google codejam : how to submit answer [closed] - c++

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Closed 10 years ago.
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i am participating in google codejam 2012. I have red their Quick start guide . But i still unable to understand how to submit the answer. I have following question:
1> It's said that, we have to download the test cases (.in file) and run our program by using it. I just want to know if i have to make a method to extract input from .in file for that or enter it manually to verify the working?
2> When submit our answer, do we have to submit .txt file or .exe file(Am using c language)?
Thanks in advance

1.Put the .in files in your program folder.When testing, you don't have to enter it manually (but of course do this). I remember in C there's a method fscanf that can read from a file which might help you. But when you submit, you should still assume you are reading from the screen (entered manually), that is, change back to scanf.
2.You should submit your .c file.


C++ generated csv vs Open Office export [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've finished a little application in c++ that parses a table of ~15k records into a .csv file.
The problem I'm having is that a third-party application that's supposed to use this file as source (Magmi) won't recognize the fields from my generated csv. However, if I simply open the same file with Open Office Calc and export it again as a .csv, it works perfectly fine with no other changes whatsoever.
I initially thought this might be a windows CR/LF issue, so I recompiled the application on linux and checked with notepad++ to make sure there's no surplus CR in there, and there isn't. All the line endings are LF.
Can someone please give me a hint as to what am I missing?
It turns out it was a permissions issue that was causing the problem. Since my dev. environment is set on a VM, I was copying the output file into the import folder (never really though to see if the permissions were the cause). The ownership remained with the original user the file originated from, causing it to work when it was exported from Open Office, but failing when I tried to use the original one.
Thanks all.

I opened my .exe in notepad and found that it contains file locations, is there anyway to obfuscate this? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I made a compiled a sample program in C++ Using VS2013 and copied the "Release" into my desktop and changed it to a text file, I opened this text file and although most of the file was gibberish I could not understand, after scrolling down for a long time, I saw the location of my folders, why is this and is there any way to obfuscate it?
I am, in fact, referring to the location of the pdb file. And setting the Linker Debugging options to "NO" seemed to do the trick, thanks everyone!

mutt: how can I open a subfolder that has subfolders? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to start using mutt again after about 15 years. I first want to use it to access my gmail account. I'm running into a simple problem now: how to open a subfolder (tag in gmail) that has subfolders of its own?
When I go to TODO/ and press enter mutt takes me into the TODO directory. I simply want to open the TODO tag. How can I do that?
To view messages outside your inbox, type c and either type ? to view a list of all your tags and folders, or prepend your tag with an equals sign. So, to view messages tagged 'work', you'd type c, then =work, then hit Return.
Found the info on this post

Github & Trello lists [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm working on a project that's just about done.
Now I just need a list that shows all the things I've worked on. Luckily I've been using Github and Trello to keep track of all my work.
Does anyone know how to get a simple list of commits/activities from any of these 2 services?
I just need a simple list like this:
I'm working on a Mac but I'm using the Github client.
Github: In the terminal, you can navigate to the folder that you are working in and type git log. It will give you a list of commits. If you would like to save it in a text file you could typegit log > commits.txt.
Trello: In Trello you can go to the board you are working on and select print form the menu. This will give you a list of activities.

Far Manager file view customization [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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maybe some of you use Far Manager as a file manager and could help me with this. I want to be able to call a custom command on viewing a file with a specific extension, i.e. when I press F3 (command for viewing the contents of a file), some custom command is executed on that file and the output is shown in Far Manager's view window.
Appreciate any ideas.
Found what I need - under Commands > File associations need to create new entry with needed file mask, then under View command (used for F3) add this - far:view < your command.
I wanted this to be able to view decompiled Java class files, so I did this:
file mask: *.class
view command: far:view < jad -p !.!