Preventing Memory Fragmentation in Polymorphic Container - c++

This question requires some explaning, so thumbs up if you don't skip the example :)
I recently read a book describing memory fragmentation (on the heap) in some detail and it got me thinking about my own projects. For example, when using a ptr_container (from Boost) in the following way
ptr_array<A> arr; //
arr.push_back(new A()); // a1.
arr.push_back(new A()); // a2.
arr.push_back(new A()); // a3.
it will quite fast lead to some memory fragmentation when replacing elements. For the sake of argument, lets say that the actual container can hold all pointers we give to it. The heap will look something like:
When we start to replace pointers with a subtype (that has a larger size) this situation changes, lets say we replace all objects referenced by odd pointers (a1, a3, ...) to a larger type, then it'll look like:
where [xx] denotes unused space and b1...bN are the new objects.
So what I'd like is a container that stores the objects (like in STL-containers) but supports polymorphic storage. I do know how to implement this kind of container but I prefer to use "expert" libraries (Boost, STL, ...). To sum it up, my question:
Is there a container that supports (dynamically allocated) polymorphic objects saved in a continuous sequence of memory?
For example, the memory layout could look like this:
[arr_array] = [ptr_lookup_table][storage]
= [p1, p2, ..., pn][b1, a2, b3, ..., aN]
Thank you for your answers / comments!

Memory fragmentation requires foreknowledge about memory allocation, so I'll need to set some concepts first.
Memory Allocation
When you call operator new (which by default will often call malloc behind the scenes), you do not directly request memory from the OS, instead what happens (generally) is that:
you call malloc for 76 bytes, it looks if such is available:
if it is not, it request a page (usually 4KB) from the OS, and prepare it
it then serves you the 76 bytes you asked for
Memory fragmentation may happen at two levels:
You may exhaust your virtual address space (not so easy with 64bits platforms)
You may have nearly empty pages that cannot be reclaimed and yet cannot serve the requests you make
Generally, since malloc should call pages 4KB at a time (unless you ask for a bigger chunk in which case it will choose a bigger multiple of 4KB), you should never exhaust your address space. It happened on 32bits machine (limited to 4GB) for unusually large allocations though.
On the other hand, if your implementation of malloc is too naive, you may end up with fragmented memory blocks and thus have a much higher memory footprint than what you really use. This is usually what the term memory fragmentation refers to nowadays.
Typical Strategy
When I say naive I refer to, for example, your idea of allocating everything continuously. This is a bad idea. This is typically not what happens.
Instead, the good malloc implementations today use pools.
Typically, they will have pools per size:
1 byte
2 bytes
4 bytes
512 bytes
4KB and more are handled specially (directly)
And when you make a request, they will find the pool with the minimum size that can satisfy it, and this pool will serve you.
Because in a pool all requests are served with the same size, there is no fragmentation within the pool as a free cell can be used for any incoming request.
So, fragmentation ?
Nowadays, you should not observe fragmentation per se.
However you can still observe memory holes. Suppose that a pool is handling objects of 9 to 16 bytes and you allocate say 4,000,000 of them. This requires at least 16,000 pages of 4KB. Now suppose that you deallocate all but 16,000 of them, but deviously so that one object still lives for each page. The pages cannot be reclaimed by the OS, as you still use them, however since you only use 16 bytes out of 4KB, the space is quite wasted (for now).
Some languages with Garbage Collection may handle those cases with compaction, however in C++, relocating an object in memory cannot be done because user has direct control over object addresses.
Magic container
I do not know of any such beast. I do not see why it would be useful either.
Don't worry about fragmentation.
Note: "experts" may want to write their own pool allocation mechanism, I would like to remind them not to forget about alignment

The fragmentation occurs not because of the use of the boost container. It will happen when you frequently allocate and deallocate objects of different sizes with new and delete. The ptr_array simply stores the pointers to these allocated objects and will probably not notably contribute to the fragmentation.
If you want to counter memory fragmentation, you can overload your objects operator new and implement your own memory management system. I suggest you read into the subjects of memory pools and free lists.

(Edit: sorry, misread your question; previous answer removed.)
You can use any memory pool for your objects. Usually you group together same (or similar) sized objects in the same pool. Since you usually have to call a special delete function on the pool I suggest you use a shared_ptr with a custom deleter. You can then use this shared_ptr with any standard container you like.
Edit: It seems like an example is needed. Warning: this is totally untested and from the top of my head. Don't expect it to compile.
#include <boost/pool.hpp>
#include <memory>
class A;
class B; // B inherits from A
int main() {
// could be global
boost::object_pool<A> a_pool;
boost::object_pool<B> b_pool;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<A>> v;
v.push_back(std::shared_ptr<A>(a_pool.construct(), [&](A*p) {; }));
v.push_back(std::shared_ptr<A>(a_pool.construct(), [&](A*p) {; }));
v.push_back(std::shared_ptr<A>(a_pool.construct(), [&](A*p) {; }));
v[2] = std::shared_ptr<B>(b_pool.construct(), [&](B*p) {; });
return 0;
This will work even is B is much larger than A. It also does not rely on the automatic freeing of the pool which is IMHO dangerous. The memory layout is not tight because the pool will always overallocate, but it will have no fragmentation and this is what you want if I understood your question.


Dynamic allocation store data in random location in the heap?

I know that local variables will be stored on the stack orderly.
but, when i dynamically allocate variable in the heap memory in c++ like this.
int * a = new int{1};
int * a2 = new int{2};
int * a3 = new int{3};
int * a4 = new int{4};
Question 1 : are these variable stored in contiguous memory location?
Question 2 : if not, is it because dynamic allocation store variables in random location in the heap memory?
Question3 : so does dynamic allocation increase possibility of cache miss and has low spatial locality?
Part 1: Are separate allocations contiguous?
The answer is probably not. How dynamic allocation occurs is implementation dependent. If you allocate memory like in the above example, two separate allocations might be contiguous, but there is no guarantee of this happening (and it should never be relied on to occur).
Different implementations of c++ use different algorithms for deciding how memory is allocated.
Part 2: Is allocation random?
Somewhat; but not entirely. Memory doesn’t get allocated in an intentionally random fashion. Oftentimes memory allocators will try to allocate blocks of memory near each other in order to minimize page faults and cache misses, but it’s not always possible to do so.
Allocation happens in two stages:
The allocator asks for a large chunk of memory from the OS
The takes pieces of that large chunk and returns them whenever you call new, until you ask for more memory than it has to give, in which case it asks for another large chunk from the OS.
This second stage is where an implementation can make attempts to give things you memory that’s near other recent allocations, however it has little control over the first stage (and the OS usually just provides whatever memory is available, without any knowledge of other allocations by your program).
Part 3: avoiding cache misses
If cache misses are a bottleneck in your code,
Try to reduce the amount of indirection (by having arrays store objects by value, rather than by pointer);
Ensure that the memory you’re operating on is as contiguous as the design permits (so use a std::array or std::vector, instead of a linked list, and prefer a few big allocations to lots of small ones); and
Try to design the algorithm so that it has to jump around in memory as little as possible.
A good general principle is to just use a std::vector of objects, unless you have a good reason to use something fancier. Because they have better cache locality, std::vector is faster at inserting and deleting elements than std::list, even up to dozens or even hundreds of elements.
Finally: try to take advantage of the stack. Unless there’s a good reason for something to be a pointer, just declare as a variable that lives on the stack. When possible,
Prefer to use MyClass x{}; instead of MyClass* x = new MyClass{};, and
Prefer std::vector<MyClass> instead of std::vector<MyClass*>.
By extension, if you can use static polymorphism (i.e, templates), use that instead of dynamic polymorphism.
IMHO this is Operating System specific / C++ standard library implementation.
new ultimately uses lower-level virtual memory allocation services and allocating several pages at once, using system calls like mmap and munmap. The implementation of new could reuse previously freed memory space when relevant.
The implementation of new could use various and different strategies for "large" and "small" allocations.
In the example you gave the first new results in a system call for memory allocation (usually several pages), the allocated memory could be large enough so that subsequent new calls results in contiguous allocation..But this depends on the implementation
In short:
not at all (there is padding due to alignment, heap housekeeping data, allocated chunks may be reused, etc.),
not at all (AFAIK, heap algorithms are deterministic without any randomness),
generally yes (e.g., memory pooling might help here).

`std::string` allocations are my current bottleneck - how can I optimize with a custom allocator?

I'm writing a C++14 JSON library as an exercise and to use it in my personal projects.
By using callgrind I've discovered that the current bottleneck during a continuous value creation from string stress test is an std::string dynamic memory allocation. Precisely, the bottleneck is the call to malloc(...) made from std::string::reserve.
I've read that many existing JSON libraries such as rapidjson use custom allocators to avoid malloc(...) calls during string memory allocations.
I tried to analyze rapidjson's source code but the large amount of additional code and comments, plus the fact that I'm not really sure what I'm looking for, didn't help me much.
How do custom allocators help in this situation?
Is a memory buffer preallocated somewhere (where? statically?) and std::strings take available memory from it?
Are strings using custom allocators "compatible" with normal strings?
They have different types. Do they have to be "converted"? (And does that result in a performance hit?)
Code notes:
Str is an alias for std::string.
By default, std::string allocates memory as needed from the same heap as anything that you allocate with malloc or new. To get a performance gain from providing your own custom allocator, you will need to be managing your own "chunk" of memory in such a way that your allocator can deal out the amounts of memory that your strings ask for faster than malloc does. Your memory manager will make relatively few calls to malloc, (or new, depending on your approach) under the hood, requesting "large" amounts of memory at once, then deal out sections of this (these) memory block(s) through the custom allocator. To actually achieve better performance than malloc, your memory manager will usually have to be tuned based on known allocation patterns of your use cases.
This kind of thing often comes down to the age-old trade off of memory use versus execution speed. For example: if you have a known upper bound on your string sizes in practice, you can pull tricks with over-allocating to always accommodate the largest case. While this is wasteful of your memory resources, it can alleviate the performance overhead that more generalized allocation runs into with memory fragmentation. As well as making any calls to realloc essentially constant time for your purposes.
#sehe is exactly right. There are many ways.
To finally address your second question, strings using different allocators can play nicely together, and usage should be transparent.
For example:
class myalloc : public std::allocator<char>{};
myalloc customAllocator;
int main(void)
std::string mystring(customAllocator);
std::string regularString = "test string";
mystring = regularString;
std::cout << mystring;
return 0;
This is a fairly silly example and, of course, uses the same workhorse code under the hood. However, it shows assignment between strings using allocator classes of "different types". Implementing a useful allocator that supplies the full interface required by the STL without just disguising the default std::allocator is not as trivial. This seems to be a decent write up covering the concepts involved. The key to why this works, in the context of your question at least, is that using different allocators doesn't cause the strings to be of different type. Notice that the custom allocator is given as an argument to the constructor not a template parameter. The STL still does fun things with templates (such as rebind and Traits) to homogenize allocator interfaces and tracking.
What often helps is the creation of a GlobalStringTable.
See if you can find portions of the old NiMain library from the now defunct NetImmerse software stack. It contains an example implementation.
What is important to note is that this string table needs to be accessible between different DLL spaces, and that it is not a static object. R. Martinho Fernandes already warned that the object needs to be created when the application or DLL thread is created / attached, and disposed when the thread is destroyed or the dll is detached, and preferrably before any string object is actually used. This sounds easier than it actually is.
Memory allocation
Once you have a single point of access that exports correctly, you can have it allocate a memory buffer up-front. If the memory is not enough, you have to resize it and move the existing strings over. Strings essentially become handles to regions of memory in this buffer.
Placement new
Something that often works well is called the placement new() operator, where you can actually specify where in memory your new string object needs to be allocated. However, instead of allocating, the operator can simply grab the memory location that is passed in as an argument, zero the memory at that location, and return it. You can also keep track of the allocation, the actual size of the string etc.. in the Globalstringtable object.
Handling the actual memory scheduling is something that is up to you, but there are many possible ways to approach this. Often, the allocated space is partitioned in several regions so that you have several blocks per possible string size. A block for strings <= 4 bytes, one for <= 8 bytes, and so on. This is called a Small Object Allocator, and can be implemented for any type and buffer.
If you expect many string operations where small strings are incremented repeatedly, you may change your strategy and allocate larger buffers from the start, so that the number of memmove operations are reduced. Or you can opt for a different approach and use string streams for those.
String operations
It is not a bad idea to derive from std::basic_str, so that most of the operations still work but the internal storage is actually in the GlobalStringTable, so that you can keep using the same stl conventions. This way, you also make sure that all the allocations are within a single DLL, so that there can be no heap corruption by linking different kinds of strings between different libraries, since all the allocation operations are essentially in your DLL (and are rerouted to the GlobalStringTable object)
Custom allocators can help because most malloc()/new implementations are designed for maximum flexibility, thread-safety and bullet-proof workings. For instance, they must gracefully handle the case that one thread keeps allocating memory, sending the pointers to another thread that deallocates them. Things like these are difficult to handle in a performant way and drive the cost of malloc() calls.
However, if you know that some things cannot happen in your application (like one thread deallocating stuff another thread allocated, etc.), you can optimize your allocator further than the standard implementation. This can yield significant results, especially when you don't need thread safety.
Also, the standard implementation is not necessarily well optimized: Implementing void* operator new(size_t size) and void operator delete(void* pointer) by simply calling through to malloc() and free() gives an average performance gain of 100 CPU cycles on my machine, which proves that the default implementation is suboptimal.
I think you'd be best served by reading up on the EASTL
It has a section on allocators and you might find fixed_string useful.
The best way to avoid a memory allocation is don't do it!
BUT if I remember JSON correctly all the readStr values either gets used as keys or as identifiers so you will have to allocate them eventually, std::strings move semantics should insure that the allocated array are not copied around but reused until its final use. The default NRVO/RVO/Move should reduce any copying of the data if not of the string header itself.
Method 1:
Pass result as a ref from the caller which has reserved SomeResonableLargeValue chars, then clear it at the start of readStr. This is only usable if the caller actually can reuse the string.
Method 2:
Use the stack.
// Reserve memory for the string (BOTTLENECK)
if (end - idx < SomeReasonableValue) { // 32?
char result[SomeReasonableValue] = {0}; // feel free to use std::array if you want bounds checking, but the preceding "if" should insure its not a problem.
int ridx = 0;
for(; idx < end; ++idx) {
// Not an escape sequence
if(!isC('\\')) { result[ridx++] = getC(); continue; }
// Escape sequence: skip '\'
// Convert escape sequence
result[ridx++] = getEscapeSequence(getC());
// Skip closing '"'
result[ridx] = 0; // 0-terminated.
// optional assert here to insure nothing went wrong.
return result; // the bottleneck might now move here as the data is copied to the receiving string.
// fallback code only if the string is long.
// Your original code here
Method 3:
If your string by default can allocate some size to fill its 32/64 byte boundary, you might want to try to use that, construct result like this instead in case the constructor can optimize it.
Str result(end - idx, 0);
Method 4:
Most systems already has some optimized allocator that like specific block sizes, 16,32,64 etc.
siz = ((end - idx)&~0xf)+16; // if the allocator has chunks of 16 bytes already.
Str result(siz);
Method 5:
Use either the allocator made by google or facebooks as global new/delete replacement.
To understand how a custom allocator can help you, you need to understand what malloc and the heap does and why it is quite slow in comparison to the stack.
The Stack
The stack is a large block of memory allocated for your current scope. You can think of it as this
([] means a byte of memory)
(P is a pointer that points to a specific byte of memory, in this case its pointing at the first byte)
So the stack is a block with only 1 pointer. When you allocate memory, what it does is it performs a pointer arithmetic on P, which takes constant time.
So declaring int i = 0; would mean this,
P + sizeof(int).
(i in [] is a block of memory occupied by an integer)
This is blazing fast and as soon as you go out of scope, the entire chunk of memory is emptied simply by moving P back to the first position.
The Heap
The heap allocates memory from a reserved pool of bytes reserved by the c++ compiler at runtime, when you call malloc, the heap finds a length of contiguous memory that fits your malloc requirements, marks it as used so nothing else can use it, and returns that to you as a void*.
So, a theoretical heap with little optimization calling new(sizeof(int)), would do this.
Heap chunk
At first : [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]
Allocate 4 bytes (sizeof(int)):
A pointer goes though every byte of memory, finds one that is of correct length, and returns to you a pointer.
After : [i][i][i][i][][][]][][][][][][][][][]][][][][][][][]
This is not an accurate representation of the heap, but from this you can already see numerous reasons for being slow relative to the stack.
The heap is required to keep track of all already allocated memory and their respective lengths. In our test case above, the heap was already empty and did not require much, but in worst case scenarios, the heap will be populated with multiple objects with gaps in between (heap fragmentation), and this will be much slower.
The heap is required to cycle though all the bytes to find one that fits your length.
The heap can suffer from fragmentation since it will never completely clean itself unless you specify it. So if you allocated an int, a char, and another int, your heap would look like this
(i stands for bytes occupied by int and c stands for bytes occupied by a char. When you de-allocate the char, it will look like this.
So when you want to allocate another object into the heap,
unless an object is the size of 1 char, the overall heap size for that allocation is reduced by 1 byte. In more complex programs with millions of allocations and deallocations, the fragmentation issue becomes severe and the program will become unstable.
Worry about cases like thread safety (Someone else said this already).
Custom Heap/Allocator
So, a custom allocator usually needs to address these problems while providing the benefits of the heap, such as personalized memory management and object permanence.
These are usually accomplished with specialized allocators. If you know you dont need to worry about thread safety or you know exactly how long your string will be or a predictable usage pattern you can make your allocator fast than malloc and new by quite a lot.
For example, if your program requires a lot of allocations as fast as possible without lots of deallocations, you could implement a stack allocator, in which you allocate a huge chunk of memory with malloc at startup,
typedef char* buffer;
//Super simple example that probably doesnt work.
struct StackAllocator:public Allocator{
buffer stack;
char* pointer;
StackAllocator(int expectedSize){ stack = new char[expectedSize];pointer = stack;}
allocate(int size){ char* returnedPointer = pointer; pointer += size; return returnedPointer}
empty() {pointer = stack;}
Get expected size, get a chunk of memory from the heap.
Assign a pointer to the beginning.
[P][][][][][][][][][] ..... [].
then have one pointer that moves for each allocation. When you no longer need the memory, you simply move the pointer to the beginning of your buffer. This gives your the advantage of O(1) speed allocations and deallocations as well as object permanence for the lack of flexible deallocation and large initial memory requirements.
For strings, you could try a chunk allocator. For every allocation, the allocator gives a set chunk of memory.
Compatibility with other strings is almost guaranteed. As long as you are allocating a contiguous chunk of memory and preventing anything else from using that block of memory, it will work.

Is it possible to implement a memory pool that works with arrays instead of single objects?

I know it's easy to make a memory pool for single objects, however I need to make a memory pool for arrays. The memory pool I have currently has a vector of addresses to contiguous memory blocks and a stack that points to each object from these blocks, so when you allocate from the pool you just pop the stack and when you free, you just push an object's address back to it. However I also need an array equivalent. Something like this:
template<typename T>
class ArrayPool
T* AllocateArray(int x); //Returns a pointer to a T array that contains 'x' elements.
void FreeArray(T* arr, int x); //Returns the array to the free address list/stack/whatever/
Has such a thing been implemented? I imagine a big problem from having such a pool - if make sure arrays returned by ALlocateArray are contiguous in memory, I'm basically doing the same as if not having a memorypool. Just allocating arrays on the spot. With the normal object pool every time I just allocate 1 object. With the arrays I may allocate a different sized array every time, so once an array is freed, it won't be compatible with a new one of different size, unless I stich arrays together with some linkedlist-like structure, but then they won't be contiguous.
Currently your allocator takes advantage of the fact that all allocations are the same size. This simplifies and speeds up allocation and freeing, and means memory fragmentation is impossible.
If you have to allocate arrays of any size, then what you want is a general-purpose allocator, not a pool allocator. What to do next depends why you're using a pool allocator in the first place. I can think of two other features of a pool allocator that might be relevant, and there may be others:
all memory comes from a particular region specified when you create the pool
all memory can be freed at once without freeing each individual allocation, by resetting the pool.
If you don't need any special features of controlling allocation yourself then just use vector or global operator new or malloc to allocate your memory. If you do need special features then you'll probably want to take an allocator off the shelf rather than implementing your own. If you really want to get into the details of how a good memory allocator works then look at and perhaps adapt it to your use.
But if you really need to hand-roll an allocator for limited purposes, then the basic idea is that instead of a list of free nodes from which you can always take the first, you need some data structure (your choice what) containing free blocks of different sizes, that allows you to quickly find a block that's big enough to satisfy the current request. In the case where it's much bigger you might choose to split the block, return part of it, and keep the rest as a new smaller free block. In the case where two free blocks are adjacent you might choose to merge them into a single larger free block.
One common strategy is to keep pool-like lists of blocks of certain sizes (for example 16, 32, 64...). If the request is small enough, satisfy it using one of these. If not, do something more complex. But as I say, if you want to see a lot of tricks working together then look at dlmalloc.
What you could do is having fixed sizes and only work on those. For example 400st 32 byte arrays, 200 128b, 100 1024b, 50 8096b or something like that. When something ask for an array of size N you match to the closest size with a free array.
How many you need to each size is probably up for a lot of tweaking.
That would allow you to re-use arrays much more freely than allowing custom sizes.
What exactly are you trying to win from this? Why isn't it enough just to treat each array as an object? Unless you are direly strapped for memory or the time to construct the array elements is really excessive and not to be wasted, this sounds like a classic case of premature optimization. And if the above are your problems, I'd explore other data structures (not arrays) first before plunging into this.
Your time (getting this working and its quirks ironed out will be a week or so, methinks) is way more valuable than a few pennies of computer time or memory saved.

Is there any benefit to use multiple heaps for memory management purposes?

I am a student of a system software faculty. Now I'm developing a memory manager for Windows. Here's my simple implementation of malloc() and free():
HANDLE heap = HeapCreate(0, 0, 0);
void* hmalloc(size_t size)
return HeapAlloc(heap, 0, size);
void hfree(void* memory)
HeapFree(heap, 0, memory);
int main()
int* ptr1 = (int*)hmalloc(100*sizeof(int));
int* ptr2 = (int*)hmalloc(100*sizeof(int));
int* ptr3 = (int*)hmalloc(100*sizeof(int));
return 0;
It works fine. But I can't understand is there a reason to use multiple heaps? Well, I can allocate memory in the heap and get the address to an allocated memory chunk. But here I use ONE heap. Is there a reason to use multiple heaps? Maybe for multi-threaded/multi-process applications? Please explain.
The main reason for using multiple heaps/custom allocators are for better memory control. Usually after lots of new/delete's the memory can get fragmented and loose performance for the application (also the app will consume more memory). Using the memory in a more controlled environment can reduce heap fragmentation.
Also another usage is for preventing memory leaks in the application, you could just free the entire heap you allocated and you don't need to bother with freeing all the object allocated there.
Another usage is for tightly allocated objects, if you have for example a list then you could allocate all the nodes in a smaller dedicated heap and the app will gain performance because there will be less cache misses when iterating the nodes.
Edit: memory management is however a hard topic and in some cases it is not done right. Andrei Alexandrescu had a talk at one point and he said that for some application replacing the custom allocator with the default one increased the performance of the application.
This is a good link that elaborates on why you may need multiple heap:
"Why Use Multiple Heaps?
Using a single runtime heap is fine for most programs. However, using multiple
heaps can be more efficient and can help you improve your program's performance
and reduce wasted memory for a number of reasons:
1- When you allocate from a single heap, you may end up with memory blocks on
different pages of memory. For example, you might have a linked list that
allocates memory each time you add a node to the list. If you allocate memory for
other data in between adding nodes, the memory blocks for the nodes could end up
on many different pages. To access the data in the list, the system may have to
swap many pages, which can significantly slow your program.
With multiple heaps, you can specify which heap you allocate from. For example,
you might create a heap specifically for the linked list. The list's memory blocks
and the data they contain would remain close together on fewer pages, reducing the
amount of swapping required.
2- In multithread applications, only one thread can access the heap at a time to
ensure memory is safely allocated and freed. For example, say thread 1 is
allocating memory, and thread 2 has a call to free. Thread 2 must wait until
thread 1 has finished its allocation before it can access the heap. Again, this
can slow down performance, especially if your program does a lot of memory
If you create a separate heap for each thread, you can allocate from them
concurrently, eliminating both the waiting period and the overhead required to
serialize access to the heap.
3- With a single heap, you must explicitly free each block that you allocate. If you
have a linked list that allocates memory for each node, you have to traverse the
entire list and free each block individually, which can take some time.
If you create a separate heap for that linked list, you can destroy it with a
single call and free all the memory at once.
4- When you have only one heap, all components share it (including the IBM C and
C++ Compilers runtime library, vendor libraries, and your own code). If one
component corrupts the heap, another component might fail. You may have trouble
discovering the cause of the problem and where the heap was damaged.
With multiple heaps, you can create a separate heap for each component, so if
one damages the heap (for example, by using a freed pointer), the others can
continue unaffected. You also know where to look to correct the problem."
A reason would be the scenario that you need to execute a program internally e.g. running simulation code. By creating your own heap you could allow that heap to have execution rights which by default for security reasons is turned off. (Windows)
You have some good thoughts and this'd work for C but in C++ you have destructors, it is VERY important they run.
You can think of all types as having constructors/destructors, just that logically "do nothing".
This is about allocators. See "The buddy algorithm" which uses powers of two to align and re-use stuff.
If I allocate 4 bytes somewhere, my allocator might allocate a 4kb section just for 4 byte allocations. That way I can fit 1024 4 byte things in the block, if I need more add another block and so forth.
Ask it for 4kb and it wont allocate that in the 4byte block, it might have a separate one for larger requests.
This means you can keep big things together. If I go 17 bytes then 13 bytes the 1 byte and the 13byte gets freed, I can only stick something in there of <=13 bytes.
Hence the buddy system and powers of 2, easy to do using lshifts, if I want a 2.5kb block, I allocate it as the smallest power of 2 that'll fit (4kb in this case) that way I can use the slot afterwards for <=4kb items.
This is not for garbage collection, this is just keeping things more compact and neat, using your own allocator can stop calls to the OS (depending on the default implementation of new and delete they might already do this for your compiler) and make new/delete very quick.
Heap-compacting is very different, you need a list of every pointer that points to your heap, or some way to traverse the entire memory graph (like spits Java) so when you move stuff round and "compact" it you can update everything that pointed to that thing to where it currently is.
The only time I ever used more than one heap was when I wrote a program that would build a complicated data structure. It would have been non-trivial to free the data structure by walking through it and freeing the individual nodes, but luckily for me the program only needed the data structure temporarily (while it performed a particular operation), so I used a separate heap for the data structure so that when I no longer needed it, I could free it with one call to HeapDestroy.

Linux Memory Usage in top when using std::vector versus std::list

I have noticed some interesting behavior in Linux with regard to the Memory Usage (RES) reported by top. I have attached the following program which allocates a couple million objects on the heap, each of which has a buffer that is around 1 kilobyte. The pointers to those objects are tracked by either a std::list, or a std::vector. The interesting behavior I have noticed is that if I use a std::list, the Memory Usage reported by top never changes during the sleep periods. However if I use std::vector, the memory usage will drop to near 0 during those sleeps.
My test configuration is:
Fedora Core 16
Kernel 3.6.7-4
g++ version 4.6.3
What I already know:
1. std::vector will re-allocate (doubling its size) as needed.
2. std::list (I beleive) is allocating its elements 1 at a time
3. both std::vector and std::list are using std::allocator by default to get their actual memory
4. The program is not leaking; valgrind has declared that no leaks are possible.
What I'm confused by:
1. Both std::vector and std::list are using std::allocator. Even if std::vector is doing batch re-allocations, wouldn't std::allocator be handing out memory in almost the same arrangement to std::list and std::vector? This program is single threaded after all.
2. Where can I learn about the behavior of Linux's memory allocation. I have heard statements about Linux keeping RAM assigned to a process even after it frees it, but I don't know if that behavior is guaranteed. Why does using std::vector impact that behavior so much?
Many thanks for reading this; I know this is a pretty fuzzy problem. The 'answer' I'm looking for here is if this behavior is 'defined' and where I can find its documentation.
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
class Foo{
data = new char[999];
memset(data, 'x', 999);
delete[] data;
char* data;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
for(int x=0; x<10; ++x)
//std::auto_ptr<std::list<Foo*> > foos(new std::list<Foo*>);
std::auto_ptr<std::vector<Foo*> > foos(new std::vector<Foo*>);
for(int i=0; i<2000000; ++i)
foos->push_back(new Foo());
std::cout << "Sleeping before de-alloc\n";
while(false == foos->empty())
delete foos->back();
std::cout << "Sleeping after final de-alloc\n";
The freeing of memory is done on a "chunk" basis. It's quite possible that when you use list, the memory gets fragmented into little tiny bits.
When you allocate using a vector, all elements are stored in one big chunk, so it's easy for the memory freeing code to say "Golly, i've got a very large free region here, I'm going to release it back to the OS". It's also entirely possible that when growing the vector, the memory allocator goes into "large chunk mode", which uses a different allocation method than "small chunk mode" - say for example you allocate more than 1MB, the memory allocation code may see that as a good time to start using a different strategy, and just ask the OS for a "perfect fit" piece of memory. This large block is very easy to release back to he OS when it's being freed.
On the ohter hand if you are adding to a list, you are constantly asking for little bits, so the allocator uses a different strategy of asking for large block and then giving out small portions. It's both difficult and time-consuming to ensure that ALL blocks within a chunk have been freed, so the allocator may well "not bother" - because chances are that there are some regions in there "still in use", and then it can't be freed at all anyways.
I would also add that using "top" as a memory measure isn't a particularly accurate method, and is very unreliable, as it very much depends on what the OS and the runtime library does. Memory belonging to a process may not be "resident", but the process still hasn't freed it - it's just not "present in actual memory" (out in the swap partition instead!)
And to your question "is this defined somewhere", I think it is in the sense that the C/C++ library source cod defines it. But it's not defined in the sense that somewhere it's written that "This is how it's meant to work, and we promise never to hange it". The libraries supplied as glibc and libstdc++ are not going to say that, they will change the internals of malloc, free, new and delete as new technologies and ideas are invented - some may make things better, others may make it worse, for a given scenario.
As has been pointed out in the comments, the memory is not locked to the process. If the kernel feels that the memory is better used for something else [and the kernel is omnipotent here], then it will "steal" the memory from one running process and give it to another. Particularly memory that hasn't been "touched" for a long time.
1 . Both std::vector and std::list are using std::allocator. Even if std::vector is doing batch re-allocations, wouldn't std::allocator be
handing out memory in almost the same arrangement to std::list and
std::vector? This program is single threaded after all.
Well, what are the differences?
std::list allocates nodes one-by-one (each node needs two pointers in addition to your Foo *). Also, it never re-allocates these nodes (this is guaranteed by the iterator invalidation requirements for list). So, the std::allocator will request a sequence of fixed-size chunks from the underlying mechanism (probably malloc which will in turn use the sbrk or mmap system calls). These fixed-size chunks may well be larger than a list node, but if so they'll all be the same default chunk size used by std::allocator.
std::vector allocates a contiguous block of pointers with no book-keeping overhead (that's all in the vector parent object). Every time a push_back would overflow the current allocation, the vector will allocate a new, larger chunk, move everything across to the new chunk, and release the old one. Now, the new chunk will be something like double (or 1.6 times, or whatever) the size of the old one, as is required to keep the amortized constant time guarantee for push_back. So, pretty quickly, I'd expect the sizes it requests to exceed any sensible default chunk size for std::allocator.
So, the the interesting interactions are different: one between between std::vector and the allocator's underlying mechanism, and one between the std::allocator itself and that underlying mechanism.
2 . Where can I learn about the behavior of Linux's memory allocation. I have heard statements about Linux keeping RAM assigned to a process
even after it frees it, but I don't know if that behavior is
guaranteed. Why does using std::vector impact that behavior so much?
There are several levels you might care about:
The container's own allocation pattern: which is hopefully described above
note that in real-world applications, the way a container is used is just as important
std::allocator itself, which may provide a layer of buffering for small allocations
I don't think this is required by the standard, so it's specific to your implementation
The underlying allocator, which depends on your std::allocator implementation (it could for example be malloc, however that is implemented by your libc)
The VM scheme used by the kernel, and its interactions with whatever syscall (3) ultimately uses
In your particular case, I can think of a possible explanation for the vector apparently releasing more memory than the list.
Consider that the vector ends up with a single contiguous allocation, and lots of the Foos will also be allocated contiguously. This means that when you release all this memory, it's pretty easy to figure out that most of the underlying pages are genuinely free.
Now consider that the list node allocations are interleaved 1:1 with the Foo instances. Even if the allocator did some batching, it seems likely that the heap is much more fragmented than in the std::vector case. Therefore, when you release the allocated records, some work would be required to figure out whether an underlying page is now free, and there's no particular reason to expect this will happen (unless a subsequent large allocation encouraged coalescing of heap records).
The answer is the malloc "fastbins" optimization.
std::list creates tiny (less then 64 bytes) allocations and when it frees them up they are not actually freed - but goes to the fastblock pool.
This behavior means that the heap stays fragmented even AFTER the list is cleared and therefore it does not return to the system.
You can either use malloc_trim(128*1024) in order to forcibly clear them.
Or use mallopt(M_MXFAST, 0) in order to disable fastbins altogether.
I find the first solution to be more correct if you call it when you really don't need the memory anymore.
Smaller chunks go through brk and adjusting the data segment and constant splitting and fusion and bigger chunks mmap the process is a little less disturbed. more info (PDF)
also ptmalloc source code.