavaScript error: Error calling method on NPObject when calling a method in my NPAPI plugin in Chrome & Firefox on XP. Running the same code on Windows 7 with the same browsers was successful.
I have built a Scriptable plugin using the NPAPI, so far I can debug into the Invoke method of my scriptable object. But I don't believe I have any control after it's finished.
Does anyone have any ideas? Is this an issue only in Windows XP?
bool MY_ScriptableObject::Invoke(NPObject* npobj,
NPIdentifier name,
const NPVariant* args,
uint32_t argCount,
NPVariant* result)
bool rc = true;
char* wptr = NULL;
rc = false;
wptr = NULL;
if (name == NPN_GetStringIdentifier("getVersion"))
wptr = (NPUTF8*)NPN_MemAlloc(strlen("version:1.0.1") + 1); //Should be freed by browser
if (wptr != NULL)
rc = true;
return (rc);
Here is the HTML function that I am executing:
function Version()
var plugin = document.getElementById("plugin");
if (plugin == undefined)
alert("plugin failed");
var text = plugin.getVersion(); //Error happens at this line
The (sarcasm)awesome(/sarcasm) thing about NPAPI in current versions of the browsers is that if anything goes wrong with the call you automatically get that error message, even if the plugin has otherwise tried to set an exception with NPN_SetException.
My first guess would be that you compiled your code targeting a later version of windows than windows XP; I'm not sure if that would produce this issue or not. I have never seen the issue you're describing, and I've got plugins running on xp, vista, and 7 with no trouble. You might also try playing with a FireBreath plugin and see if the issue occurs there or not.
I would recommend that you attach with a debugger and set some breakpoints. Start in NPN_GetValue and make sure that it's instantiating your NPObject, then set breakpoints in your NPObject's HasMethod and Invoke methods and see what is hit. Likely something in there will show you what is actually happening, or at least tell you what code is or isn't getting hit.

How do I find out if a .exe is running in c++?

How can you find out if an executable is running on Windows given the process name, e.g. program.exe?
The C++ standard library has no such support. You need an operating system API to do this. If this is Windows then you'd use CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(), followed by Process32First and Process32Next to iterate the running processes. Beware of the inevitable race condition, the process could have exited by the time you found it.
I just created one using Hans suggestion. Works like a champ!
Oh and here is the basic code.
Please you will have to add CStrings sAppPath and sAppName.
StartProcess is a small function that uses CreateProcess and returns the PID(not used here). You will need to replace it.
This is not a complete program, just the code to find if the program is running using Hans suggestion. A fun test is to set the path to c:\windows\ and the app to notepad.exe and set it for 10 seconds.
#include <tlhelp32.h>
PROCESSENTRY32 pe32 = {0};
int iDone;
int iTime = 60;
bool bProcessFound;
while(true) // go forever
hSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,0);
pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
Process32First(hSnap,&pe32); // Can throw away, never an actual app
bProcessFound = false; //init values
iDone = 1;
while(iDone) // go until out of Processes
iDone = Process32Next(hSnap,&pe32);
if (strcmp(pe32.szExeFile,sAppName) == 0) // Did we find our process?
bProcessFound = true;
iDone = 0;
if(!bProcessFound) // if we didn't find it running...
startProcess(sAppPath+sAppName,""); // start it
Sleep(iTime*1000); // delay x amount of seconds.
Assumptions: since you mention '.exe', you want this for some flavor of Windows. You want to write a program in C++ to determine whether a program with a particular executable name is running (regardless of the language used to implement the target program).
Enumerate the running processes using either the Toolhelp API or the process status API. Compare the name of the executable for each running process to the one you're looking for (and be aware that there may be more than one process with that executable name).
hProcessInfo = OpenProcess( PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pe32.th32ProcessID );
if(strcmp(pe32.szExeFile,"process.exe") == 0)
processfound = true;
}while( Process32Next( hProcessSnap, &pe32 ) );
If you don't want to get process detail from code just press Ctrl+Alt+Del and check process list.

Boost Thread Hanging on _endthreadex

I think I am making a simple mistake, but since I noticed there are many boost experts here, I thought I would ask for help.
I am trying to use boost threads(1_40) on windows xp. The main program loads a dll, starts the thread like so (note this is not in a class, the static does not mean static to a class but private to the file).
static boost::thread network_thread;
static bool quit = false;
HANDLE quitEvent;
//some code omitted for clarity, ask if you think it would help
void network_start()
HANDLE *waitHandles = (HANDLE*)malloc(3 * sizeof(HANDLE));
waitHandles[0] = quitEvent;
waitHandles[1] = recvEvent;
waitHandles[2] = pendingEvent;
do {
//read network stuff, or quit event
dwEvents =WaitForMultipleObjects(3, waitHandles, FALSE, timeout);
} while (!quit)
network_thread = boost::thread(boost::bind<void>(network_start));
//signal quit (which works)
quit = true;
//the following code is slightly verbose because I'm trying to figure out what's wrong
try {
if (network_thread.joinable() ) {
} else {
TRACE("Too late!");
} catch (boost::thread_interrupted&) {
The problem is that the main thread is hanging on the join, and the network thread is hanging at the end of _endthreadex. What am I misunderstanding?
You are not supposed to create/end threads in InitInstance/ExitInstance,
see;EN-US;142243 for more info. Also, see about DllMain in general.