Managing a global DB connection in C++ - c++

Is is possible to do the following safely:
I have a C++ library which connects to SQL DB at various points. I would like to have a global connection available at all of these points. Can this be done? IS there a standard pattern for this. I was thinking of storing a connection in a singleton.
Suppose I have the following interface for the connection.
class Connection {
bool isOpen();
void open();
I would like to implement the following interface:
class GlobalConnection {
static Connection & getConnection() {
static Connection conn_;
if (!conn_.isOpen());
return conn_;
GlobalConnection() {};
Connection conn_;
I have two concerns with the above. One is that the getConnection is not thread safe and the other is that I'm not sure about the destruction of the static resource. In other words, am I guaranteed that the connection will close (ie its destructor will be called).
For the record, the connection class itself is provided by the SQLAPI++ library (though that's not very relevant).
EDIT 2: After doing some research it seems that while SQLAPI doent directly support pooling it can be used to enable connection pooling through the ODBC facilities via the call
The documentation says that that this call must be made before the first connection is established. What is the best way to assure this in code with multiple potential call sites for opening a connection. What if this doesn't happen? Will an error be thrown or pooling just wont be enabled.
Also what tools are available for monitoring how many open connections there are to the DB?

A Singleton can solve this in any OO language. In C/C++, you can also use a static variable (in case you don't use a pure-OO coding style).

most client libaries support connection pooling.
so open a new connection will just pick a existing connection from the pool.


C++ library to send back simple string for HTTPS queries

I have an emulator program written in C++ running on Ubuntu 12.04. There are some settings and options needed for running the program, which are given by the main's arguments. I need to query these options via HTTPS from a remote machine/mobile device (so basically imagine I want to return main's arguments). I was wondering if someone can help me with that.
There should probably be some libraries for the ease, for example Poco. I'm not sure how suitable it is for my case, but here is any example of connection setup in poco. It's not a must to use any libraries though; just the most efficient/simplest way.
Mongoose (or the non-GPL fork Civetweeb) are embedded web servers. Very easy to set up and add controllers for (typically a half dozen lines of code)
Just add the project file (1 c file) to your project and build, add a line to start the server listening and give it what options you like, and add a callback function to handle requests. It does ssl out of the box (though IIRC you'll need to have openssl installed too)
There was another SO answer with some comparisons. I used civetweb at work, and was impressed at how easy it all was. There's not too much documentation though.
Here's a stripped-down POCO version, for full code see HTTPSTimeServer example.
struct MyRequestHandler: public HTTPRequestHandler
void handleRequest(HTTPServerRequest& request, HTTPServerResponse& response)
// ... do your work here
std::ostream& ostr = response.send();
ostr << "<html><head><title>HTTPServer example</title>"
<< "<body>Success!</body></html>";
struct MyRequestHandlerFactory: public HTTPRequestHandlerFactory
HTTPRequestHandler* createRequestHandler(const HTTPServerRequest& request)
return new MyRequestHandler;
// ...
// set-up a server socket
SecureServerSocket svs(port);
// set-up a HTTPServer instance (you may want to new the factory and params
// prior to constructing object to prevent the possibility of a leak in case
// of exception)
HTTPServer srv(new MyRequestHandlerFactory, svs, new HTTPServerParams);
// start the HTTPServer

OOP: proper class design for database connection in derived child class?

I'm coding a long-running, multi-threaded server in C++. It receives requests on a socket, does database lookups and returns responses on a socket.
The server reads various run information from a configuration file, including database connectivity parameters. I have to use a database abstraction class from the company's code library. I don't want to wait until trying to do the DB search to lazy instantiate the DB connection (due to not shown complexity and the need for error exit at startup if DB connection cannot be made).
My problem is how to get the database connection information down into the search class without doing any number of "ugly" or bad OOP things that would technically work. I want to learn how to do this right way.
Is there a good design pattern for doing this? Should I be using the "Parameterize from Above" pattern? Am I missing some simpler Composition pattern?
// Read config file.
// Open DB connection using config values.
Server::process_request(string request, string response) {
try {
Process process(request);
if (process.do_parse(response)) {
return REQ_OK;
} else {
// handle error
} catch (..,) {
// handle exceptions
class Process : public GenericRequest {
Process(string *input) : generic_process(input) {};
bool do_parse(string &output);
bool Process::do_parse(string &output) {
// Parse the input request.
Search search; // database search object
search.init( search parameters from parsing above );
output = format_response(search.get_results());
class Search {
// must use the Database library connection handle.
How do I get the DB connection from the Server class at top into the Search class instance at the bottom of the pseudo-code above?
It seems that the problem you are trying to solve is one of objects dependency, and is well solved using dependency injection.
Your class Process requires an instance of Search, which must be configured somehow. Instead of having instances of Process allocating their own Search instance, it would be easier to have them receive a ready made one at construction time. The Process class won't have to know about the Search configuration details, and thus an unecessary dependency is avoided.
But then the problem cascades up to whichever object must create a Process, because now this one has to know that configuration detail! In your situation, it is not really a problem, since the Server class is the one creating Process instances, and it happens to know the configuration details for Search.
However, a better solution is to implement a specialized class - for instance DBService, which will encapsulate the DB details acquired from the configuration step, and provide a method to get ready made Search instances. With this setup, no other objects will depend on the Search class for its construction and configuration. As an added benefit, you can easily implement and inject a DBService mockup object which will help you build test cases.
class DBSearch {
/* implement/extends the Search interface/class wrt DB */
class DBService {
/* constructor reads up configuration details somehow: command line, file */
Search *newSearch(){
return new DBSearch(config); // search object specialized on db
The code above somewhat illustrates the solution. Note that the newSearch method is not constrained to build only a Search instance, but may build any object specializing that class (as for example the class DBSearch above). The dependency is there almost removed from Process, which now only needs to know about the interface of Search it really manipulates.
The central element of good OOP design highlighted here is reducing coupling between objects to reduce the amount of work needed when modifying or enhancing parts of the application,
Please look up for dependency injection on SO for more information on that OOP design pattern.

disconnecting from mongoDb with C++ driver

i'm sure this must be really simple or i'm missing the point, but how do you disconnect from Mongo using the C++ driver and DBClientConnection? DBClient has a public member of 'connect' but no disconnect/kill/drop etc that I can find.
There is some talk (in stack overflow and on the web) of using ScopedDBConnection which does seem to be able to allow me to drop my connection - but there are very few examples of how it would be used - or info on when I should use that class over the DBClientConnection class.
Any ideas?
If you're using a DBClientConnection, it has one connection, and you aren't supposed to disconnect/reconnect. I guess it kills the connection when it calls the destructors. You can set it up to automatically reconnect so you can keep using it if it loses its connection.
If you want to have connection pooling and multiple connections, you want to use ScopedDBConnection. You can see some examples here:
Here's the gist:
ScopedDbConnection conn("localhost");
mongo::BSONObjBuilder obj;
obj.append( "name" , "asd" );
conn->insert("test.test", obj);
Basically, you can do anything with conn that you can do with a DBClientConnection, but when you're done you call done().

boost asio: maintaining a list of connected clients

I'm looking for the best way to modify the Boost Asio HTTP Server 3 example to maintain a list of the currently connected clients.
If I modify server.hpp from the example as:
class server : private boost::noncopyable
typedef std::vector< connection_ptr > ConnectionList;
// ...
ConnectionList::const_iterator GetClientList() const
return connection_list_.begin();
void handle_accept(const boost::system::error_code& e)
if (!e)
connection_list_.push_back( new_connection_ );
// ...
ConnectionList connection_list_;
Then I mess up the lifetime of the connection object such that it doesn't go out of scope and disconnect from the client because it still has a reference maintained in the ConnectionList.
If instead my ConnectionList is defined as typedef std::vector< boost::weak_ptr< connection > > ConnectionList; then I run the risk of the client disconnecting and nullifying its pointer while somebody is using it from GetClientList().
Anybody have a suggestion on a good & safe way to do this?
HTTP is stateless. That means it's difficult to even define what "currently connected client" means, not to mention keeping track of which clients are at any given time. The only time there's really a "current client" is from the time a request is received to the time that request is serviced (often only a few milliseconds). A connection is not maintained even for the duration of downloading one page -- rather, each item on the page is requested and sent separately.
The typical method for handling this is to use a fairly simple timeout -- a client is considered "connected" for some arbitrary length of time (a few minutes) after they send in a request. A cookie of some sort is used to identify the client sending in a particular request.
The rest of what you're talking about is just a matter of making sure the collection you use to hold connection information is thread safe. You have one thread that adds connections, one thread that deletes them, and N threads that use the data currently in the list. The standard collections don't guarantee any thread safety, but there are others around that do.

Simple C/C++ network I/O library

I have the following problem to solve. I want to make a number of requests to a number of "remote" servers (actually, a server farm we control). The connection is very simple. Send a line, and then read lines back. Because of the number of requests and the number of servers, I use pthreads, one for each request.
The naive approach, using blocking sockets, does not work; very occasionally, I'll have a thread stuck in 'connect'. I cannot use SIGALRM because I am using pthreads. I tried converting the code to O_NONBLOCK but this vastly complicated the code to read single lines.
What are my options? I'm looking for the simplest solution that allows the following pseudocode:
// Inside a pthread
try {
req = connect(host, port);
req.writeln("request command");
while (line = req.readline()) {
// Process line
} catch TimeoutError {
// Bitch and complain
My code is in C++ and I'm using Boost. A quick look at Boost ASIO shows me that it probably isn't the correct approach, but I could be wrong. ACE is far, far too heavy-weight to solve this problem.
Have you looked at libevent?
It's totally different paradigm but the performance is so amazing.
memcached is built on top of libevent.
I saw the comments and i think you can use boost::asio with boost::asio::deadline_timer
Fragment of a code:
void restart_timer()
MyClass::shared_from_this(), boost::asio::placeholders::error));
Where handleTimeout is a callback function, timer_ is boost::asio::deadline_timer
and MyClass is similar to
class Y: public enable_shared_from_this<Y>
shared_ptr<Y> f()
return shared_from_this();
You can call restart_timer before connect ou read/write
More information about share_from_this()
You mentioned this happens 'very occasionally'. Your 'connect' side should have the fault tolerance and error handling you are looking for but you should also consider the stability of your servers, DNS, network connections, etc.
The underlying protocols are very sturdy and work very well, so if you are experiencing these kind of problems that often then it might be worth checking.
You may also be able close the socket from the other thread. That should cause the connect to fail.