Improving my quadtree design? - c++

I have an application which is used for displaying and modifying huge volumes of point cloud data from lidar files (up to few gigabytes each, sometimes loaded in simultaneously). In the app the user is able to view a 2D image of loaded points (from the top) and select a profile to view in another window (from the side). Again this involves millions of points and they are displayed using OpenGL.
To handle the data there is also a quadtree library, which works, but is extremely slow. It has been used for some time, but recently the lidar point format changed and the LidarPoint object needed a number of attributes (class members) added, which cause it to grow in size in turn affecting the performance to almost unusable level (think 5 minutes to load a single 2GB file).
The quadtree currently consist of pointers to PointBucket objects which are simply arrays of LidarPoint objects with specified capacity and defined boundaries (for spatial queries). If the bucket capacity is exceeded it splits into four buckets. There is also kind of a caching system in place which causes point buckets to get dumped to disk when the point data is taking too much memory. These are then loaded back into memory if needed. Finally every PointBucket contains subbuckets/resolution levels which hold every n-th point of the original data and are used when displaying the data depending on the zoom level. That is because displaying few million points at once, while that level of detail is not necessary, is just extremely slow.
I hope you can get a picture from this. If not please ask and I can provide some more details or upload more code. For example here is the current (and slow) insert method:
// Insert in QuadTree
bool QuadtreeNode::insert(LidarPoint newPoint)
// if the point dosen't belong in this subset of the tree return false
if (newPoint.getX() < minX_ || newPoint.getX() > maxX_ ||
newPoint.getY() < minY_ || newPoint.getY() > maxY_)
return false;
// if the node has overflowed and is a leaf
if ((numberOfPoints_ + 1) > capacity_ && leaf_ == true)
// insert the new point that caused the overflow
if (a_->insert(newPoint))
return true;
if (b_->insert(newPoint))
return true;
if (c_->insert(newPoint))
return true;
if (d_->insert(newPoint))
return true;
throw OutOfBoundsException("failed to insert new point into any \
of the four child nodes, big problem");
// if the node falls within the boundary but this node not a leaf
if (leaf_ == false)
return false;
// if the node falls within the boundary and will not cause an overflow
// insert new point
if (bucket_ == NULL)
bucket_ = new PointBucket(capacity_, minX_, minY_, maxX_, maxY_,
MCP_, instanceDirectory_, resolutionBase_,
return true;
// Insert in PointBucket (quadtree holds pointers to PointBuckets which hold the points)
void PointBucket::setPoint(LidarPoint& newPoint)
//for each sub bucket
for (int k = 0; k < numberOfResolutionLevels_; ++k)
// check if the point falls into this subbucket (always falls into the big one)
if (((numberOfPoints_[0] + 1) % int(pow(resolutionBase_, k)) == 0))
if (!incache_[k])
cache(true, k);
// Update max/min intensity/Z values for the bucket.
if (newPoint.getIntensity() > maxIntensity_)
maxIntensity_ = newPoint.getIntensity();
else if (newPoint.getIntensity() < minIntensity_)
minIntensity_ = newPoint.getIntensity();
if (newPoint.getZ() > maxZ_)
maxZ_ = newPoint.getZ();
else if (newPoint.getZ() < minZ_)
minZ_ = newPoint.getZ();
points_[k][numberOfPoints_[k]] = newPoint;
Now my question is if you can think of a way to improve this design? What are some general strategies when dealing with huge amounts of data that doesn't fit into memory? How can I make the quadtree more efficient? Is there a way to speed up rendering of points?

Now my question is if you can think of a way to improve this design?
Yes: Don't store the objects itself in the quadtree. Put them into a flat structure (array, linked list, etc.) and have the Quadtree just keep a pointer to the actual objects. If the quadtree has a certain depth (on all nodes), you could flatten it as well.


QHashIterator in c++

I developed a game in C++, and want to make sure everything is properly done.
Is it a good solution to use a QHashIterator to check which item in the list has the lowest value (F-cost for pathfinding).
Snippet from my code:
while(!pathFound){ //do while path is found
QHashIterator<int, PathFinding*> iterator(openList);
PathFinding* parent;;
parent = iterator.value();
while(iterator.hasNext()){ //we take the next tile, and we take the one with the lowest value;
//checking lowest f value
if((iterator.value()->getGcost() + iterator.value()->getHcost()) < (parent->getGcost() + parent->getHcost())){
parent = iterator.value();
if(!atDestionation(parent,endPoint)){ //here we check if we are at the destionation. if we are we return our pathcost.
pathFound = true;
parent = parent->getParent();
pathcost = calculatePathCost(mylist); //we calculate what the pathcost is and return it
If no? Are there better improvements?
I also found someting about the std::priority_queue. It this mutch better then a QHashIterator?
It's maybe not a problem with gameworld where there which are not big. But i'm looking for a suitable solution when the game worlds are big (like + 10000 calculations).Any marks?
Here you basically scan the whole map to find the element that is the minimum one according to some values:
while(iterator.hasNext()){ //we take the next tile, and we take the one with the lowest value;
//checking lowest f value
if((iterator.value()->getGcost() + iterator.value()->getHcost()) < (parent->getGcost() + parent->getHcost())){
parent = iterator.value();
All this code, if you had an stl container, for instance a map, could be reduced to:
auto parent = std::min_element(iterator.begin(), iterator.end(), [](auto& lhs, auto& rhs)
{ lhs.value()->getGcost() + lhs.value()->getHcost()) < (rhs.value()->getGcost() + rhs.value()->getHcost() }
Once you have something easier to understand you can play around with different containers, for instance it might be faster to hold a sorted vector in this case.
Your code does not present any obvious problems per se, often performance gains are not conquered by optimizing little loops, it's more on how you code is organized. For instance I see that you have a lot of indirections, those cost a lot in cache misses. Or if you have to always find the minimum element, you could cache it in another structure and you would have it at a constant time, all the time.

priority_queue becomes extremely slow in debug mode

I am currently writing an A* pathfinding algorithm for a game and came across a very strange performance problem regarding priority_queue's.
I am using a typical 'open nodes list', where I store found, but yet unprocessed nodes. This is implemented as an STL priority_queue (openList) of pointers to PathNodeRecord objects, which store information about a visited node. They are sorted by the estimated cost to get there (estimatedTotalCost).
Now I noticed that whenever the pathfinding method is called, the respective AI thread gets completely stuck and takes several (~5) seconds to process the algorithm and calculate the path. Subsequently I used the VS2013 profiler to see, why and where it was taking so long.
As it turns out, the pushing to and popping from the open list (the priority_queue) takes up a very large amount of time. I am no expert in STL containers, but I never had problems with their efficiency before and this is just weird to me.
The strange thing is that this only occurs while using VS's 'Debug' build configuration. The 'Release' conf. works fine for me and the times are back to normal.
Am I doing something fundamentally wrong here or why is the priority_queue performing so badly for me? The current situation is unacceptable to me, so if I cannot resolve it soon, I will need to fall back to using a simpler container and inserting it to the right place manually.
Any pointers to why this might be occuring would be very helpful!
Here is a snippet of what the profiler shows me:
Code parts:
Here is the relevant part of the pathfinding algorithm, where it loops the open list until there are no open nodes:
// set up arrays and other variables
PathNodeRecord** records = new PathNodeRecord*[graph->getNodeAmount()]; // holds records for all nodes
std::priority_queue<PathNodeRecord*> openList; // holds records of open nodes, sorted by estimated rest cost (most promising node first)
// null all record pointers
memset(records, NULL, sizeof(PathNodeRecord*) * graph->getNodeAmount());
// set up record for start node and put into open list
PathNodeRecord* startNodeRecord = new PathNodeRecord();
startNodeRecord->node = startNode;
startNodeRecord->connection = NULL;
startNodeRecord->closed = false;
startNodeRecord->costToHere = 0.f;
startNodeRecord->estimatedTotalCost = heuristic->estimate(startNode, goalNode);
records[startNode] = startNodeRecord;
// ### pathfind algorithm ###
// declare current node variable
PathNodeRecord* currentNode = NULL;
// loop-process open nodes
while (openList.size() > 0) // while there are open nodes to process
// retrieve most promising node and immediately remove from open list
currentNode =;
openList.pop(); // ### THIS IS, WHERE IT GETS STUCK
// if current node is the goal node, end the search here
if (currentNode->node == goalNode)
// look at connections outgoing from this node
for (auto connection : graph->getConnections(currentNode->node))
// get end node
PathNodeRecord* toNodeRecord = records[connection->toNode];
if (toNodeRecord == NULL) // UNVISITED -> path record needs to be created and put into open list
// set up path node record
toNodeRecord = new PathNodeRecord();
toNodeRecord->node = connection->toNode;
toNodeRecord->connection = connection;
toNodeRecord->closed = false;
toNodeRecord->costToHere = currentNode->costToHere + connection->cost;
toNodeRecord->estimatedTotalCost = toNodeRecord->costToHere + heuristic->estimate(connection->toNode, goalNode);
// store in record array
records[connection->toNode] = toNodeRecord;
// put into open list for future processing
else if (!toNodeRecord->closed) // OPEN -> evaluate new cost to here and, if better, update open list entry; otherwise skip
float newCostToHere = currentNode->costToHere + connection->cost;
if (newCostToHere < toNodeRecord->costToHere)
// update record
toNodeRecord->connection = connection;
toNodeRecord->estimatedTotalCost = newCostToHere + (toNodeRecord->estimatedTotalCost - toNodeRecord->costToHere);
toNodeRecord->costToHere = newCostToHere;
else // CLOSED -> evaluate new cost to here and, if better, put back on open list and reset closed status; otherwise skip
float newCostToHere = currentNode->costToHere + connection->cost;
if (newCostToHere < toNodeRecord->costToHere)
// update record
toNodeRecord->connection = connection;
toNodeRecord->estimatedTotalCost = newCostToHere + (toNodeRecord->estimatedTotalCost - toNodeRecord->costToHere);
toNodeRecord->costToHere = newCostToHere;
// reset node to open and push into open list
toNodeRecord->closed = false;
openList.push(toNodeRecord); // ### THIS IS, WHERE IT GETS STUCK
// set node to closed
currentNode->closed = true;
Here is my PathNodeRecord with the 'less' operator overloading to enable sorting in priority_queue:
namespace AI
struct PathNodeRecord
Node node;
NodeConnection* connection;
float costToHere;
float estimatedTotalCost;
bool closed;
// overload less operator comparing estimated total cost; used by priority queue
// nodes with a higher estimated total cost are considered "less"
bool operator < (const PathNodeRecord &otherRecord)
return this->estimatedTotalCost > otherRecord.estimatedTotalCost;
std::priority_queue<PathNodeRecord*> openList
I think the reason is that you have a priority_queue of pointers to PathNodeRecord.
and there is no ordering defined for the pointers.
try changing it to std::priority_queue<PathNodeRecord> first, if it makes a difference then all you need is passing on your own comparator that knows how to compare pointers to PathNodeRecord, it will just dereference the pointers first and then do the comparison.
taking a wild guess about why did you get an extremely slow execution time, I think the pointers were compared based on their address. and the addresses were allocated starting from one point in memory and going up.
and so that resulted in the extreme case of your heap (the heap as in data structure not the memory part), so your heap was actually a list, (a tree where each node had one children node and so on).
and so you operation took a linear time, again just a guess.
You cannot expect a debug build to be as fast as a release optimized one, but you seems to do a lot of dynamic allocation that may interact badly with the debug runtime.
I suggest you to add _NO_DEBUG_HEAP=1 in the environment setting of the debug property page of your project.

randomly choosing an empty vector element, when it is possible to know beforehand which are full

I finally determined that this function is responsible for the majority of my bottleneck issues. I think its because of the massively excessive random access that happens when most of the synapses are already active. Basically, as the title says, I need to somehow optimize the algorithm so that I'm not randomly checking a ton of active elements before landing on one of the few that are left.
Also, I included the whole function in case of other flaws that can be spotted.
void NetClass::Explore(vector <synapse> & synapses, int & n_syns) //add new synapses
int size = synapses.size();
assert(n_syns <= size );
//Increase the age of each active synapse by 1
//make sure there is at least one inactive vector left
if(n_syns == size)
//stochastically decide whether a new connection is added
if((rand_r(seedp) %1000) < ( x / (1 +(n_syns * ( y / 100)))))
n_syns++; //a new synapse has been created
//main inefficiency here
int syn = rand_r(seedp) % (size);
if (!synapses[syn].active)
synapses[syn].active = true;
synapses[syn].weight = .04 + (float (rand_r(seedp) % 17) / 100);
void NetClass::Age_Increment(vector <synapse> & synapses)
for(int q=0, int size = synapses.size(); q < size; q++)
Pass a random number, k, in the range [0, size-n_syns) to Age_Increment. Have Age_Increment return the kth empty slot.
Since you're already traversing the whole list in Age_Increment, update that function to return the list of the indexes of inactive synapses.
You can then pick a random item from that list directly.
This is similar to the problem of finding free blocks in memory management, so I would take a look at algorithms used in that domain, specifically free lists, which is a list of free positions. (These are usually implemented as linked lists to be able to pop elements off an end efficiently. Random access in a linked list would still be O(n) - with a smaller n, but still not the best choice for your use case.)

Better, or advantages in different ways of coding similar functions

I'm writing the code for a GUI (in C++), and right now I'm concerned with the organisation of text in lines. One of the problems I'm having is that the code is getting very long and confusing, and I'm starting to get into a n^2 scenario where for every option I add in for the texts presentation, the number of functions I have to write is the square of that. In trying to deal with this, A particular design choice has come up, and I don't know the better method, or the extent of the advantages or disadvantages between them:
I have two methods which are very similar in flow, i.e, iterate through the same objects, taking into account the same constraints, but ultimately perform different operations between this flow. For anyones interest, the methods render the text, and determine if any text overflows the line due to wrapping the text around other objects or simply the end of the line respectively.
These functions need to be copied and rewritten for left, right or centred text, which have different flow, so whatever design choice I make would be repeated three times.
Basically, I could continue what I have now, which is two separate methods to handle these different actions, or I could merge them into one function, which has if statements within it to determine whether or not to render the text or figure out if any text overflows.
Is there a generally accepted right way to going about this? Otherwise, what are the tradeoffs concerned, what are the signs that might indicate one way should be used over the other? Is there some other way of doing things I've missed?
I've edited through this a few times to try and make it more understandable, but if it isn't please ask me some questions so I can edit and explain. I can also post the source code of the two different methods, but they use a lot of functions and objects that would take too long to explain.
// EDIT: Source Code //
Function 1:
void GUITextLine::renderLeftShifted(const GUIRenderInfo& renderInfo) {
Uint iL = 0;
Array2t<float> renderCoords;
renderCoords.s_x = renderInfo.s_offset.s_x + m_renderLines[0].s_x;
renderCoords.s_y = renderInfo.s_offset.s_y + m_y;
float remainingPixelsInLine = m_renderLines[0].s_y;
for (Uint iTO= 0;iTO != m_text.size();++iTO)
if(m_text[iTO].s_pixelWidth <= remainingPixelsInLine)
string preview = m_text[iTO].s_string;
remainingPixelsInLine -= m_text[iTO].s_pixelWidth;
FSInternalGlyphData intData = m_text[iTO].stealFSFastFontInternalData();
float characterWidth = 0;
Uint iFirstCharacterOfRenderLine = 0;
for(Uint iC = 0;;++iC)
if(iC == m_text[iTO].s_string.size())
// wrap up
string renderPart = m_text[iTO].s_string;
renderPart.erase(iC, renderPart.size());
renderPart.erase(0, iFirstCharacterOfRenderLine);
m_text[iTO].s_font->renderString(renderPart.c_str(), intData,
characterWidth += m_text[iTO].s_font->getWidthOfGlyph(intData,
if(characterWidth > remainingPixelsInLine)
// Can't push in the last character
// No more space in this line
// First though, render what we already have:
string renderPart = m_text[iTO].s_string;
renderPart.erase(iC, renderPart.size());
renderPart.erase(0, iFirstCharacterOfRenderLine);
m_text[iTO].s_font->renderString(renderPart.c_str(), intData,
if(++iL != m_renderLines.size())
remainingPixelsInLine = m_renderLines[iL].s_y;
renderCoords.s_x = renderInfo.s_offset.s_x + m_renderLines[iL].s_x;
// Cool, so now try rendering this character again
iFirstCharacterOfRenderLine = iC;
characterWidth = 0;
// Quit
// Done! }
Function 2:
vector GUITextLine::recalculateWrappingContraints_LeftShift()
m_pixelsOfCharacters = 0;
float pixelsRemaining = m_renderLines[0].s_y;
Uint iRL = 0;
// Go through every text object, fiting them into render lines
for(Uint iTO = 0;iTO != m_text.size();++iTO)
// If an entire text object fits in a single line
if(pixelsRemaining >= m_text[iTO].s_pixelWidth)
pixelsRemaining -= m_text[iTO].s_pixelWidth;
m_pixelsOfCharacters += m_text[iTO].s_pixelWidth;
// Otherwise, character by character
// Get some data now we don't get it every function call
FSInternalGlyphData intData = m_text[iTO].stealFSFastFontInternalData();
for(Uint iC = 0; iC != m_text[iTO].s_string.size();++iC)
float characterWidth = m_text[iTO].s_font->getWidthOfGlyph(intData, '-');
if(characterWidth < pixelsRemaining)
pixelsRemaining -= characterWidth;
m_pixelsOfCharacters += characterWidth;
else // End of render line!
m_pixelsOfWrapperCharacters += pixelsRemaining; // we might track how much wrapping px we use
// If this is true, then we ran out of render lines before we ran out of text. Means we have some overflow to return
if(++iRL == m_renderLines.size())
return harvestOverflowFrom(iTO, iC);
pixelsRemaining = m_renderLines[iRL].s_y;
vector<GUIText> emptyOverflow;
return emptyOverflow; }
So basically, render() takes renderCoordinates as a parameter and gets from it the global position of where it needs to render from. calcWrappingConstraints figures out how much text in the object goes over the allocated space, and returns that text as a function.
m_renderLines is an std::vector of a two float structure, where .s_x = where rendering can start and .s_y = how large the space for rendering is - not, its essentially width of the 'renderLine', not where it ends.
m_text is an std::vector of GUIText objects, which contain a string of text, and some data, like style, colour, size ect. It also contains under s_font, a reference to a font object, which performs rendering, calculating the width of a glyph, ect.
Hopefully this clears things up.
There is no generally accepted way in this case.
However, common practice in any programming scenario is to remove duplicated code.
I think you're getting stuck on how to divide code by direction, when direction changes the outcome too much to make this division. In these cases, focus on the common portions of the three algorithms and divide them into tasks.
I did something similar when I duplicated WinForms flow layout control for MFC. I dealt with two types of objects: fixed positional (your pictures etc.) and auto positional (your words).
In the example you provided I can list out common portions of your example.
Write Line (direction)
bool TestPlaceWord (direction) // returns false if it cannot place word next to previous word
bool WrapPastObject (direction) // returns false if it runs out of line
bool WrapLine (direction) // returns false if it runs out of space for new line.
Each of these would be performed no matter what direction you are faced with.
Ultimately, the algorithm for each direction is just too different to simplify anymore than that.
How about an implementation of the Visitor Pattern? It sounds like it might be the kind of thing you are after.

How can I make "real-time" plots with wxMathPlot?

I am thinking of using wxMathPlot for plotting/graphing some data that arrives continuously. I want to draw "Real-time" plot/graph using it. Is that possible?
I.E. I don't want just a static graph of a one-time read of a file - I want the streaming data plotted and continued out to the right of the graph - (and let the left side fall off/scroll out of view)
I still have not gotten an answer for this. There is an interesting class in the wxmathPlot library called mpFXYVector but that appears just to draw one plot from a vector of data. What I want is something that can be fed a stream and scroll the graph horizontally (and also resize the scale if needed)
Thanks ravenspoint...!! I did what you said.. It works flawless!
here is my AddData() function:
void mpFXYVector::AddData(float x, float y, std::vector<double> &xs, std::vector<double> &ys)
// Check if the data vectora are of the same size
if (xs.size() != ys.size()) {
wxLogError(_("wxMathPlot error: X and Y vector are not of the same length!"));
//Delete first point if you need a filo buffer (i dont need it)
//Add new Data points at the end
// Copy the data:
m_xs = xs;
m_ys = ys;
// Update internal variables for the bounding box.
if (xs.size()>0)
m_minX = xs[0];
m_maxX = xs[0];
m_minY = ys[0];
m_maxY = ys[0];
std::vector<double>::const_iterator it;
for (it=xs.begin();it!=xs.end();it++)
if (*it<m_minX) m_minX=*it;
if (*it>m_maxX) m_maxX=*it;
for (it=ys.begin();it!=ys.end();it++)
if (*it<m_minY) m_minY=*it;
if (*it>m_maxY) m_maxY=*it;
m_minX = -1;
m_maxX = 1;
m_minY = -1;
m_maxY = 1;
in the Main() you only have to:
m_Vector->AddData(xPos,yPos,vectorX, vectorY);
I think mpFXYVector is the way to go.
The simplest way to deal with this might be to write a wrapper class for mpFXYVector which holds a FIFO buffer of recent data points. Each time a new datapoint arrives, add it to the FIFO buffer, which will drop the oldest point, then load mpFXYVector with the updated buffer. The wxMathPlot class mpWindow will look after the rest of what you need.
A more elegant approach would be a specialization of mpFXYVector which implements the FIFO buffer, using the simple vectors in mpFXYVector. The advantage of this would be that you are holding just one copy of the display data. Unless you are displaying many thousands of points, I doubt the advantage is worth the extra trouble of inheriting from mpFXYVector, rather than simply using the mpFXYVector documented interface.
After looking at the details, the only tricky bit is to replace mpFXYVector::SetData() with a new method Add() to add data points as they arrive. The new method needs to manage the mpFXYVector vectors as FIFO buffers, and to re-implement the code to update the bounding box ( which unfortunately was not written with inheritance in mind ).
The result is that specialization gives a solution with a smaller memory requirement and more flexibility than using a wrapper.
I know this is an old thread but I needed to plot a scrolling X axis with wxMathPlot.
I've done a simple modification to jayjo's code to make X axis scrolling work.
I hoe this helps.
void mpFXYVector::AddData(float x, float y, std::vector<double> &xs, std::vector<double> &ys)
// Check if the data vectora are of the same size
if (xs.size() != ys.size()) {
wxLogError(_("wxMathPlot error: X and Y vector are not of the same length!"));
//After a certain number of points implement a FIFO buffer
//As plotting too many points can cause missing data
if (x > 300)
//Add new Data points at the end
// Copy the data:
m_xs = xs;
m_ys = ys;
// Update internal variables for the bounding box.
if (xs.size()>0)
m_minX = xs[0];
m_maxX = xs[0];
m_minY = ys[0];
m_maxY = ys[0];
std::vector<double>::const_iterator it;
for (it=xs.begin();it!=xs.end();it++)
if (*it<m_minX) m_minX=*it;
if (*it>m_maxX) m_maxX=*it;
for (it=ys.begin();it!=ys.end();it++)
if (*it<m_minY) m_minY=*it;
if (*it>m_maxY) m_maxY=*it;
m_minX = -1;
m_maxX = 1;
m_minY = -1;
m_maxY = 1;
I do not have any personal experience with wxMathPlot, but I have been working with wxWidgets for years and highly recommend it for cross platform gui programming in c++, with that said according to the wxWiki graphics page the Numerix Graphics Library can be used for real time data so maybe that can help you out. Good luck.
Maybe someone will have same problem and will need it... I needed very fast plotting for showing the data from oscilloscope.
I was getting the data in packets. I made few changes that made a code a lot of faster.
First thing is to change the if state in function SetData from if (xs.size()>0) to if (!xs.empty).
Then you should firstly add all of your data packet to the vector
And after that you should fit and set data.
Vector1 ->SetData(Vector1_X,Vector1_Y); // add vectors to main vector
MathPlot1-> Fit(); //fit plot to the data
Vector1_X.clear(); //if you want to clear plot after every packet
Vector1_Y.clear(); //you should use it
Your code in main function will be longer but function will be faster because you add all data "at once".
We ended up using ChartDirector instead. It has a lot of capability and is fast.