Manipulating blobs in C++ - c++

I will be reading and writing large chucks of a large binary file.
Is there a class in standard C++ or upcoming standard C++ or upcoming standard C++ + boost, that will make my task easier?
If not would it be possible to use the string class for this? What would be the dangers of doing so?
PS: A few observations that will clarify things. I expect that the blobs will be passed around a lot, so a container that is reference counted and CoW would probably be preferable.
Also my resistance to using a string class is twofold: these are blobs, not strings, "unprintable characters" and in particular nulls may cause difficulties when they appear.

If you have a blob of binary data you can store this easily and efficiently in a std::vector<unsigned char>.
You can increase performance if you know (or can guess) the size of the blobs by calling reserve.
And finally, if you use streams you can easily read into a vector using std::back_inserter.

Depending on what exactly you want to do, a memory mapped file, such as the one from boost, is probably a good starting point. For in-memory modification, use an std::vector, as others have suggested.
Don't bother with CoW - it's mostly frowned upon in the C++ world, with the possible exception of everything in Qt.


What is are the advantages of a custom data structure?

What's the need to go for defining and implementing data structures (e.g. stack) ourselves if they are already available in C++ STL?
What are the differences between the two implementations?
First, implementing by your own an existing data structure is a useful exercise. You understand better what it does (so you can understand better what the standard containers do). In particular, you understand better why time complexity is so important.
Then, there is a quality of implementation issue. The standard implementation might not be suitable for you.
Let me give an example. Indeed, std::stack is implementing a stack. It is a general-purpose implementation. Have you measured sizeof(std::stack<char>)? Have you benchmarked it, in the case of a million of stacks of 3.2 elements on average with a Poisson distribution?
Perhaps in your case, you happen to know that you have millions of stacks of char-s (never NUL), and that 99% of them have less than 4 elements. With that additional knowledge, you probably should be able to implement something "better" than what the standard C++ stack provides. So std::stack<char> would work, but given that extra knowledge you'll be able to implement it differently. You still (for readability and maintenance) would use the same methods as in std::stack<char> - so your WeirdSmallStackOfChar would have a push method, etc. If (later during the project) you realize or that bigger stack might be useful (e.g. in 1% of cases) you'll reimplement your stack differently (e.g. if your code base grow to a million lines of C++ and you realize that you have quite often bigger stacks, you might "remove" your WeirdSmallStackOfChar class and add typedef std::stack<char> WeirdSmallStackOfChar; ....)
If you happen to know that all your stacks have less than 4 char-s and that \0 is not valid in them, representing such "stack"-s as a char w[4] field is probably the wisest approach. It is fast and easy to code.
So, if performance and memory space matters, you might perhaps code something as weird as
class MyWeirdStackOfChars {
bool small;
union {
std::stack<char>* bigstack;
char smallstack[4];
Of course, that is very incomplete. When small is true your implementation uses smallstack. For the 1% case where it is false, your implemention uses bigstack. The rest of MyWeirdStackOfChars is left as an exercise (not that easy) to the reader. Don't forget to follow the rule of five.
Ok, maybe the above example is not convincing. But what about std::map<int,double>? You might have millions of them, and you might know that 99.5% of them are smaller than 5. You obviously could optimize for that case. It is highly probable that representing small maps by an array of pairs of int & double is more efficient both in terms of memory and in terms of CPU time.
Sometimes, you even know that all your maps have less than 16 entries (and std::map<int,double> don't know that) and that the key is never 0. Then you might represent them differently. In that case, I guess that I am able to implement something much more efficient than what std::map<int,double> provides (probably, because of cache effects, an array of 16 entries with an int and a double is the fastest).
That is why any developer should know the classical algorithms (and have read some Introduction to Algorithms), even if in many cases he would use existing containers. Be also aware of the as-if rule.
STL implementation of Data Structures is not perfect for every possible use case.
I like the example of hash tables. I have been using STL implementation for a while, but I use it mainly for Competitive Programming contests.
Imagine that you are Google and you have billions of dollars in resources destined to storing and accessing hash tables. You would probably like to have the best possible implementation for the company use cases, since it will save resources and make search faster in general.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that you also have some of the best engineers on the planet working for you (:
(This video is made by Kulukundis talking about the new hash table made by his team at Google )
Some other reasons that justify implementing your own version of Data Structures:
Test your understanding of a specific structure.
Customize part of the structure to some peculiar use case.
Seek better performance than STL for a specific data structure.
Hating STL errors.
Benchmarking STL against some simple implementation.

Can most of the data structures be implemented using vectors?

I used C++ vectors to implement stacks, queue, heaps, priority queue and directed weighted graphs. In the books and references, I have seen big classes for these data structures, all of which can be implemented in short using vectors. (May be there is more flexibility in using pointers)
Can we also implement even advanced data structures using vectors ?
If yes, why do C++ books still explain concepts with the long classes using pointers ?
Is it to keep in mind the lower level idea, if it is more vivid that way or it makes students equipped with such usage of pointers ?
It's true that many data structures can be implemented on top of a vector (array, for the sake of this answer), essentially all of them can, since every computation task can be implemented to run on a turing-machine which has a far more basic data access capability (or, in the real world, you may say that any program you implement with pointers eventually runs on a CPU with a simply array-like virtual memory space, so you could just call that a huge array). However, it's not always clever. Two main reasons :
performance / time complexity - a vector simply can't provide all basic operations that in O(1). There's a solution for fast initialization, but try to randomly insert values into a large vector and see how bad you perform - that's because you have to move all the elements by one place over and over. A list could do that in a single operation. Of course other structures have their own performance shortcomings, but that's the beauty of designing complicated data structures with these basic building blocks.
structural complexity - you can think of a list along the same line of a vector as an ordered container, and perhaps extend this into multidimensional matrices that can be implemented on top of them since they still retain some basic ordering, but there are more complicated structures. Take for e.g. a tree, a simple full binary tree one can be implemented with a vector very easily since the parent-child relations can be easily converted to index arithmetics, but what if the tree isn't full and has varying number of children per node? Now, you may say it can still be done (any graph can be implemented with vectors either through adjacency matrix or adjacency list for e.g.), but there's almost no sense in doing so when you can have a much simpler implementation using pointer links. Just think of doing an AVL roll with an array. :shudder:
Mind you that the second argument may very well boil down to performance ("hey, it's an awkward approach but I still managed to use a vector!"), but it's more than that - it would complicate your code, clutter your data structure design, and could make it far more prone to bugs.
Now, here comes the "but" - even though there's much sense in using all the possible tools the language provides you, it's very widely accepted to use vector-based structures for performance critical tasks. See almost all scientific CPU benchmarks, most of them ultimately rely on vectors (uncited, but I can elaborate further if anyone is interested. Suffice to say that even the well-known *graph*500 does that).
The reason is not that it's best programming practice, but that it's more suited with CPU internal structure and gets more "juice" out of the HW. That's due to spatial locality - CPUs are very fond of that as it allows the memory unit to parallelize accesses (in an array you always know where's the next element, in a list you have to wait until the current one is fetched), and also issue stream/stride prefetches that reduce latency of future requests.
I can't say this is always a good practice, when you run through a graph the accesses are still pretty irregular even if you use an array implementation, but it's still a very common practice.
To summarize, taking the question literally - most of them can, of sorts (for a given definition of "most", ok?), but if the intention was "why teach pointers", I believe you can see that in order to understand your limits and what you can and should use - you need to know a great deal more than just arrays and even pointers. A good programmer should know a bit about everything - OS design, CPU design, etc. You can't do anything decent unless you really understand the fabric you're running on, and that unfortunately (or not) includes lots of pointers
You can implement a kind of allocator using an std::vector as the backing store. If you do that, all the standard data structures from elementary computer science can be implemented on top of vectors. It will hardly free you from using pointers, though: vectors are really just chunks of memory with a few useful additional operations, most notably the ability to expand.
More to the point: if you don't understand pointers, you won't understand how to do use vector for advanced data structures either. vector is a useful abstraction, but it follows the C++ rule that "you don't get what you don't pay for", so it's also a very "thin" abstraction, and you do pay for the cost of abstraction in terms of the amount of code you have to write.
(Jonathan Wakely points out, in the comments, that you won't get the exact guarantees that the C++ standard library requires of allocators data structures when you implement them on top of vector. Put in principle, vectors are just a way of handling blocks of memory.)
If you are learning C++ you need to be familiar with pointers and how to use them even if there are more higher level concepts that does that job for you.
Yes, it is possible to implement most data structures with vectors or lists and if you just started learning programming it's probably a good idea that you'll know how to write these data structures yourself.
With that being said, production code should always use the standard library unless there is a good reason not to do so.

choose appropriate data structure

I'm implementing C++ code communicating with hardware which runs a number of hardware-assisted data structures (direct access tables, and search trees). So I need to maintain a local cache which would store data before pushing it down on the hardware.
I think to replicate H/W tree structure I could choose std::map, but what about direct table (basically it is implemented as a sequential array of results and allows direct-access lookups)?
Are there close enough analogues in STL to implement such structures or simple array would suffice?
If you are working with hardware structures, you are probably best off mimicking the structures as exactly as possible using C structs and C arrays.
This will give you the ability to map the hardware structure as exactly as possible and to move the data around with a simple memcpy.
The STL will probably not be terribly useful since it does lots of stuff behind the scenes and you have no control of the memory layout. This will mean that each write to hardware will involve a complex serialization exercise that you will probably want to avoid.
I believe you're looking for std::vector. Or, if the size is known at compile time, std::array (since C++11).
C++11 has an unordered-map, and unordered-set, which are analogous to a hash table. Maps are faster for iteration, while sets are faster for look up.
But first you should run a profiler to see if your data-structures are what slows your program down

How does stringstream work internally?

I'm asking in context of performance. Is stringstream simply a string/vector, so writing to it may result in its whole content being copied to a bigger chunk of memory, or is it done in a more tricky way (say, a list of strings or whatever)?
27.7.3/1 says that basic_ostringstream uses a basic_stringbuf. I think that says that basic_stringbuf makes space by reallocating a buffer, and doesn't even guarantee exponential growth (and hence amortized O(1) to append).
But I find the streams section of the standard pretty impenetrable, and there's always the "as-if" rule. So I can't promise you that using a deque underneath (and consolidating when someone asks for the string / buffer) is actually forbidden.
It's up to the standard library vendor how to implement stringstream (or any library feature for that matter). You can look at the sstream header shipped with your compiler to see how it's implemented there. That much on the theoretical side...
As far as practical experience and measurements show, ostringstream is often slow compared to other methods for formatting data as character strings. But then again, only optimize after you have measured that what you want to optimize is indeed a performance bottleneck, otherwise that'll just be a waste of time at best.
If your measurements show that the performance of ostringstream really is a problem for you, consider using Boost.Karma. Of course there are more reasons to use Boost.Karma than just performance, so if you are starting a new code rather than want to modify an existing one using string streams, you might well want to use Karma from the get-go.

Best way to parse a large floating point file stored in ASCII?

What is the best way to parse a large floating point file stored in ASCII?
What would be the fastest way to do it? I remember someone telling me using ifstream was bad, because it worked on a small number of bytes, and it would be better to just read the file into memory first. Is that true?
Edit: I am running on Windows, and the file format is for a point cloud that is stored in rows like x y z r g b. I am attempting to read them into arrays. Also, the files are around 20 MB each, but I have around 10 GB worth of them.
Second edit: I am going to have to load the files to display every time I want to do a visualization, so it would be nice to have it as fast as possible, but honestly, if ifstream preforms reasonably, I wouldn't mind sticking with readable code. It's running quite slow right now, but that might be more of a hardware I/O limitation than anything I can do in software, I just wanted to confirm.
I think your first concern should be how large the floating point numbers are. Are they float or can there be double data too? The traditional (C) way would be to use fscanf with the format specifier for a float and afaik it is rather fast. The iostreams do add a small overhead in terms of parsing the data, but that is rather negligible. For the sake of brevity I would suggest you use iostreams (not to mention the usual stream features that you'd get with it).
Also, I think it will really help the community if you could add the relevant numbers along with your question, like for e.g., how large a file are you trying to parse ? Is this a small memory footprint environment (like an embedded system).
It's all based on the operating system, and the choice of C and C++ standard libraries.
The days of slow ifstream are pretty much over, however, there is likely some overhead in handling C++ generic interfaces.
atof/strtod might be the fastest way to deal with it if the string is already in the memory.
Finally, any attempt you'd do at getting the file read into memory will likely be futile. Modern operating systems usually get in the way (especially if the file is larger than RAM you will end up swapping code since the system will treat your (already stored on disk) data as swappable).
If you really need to be ridiculously fast (The only places I can think it will be useful are HPC and Map/Reduce based approaches) - try mmap (Linux/Unix) or MapViewOfFile to get the file prefetched into virtual memory in the most sensible approach, and then atof + custom string handling.
If the file is really well organized for this kind of game, you can even be quirky with mmaps and pointers and have the conversion multithreaded. Sounds like a fun excercise if you have over 10GB of floats to convert on a regular basis.
The fastest way is probably to use an ifstream, but you can also use fscanf. If you have a specific platform, you could hand-load the file into memory and parse the float from it manually.