facebook open graph, post to timeline/wall - facebook-graph-api

I created an action type, object type and aggregation. Action type is not approval yet. But it's work on my developer account. I'm publish an action by using the code below. It success and I can view an aggregation in my timeline. But It does not post anything on timeline/wall. How I can publish an action on timeline/wall?
'/me/mynamespace:myaction?myobject=' + encodeURIComponent(url),
function(response) {
if (response && response.error) {
}else if(!response){

You need to enable explicit sharing.
Click on the action type and enable explicit sharing as shown below.
Then you need to submit the action for approval.


Add custom attribute for users created from AWS cognito console - is it right to use Auth.CompleteNewPassword?

I have created a user from AWS Cognito console. On user's first signin through my application, he will be forced to change the password.
My requirement is I should be able to add Custom Attribute when the user changes the password and click on change password.
What I did:
I could add custom attribute through code for the users who are signing up directly from my app. There, I used handleSignup() function to intercept and added custom attribute.
Based on above logic, I tried using handleSignIn() and intercept submission of changed password(The code is provided below). But when I click signin using temporary password (before the prompt for new password appears) , my code is erroring out saying newPassword is undefined. Based on my understanding, I have not entered newpassword yet and hence it is erroring out. So, I think I am invoking Auth.CompleteNewPassword() at wrong place. Can someone please suggest the right thing to do based on my requirements and what I tried?. Thank you
async handleSignIn(formData){
let {username, password} = formData;
return Auth.signIn(username, password)
.then(user => {
if (user.challengeName === 'NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED') {
const { requiredAttributes } = user.challengeParam;
//custom attribute logic goes here;
user, // the Cognito User Object
newPassword, // the new password
).then(user => {
}).catch(e => {
} else {
// other situations
}).catch(e => {

How to reload hasMany relationship in ember-data with ember octane?

After upgrading to Ember 3.21.2 from 3.9, reloading hasMany relationships is not working properly anymore. For example the following model hook to fetch editable contents for a user does not update the user model anymore.
model(params) {
const { user } = this.modelFor('application')
const requestParams = this.mapParams(params)
return RSVP.hash({
results: user.hasMany('editableContents').reload({
adapterOptions: requestParams
It still triggers requests, but it loads the same contents with every request, even after the request params have changed. Initially the request is sent to /users/:user_id/editable-contents?filter=......
After changing the adapter options it sends a request for each content to /contents/:content_id
We believe the .reload() function is to blame, because we found out that the .hasMany('editableContents').reload() does not jump to the findHasMany() hook in our application adapter, but instead calls findRecord() for each record.
We are using:
"ember-cli": "~3.21.2",
"ember-data": "~3.21.0"
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
With the help of user sly7-7 on Ember's Discord server we got pointed in the right direction.
The real problem was that our payload was missing the "related" link, because a paginated payload does not contain that link. A missing related link wasn't a problem before a change in ember-data that implemented the following block that will never be called if payload.links.related is undefined:
if (payload.links) {
let originalLinks = this.links;
if (payload.links.related) {
let relatedLink = _normalizeLink(payload.links.related);
let currentLink = originalLinks && originalLinks.related ? _normalizeLink(originalLinks.related) : null;
see: https://github.com/emberjs/data/blob/ff4f9111fcfa7dd9e39804ed17f5af27a4a01378/packages/record-data/addon/-private/relationships/state/relationship.ts#L633
As a workaround we overrode the normalizeArrayResponse() hook in our application serializer and set the related link to the base request link if there is no related link:
normalizeArrayResponse(store, primaryModelClass, payload, id, requestType) {
if (payload.links && payload.links.first && !payload.links.related) {
const baseLink = payload.links.first.split('?')[0]
if (isRelationshipLink(baseLink)) {
payload.links.related = baseLink
With that workaround, which also uses a rather hacky way to see if the link is a relationship link, the .reload() function works again globally in our application.
To be safe we will also see if we can send the related links with the backend response, which would be cleaner than above workaround.

Perform a task if post is shared successfully by the user using facebook SDK share button

I have used facebook SDK share button in my website. Is it possible to show a success message or perform a task if a web page is shared successfully by the user?
See example on this docs page:
method: 'share',
href: 'https://developers.facebook.com/docs/',
// callback
function(response) {
if (response && !response.error_message) {
alert('Posting completed.');
} else {
alert('Error while posting.');

facebook unsupported post request

I have logged in a user to my app from FB.login now I want to post to the user timeline on the behalf of user. I want to upload a video to the user timeline. I am doing something like:
"file_url": video,
"description": description,
"thumb": video_thumbnail,
"title": title,
function (response) {
console.log("fb response")
if (response && !response.error) {
/* handle the result */
console.log("video upload response")
}, {scope: ['user_videos', 'user_actions.video']});
When I do this it is giving me error saying code: 100
fbtrace_id: "F1BDJWtcTXl"
message: "Unsupported post request. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api"
type: "GraphMethodException"
Why I am getting this error ??
Help is appriciated ..
Thank you
Use /me/videos instead of /${user_id}/videos and use single (or double) quotes instead of "`".
Also, you need publish_actions only, and you need to use the scope parameter with FB.login. FB.api is just an API call.
Here´s an example for the login: http://www.devils-heaven.com/facebook-javascript-sdk-login/
And here´s the link to the docs for uploading videos: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user/videos/#Creating
Someone suggested that the App may be in sandbox/dev mode, no sure why this should be a problem but here´s the thread: How to fix "Unsupported post request" when posting to FB fan page?

emberjs handle 401 not authorized

I am building an ember.js application and am hung up on authentication. The json rest backend is rails. Every request is authenticated using a session cookie (warden).
When a user first navigates to the application root rails redirects to a login page. Once the session is authorized the ember.js app is loaded. Once loaded the ember.js app makes requests to the backend using ember-data RESTadapter and the session for authorization.
The problem is the session will expire after a predetermined amount of time. Many times when this happens the ember.js app is still loaded. So all requests to the backend return a 401 {not autorized} response.
To fix this problem I am thinking the ember.js app needs to notify the user with a login modal every time a 401 {not autorized} response is returned from the server.
Does anyone know how to listen for a 401 {not autorized} response and allow the user to re-login without losing any changes or state.
I have seen other approaches such as token authorization but I am concerned with the security implications.
Anybody have a working solution to this problem?
As of the current version of Ember Data (1.0 beta) you can override the ajaxError method of DS.RESTAdapter:
App.ApplicationAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
ajaxError: function(jqXHR) {
var error = this._super(jqXHR);
if (jqXHR && jqXHR.status === 401) {
#handle the 401 error
return error;
Note that you should call #_super, especially if you are overriding one of the more complex adapters like DS.ActiveModelAdapter, which handles 422 Unprocessable Entity.
AFAIK this is not addressed by the current implementation of ember-data and the ember-data README states that "Handle error states" is on the Roadmap.
For the time being, you can implement your own error handling adapter. Take a look at the implementation of the DS.RestAdapter . By using that as a starter, it should not be too difficult to add error handling in there (e.g simply add an error function to the the data hash that is passed to the jQuery.ajax call).
For those willing to accept a solution that does lose changes and state you can register a jQuery ajaxError handler to redirect to a login page.
$(document).ajaxError(function(event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings, thrownError) {
// You should include additional conditions to the if statement so that this
// only triggers when you're absolutely certain it should
if (jqXHR.status === 401) {
document.location.href = '/users/sign_in';
This code will get triggered anytime any jQuery ajax request completes with an error.
Of course you would never actually use such a solution as it creates an incredibly poor user experience. The user is yanked away from what they're doing and they lose all state. What you'd really do is render a LoginView, probably inside of a modal.
An additional nicety of this solution is that it works even if you occasionally make requests to your server outside of ember-data. The danger is if jQuery is being used to load data from other sources or if you already have some 401 error handling built-in elsewhere. You'll want to add appropriate conditions to the if statement above to ensure things are triggered only when you're absolutely certain they should.
It's not addressed by ember-data (and probably won't be), but you can reopen the DS class and extend the ajax method.
It looks like this:
ajax: function(url, type, hash) {
hash.url = url;
hash.type = type;
hash.dataType = 'json';
hash.contentType = 'application/json; charset=utf-8';
hash.context = this;
if (hash.data && type !== 'GET') {
hash.data = JSON.stringify(hash.data);
You can rewrite it with something like this (disclaimer: untested, probably won't work):
ajax: function(url, type, hash) {
var originalError = hash.error;
hash.error = function(xhr) {
if (xhr.status == 401) {
var payload = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
//Check for your API's errorCode, if applicable, or just remove this conditional entirely
if (payload.errorCode === 'USER_LOGIN_REQUIRED') {
//Show your login modal here
//Your modal's callback will process the original call
callback: function() {
hash.error = originalError;
DS.ajax(url, type, hash);
originalError.call(hash.context, xhr);
//Let ember-data's ajax method handle the call
this._super(url, type, hash);
What we're doing here is essentially deferring the call that received the 401 and are preserving the request to be called again when login is complete. The modal's ajax call with have the original error applied to it from the original ajax call's hash, so the original error would still work as long as it's defined :-)
This is a modified implementation of something we're using with our own data-persistence library, so your implementation might vary a bit, but the same concept should work for ember-data.