C++ arrays [from:to] - c++

How can i do that in C++?
in python is
example = [u'one', u'two', u'three', u'four']
print example[1:3]
How can i do that in C++ (i missing this function)
I need rewrite this to C++
while i<len(a)-1:
if (a[i]=='\x00' or a[i]=='\x04') and (eval("0x"+(a[i-1].encode("hex"))) in range(32-(4*eval((a[i].encode("hex")))),128-(12*eval((a[i].encode("hex")))))):
elif st=='':
elif len(st)>=4 and (a[i-1:i+1]=='\x00\x00' or a[i-1:i+1]=='\x0a\x00' or a[i-1:i+1]=='\x09\x00' or a[i-1:i+1]=='\x0d\x00'):
I need list of strings from binary files without using string.exe
THX for advance

Here is a function that returns a new spliced vector given then old one. It does only the most basic splicing (from:to), and only in one direction (not sure if from is greater than to but I believe python reverses the output).
template<typename T>
std::vector<T> splice(const std::vector<T> in, int from, int to)
if (to < from) std::swap(to, from);
std::vector<T> ret(to - from + 1);
for (to -= from; to + 1; to--)
ret[to] = in[from + to];
return ret;

First of all, there is no immediate replacement for this in C++, as C++ is not python and has its own idioms that work differently.
To begin with, for strings you can use the specific std::string::substr.
For more generic containers you should know C++ usually works iterator based when operating on elements of said container. For example suppose you want to compare elements in a vector, you'd do something like the following:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::vector<int> a = {1,2,3,4};
std::vector<int> b = {1,2,10,4};
std::cout << "Whole vectors equal? " << (std::equal(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin())?"yes":"no") << std::endl;
Now, suppose we only want to compare the first two values (like [:2]), Then we would rewrite the last statement to something like this:
std::cout << "First 2 values equal? " << (std::equal(a.begin(), a.begin()+2, b.begin())?"yes":"no") << std::endl;
Suppose we want to compare the last two values we would do this:
std::cout << "Last 2 values equal? " << (std::equal(a.end()-2, a.end(), b.begin())?"yes":"no") << std::endl;
See the pattern emerging? x.begin()+i,x.begin()+j is roughly equal to [i:j], and x.end()-i,x.end()-j) is roughly equal to [-i,-j]. Note that you can mix these of course.
So in general when working on containers you will work on a range of iterators and this iterator range can be specified very much alike to python's list splicing. It is more verbose and it is another idiom (spliced lists are lists again but iterators are no containers), but you get the same result.
Some final notes:
I wrote x.begin() to make the code a bit clearer, you can also write std::begin(x), which is more generic and also works on arrays. The same goes for std::end
Take a look to the algorithms library before writing your own for loops over iterators.
Yes you can write your own for loops (something like for(auto it = a.begin(); it != a.end(); it++), but often it's easier and more consistent to pass a function or lambda to std::foreach
Really remember C++ is not python or vice versa.


How should I loop over the elements of a C++ container in reverse order? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Iterating C++ vector from the end to the beginning
(13 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Suppose I'm a newbie C++ programmer. I have a C++ container; say, a vector:
std::vector<int> vec { 12, 34, 56, 78 };
I know I can iterate over all of the elements with a simple loop:
for(std::vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
std::cout << vec[i] << '\n';
and maybe I've even learned a little about Modern C++, so I know I can use a ranged-for loop:
for(auto x : vec) {
std::cout << x << '\n';
But now, I want to iterate over the elements in reverse order. The range-based for loop won't work as such. With a plain loop, I have to be careful and avoid underflow, so perhaps something like this? :
for(std::vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
std::cout << vec[vec.size() - i] << '\n';
but - I don't like having the loop counter mean the opposite of what we're looking at. But if I started i at vec.size()-1, I would risk underflow after the last element. So I would need to do this, maybe?
for(std::vector<int>::size_type i = vec.size(); i > 0 ; i--) {
std::cout << vec[i - 1] << '\n';
well, that doesn't feel right either. What idioms should I use for reverse iteration, which are safe (i.e. difficult to get wrong) , aesthetically pleasing and reasonable terse?
I tried to phrase the title to be as simple as possible (rather than saying "reverse-iterate a container").
Motivated by this question, where a naive reverse-iteration loop has a bug.
I do not want to make a copy of the container with the elements and reverse and iterate over that the usual way.
I didn't use auto& or const auto& in the loops above since newbie coders often don't know about them.
Well, first of all, about your two snippets: Part of the problem is that they're a bit bug prone for actual newbies - the integer underflow, off-by-one in the comparison, forgetting what i signifies and using it as a plain index etc. So I would definitely recommend something else. Also, those snippets may invoke vec.size() many times, which, if the compiler isn't optimizing well enough, would mean a bunch of redundant work.
Option 1: Use iterators
You can reverse-iterate over a container using a pair of iterators (std::rbegin and std::rend, and their constant variants) which represent the reversal of the container's order of elements. Here's what that looks like:
for(auto it = std::crbegin(vec); it != std::crend(vec); it++) {
std::cout << *it << '\n';
I made this option the first because it's (mostly) compatible with C++98. We didn't have std::rbegin() and std::crbegin() then, but we did have an rbegin() method for std::vector. std::crbegin() was introduced in C++11
Option 2: Using C++11 (and later) ranged-for loops
You can massage your container - without making a copy of it (although possibly with some payment of time), so that you can use the result in ranger for loop. The answers to this SO question describe several ways to do so, enabling the following code:
auto reverse_view = /* magic involving vec; and not making a copy */
for(auto x : reverse_view) {
std::cout << *it << '\n';
They involve either using an "infrastructural" library (namely Boost), or writing a few lines of code which return an iterator pair in an std::pair - which is enough for C++ to use in a ranged-for loop.
Option 3: Using ranged-for and C++20's ranges support
Finally, in C++20, this all becomes easier - with ranges support and std::ranges::reverse_view:
auto reverse_view = std::ranges::reverse_view{vec};
for (const auto& x : reverse_view) {
std::cout << x << '\n';
Performance note
Reverse-iterating can in some cases be expensive - because moving backwards, or finding the end of the container, is not always trivial or free. Think of a unidirectional list (where each element comes with a pointer to the next one) - whenever you want to go backwards, you need to traverse the whole list up to your current element to know where the previous element is located. Not all containers are like vectors...

Can we get an iterator that filters a vector from a predicate in C++?

Is it possible to get an iterator over a vector that filters some element with a predicate, i.e. showing a view of the vector?
I think remove_if does something similar but I have not found whether I can use it as I want to or not.
Something like:
auto it = filter(vec.begin(), vec.end(), predicate);
// I can reuse the iterator like:
for (auto i = it; i != vec.end(); i++)
// ...
Edit: (A bit more context to get the best answer) I am doing a lot of queries in an sqlite database of log data in order to print a report.
The performances are not good at the moment because of the number of request needed. I believe querying once the database and storing the result in a vector of smart pointers (unique_ptr if possible), then querying the vector with pure C++ may be faster.
Using copy_if is a good way to do the queries, but I don't need to copy everything and it might cost too much at the end (not sure about that), I should have mentioned than the data are immutable in my case.
As #Jarod42 mentioned in the comments one solution would be using ranges:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <range/v3/view/filter.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/transform.hpp>
int main()
std::vector<int> numbers = { 1, 2, 3 ,4, 5 };
auto predicate = [](int& n){ return n % 2 == 0; };
auto evenNumbers = numbers | ranges::view::filter(predicate);
auto result = numbers | ranges::view::filter(predicate)
| ranges::view::transform([](int n) { return n * 2; });
for (int n : evenNumbers)
std::cout << n << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
for (int n : result)
std::cout << n << ' ';
evenNumbers is a range view adapter which sticks to the numbers range and changes the way it iterates.
result is a ranges of numbers that have been filtered on the predicate and then have been applied a funciton.
see the compile at compiler-explorer
credit: fluentcpp
Your question
Can we get an iterator that filters a vector from a predicate in C++?
in the sense you are asked it, can only be answered with: No. At the moment not (C++17). As per your requirement the iterator then would have to store the predicate and checking that for each modification of the position or for all dereferencing stuff. I.e before any dereferencing, the predicate would need to be checked. Because other code could modifiy your std::vector. The the iterator would need to check the predicate all the time. Also standard functionality like begin, end, distance would be rather complicated.
So you could create your own iterator by deriving from an existing iterator. Store the predicate and overload most of the functions to take care of the predicate. Very, very complicated, much work and maybe not, what you want to have. This would be the only way to get exact your requested functionality.
For work arounds, there are are many other possible solutions. Peolple will show you here.
But if I read your statement
"showing a view of the vector"
then life becomes easier. You can easily create a view of a vector by copying it conditionally with std::copy_if, as oblivion has written. That is in my opinion the best answer. It is none destructive. But it is a snapshot and not the original data. So, it is read only. And, it does not take into account changes to the original std::vector after the snapshot has been taken.
The second option, a combination of std::remove_if and std::erase, will destroy the original data. Or better said, it will invalidate the filtered out data. You could also std::copy_if the unwanted data to a backup area, std::remove_if them, and at the end add them again to the vector.
All these methods are critical, if the original data will be modified.
Maybe for you the standard std::copy_if is best to create a view. You would then return an iterator of copy and work with that.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
std::vector<int> testVector{ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 }; // Test data
std::vector<int> testVectorView{}; // The view
// Create predicate
auto predForEvenNumbers = [](const int& i) -> bool { return (i % 2 == 0); };
// And filter. Take a snapshot
std::copy_if(testVector.begin(), testVector.end(), std::back_inserter(testVectorView), predForEvenNumbers);
// Show example result
std::vector<int>::iterator iter = testVectorView.begin();
std::cout << *iter << '\n';
return 0;
Please note. For big std::vectors, it will become a very expensive solution . . .

how the iterator in c++ could be printed?

Suppose, I have declared a vector in C++ like this:
vector<int>numbers = {4,5,3,2,5,42};
I can iterate it through the following code:
for (vector<int>::iterator it = numbers.begin(); it!=numbers.end(); it++){
// code goes here
Now, I would talk about coding in the block of for loop.
I can access and change any value using this iterator. say, I want to increase every value by 10 and the print. So, the code would be:
cout << *it << endl;
I can print the address of both iterator and elements that are being iterated.
Address of iterator can be printed by:
cout << &it << endl;
Address of iterated elements can be printed by:
cout << &(*it) << endl;
But why the iterator itself could not printed by doing the following?
cout << it <<endl;
At first I thought the convention came from JAVA considering the security purpose. But if it is, then why I could print it's address?
However, Is there any other way to do this? If not, why?
Yes, there is a way to do it!
You can't print the iterator because it is not defined to have a value.
But you can perform arithematic operations on them and that helps you to print the value (of the iterator).
Do the following.
cout << it - v.begin();
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
using namespace std;
int main () {
vector<int> v = {20,3,98,34,20,11,101,201};
sort (v.begin(), v.end());
vector<int>::iterator low,up;
low = lower_bound (v.begin(), v.end(), 20);
up = upper_bound (v.begin(), v.end(), 20);
std::cout << "lower_bound at position " << (low - v.begin()) << std::endl;
std::cout << "upper_bound at position " << (up - v.begin()) << std::endl;
return 0;
Output of the above code:
lower_bound at position 2
upper_bound at position 4
Note: this is just a way to get things done and no way I have claimed that we can print the iterator.
There is no predefined output operator for the standard iterators because there is no conventional meaning of printing an iterator. What would you expect such an operation to print? While you seem to expect to see the address of the object the iterator refers to, I find that not clear at all.
There is no universal answer to that, so the committee decided not to add a those operators. (The last half sentence is a guess, I am not part of the committee.)
If you want to print those iterators, I would define a function like print(Iterator); (or something like this, whatever fits your needs) that does what you want. I would not add an operator << for iterators for the reason I mentioned above.
why the iterator itself could not printed by doing the following?
Because, it is not defined to a value internally.
Is there any other way to do this?
Basically, the compiler does not facilitate it by default, you may try to edit the compiler code! But it is too terrific you know!
If not, why?
Because it has no well-defined way to express it.
You can't print the iterator because it is not defined to have a value. But you can perform arithematic operations on them and that helps you to print the value (of the iterator).

How can I get vector's index by its data in C++?

Let's assume I have a vector<node> containing 10000 objects:
vect[0] to vect[9999]
struct node
int data;
And let's say I want to find the vector id that contain this data ("444"), which happens to be in node 99.
Do I really have to do a for-loop to loop through all the elements then use
if (data == c[i].data)
Or is there a quicker way? Consider that my data is distinct and won't repeat in other nodes.
For this answer I am assuming that you've made an informed decision to use a std::vector over the other containers available.
Do I really have to do a for-loop to loop through all the elements?
No, you do not have to roll a for-loop to find an element. The idiomatic way of finding an element in a container is to use an algorithm from the standard library. Whether you should roll your own really depends on the situation.
To help you decide...
Alternative 1:
std::find() requires a that there is a suitable equality comparator for your node data type, which may be as simple as this:
bool operator ==(node const& l, node const& r)
return l.data == r.data;
Then, given a required node, you can search for the element. This returns an iterator (or a pointer if you're using a plain old array). If you need the index, this requires a little calculation:
auto i = std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), required);
if (i != v.end())
std::cout << i->data << " found at index " << i - v.begin() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Item not found" << std::endl;
Alternative 2:
If creating a node is too expensive or you don't have an equality operator, a better approach would be to use std::find_if(), which takes a predicate (here I use a lambda because it's succinct, but you could use a functor like in this answer):
// Alternative linear search, using a predicate...
auto i = std::find_if(v.begin(), v.end(), [](node const& n){return n.data == 444;});
if (i != v.end())
std::cout << i->data << " found at index " << i - v.begin() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Item not found" << std::endl;
Or is there a quicker way?
Again, it depends. std::find() and std::find_if() run in linear time (O(n)), the same as your for-loop.
That said, using std::find() or std::find_if() won't involve random access or indexing into the container (they use iterators) but they may require a little bit of extra code compared with your for-loop.
Alternative 3:
If running time is critical and your array is sorted (say with std::sort()), you could perform a binary-search, which runs in logarithmic time (O(log n)). std::lower_bound() implements a binary search for the first element that is not less than the given value. It does not take a predicate unfortunately but requires a suitable less-than comparator for your node data type, such as:
bool operator <(node const& l, node const& r)
return l.data < r.data;
The invocation is similar to std::find() and returns an iterator, but requires an extra check:
auto i = std::lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), required);
if (i != v.end() && i->data == required.data)
std::cout << i->data << " found at index " << i - v.begin() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Item not found" << std::endl;
These functions from the Algorithms Library work with any container supplying an iterator, so switching to another container from std::vector would be quick and easy to test and to maintain.
The decision is yours!
[See a demonstration here.]
You should use std::find. You can't get faster than linear complexity (O(n)) if you know nothing about the vector beforehand (like it being sorted).
If you want to find elements in the container then vector is not the right data-structure. You should use an ordered container such as std::set or std::map. Since elements in these containers are kept ordered (sorted), we can find elements in O(log (n)) time as opposed to linear time for unordered containers.
Use std::find :
vector<int>::Iterator it = find (vect.begin(), vect.end(), 444);
Note that If you have sorted vector, you can make it faster.
A neat solution would be to add an extra int index member to the node struct to provide data-to-index mapping when you have an instance of the struct. In such a case, you should probably wrap std::vector in a NodeVector class which will handle the updating of indices when, say, you remove an item (it's enough to subtract 1 from elements' indices which preceed the element being removed in such a case) etc. If the vector doesn't change the number of elements, that's not even an issue. Other than that, if you can't have an instance of the struct grow in size, use std::map. Iterating over the containter to find one item is not very smart, unless you need to do it very rarely and making anything complicated isn't worth the trouble.

Iterate through a C++ Vector using a 'for' loop

I am new to the C++ language. I have been starting to use vectors, and have noticed that in all of the code I see to iterate though a vector via indices, the first parameter of the for loop is always something based on the vector. In Java I might do something like this with an ArrayList:
for(int i=0; i < vector.size(); i++){
Is there a reason I don't see this in C++? Is it bad practice?
The reason why you don't see such practice is quite subjective and cannot have a definite answer, because I have seen many of the code which uses your mentioned way rather than iterator style code.
Following can be reasons of people not considering vector.size() way of looping:
Being paranoid about calling size() every time in the loop
condition. However either it's a non-issue or it can be trivially
Preferring std::for_each() over the for loop itself
Later changing the container from std::vector to other one (e.g.
map, list) will also demand the change of the looping mechanism,
because not every container support size() style of looping
C++11 provides a good facility to move through the containers. That is called "range based for loop" (or "enhanced for loop" in Java).
With little code you can traverse through the full (mandatory!) std::vector:
vector<int> vi;
for(int i : vi)
cout << "i = " << i << endl;
The cleanest way of iterating through a vector is via iterators:
for (auto it = begin (vector); it != end (vector); ++it) {
it->doSomething ();
or (equivalent to the above)
for (auto & element : vector) {
element.doSomething ();
Prior to C++0x, you have to replace auto by the iterator type and use member functions instead of global functions begin and end.
This probably is what you have seen. Compared to the approach you mention, the advantage is that you do not heavily depend on the type of vector. If you change vector to a different "collection-type" class, your code will probably still work. You can, however, do something similar in Java as well. There is not much difference conceptually; C++, however, uses templates to implement this (as compared to generics in Java); hence the approach will work for all types for which begin and end functions are defined, even for non-class types such as static arrays. See here: How does the range-based for work for plain arrays?
Is there any reason I don't see this in C++? Is it bad practice?
No. It is not a bad practice, but the following approach renders your code certain flexibility.
Usually, pre-C++11 the code for iterating over container elements uses iterators, something like:
std::vector<int>::iterator it = vector.begin();
This is because it makes the code more flexible.
All standard library containers support and provide iterators. If at a later point of development you need to switch to another container, then this code does not need to be changed.
Note: Writing code which works with every possible standard library container is not as easy as it might seem to be.
The right way to do that is:
for(std::vector<T>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) {
Where T is the type of the class inside the vector. For example if the class was CActivity, just write CActivity instead of T.
This type of method will work on every STL (Not only vectors, which is a bit better).
If you still want to use indexes, the way is:
for(std::vector<T>::size_type i = 0; i != v.size(); i++) {
Using the auto operator really makes it easy to use as one does not have to worry about the data type and the size of the vector or any other data structure
Iterating vector using auto and for loop
vector<int> vec = {1,2,3,4,5}
for(auto itr : vec)
cout << itr << " ";
1 2 3 4 5
You can also use this method to iterate sets and list. Using auto automatically detects the data type used in the template and lets you use it.
So, even if we had a vector of string or char the same syntax will work just fine
A correct way of iterating over the vector and printing its values is as follows:
// declare the vector of type int
vector<int> v;
// insert elements in the vector
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; ++i){
// print those elements
for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it){
std::cout << *it << std::endl;
But at least in the present case it is nicer to use a range-based for loop:
for (auto x: v) std::cout << x << "\n";
(You may also add & after auto to make x a reference to the elements rather than a copy of them. It is then very similar to the above iterator-based approach, but easier to read and write.)
There's a couple of strong reasons to use iterators, some of which are mentioned here:
Switching containers later doesn't invalidate your code.
i.e., if you go from a std::vector to a std::list, or std::set, you can't use numerical indices to get at your contained value. Using an iterator is still valid.
Runtime catching of invalid iteration
If you modify your container in the middle of your loop, the next time you use your iterator it will throw an invalid iterator exception.
Here is a simpler way to iterate and print values in vector.
for(int x: A) // for integer x in vector A
cout<< x <<" ";
With STL, programmers use iterators for traversing through containers, since iterator is an abstract concept, implemented in all standard containers. For example, std::list has no operator [] at all.
I was surprised nobody mentioned that iterating through an array with an integer index makes it easy for you to write faulty code by subscripting an array with the wrong index. For example, if you have nested loops using i and j as indices, you might incorrectly subscript an array with j rather than i and thus introduce a fault into the program.
In contrast, the other forms listed here, namely the range based for loop, and iterators, are a lot less error prone. The language's semantics and the compiler's type checking mechanism will prevent you from accidentally accessing an array using the wrong index.
don't forget examples with const correctness - can the loop modify the elements. Many examples here do not, and should use cont iterators. Here we assume
class T {
T (double d) : _d { d } {}
void doSomething () const { cout << _d << endl; return; }
void changeSomething () { ++_d; return; }
double _d;
vector<T> v;
// ...
for (const auto iter = v.cbegin(); iter != v.cend(); ++iter) {
Note also, that with the C++11 notation, the default is to copy the element. Use a reference to avoid this, and/or to allow for original elements to be modified:
vector<T> v;
// ...
for (auto t : v) {
t.changeSomething(); // changes local t, but not element of v
for (auto& t : v) { // reference avoids copying element
t.changeSomething(); // changes element of v
for (const auto& t : v) { // reference avoids copying element
t.doSomething(); // element can not be changed
//different declaration type
vector<int>v2(5,30); //size is 5 and fill up with 30
//From C++11 and onwards
for(auto itr:v2)
//(pre c++11)
for(auto itr=v3.begin(); itr !=v3.end(); itr++)
int main()
int n;
int input;
vector<int> p1;
vector<int> ::iterator it;
cout << "Enter the number of elements you want to insert" << endl;
cin >> n;
for (int i = 0;i < n;i++)
cin >> input;
cout << *it << endl;
//Iterating in vector through iterator it
return 0;
conventional form of iterator
If you use
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<std::string>> names{ };
Do not forget, when you use auto in the for loop, to use also get, like this:
for (auto element in : names)
element.get()//do something