Synthesizing the interface of T required by a class template - c++

template <typename T>
class A
// use the type parameter T in various ways here
Is there any way to automatically synthesize a workable class definition for T, as used by the template A? My expectation is a tool or a compiler trick that could generate the boiler plate code for the type parameter T, which I could tweak further to my needs.
I know if I wrote the class A, I could provide some hints to the "user" using boost concepts checks etc... But it's an unfamiliar code base where I didn't have the luxury of writing class A. So far I build the needed parameter class T manually, by reading the code for class A and with the able assistance from the compiler (with its terse messages).
Is there a better way?

If I understand you correctly, you are looking for a way to automatically generate a concept archetype for a given template class. Currently, this is not possible and maybe it never will be.
The main problem here is that it is very hard to say anything about the semantics of As code without any a priori knowledge of T. Dave Abrahams wrote a blog post not too long ago, where he showed that it is possible to to call an unconstrained function from code that is constrained by concepts and the compiler will still be able to perform the concept checks correctly.
But what you are asking for is a compiler that synthesizes concept checks out of thin air. I'm not much of a compiler person but I can't think of a way to make this possible with today's tools. Although it surely would be very cool if this became possible some day.


Equivalent to `<T extends MyClass>` in C++

In Java you can define a generic type, that should interhit from anoter, by <T extends MyClass> void myMethod(T item)
Is there an equivalent in cpp? I tried template<class T : Draw_Shape> class MyClass, but dont work.
When reading below, please be aware that I am not a Java programmer. My knowledge of Java is almost entirely abstract, and possibly out of date. So if Java implemented reification of generics in the last version or two I don't know about it.
So Java Generics and C++ templates share some common syntax and uses, but they are very different things under the hood.
Java Generics are a wrapper of automatically written casts and compile time type checks around a single core type.
C++ templates on the other hand generate new unrelated types for each set of template arguments.
The extends MyClass syntax in Java does two things. First, it permits that "core" type of the generic to know that the T is not merely an Object, but actually a subclass of some interface. This is required for the "core" type to use methods safely (without can-fail-at-runtime dynamic casts).
In C++ this doesn't happen because there is no "core" type generated by a template instantiation. Each template instantiation is independently compiled, and so knows if the operations are valid or not.
The second thing it does is it gives type errors when the wrong type is passed to the generic. The third thing it does is it allows Java to check the Generic code for validity prior to it being instantiated.
For the second, C++ can use concepts (if your compiler is new enough) or use a technique known as SFINAE that is equally powerful, but syntactically awful and honestly its ability to solve this problem was an accident of language development (it is accidentally Turing complete).
For the third, checked templates in C++, it has been proposed many times, but keeps running into compile time performance issues. So there isn't a way to do it in C++, short of instantiating a template.
Do nothing:
No, seriously. Embrace duck typing and don't constrain template parameters. The only big downside is ugly error messages, and rarely "same named operation has different meanings".
template<class T> class MyClass{
this generates clean error messages. There are some downsides in that other code cannot test if MyClass<X> is a valid instantiation without a hard compiler error.
template<class T,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<Draw_Shape,T>, bool> =true
class MyClass{
note that the =true does not compare the test to the value true. It is not ==true. What is going on here is ridiculously complex and annoying; using SFINAE for this purpose is a hack, and this is just a monkey-see monkey-do way to make it clean.
template<class T> requires std::is_base_of_v<Draw_Shape,T>
class MyClass{
template<std::is_derived_from<Draw_Shape> T>
class MyClass{
note that concepts requires a modern C++ complier and std library.

Generic/template programming best practices: To limit types, or not to limit types

That is my question. I'm just curious what the consensus is on limiting the types that can be passed in to a generic function or class. I thought I had read at some point, that if you're doing generic programming, it was generally better to leave things open instead of trying to close them down (don't recall the source).
I'm writing a library that has some internal generic functions, and I feel that they should only allow types within the library to be used with them, simply because that's how I mean for them to be used. On the other hand, I'm not really sure my effort to lock things down is worth it.
Anybody maybe have some sources for statistics or authoritative commentary on this topic? I'm also interested in sound opinions. Hopefully that doesn't invalidate this question altogether :\
Also, are there any tags here on SO that equate to "best-practice"? I didn't see that one specifically, but it seems like it'd be helpful to be able to bring up all best-practice info for a given SO topic... maybe not, just a thought.
Edit: One answer so far mentioned that the type of library I'm doing would be significant. It's a database library that ends up working with STL containers, variadics (tuple), Boost Fusion, things of that nature. I can see how that would be relevant, but I'd also be interested in rules of thumb for determining which way to go.
Always leave it as open as possible - but make sure to
document the required interface and behaviour for valid types to use with your generic code.
use a type's interface characteristics (traits) to determine whether to allow/disallow it. Don't base your decision on the type name.
produce reasonable diagnosis if
someone uses a wrong type. C++
templates are great at raising tons
of deeply-nested errors if they get instanced with
the wrong types - using type traits, static assertions and related techniques, one can easily produce more succinct error messages.
In my database framework, I decided to forgo templates and use a single base class. Generic programming meant that any or all objects can be used. The specific type classes outweighed the few generic operations. For example, strings and numbers can be compared for equality; BLOBs (Binary Large OBjects) may want to use a different method (such as comparing MD5 checksums stored in a different record).
Also, there was an inheritance branch between strings and numeric types.
By using an inheritance hierarchy, I can refer to any field by using the Field class or to a specialized class such as Field_Int.
It's one of the strongest selling points of the STL that it's so open, and that its algorithms work with my data structures as well as with the one it provides itself, and that my algorithms work with its data structures as well as with mine.
Whether it makes sense to leave your algorithms open to all types or limit them to yours depends largely on the library you're writing, which we know nothing about.
(Initially I meant to answer that being widly open is what Generic Programming is all about, but now I see that there's always limits to genericity, and that you have to draw the line somewhere. It might just as well be limited to your types, if that makes sense.)
At least IMO, the right thing to do is roughly what concepts attempted: rather than attempting to verify that you're receiving the specified type (or one of the set of specified types), do your best to specify the requirements on the type, and verify that the type you've received has the right characteristics, and can meet the requirements of your template.
Much like with concepts, much of the motivation for that is to simply provide good, useful error messages when those requirements aren't met. Ultimately, the compiler will produce an error message if somebody attempts to instantiate your template over a type that doesn't meet its requirements. The problem is that, as likely as not, the error message won't by very helpful unless you take steps to ensure that it is.
The Problem
If you clients can see your internal functions in public headers, and if the names of these internal generic functions are "common", then you may be putting your clients at risk of accidentally calling your internal generic functions.
For example:
namespace Database
// internal API, not documented
template <class DatabaseItem>
// ...
struct SomeDataBaseType {};
} // Database
namespace ClientCode
template <class T, class U>
struct base
// external API, documented
template <class T, class U>
store(base<T, U>)
// ...
template <class T, class U>
struct derived
: public base<T, U>
} // ClientCode
int main()
ClientCode::derived<int, Database::SomeDataBaseType> d;
store(d); // intended ClientCode::store
In this example the author of main doesn't even know Database::store exists. He intends on calling ClientCode::store, and gets lazy, letting ADL choose the function instead of specifying ClientCode::store. After all, his argument to store comes from the same namespace as store so it should just work.
It doesn't work. This example calls Database::store. Depending on the innards of Database::store this call may result in a compile-time error, or worse yet, a run time error.
How To Fix
The more generically you name your functions, the more likely this is to happen. Give your internal functions (the ones that must appear in your headers) really non-generic names. Or put them in a sub-namespace like details. In the latter case you have to make sure your clients won't ever have details as an associated namespace for the purpose of ADL. That's usually accomplished by not creating types that the client will use, either directly or indirectly, in namespace details.
If you want to get more paranoid, start locking things down with enable_if.
If perhaps you think your internal functions might be useful to your clients, then they are no longer internal.
The above example code is not far-fetched. It has happened to me. It has happened to functions in namespace std. I call store in this example overly generic. std::advance and std::distance are classic examples of overly generic code. It is something to guard against. And it is a problem concepts attempted to fix.

Enforce functions to implement for template argument class?

Should I define an interface which explicitly informs the user what all he/she should implement in order to use the class as template argument or let the compiler warn him when the functionality is not implemented ?
template <Class C1, Class C2>
Class C1 has to implement certain methods and operators, compiler won't warn until they are used. Should I rely on compiler to warn or make sure that I do:
Class C1 : public SomeInterfaceEnforcedFunctions
// Class C1 has to implement them either way
// but this is explicit? am I right or being
// redundant ?
Ideally, you should use a concept to specify the requirements on the type used as a template argument. Unfortunately, neither the current nor the upcoming standard includes concepts.
Absent that, there are various methods available for enforcing such requirements. You might want to read Eric Neibler's article about how to enforce requirements on template arguments.
I'd agree with Eric's assertion that leaving it all to the compiler is generally unacceptable. It's much of the source of the horrible error messages most of us associate with templates, where seemingly trivial typos can result in pages of unreadable dreck.
If you are going to force an interface, then why use a template at all? You can simply do -
class SomeInterface //make this an interface by having pure virtual functions
RType SomeFunction(Param1 p1, Param2 p2) = 0;
/*You don't have to know how this method is implemented,
but now you can guarantee that whoever wants to create a type
that is SomeInterface will have to implement SomeFunction in
their derived class.
followed by
template <class C2>
class SomeClass
//use SomeInterface here directly.
Update -
A fundamental problem with this approach is that it only works for types that is rolled out by a user. If there is a standard library type that conforms to your interface specification, or a third party code or another library (like boost) that has classes that conform to SomeInterface, they won't work unless you wrap them in your own class, implement the interface and forward the calls appropriately. I'm somehow not liking my answer anymore.
Absent of concepts, a for now abandoned concept (pun not intended, but noted) for describing which requirements a template parameter must fulfill, the requirements are only enforced implicitly. That is, if whatever your users use as a template parameter doesn't fulfill them, the code won't compile. Unfortunately, the error message resulting from that are often quite gibberish. The only things you can do to improve matters is to
describe the requirements in your template's documentation
insert code that checks for those requirements early on in your template, before it delves so deep that the error messages your users get become unintelligibly.
The latter can be quite complicated (static_assert to the rescue!) or even impossible, which is the reason concepts where considered to become a core-language feature, instead of a library.
Note that it is easy to overlook a requirement this way, which will only become apparent when someone uses a type as a template parameter that won't work. However, it is at least as easy to overlook that requirements are often quite lose and put more into the description than what the code actually calls for.
For example, + is defined not only for numbers, but also for std::string and for any number of user-defined types. Conesequently, a template add<T> might not only be used with numbers, but also with strings and an infinite number of user-defined types. Whether this is an unwanted side-effect of the code you want to suppress or a feature you want to support is up to you. All I'm saying is that it is not easy to catch this.
I don't think defining an interface in the form of an abstract base class with virtual functions is a good idea. This is run-time polymorphism, a main pillar classic OO. If you do this, then you don't need a template, just take the base class per reference.
But then you also lose one of the main advantages of templates, which is that they are, in some ways, more flexible (try to write an add() function classic OO which works with any type overloading + in) and faster, because the binding of the function calls take place not at run-time, but during compilation. (That brings more than it might look like at first due to the ability to inline, which usually isn't possible with run-time polymorphism.)

typedef vs public inheritance in c++ meta-programming

Disclaimer: the question is completely different from Inheritance instead of typedef and I could not find any similar question so far
I like to play with c++ template meta-programming (at home mostly, I sometimes introduce it lightly at work but I don't want to the program to become only readable to anyone who did not bother learning about it), however I have been quite put out by the compiler errors whenever something goes wrong.
The problem is that of course c++ template meta-programming is based on template, and therefore anytime you get a compiler error within a deeply nested template structure, you've got to dig your way in a 10-lines error message. I have even taken the habit of copy/pasting the message in a text-editor and then indent the message to get some structure until I get an idea of what is actually happening, which adds some work to tracking the error itself.
As far as I know, the problem is mostly due to the compiler and how it output typedefs (there are other problems like the depth of nesting, but then it's not really the compiler fault). Cool features like variadic templates or type deduction (auto) are announced for the upcoming C++0x but I would really like to have better error messages to boot. It can prove painful to use template meta-programming, and I do wonder what this will become when more people actually get into them.
I have replaced some of the typedefs in my code, and use inheritance instead.
typedef partition<AnyType> MyArg;
struct MyArg2: partition<AnyType> {};
That's not much more characters to type, and this is not less readable in my opinion. In fact it might even be more readable, since it guarantees that the new type declared appears close to the left margin, instead of being at an undetermined offset to the right.
This however involves another problem. In order to make sure that I didn't do anything stupid, I often wrote my templates functions / classes like so:
template <class T> T& get(partition<T>&);
This way I was sure that it can only be invoked for a suitable object.
Especially when overloading operators such as operator+ you need some way to narrow down the scope of your operators, or run the risk of it been invoked for int's for example.
However, if this works with a typedef'ed type, since it is only an alias. It sure does not work with inheritance...
For functions, one can simply use the CRTP
template <class Derived, class T> partition;
template <class Derived, class T> T& get(partition<Derived,T>&);
This allows to know the 'real' type that was used to invoke the method before the compiler used the public inheritance. One should note that this decrease the chances this particular function has to be invoked since the compiler has to perform a transformation, but I never noticed any problem so far.
Another solution to this problem is adding a 'tag' property to my types, to distinguish them from one another, and then count on SFINAE.
struct partition_tag {};
template <class T> struct partition { typedef partition_tag tag; ... };
template <class T>
typename boost::enable_if<
typename T::tag,
It requires some more typing though, especially if one declares and defines the function / method at different places (and if I don't bother my interface is pretty soon jumbled). However when it comes to classes, since no transformation of types is performed, it does get more complicated:
template <class T>
class MyClass { /* stuff */ };
// Use of boost::enable_if
template <class T, class Enable = void>
class MyClass { /* empty */ };
template <class T>
class MyClass <
typename T::tag,
/* useful stuff here */
// OR use of the static assert
template <class T>
class MyClass
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((/*this comparison of tags...*/));
I tend to use more the 'static assert' that the 'enable_if', I think it is much more readable when I come back after some time.
Well, basically I have not made my mind yet and I am still experimenting between the different technics exposed here.
Do you use typedefs or inheritance ?
How do you restrict the scope of your methods / functions or otherwise control the type of the arguments provided to them (and for classes) ?
And of course, I'd like more that personal preferences if possible. If there is a sound reason to use a particular technic, I'd rather know about it!
I was browsing stackoverflow and just found this perl from Boost.MPL I had completely forgotten:
The idea is that you give the macro 3 arguments:
The condition to check
a message (C++ identifier) that should be used for display in the error message
the list of types involved (as a tuple)
It may help considerably in both code self documentation and better error output.
What you are trying to do is to explicitly check whether types passed as template arguments provide the concepts necessary. Short of the concept feature, which was thrown out of C++0X (and thus being one of the main culprits for it becoming C++1X) it's certainly hard to do proper concept checking. Since the 90ies there have been several attempts to create concept-checking libraries without language support, but, basically, all these have achieved is to show that, in order to do it right, concepts need to become a feature of the core language, rather than a library-only feature.
I don't find your ideas of deriving instead of typedef and using enable_if very appealing. As you have said yourself, it often obscures the actual code only for the sake of better compiler error messages.
I find the static assert a lot better. It doesn't require changing the actual code, we all are used to having assertion checks in algorithms and learned to mentally skip over them if we want to understand the actual algorithms, it might produce better error messages, and it will carry over to C++1X better, which is going to have a static_assert (completely with class designer-provided error messages) built in into the language. (I suspect BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT to simply use the built-in static_assert if that's available.)

Unit-testing C++ templates

I've used function and class templates in implementation of my libraries.
So far I've just instantiated a template in the library unit-tests (CppUnit),
and then proceeded to test it almost like any other normal class or function.
Recently I've been planning to add some templates also to the library APIs.
Good interface is of course the most important thing, template or not.
With well designed and implemented templates you can, if not totally prevent,
at least make it more difficult for the user to shoot himself in the foot.
Any way I feel that unit-testing public templates need to be a bit more rigorous,
compared to purely internal templates.
So, how have you unit-tested your C++ templates?
Have you come up with any elegant solutions,
especially for templates in public library APIs?
For starters, unit test your template code with the parameter you think is most likely for a user to supply. I've often made things templates "just in case" and end up never using anything but the one type I had in mind when I wrote the original code. So in that case, testing the most likely case covers all cases!
If you feel like you need to test more, use another template argument as different as possible from the first argument. It may not be necessary to test all methods again. Some methods may not actually depend on the template parameter.
I have an additional suggestion. In addition to unit-testing each template, examine techniques that will help constrain the potentially vast universe of template arguments that your library users might try to pass to your templates.
For example: say that you only test your templates using the type arguments "string" and "char". You do not have proof that other type arguments will be problematic for this particular template, but for one reason or another you "suspect" that other untested type args will be problematic.
In a case such as the above example, it doesn't necessarily imply that you should exhaustively test other type args. Instead, you have a case that might imply you should employ some compile-time template metaprogramming techniques to ensure that your template is never used with any other arguments but "string" and "char".
One resource:
Modern C++ Design -- by Andrei Alexandrescu
Very early on in this book, the author shows examples such as:
how to make a template that will self-enforce that its first type arg be of a smaller type than its second type arg
how to detect convertibility and inheritance at compile time
"Modern C++ Design" (despite its rather broad/vague title) is a fairly advanced exploration of template programming techniques.
Boost.Test has a component facilitating testing of templates against set of template parameters.
Instanciating the template in the unit test is the to test a template class.
What are the risks ? They depend what your library is doing with the template parameter ; think about what problems could arise depending on the class used to instanciate your template class and write new tests.
At least you will have your unit testing environment ready to reproduce any problem that will be reported.