App to App interfacing in Django - django

We are developing a SaaS that uses a number of quite independent apps that are all currently in the same django project running on the same server.
We know that eventually some of the apps will be relocated to their own server primarily due to differences in server loads. We also believe some of the apps may become resources for new applications as well (the same app instances running in our SaaS).
We are at the point that we should go in an clean up cross app coupling and make rules about a common interface medium. My thoughts are that is should be a restful interface between all apps.
So: Is enforcing a restful interface across all apps a bad idea in the best case scenario for such an argument (all apps on different servers), and worst case scenario (all apps stay on the same server)?

You can take at look at Piston for creating RESTful APIs in Django.


Should I use build APIs for my POS web application?

I'm building a POS(Point of sale) web application using Django for my client. This is a single instance web app.
I just want to know, should I build APIs to separate Backend and Frontend?
Whare are the benefits to build the APIs?
First and most importantly, each design decision you take for your application should be for a reason. There is no good or bad approaches, however, the approach you decide on should be based on your use-case.
I don't see any problem for having a monolithic Django application to service a single/multiple POS with limited number of users. Tens of thousands of Django applications out-there not using APIs and performing well.
That being said, if you are developing a POS solution and planning to offer it to public as SAAS (software as a service), then you might need to consider using APIs, have plans for scaling/support/patching/monitoring/upgrade/ CI and CD activities. On the other hand, if might be planning to have a Mobile application in the future; That might be another good reason to have APIs.

How to break a django website into microservices

So, I am new to this "monolith vs microservices" architecture debate and I have pretty much understood most of it. From my limited understanding I get it that in microservice architecture each feature(lets say) is a separate app. Now I need some clarification with respect to django for implementing microservices. Heres my question
Should I make every microservice aka the app a different django project altogether OR should I make every app aka the microservice inside one django project and keep them isolated (as in loosely coupled) ?
Microservice architecture simply states that your each service should be independent of each other.
Its also not necessary to create one micro-service in java and one in python since they are not related.
So yes, ideally your each micro-service is a separate django project.
The best way to break this, first list down all the possible modules in your site or app.
Then go through :
These are two recommended pattern of how you should divide modules / domain into micro-services.
well, you can use database routers in django ... that does the trick ... one wSGI file per app communicating with your NGINX server
The main purpose of micro service is to serve the specific business, for example you are running a cloud kitchen then Django project can have many sub projects under one master project or you can run each project as separate service, it up to you.
now we will set the url for each service like
Once our app is up the service load will not effect other service.
The microservice should be completely independent so it should not belong to one Django project. You should be able to deploy each service independently with its own database, so even you split the project into separate apps they still share one physical database and you can not deploy them separately. Therefore, you could potentially create separate Django project for each 'microservice' but this does not make much sense. You put lot of overhead for creating a microservice and also using Django framework is not a best choice for MSA , have a look at Flask.

Django REST and React implementation model

I am currently creating a website hosted by Django. I plan to use React as my frontend framework. I have done some research on putting them together but most say that I should go for the SPA model and have separate web servers for frontend and backend. The problem is that I wish to use apache as a prod server with django and avoid having 2 separate servers. I have read about the hybrid model and having django serve static files with react.
My Biggest concern is security as I have already setup apache for security and I aware that node.js is somewhat insecure.
What would the best approach be. The separate SPA model or the hybrid model.
I'd say it's okay to go for hybrid model if the project is small and you are the only one working on it and you only want to make things done. I think it's kinda messy to create apps like this unless they don't really worth the time.
But if it's a big project and more than one developer is working on it or will work on it then i highly recommend going with separate web servers one serving frontend app and one django app.
Also note that you don't really need 2 different servers. You can use one server for both and use 2 different which is still not necessary and you can use one web server to serve both.
And security not something that different models can cause to downgrade or upgrade. It's up to you to configure the server and write both frontend and backend apps secure enough to do the work for you.
There are more than one web servers that are as secure as they can be and they work with both django and react pretty well. I used nginx many times to host both django and react apps and i had no problem causing by nginx itself whatsoever.
And for last piece of advice if you will; Creating good quality apps requires a lot of time and energy, working with different technologies that do really good for what they are made for and if you are planning to be a really good developer you should come out of your comfort zone and adapt with new technologies that comes out and they are coming out pretty rapidly which requires you to learn constantly and do things in way you are not used to yet and making things work even if they doesn't seem to be good together at the first look.

monolithic or microservice concept

I have a very large django project with many features that uses django as backend framework. My project lets users use both a website and a iOS app.
I am researching using a monolithic app (currently using monolithic) vs micro services, I watched this video but one part really throws me off. At 1:05, he previews his 'monolithic' app before he changes to micro services, which to me looks like a single project with a bunch of different apps.
1) Are these technically just folders and not apps? These (what i would assume he calls folders) all have a and and most have a
2) What makes this a monolithic app? Is it just because he doesn't simply use django-admin startapp in the terminal to create these 'folders'?
3) Or are microservices multiple projects connected and not simply multiple apps in a single project?
My biggest confusion is with the previewed project in the video because before then I thought I had a good grasp on these concepts. I was simply looking to change to microservices, after this part in the video I'm not sure I even know what a monolithic app really is.
The main difference between a monolith and a microservice is more about how they are deployed. A monolith is one large app that must be deployed all-or-nothing. Microservices are many "apps" that work together to achieve their purpose, and each can be deployed separately. Typically monoliths are more difficult to deploy, and involve more risk since the entire system can crash if they are badly deployed. For Microservices, each only handles part of the business processing so, in theory, if one is deployed badly only part of the app goes down.
This is just a conflation of terminology.
In the context of monolithic apps vs. microservices, "application" refers to a web application, or in this case more specifically a WSGI application. A Django project is usually deployed as a WSGI application. So a monolithic app would be a deployment of a huge Django project, while microservices would be multiple smaller Django projects that are deployed separately.
"Monolithic app" may sometimes be used to refer to a Django application, i.e. a python module that is in INSTALLED_APPS. However, in that case you wouldn't be talking about microservices.

Java EE Application Design

I have a specific question about Java EE architecture. I have an application that requires several components:
A web service and persistence layer (cxf/hibernate)
A management / configuration console (Struts2/JSP?)
One or more user "applications" (Maybe Vaadin?)
Note, the web service will provide services to the user applications.
The web service has been built as a cxf/glassfish application (Eclipse dynamic we app) and is working well.
Should the management and user applications be developed as entirely separate applications (EJB's or ?) or form part of a "single" application with the web service. I am not sure if I am explaining this well enough - but I am new to this sort of design and am trying to approach the solution in a well structured way. For example I could imagine that taking an approach of separate services (applications) could result in:
Primary web service (does common data persistence stuff)
Authentication service
Management App service
First user App service
Second user App service
Each of the user apps is likely to have both common and unique data persistence requirements.
To decide how to split your implementation, you should consider your system through different views. In software architecture, there is a very useful method which is called the 4+1 architectural view model ( Using the Physical view you will be able to decide if you may need to install the different components in different machines, and this will help you to define your development view, that will give you the answer to your question -> how to split the different components of your system in a development point of view. Once you have the development view, you can define how the components communicate (process view)... and so on.
This views have always helped me, I hope you find it useful.
