How to use Bing Maps as a web service? - web-services

If i want to use Bing maps as a service in my WP7 mobile App...
I just want to send my location right now and a place where I want to go then the map draw a road between these location.
These location might be so far like two cites or so near like two streets.
If I also want to use ground selection lines to specify locations to go between, Is that possible to be done or not.

Have a look at the Bing Maps REST Services API. You get directions, etc., but since you're using WP7, you might consider using the Bing Maps SDK for WP7.


Bing Api geocoding search using directions

I have some data like this:
Can I create an accurate query using the bing map api using this data? if so, what is the syntax? I tried this for the 1st row:
and did not get the correct results. If Bing cannot do this, are there any services that can?
No, this wouldn't be supported by the routing service in Bing Maps and you will be hard pressed to find any automated system that is able to handle this. This will likely be a manual process.

How to display dynamic map using GDK?

Is there any SDK methods to display dynamic map using glass GDK?
What is used for Glass navigation app?
Google Maps is used for that application if I'm not mistaken. However, there is no way to replicate it with a dynamic map because Google Play Services isn't supported in the GDK so you won't be able to get location information or get maps from the API.
I don't believe that the GDK exposes a maps api the same way that the android api has the option to be compiled against the maps-inclusive version.
Having said that, it is possible to get the location, the same as you would on any android device (and if you are paired with an android device, that will likely be the provider of your last location fix). What you do with that is up to you, perhaps you thoroughly read the TOS of a mapping service, and make an api call to get a map image, and then display that (assuming that it's within the TOS of the mapping service). Perhaps you do something else with that data.
There is, unfortunately, no included maps API, to the best of my knowledge.

Finding latitude and longitude of many places once

I have a long list of towns and cities, and I'd like to add latitude and longitude information to each of them.
Does anyone know the easiest way to generate this information once?
See also Geocode multiple addresses
The first part of the third video shows how to get latitude and Longitude using Google Refine and geocoding. No need to write a new script. Ideal for doing this kind of change once.
Or use - there's language APIs for that. Or Open Street Map's Nominatim: - google have slightly more restrictive terms of service.
You can use the Google Geocoding API. Check the API at this URL:
What follows next is writing some code. I am doing something similar in C# and it is quite easy here.
Most geocoding services can handle queries with only administrative names which is what you're after, e.g., municipality and region. So I'd choose one you like that also handles batch or bulk requests, e.g., the Bing Spatial Data API (here's an article on batch geocoding with it.)
An alternative approach that might be useful if you're on a budget and have a lot of these to do would be to download the Geonames database and write a bit of code to import it into your database or index it; then query it however and how often you like, e.g., if you put your places in another table you could SELECT [...] FROM my_places LEFT JOIN geonames [...]. I used to import Geonames DB into a vanilla PostgreSQL nightly and probably still have the code in a git repo somewhere if that's a route you want to try (comment and I'll find it and attach.)
For a service that uses google, which I find most accurate.
Look at

How can I use Google's Geocoding to normalize addresses without violating the terms of service?

I'm working on a API that will accept addresses in searches. We would like to use Google's geocoding service to normalize the addresses before submitting the search criteria to our search engine.
This caught my attention:
"Note: the Geocoding API may only be used in conjunction with a Google map; geocoding results without displaying them on a map is prohibited. For complete details on allowed usage, consult the Maps API Terms of Service License Restrictions."
Does this mean we can't use the Geocoding service for this purpose? Having used libraries that access Google's geocoding service before, I know it's technically possible to do this but it sounds like a violation of the terms of service.
Are there other options for what we're trying to do?
It turns out our company does have a license with Google to use the addresses that come back, and they will eventually be displayed on a Google Map to the end user, satisfying the terms of our agreement.
Short answer: You can't. The terms of service seem pretty clear-cut that geocoding using their API is not in line with their terms, unless you display them on a Google Map.
If you need this for other purposes, you should consider licensing a Geocoding library and dataset(s) for your regions of interest. There are quite a few companies which sell these for commercial purposes.
Update on this really old post:
#Cerin pointed out something important on this answer.
USPS Web Tools API are only free if you're using them to ship
via USPS
So be legal.
You are correct: you can't use the Google Geocoder for address cleaning.
You can use this wrapper to access USPS's Web Tools.
Another inexpensive solution is Semaphore, but you'll have to write your own wrapper class to call the DLLs.
The USPS has a free service to validate addresses. It's in a fairly easy-to-use API that you can curl information to and receive a valid response back. The only rub is that they're a little slow when it comes to registering, and they require you to run several tests before they'll open it up. Regardless, once you've jumped through the hoops, it does a great job. It's been keeping addresses in my app clean for quite a while now without any hiccups.

Web service to get the GPS Coordinates

I'm developing an web application (jsp/strtus2) which requires the GPS coordinates of a place. What I want to know is, whether there are any free web services that I can get GPS coordinates of a place by passing address or zip code to the server.
Thanks in advance,
Yahoo's Geocoder is easy to use. Basically change a few query strings and it outputs an easy to parse xml file.
Google's had a few issues in our area with the coordinates being returned being incredibly inaccurate at times. Yahoo tends to actually land on the street in question, but probably wont hit the parcel itself.
That said, just note these services aren't going to be the most accurate.
You can use Bing Maps or Google Geolocation to do this. Bing has the pleasant ability to tie into native .NET namespaces.
this is the link to the geocoding service by google