Issue with writing YUV image frame in C/C++ - c++

I am trying to convert an RGB frame, which is taken from OpenGL glReadPixels(), to a YUV frame, and write the YUV frame to a file (.yuv). Later on I would like to write it to a named_pipe as an input for FFMPEG, but as for now I just want to write it to a file and view the image result using a YUV Image Viewer. So just disregard the "writing to pipe" for now.
After running my code, I encountered the following errors:
The number of frames shown in the YUV Image Viewer software is always 1/3 of the number of frames I declared in my program. When I declare fps as 10, I could only view 3 frames. When I declared fps as 30, I could only view 10 frames. However when I view the file in Text Editor, I could see that I have the correct amount of word "FRAME" printed in the file.
This is the example output that I got:
I could not see the correct image, but just some distorted green, blue, yellow, and black pixels.
I read about YUV format from and and
Here is what I have tried so far. I know that this conversion approach is quite in-efficient, and I can optimize it later. Now I just want to get this naive approach to work and have the image shown properly.
int frameCounter = 1;
int windowWidth = 0, windowHeight = 0;
unsigned char *yuvBuffer;
unsigned long bufferLength = 0;
unsigned long frameLength = 0;
int fps = 10;
void display(void) {
/* clear the color buffers */
/* DRAW some OPENGL animation, i.e. cube, sphere, etc
if ((frameCounter % fps) == 1){
bufferLength = 0;
windowWidth = glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH);
windowHeight = glutGet (GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT);
frameLength = (long) (windowWidth * windowHeight * 1.5 * fps) + 100; // YUV 420 length (width*height*1.5) + header length
yuvBuffer = new unsigned char[frameLength];
frameCounter = (frameCounter % fps) + 1;
if ( (frameCounter % fps) == 1){
snprintf(filename, 100, "out/image-%d.yuv", seq_num);
ofstream out(filename, ios::out | ios::binary);
if(!out) {
cout << "Cannot open file.\n";
out.write (reinterpret_cast<char*> (yuvBuffer), bufferLength);
bufferLength = 0;
delete[] yuvBuffer;
void write_yuv_frame_header (){
char *yuvHeader = new char[100];
sprintf (yuvHeader, "YUV4MPEG2 W%d H%d F%d:1 Ip A0:0 C420mpeg2 XYSCSS=420MPEG2\n", windowWidth, windowHeight, fps);
memcpy ((char*)yuvBuffer + bufferLength, yuvHeader, strlen(yuvHeader));
bufferLength += strlen (yuvHeader);
delete (yuvHeader);
void write_yuv_frame() {
int width = glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH);
int height = glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT);
memcpy ((void*) (yuvBuffer+bufferLength), (void*) "FRAME\n", 6);
bufferLength +=6;
long length = windowWidth * windowHeight;
long yuv420FrameLength = (float)length * 1.5;
long lengthRGB = length * 3;
unsigned char *rgb = (unsigned char *) malloc(lengthRGB * sizeof(unsigned char));
unsigned char *yuvdest = (unsigned char *) malloc(yuv420FrameLength * sizeof(unsigned char));
glReadPixels(0, 0, windowWidth, windowHeight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, rgb);
int r, g, b, y, u, v, ypos, upos, vpos;
for (int j = 0; j < windowHeight; ++j){
for (int i = 0; i < windowWidth; ++i){
r = (int)rgb[(j * windowWidth + i) * 3 + 0];
g = (int)rgb[(j * windowWidth + i) * 3 + 1];
b = (int)rgb[(j * windowWidth + i) * 3 + 2];
y = (int)(r * 0.257 + g * 0.504 + b * 0.098) + 16;
u = (int)(r * 0.439 + g * -0.368 + b * -0.071) + 128;
v = (int)(r * -0.148 + g * -0.291 + b * 0.439 + 128);
ypos = j * windowWidth + i;
upos = (j/2) * (windowWidth/2) + i/2 + length;
vpos = (j/2) * (windowWidth/2) + i/2 + length + length/4;
yuvdest[ypos] = y;
yuvdest[upos] = u;
yuvdest[vpos] = v;
memcpy ((void*) (yuvBuffer + bufferLength), (void*)yuvdest, yuv420FrameLength);
bufferLength += yuv420FrameLength;
free (yuvdest);
free (rgb);
This is just the very basic approach, and I can optimize the conversion algorithm later.
Can anyone tell me what is wrong in my approach? My guess is that one of the issues is with the outstream.write() call, because I converted the unsigned char* data to char* data that it may lose data precision. But if I don't cast it to char* I will get a compile error. However this doesn't explain why the output frames are corrupted (only account to 1/3 of the number of total frames).

It looks to me like you have too many bytes per frame for 4:2:0 data. ACcording to the spec you linked to, the number of bytes for a 200x200 pixel 4:2:0 frame should be 200 * 200 * 3 / 2 = 60,000. But you have ~90,000 bytes. Looking at your code, I don't see where you are convert from 4:4:4 to 4:2:0. So you have 2 choices - either set the header to 4:4:4, or convert the YCbCr data to 4:2:0 before writing it out.

I compiled your code and surely there is a problem when computing upos and vpos values.
For me this worked (RGB to YUV NV12):
vpos = length + (windowWidth * (j/2)) + (i/2)*2;
upos = vpos + 1;


Image subtraction with CUDA and textures

My goal is to use C++ with CUDA to subtract a dark frame from a raw image. I want to use textures for acceleration. The input of the images is cv::Mat with the type CV_8UC4 (I use the pointer to the data of the cv::Mat). This is the kernel I came up with, but I have no idea how to eventually subtract the textures from each other:
__global__ void DarkFrameSubtractionKernel(unsigned char* outputImage, size_t pitchOutputImage,
cudaTextureObject_t inputImage, cudaTextureObject_t darkImage, int width, int height)
const int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
const int y = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
const float tx = (x + 0.5f);
const float ty = (y + 0.5f);
if (x >= width || y >= height) return;
uchar4 inputImageTemp = tex2D<uchar4>(inputImage, tx, ty);
uchar4 darkImageTemp = tex2D<uchar4>(darkImage, tx, ty);
outputImage[y * pitchOutputImage + x] = inputImageTemp - darkImageTemp; // this line will throw an error
This is the function that calls the kernel (you can see that I create the textures from unsigned char):
void subtractDarkImage(unsigned char* inputImage, size_t pitchInputImage, unsigned char* outputImage,
size_t pitchOutputImage, unsigned char* darkImage, size_t pitchDarkImage, int width, int height,
cudaStream_t stream)
cudaResourceDesc resDesc = {};
resDesc.resType = cudaResourceTypePitch2D;
resDesc.res.pitch2D.width = width;
resDesc.res.pitch2D.height = height;
resDesc.res.pitch2D.devPtr = inputImage;
resDesc.res.pitch2D.pitchInBytes = pitchInputImage;
resDesc.res.pitch2D.desc = cudaCreateChannelDesc(8, 8, 8, 8, cudaChannelFormatKindUnsigned);
cudaTextureDesc texDesc = {};
texDesc.readMode = cudaReadModeElementType;
texDesc.addressMode[0] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
texDesc.addressMode[1] = cudaAddressModeBorder;
cudaTextureObject_t imageInputTex, imageDarkTex;
CUDA_CHECK(cudaCreateTextureObject(&imageInputTex, &resDesc, &texDesc, 0));
resDesc.res.pitch2D.devPtr = darkImage;
resDesc.res.pitch2D.pitchInBytes = pitchDarkImage;
CUDA_CHECK(cudaCreateTextureObject(&imageDarkTex, &resDesc, &texDesc, 0));
dim3 block(32, 8);
dim3 grid = paddedGrid(block.x, block.y, width, height);
DarkImageSubtractionKernel << <grid, block, 0, stream >> > (reinterpret_cast<uchar4*>(outputImage), pitchOutputImage / sizeof(uchar4),
imageInputTex, imageDarkTex, width, height);
The code does not compile as I can not subtract a uchar4 from another one (in the kernel). Is there an easy way of subtraction here?
Help is very much appreciated.
Is there an easy way of subtraction here?
There are no arithmetic operators defined for CUDA built-in vector types. If you replace
outputImage[y * pitchOutputImage + x] = inputImageTemp - darkImageTemp;
uchar4 val;
val.x = inputImageTemp.x - darkImageTemp.x;
val.y = inputImageTemp.y - darkImageTemp.y;
val.z = inputImageTemp.z - darkImageTemp.z;
val.w = inputImageTemp.w - darkImageTemp.w;
outputImage[y * pitchOutputImage + x] = val;
things will work. If this offends you, I suggest writing a small library of helper functions to hide the mess.

What is the highest bit depth greyscale image I can export from FreeImage?

As context, I'm working with building a topographic program which needs relatively extreme detail. I do not expect the files to be small, and they do not formally need to be viewed on a monitor, they just need to have very high resolution.
I know that most image formats are limited to 8 bpp, on account of the standard limits on both monitors (at a reasonable price) and on human perception. However, 2⁸ is just 256 possible values, which induces plateauing artifacts in a reconstructed displacement. 2¹⁶ may be close enough at 65,536 possible values, which I have achieved.
I'm using FreeImage and DLang to construct the data, currently on a Linux Mint machine.
However, when I went on to 2³², software support seemed to fade on me. I tried a TIFF of this form and nothing seemed to be able to interpret it, either showing a completely (or mostly) transparent image (remembering that I didn't expect any monitor to really support 2³² shades of a channel) or complaining about being unable to decode the RGB data. I imagine that it's because it was assumed to be an RGB or RGBA image.
FreeImage is reasonably well documented for most purposes, but I'm now wondering, what is the highest-precision single-channel format I can export, and how would I do it? Can anyone provide an example? Am I really limited, in any typical and not-home-rolled image format, to 16-bit? I know that's high enough for, say, medical imaging, but I'm sure I'm not the first person to try to aim higher and we science-types can be pretty ambitious about our precision-level…
Did I make a glaring mistake in my code? Is there something else I should try instead for this kind of precision?
Here's my code.
The 16-bit TIFF that worked
void writeGrayscaleMonochromeBitmap(const double width, const double height) {
FIBITMAP *bitmap = FreeImage_AllocateT(FIT_UINT16, cast(int)width, cast(int)height);
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
ubyte *scanline = FreeImage_GetScanLine(bitmap, y);
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
ushort v = cast(ushort)((x * 0xFFFF)/width);
ubyte[2] bytes = nativeToLittleEndian(cast(ushort)(x/width * 0xFFFF));
scanline[x * ushort.sizeof + 0] = bytes[0];
scanline[x * ushort.sizeof + 1] = bytes[1];
FreeImage_Save(FIF_TIFF, bitmap, "test.tif", TIFF_DEFAULT);
The 32-bit TIFF that didn't really work
void writeGrayscaleMonochromeBitmap32(const double width, const double height) {
FIBITMAP *bitmap = FreeImage_AllocateT(FIT_UINT32, cast(int)width, cast(int)height);
writeln(width, ", ", height);
writeln("Width: ", FreeImage_GetWidth(bitmap));
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
ubyte *scanline = FreeImage_GetScanLine(bitmap, y);
writeln(y, ": ", scanline);
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
//writeln(x, " < ", width);
uint v = cast(uint)((x/width) * 0xFFFFFFFF);
writeln("V: ", v);
ubyte[4] bytes = nativeToLittleEndian(v);
scanline[x * uint.sizeof + 0] = bytes[0];
scanline[x * uint.sizeof + 1] = bytes[1];
scanline[x * uint.sizeof + 2] = bytes[2];
scanline[x * uint.sizeof + 3] = bytes[3];
FreeImage_Save(FIF_TIFF, bitmap, "test32.tif", TIFF_NONE);
Thanks for any pointers.
For a single channel, the highest available from FreeImage is 32-bit, as FIT_UINT32. However, the file format must be capable of this, and as of the moment, only TIFF appears to be up to the task (See page 104 of the Stanford Documentation). Additionally, most monitors are incapable of representing more than 8-bits-per-sample, 12 in extreme cases, so it is very difficult to read data back out and have it render properly.
A unit test involving comparing bytes before marshaling to the bitmap, and sampled from the same bitmap afterward, show that the data is in fact being encoded.
To imprint data to a 16-bit gray scale (currently supported by J2K, JP2, PGM, PGMRAW, PNG and TIF), you would do something like this:
void toFreeImageUINT16PNG(string fileName, const double width, const double height, double[] data) {
FIBITMAP *bitmap = FreeImage_AllocateT(FIT_UINT16, cast(int)width, cast(int)height);
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
ubyte *scanline = FreeImage_GetScanLine(bitmap, y);
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
//This magic has to happen with the y-coordinate in order to keep FreeImage from following its default behavior, and generating
//the image upside down.
ushort v = cast(ushort)(data[cast(ulong)(((height - 1) - y) * width + x)] * 0xFFFF); //((x * 0xFFFF)/width);
ubyte[2] bytes = nativeToLittleEndian(v);
scanline[x * ushort.sizeof + 0] = bytes[0];
scanline[x * ushort.sizeof + 1] = bytes[1];
FreeImage_Save(FIF_PNG, bitmap, fileName.toStringz);
Of course you would want to make adjustments for your target file type. To export as 48-bit RGB16, you would do this.
void toFreeImageColorPNG(string fileName, const double width, const double height, double[] data) {
FIBITMAP *bitmap = FreeImage_AllocateT(FIT_RGB16, cast(int)width, cast(int)height);
uint pitch = FreeImage_GetPitch(bitmap);
uint bpp = FreeImage_GetBPP(bitmap);
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
ubyte *scanline = FreeImage_GetScanLine(bitmap, y);
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
ulong offset = cast(ulong)((((height - 1) - y) * width + x) * 3);
ushort r = cast(ushort)(data[(offset + 0)] * 0xFFFF);
ushort g = cast(ushort)(data[(offset + 1)] * 0xFFFF);
ushort b = cast(ushort)(data[(offset + 2)] * 0xFFFF);
ubyte[6] bytes = nativeToLittleEndian(r) ~ nativeToLittleEndian(g) ~ nativeToLittleEndian(b);
scanline[(x * 3 * ushort.sizeof) + 0] = bytes[0];
scanline[(x * 3 * ushort.sizeof) + 1] = bytes[1];
scanline[(x * 3 * ushort.sizeof) + 2] = bytes[2];
scanline[(x * 3 * ushort.sizeof) + 3] = bytes[3];
scanline[(x * 3 * ushort.sizeof) + 4] = bytes[4];
scanline[(x * 3 * ushort.sizeof) + 5] = bytes[5];
FreeImage_Save(FIF_PNG, bitmap, fileName.toStringz);
Lastly, to encode a UINT32 greyscale image (limited purely to TIFF at the moment), you would do this.
void toFreeImageTIF32(string fileName, const double width, const double height, double[] data) {
FIBITMAP *bitmap = FreeImage_AllocateT(FIT_UINT32, cast(int)width, cast(int)height);
int xtest = cast(int)(width/2);
int ytest = cast(int)(height/2);
uint comp1a = cast(uint)(data[cast(ulong)(((height - 1) - ytest) * width + xtest)] * 0xFFFFFFFF);
writeln("initial: ", nativeToLittleEndian(comp1a));
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
ubyte *scanline = FreeImage_GetScanLine(bitmap, y);
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
//This magic has to happen with the y-coordinate in order to keep FreeImage from following its default behavior, and generating
//the image upside down.
ulong i = cast(ulong)(((height - 1) - y) * width + x);
uint v = cast(uint)(data[i] * 0xFFFFFFFF);
ubyte[4] bytes = nativeToLittleEndian(v);
scanline[x * uint.sizeof + 0] = bytes[0];
scanline[x * uint.sizeof + 1] = bytes[1];
scanline[x * uint.sizeof + 2] = bytes[2];
scanline[x * uint.sizeof + 3] = bytes[3];
ulong index = cast(ulong)(xtest * uint.sizeof);
writeln("Final: ", FreeImage_GetScanLine(bitmap, ytest)
[index .. index + uint.sizeof]);
FreeImage_Save(FIF_TIFF, bitmap, fileName.toStringz);
I've yet to find a program, built by anyone else, which will readily render a 32-bit gray-scale image on a monitor's available palette. However, I left my checking code in which will consistently write out the same array both at the top DEBUG and the bottom one, and that's consistent enough for me.
Hopefully this will help someone else out in the future.

Better way to convert YUV to RGB in Unity3D with native plugins

I have a Unity3D application that plays videos on the UI.
I find myself in need to find a better way to convert a YUV video buffer to a RGB buffer.
My situation is this:
Unity3D with a UI image that renders a video
Gstreamer external process which actually plays the video
A native plugin, called from Unity3D to convert the video YUV buffer to a RGBA one
My C++/Native plugin portion of code related to the YUV->RGBA conversion:
unsigned char * rgba = (unsigned char*) obj->g_RgbaBuff;
unsigned char * yuv = (unsigned char*) obj->g_Buffer;
while ( ta < obj->g_BufferLength)
int ty = (int)yuv[i];
int tu = (int)yuv[i + 1];
int tY2 = (int)yuv[i + 2];
int tv = (int)yuv[i + 3];
int tp1 = (int)(1.164f * (ty - 16));
int tr = Clamp((int)tp1 + 1.596f * (tv - 128));
int tg = Clamp((int)tp1 - 0.813f * (tv - 128) - 0.391f * (tu - 128));
int tb = Clamp((int)tp1 + 2.018f * (tu - 128));
rgba[ta] = tb;
rgba[ta + 1] = tg;
rgba[ta + 2] = tr;
ta += 4;
int tp2 = (int)(1.164f * (tY2 - 16));
int tr2 = Clamp((int)tp2 + 1.596f * (tv - 128));
int tg2 = Clamp((int)tp2 - 0.813f * (tv - 128) - 0.391f * (tu - 128));
int tb2 = Clamp((int)tp2 + 2.018f * (tu - 128));
rgba[ta] = tb2;
rgba[ta + 1] = tg2;
rgba[ta + 2] = tr2;
ta += 4;
This code gets called by Unity3D in a while loop to continuously update the output of my image, which is correctly showing the video.
Thing is, it's really slow. When I'm opening more than one video, my FPSs drop from 60 to way below 30 with just three 720p videos.
Is there a way to do this on the GPU? Or a smarter way to do it. Should I approach it in a different way?
To render the buffer to a texture I'm using this code in my native code, there's the rendering being done every frame by using Unity GL.IssuePluginEvent()
static void ModifyTexturePixels(void* textureHandle, int w, int h, void* rgbaBuff)
int textureRowPitch;
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, (GLuint)(size_t)textureHandle);
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, w, h, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, rgbaBuff);

FreeImage wrong image color

I am trying to extract frames from a stream which I create with Gstreamer and trying to save them with FreeImage or QImage ( this one is for testing ).
GstMapInfo bufferInfo;
GstBuffer *sampleBuffer;
GstStructure *capsStruct;
GstSample *sample;
GstCaps *caps;
int width, height;
const int BitsPP = 32;
/* Retrieve the buffer */
g_signal_emit_by_name (sink, "pull-sample", &sample);
if (sample) {
sampleBuffer = gst_sample_get_buffer(sample);
if (! {
g_printerr("Warning: could not map GStreamer buffer!\n");
caps = gst_sample_get_caps(sample);
capsStruct= gst_caps_get_structure(caps,0);
auto bitmap = FreeImage_Allocate(width, height, BitsPP,0,0,0);
memcpy( FreeImage_GetBits( bitmap ),, width * height * (BitsPP/8));
// int pitch = ((((BitsPP * width) + 31) / 32) * 4);
// auto bitmap = FreeImage_ConvertFromRawBits(,width,height,pitch,BitsPP,0, 0, 0);
bitmap = FreeImage_RotateClassic(bitmap,180);
static int id = 0;
std::string name = "/home/stadmin/pic/sample" + std::to_string(id++) + ".png";
#ifdef FREE_SAVE
#ifdef QT_SAVE
QImage image(,width,height,QImage::Format_ARGB32);;
gst_buffer_unmap(sampleBuffer, &bufferInfo);
return GST_FLOW_OK;
The color output in FreeImage are totally wrong like when Qt - Format_ARGB32 [ greens like blue or blues like oranges etc.. ] but when I test with Qt - Format_RGBA8888 I can get correct output. I need to use FreeImage and I wish to learn how to correct this.
Since you say Qt succeeds using Format_RGBA8888, I can only guess: the gstreamer frame has bytes in RGBA order while FreeImage expects ARGB.
Quick fix:
//have a buffer the same length of the incoming bytes
size_t length = width * height * (BitsPP/8);
BYTE * bytes = (BYTE *) malloc(length);
//copy the incoming bytes to it, in the right order:
int index = 0;
while(index < length)
bytes[index] =[index + 2]; //B
bytes[index + 1] =[index + 1]; //G
bytes[index + 2] =[index]; //R
bytes[index + 3] =[index + 3]; //A
index += 4;
//fill the bitmap using the buffer
auto bitmap = FreeImage_Allocate(width, height, BitsPP,0,0,0);
memcpy( FreeImage_GetBits( bitmap ), bytes, length);
//don't forget to

Broken BMP when save bitmap by SOIL. Screenshot area

This is continuation of my last question about saving screenshot to SOIL .here Now I wonder, how to make screenshot of part of screen and eliminate the reason that strange behaviour. My code:
bool saveTexture(string path, glm::vec2 startPos, glm::vec2 endPos)
const char *charPath = path.c_str();
GLuint widthPart = abs(endPos.x - startPos.x);
GLuint heightPart = abs(endPos.y - startPos.y);
auto& hdr = bmi.bmiHeader;
hdr.biSize = sizeof(bmi.bmiHeader);
hdr.biWidth = widthPart;
hdr.biHeight = -1.0 * heightPart;
hdr.biPlanes = 1;
hdr.biBitCount = 24;
hdr.biCompression = BI_RGB;
hdr.biSizeImage = 0;
hdr.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
hdr.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
hdr.biClrUsed = 0;
hdr.biClrImportant = 0;
unsigned char* bitmapBits = (unsigned char*)malloc(3 * widthPart * heightPart);
HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL);
HDC hBmpDc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
HBITMAP hBmp = CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)&bitmapBits, nullptr, 0);
SelectObject(hBmpDc, hBmp);
BitBlt(hBmpDc, 0, 0, widthPart, heightPart, hdc, startPos.x, startPos.y, SRCCOPY);
- int bytes = widthPart * heightPart * 3;
- // invert R and B chanels
- for (unsigned i = 0; i< bytes - 2; i += 3)
- {
- int tmp = bitmapBits[i + 2];
- bitmapBits[i + 2] = bitmapBits[i];
- bitmapBits[i] = tmp;
- }
+ unsigned stride = (widthPart * (hdr.biBitCount / 8) + 3) & ~3;
+ // invert R and B chanels
+ for (unsigned row = 0; row < heightPart; ++row) {
+ for (unsigned col = 0; col < widthPart; ++col) {
+ // Calculate the pixel index into the buffer, taking the
alignment into account
+ const size_t index{ row * stride + col * hdr.biBitCount / 8 };
+ std::swap(bitmapBits[index], bitmapBits[index + 2]);
+ }
+ }
int texture = SOIL_save_image(charPath, SOIL_SAVE_TYPE_BMP, widthPart, heightPart, 3, bitmapBits);
return texture;
When I run this if widthPart and heightPart is even number, that works perfect. But if something from this is odd number I get this BMP's.:
I checked any converting and code twice, but it seems to me the reason is in my wrong blit functions. Function of converting RGB is not affect on problem. What can be a reason? It's the right way blitting of area in BitBlt ?
Update No difference even or odd numbers. Correct picture produces when this numbers is equal. I don't know where is a problem.((
SOIL_save_image functions check parameters for errors and send to stbi_write_bmp:
int stbi_write_bmp(char *filename, int x, int y, int comp, void *data)
int pad = (-x*3) & 3;
return outfile(filename,-1,-1,x,y,comp,data,0,pad,
"11 4 22 4" "4 44 22 444444",
'B', 'M', 14+40+(x*3+pad)*y, 0,0, 14+40, // file header
40, x,y, 1,24, 0,0,0,0,0,0); // bitmap header
outfile function:
static int outfile(char const *filename, int rgb_dir, int vdir, int x, int
y, int comp, void *data, int alpha, int pad, char *fmt, ...)
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (f) {
va_list v;
va_start(v, fmt);
writefv(f, fmt, v);
return f != NULL;
The broken bitmap images are the result of a disagreement of data layout between Windows bitmaps and what the SOIL library expects1. The pixel buffer returned from CreateDIBSection follows the Windows rules (see Bitmap Header Types):
The scan lines are DWORD aligned [...]. They must be padded for scan line widths, in bytes, that are not evenly divisible by four [...].
In other words: The width, in bytes, of each scanline is (biWidth * (biBitCount / 8) + 3) & ~3. The SOIL library, on the other hand, doesn't expect pixel buffers to be DWORD aligned.
To fix this, the pixel data needs to be converted before being passed to SOIL, by stripping (potential) padding and exchanging the R and B color channels. The following code does so in-place2:
unsigned stride = (widthPart * (hdr.biBitCount / 8) + 3) & ~3;
for (unsigned row = 0; row < heightPart; ++row) {
for (unsigned col = 0; col < widthPart; ++col) {
// Calculate the source pixel index, taking the alignment into account
const size_t index_src{ row * stride + col * hdr.biBitCount / 8 };
// Calculate the destination pixel index (no alignment)
const size_t index_dst{ (row * width + col) * (hdr.biBitCount / 8) };
// Read color channels
const unsigned char b{ bitmapBits[index_src] };
const unsigned char g{ bitmapBits[index_src + 1] };
const unsigned char r{ bitmapBits[index_src + 2] };
// Write color channels switching R and B, and remove padding
bitmapBits[index_dst] = r;
bitmapBits[index_dst + 1] = g;
bitmapBits[index_dst + 2] = b;
With this code, index_src is the index into the pixel buffer, which includes padding to enforce proper DWORD alignment. index_dst is the index without any padding applied. Moving pixels from index_src to index_dst removes (potential) padding.
1 The tell-tale sign is scanlines moving to the left or right by one or two pixels (or individual color channels at different speeds). This is usually a safe indication, that there is a disagreement of scanline alignment.
2 This operation is destructive, i.e. the pixel buffer can no longer be passed to Windows GDI functions once converted, although the original data can be reconstructed, even if a bit more involved.