Call web services from IIS it works slowly - web-services

I'm developing mvc web application that calls third party web services.
I'm not sure about web services but looks like that they are java web services. They work perfect when I call them from windows console application or run my site under development server. But when I host my site under IIS 7.5 (I check it under Windows 7 32x and Windows Web Server 64x) performance is degraded in 10 time.
Could anybody suggest me with settings which I should check or anything else?

The best idea that I have, it is using Reversed Proxy for matching data that pass.
I've tired to use Fiddler 2 in this way. But what a pity I have trouble because web services are hosted via https.
Somebody has idea how to solve this?


AWS - IIS and Windows services and SQL server - Load balancer and High availability

We have a software product made in .Net.
It has one website and four Windows services.
Both application and Windows services communicates with SQL server installed in same machine.
Right now we have hosted this product in a Windows server 2012 R2. So one server contains one application, four windows services and a SQL server.
Now we have decided to move this infrastructure to AWS.
Basically we want to get following benefits:
IIS and windows services load balancing.
IIS , windows service, SQL - fail over. So if one server goes down, there will be other one who can continue to serve requests.
So anyone can please provide me some links or other sort of help which can help me to get started as I am new in AWS?
Thank you.
You should read the "Well Architected Framework" from AWS
The site points to each pillar of the framework. There's also one whole whitepaper on the subject, a good read if you're seriously attempting a solution in the cloud.

Understanding IIS vs Service

What is the difference between a web service deployed through IIS and a simple windows service that just responds to http requests?
Do IIS web services get compiled to a binary executable as a regular windows service would?
What files/settings does IIS require to define a web application?
What aspects of a web application are handled by IIS which would have to be reimplemented when creating a windows service that responds to http requests?
IIS provides a hosting environment with,
Application pools
Standard extension API
Other IIS only features.
You can search other materials comparing self hosting and hosting on IIS to learn more.

Do I need a web service in this case? When do we use them?

my issue is about web services and all the stuff around that. I've developed a java web app, using hibernate (to connect with a mysql DB), jsf and primefaces. The only thing I have to show to the user is the index.xhtml which will search a data in a database. All of this is running on my PC with my local apache server.
But a doubt comes to my mind when I wonder if I deploy this web app in the apache server of the company, do we need something such as a web service o something like that o they just can access to the index.xhtml and start the queries?
Sorry for this but I'm totally new repesct web services, web app, web server and all these stuff.
PS. So, when do we use web services? and web server?
Thanks in advance :)
A web service is typically used as an API that might be integrated into another application. For example, if you have a way to accept payment information. You could make that a web service that would let some other application (e.g. an auction site) make calls into your web service to do some work.
Think of it a bit like a DLL that is accessible on the web. It won't have an interface, it is a collection of methods that either return data or execute some code. It will not return a UI.
So when you use a web service would be a similar question to when you need to break code out into a separate assembly.
On your specific question above, you would not need a web service, if your web application is doing everything you need it to do, then all you need is a web application.

Can I deploy CakePHP web application and BottlePy base WebServices API on same server?

I have a CakePHP based web application deployed on Apache (LAMP stack). Now I am doing a Web Services API using bottlePy that will expose services to be consumed by an Android application. The thing is both the applications will be working of the same MySql DB tables and reading/writing to the same. The reason its been done this way is because the CakaPHP based application is already available and was done a while back. Now we have a need to do an Android app and hence need to expose a Web Services API and since I am more comfortable with Python I would rather use. But before I dive deep in this direction I wanted to get answer to the following:
Can I have both the CakePHP web app and BottlePy based Web Services API served from the same Apache server? If not what will be an alternate?
Will two different apps accessing the same MySQL DB cause any issues in terms of locks, data integrity etc?
Anything else I need to be careful about?
So, I have implemented it anyways and it has been working great. I guess that answers the question, that yes it can be done.
I have both cakephp and bottlepy app served from same apache server.
I havent seen any issues and data gets written from both cakephp web app and bottlepy web api connected to android app.
Getting cakephp and bottlepy served from same apache server was a bit tricky but I got it working. I am not a webserver expert so dont know if the problems I faced were trivial or I solved something difficult. In either case it is working. If you face similar issues, let me know and I will post a detailed reply on how I did the setup.

installing an XML Websevice on Windows7 home basic

i've searched the site for this answer but couldnt find a good answer.
My client has a computer with Windows7 Home Basic Installed in his workstation (Thank you HP).
and i need to install a web service on IIS. Web service is written in c# (.asmx). When i installed IIS into that windows, i've realized that there is no IIS comsole available in windows7 home basic machines.
is there a way to register web service from the command prompt? this web service is a middleware for communication several mobile devices with the sql server on the machine so it has to be able to connect form outer ip's too.
I've tried IISExpress but it only lets connectiong from localhost.
I cannot format his harddisk, also my client doesnt really want an edition upgrade.
Thanks for spending your time.
I did a quick google search on hosting a web service (*.asmx) without IIS, and found this article: Run ASMX Without IIS. A quick glance at it looks like you'd wind up writing your own host and implementing your own web server.
If this is the only solution available, I think you'd be far better off to rewrite your ASMX web service as a WCF web service, and then either self-host it or host it in a Windows Service.