How do I create a Window in different QT threads? - c++

I have an application in which each thread (except the main thread) needs to create its own window. I tried creating a thread and then calling this->exec() in the run function. However, I get an error before I even get to that call: ASSERT failure in QWidget: "Widgets must be created in the GUI thread."
I want to popup a message window. The problem is that the source has multiple threads each of which may need to popup its own message.

If you need to create QWidget(or some other gui component(s)) in different(non-main) thread(s) you can implement it in such way:
Create simple wrapper which holds gui component:
// gui component holder which will be moved to main thread
class gui_launcher : public QObject
QWidget *w;
// other components
virtual bool event( QEvent *ev )
if( ev->type() == QEvent::User )
w = new QWidget;
return true;
return false;
create QApplication object in main thread
another thread body:
// create holder
gui_launcher gl;
// move it to main thread
gl.moveToThread( QApplication::instance()->thread() );
// send it event which will be posted from main thread
QCoreApplication::postEvent( &gl, new QEvent( QEvent::User ) );
be happy, :)

Qt will only let you create GUI elements in the GUI thread - what is it that you need to display from the other threads? See something like This answer for an example of updating a progress bar with data from a non-GUI thread.
If you want to show a message for each window, you can have a class like this:
class MyWorkerThread : public QThread
void sendMessage(QString msg);
void run()
/* do stuff */
emit sendMessage(QString("This thread is doing stuff!"));
/* do more stuff */
Then connect it up to your GUI via the signal-slot mechanism with something like:
connect(workerThread, SIGNAL(sendMessage(QString)),
guiController, SLOT(showMessageBox(QString)));
Where the showMessageBox function does what you need it to do.

I don't believe this is possible. Other non-GUI components can run in other threads and will usually communicate via the signal/slot mechanisms.

The above answers can be combined with a QAction object (or custom class objects) to transfer any action to the main GUI thread to be executed, not just creating widgets or displaying a message box. (e.g. by emitting sendAction(QAction*), or implementing a custom QEvent class embodying a QAction*.)


QLabel not updating image content [duplicate]

I work in Qt and when I press the button GO I need to continuously send packages to the network and modify the interface with the information I receive.
The problem is that I have a while(1) in the button so the button never finishes so the interface is never updated. I thought to create a thread in the button and put the while(){} code there.
My question is how can I modify the interface from the thread? (For example how can I modify a textBox from the thread ?
Important thing about Qt is that you must work with Qt GUI only from GUI thread, that is main thread.
That's why the proper way to do this is to notify main thread from worker, and the code in main thread will actually update text box, progress bar or something else.
The best way to do this, I think, is use QThread instead of posix thread, and use Qt signals for communicating between threads. This will be your worker, a replacer of thread_func:
class WorkerThread : public QThread {
void run() {
while(1) {
// ... hard work
// Now want to notify main thread:
emit progressChanged("Some info");
// Define signal:
void progressChanged(QString info);
In your widget, define a slot with same prototype as signal in .h:
class MyWidget : public QWidget {
// Your gui code
// Define slot:
public slots:
void onProgressChanged(QString info);
In .cpp implement this function:
void MyWidget::onProgressChanged(QString info) {
// Processing code
textBox->setText("Latest info: " + info);
Now in that place where you want to spawn a thread (on button click):
void MyWidget::startWorkInAThread() {
// Create an instance of your woker
WorkerThread *workerThread = new WorkerThread;
// Connect our signal and slot
connect(workerThread, SIGNAL(progressChanged(QString)),
// Setup callback for cleanup when it finishes
connect(workerThread, SIGNAL(finished()),
workerThread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
// Run, Forest, run!
workerThread->start(); // This invokes WorkerThread::run in a new thread
After you connect signal and slot, emiting slot with emit progressChanged(...) in worker thread will send message to main thread and main thread will call the slot that is connected to that signal, onProgressChanged here.
P.s. I haven't tested the code yet so feel free to suggest an edit if I'm wrong somewhere
So the mechanism is that you cannot modify widgets from inside of a thread otherwise the application will crash with errors like:
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QTextBlock'
(Make sure 'QTextBlock' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QTextCursor'
(Make sure 'QTextCursor' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
Segmentation fault
To get around this, you need to encapsulate the threaded work in a class, like:
class RunThread:public QThread{
void run();
void resultReady(QString Input);
Where run() contains all the work you want to do.
In your parent class you will have a calling function generating data and a QT widget updating function:
class DevTab:public QWidget{
void ThreadedRunCommand();
void DisplayData(QString Input);
Then to call into the thread you'll connect some slots, this
void DevTab::ThreadedRunCommand(){
RunThread *workerThread = new RunThread();
connect(workerThread, &RunThread::resultReady, this, &DevTab::UpdateScreen);
connect(workerThread, &RunThread::finished, workerThread, &QObject::deleteLater);
The connection function takes 4 parameters, parameter 1 is cause class, parameter 2 is signal within that class. Parameter 3 is class of callback function, parameter 4 is callback function within the class.
Then you'd have a function in your child thread to generate data:
void RunThread::run(){
QString Output="Hello world";
emit resultReady(Output);
Then you'd have a callback in your parent function to update the widget:
void DevTab::UpdateScreen(QString Input){
Then when you run it, the widget in the parent will update each time the emit macro is called in the thread. If the connect functions are configured properly, it will automatically take the parameter emitted, and stash it into the input parameter of your callback function.
How this works:
We initialise the class
We setup the slots to handle what happens with the thread finishes and what to do with the "returned" aka emitted data because we can't return data from a thread in the usual way
we then we run the thread with a ->start() call (which is hard coded into QThread), and QT looks for the hard coded name .run() memberfunction in the class
Each time the emit resultReady macro is called in the child thread, it's stashed the QString data into some shared data area stuck in limbo between threads
QT detects that resultReady has triggered and it signals your function, UpdateScreen(QString ) to accept the QString emitted from run() as an actual function parameter in the parent thread.
This repeats every time the emit keyword is triggered.
Essentially the connect() functions are an interface between the child and parent threads so that data can travel back and forth.
Note: resultReady() does not need to be defined. Think of it as like a macro existing within QT internals.
you can use invokeMethod() or Signals and slots mechanism ,Basically there are lot of examples like how to emit a signal and how to receive that in a SLOT .But ,InvokeMethod seems interesting .
Below is example ,where it shows How to change the text of a label from a thread:
QObject *obj = NULL; //global
QLabel *label = new QLabel("test");
obj = label; //Keep this as global and assign this once in constructor.
Next in your WorkerThread you can do as below:
//file2.cpp (ie.,thread)
extern QObject *obj;
void workerThread::run()
for(int i = 0; i<10 ;i++
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, "setText",
emit finished();
you start thread passing some pointer to thread function (in posix the thread function have the signature void* (thread_func)(void*), something equal under windows too) - and you are completely free to send the pointer to your own data (struct or something) and use this from the thread function (casting pointer to proper type). well, memory management should be though out (so you neither leak memory nor use already freed memory from the thread), but this is a different issue

How can I communicate back the result from a std::thread to the Gui main thread in Qt?

In order to learn about threading in Qt and C++ I am creating a small example program.
It has a Gui with a button and a text field:
When the user presses the Calculate button it calculates pi using a sum formula.
In order for the Gui to be responsive during this lengthy operation the calculation will be performed in a separate thread.
First I created a subclass of QThread that does the calculation in its run() method and emits the signal void resultReady(double value); when it is finished.
This signal I connected to the slot void setResult(double value); in my Dialog Gui class.
This approach works fine.
Now I want to do the same thing using std::thread. How do I do this?
I am having problems communicating the result back to the Gui. I tried this:
class StdThreadStrategy : public QObject {
void doTheWork() {
double pi = pi_sum();
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, [=] { dialog->setResult(pi); });
// This is called by Dialog when the user presses the Calculate button:
void calculatePi(Dialog* dialog) {
this->dialog = dialog;
std::thread t(&StdThreadStrategy::doTheWork, this);
thread = std::move(t);
Dialog* dialog;
std::thread thread;
A StdThreadStrategy object is constructed in the constructor of Dialog:
Dialog::Dialog() : QDialog() {
// .. create gui code
calculatePiStrategy = new StdThreadStrategy();
// this is the slot I want called from the other thread:
void Dialog::setResult(double value) {
// Called by Calculate button:
void Dialog::calculate() {
I was hoping using QTimer::singleShot in the doTheWork() method would allow me to post to the event queue of the Gui from another thread.
Unfortunately I get the error message: QObject::startTimer: Timers can only be used with threads started with QThread.
How can I communicate back the result from a std::thread to the Gui main thread in Qt?
Add a signal to your instance of StdThreadStrategy, and connect that via an explicitly deferred connection to the handler living in the UI thread. That way, you can safely call the signal from any thread, Qt takes care of sending it where it should go.
Also don't forget to join() your thread in the destructor of StdThreadStrategy. You also need to be aware that recycling a single instance like that is going to end up in race conditions. Just go and try what happens when you click the button again before pi had been fully computed.
There is no general answer to this kind of design problems. I give you just some tips here to show that c++11 provides a higher level of abstraction that can ease the manipulation of thread lifetime.
In your main GUI thread, run the async task (here I use std::async what gives you a std::future for further manipulation)
auto fut = std::async(std::launch::async, [=]() {
// do some work
Now, your UI is alive, run a Qtimer in the main thread with a callback that will check for the async procedure.
// callback content will be something like this
// checking via the future the state of the async task
if (fut.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(25)) !=
std::future_status::ready) {
// not yet finished
// No do what you want with the result
auto res = fut.get();
// emit a signal to refresh the gui etc.
You could send a custom QEvent that carries the result from the worker thread to the thread your QObject lives in. See QEvent and QCoreApplication::postEvent()
Create your event class:
class MyEvent : public QEvent
MyEvent(double result) : QEvent(QEvent::User), mResult(result) {
double result() {
return mResult;
double mResult;
Post the event to the event loop and override the event() function to catch it:
class StdThreadStrategy : public QObject {
void doTheWork() {
double pi = pi_sum();
QCoreApplication::postEvent(this, new MyEvent(pi));
bool event(QEvent *event) override {
if (event->type() == QEvent::User) {
const auto result = static_cast<MyEvent*>(event)->result();
return QObject::event(event);

Is it possible to hide qt widget window from other thread?

Is it possible to hide qt widget window from other thread?
For example if using ptr->window->hide();
from other thread it crashes with error:
Cannot send events to objects owned by a different thread...
Should signals and slots be used in this case or there are easier. alternatives?
Is it possible to hide Qt widget window from other thread?
Absolutely, all you need is to connect the signal on your worker thread with the slot on UI thread. And luckily QWidget::hide is a slot already (not even needed to wrap that in own slot).
// in WorkerQObject.h file:
class WorkerQObject : public QObject
void hideUI();
// in WorkerQObject.cpp file:
// thread initialization; move to thread etc.
connect(this, SIGNAL(hideUI()), pWidget, SLOT(hide()));
void WorkerQObject::methodOnWorkerThread()
emit hideUI();

Cannot send posted events for objects in another thread - Qt

I have created a QThread class to run a function that is in another class, but this another class has a pointer to a QWidget (QwtPlot), and I am receiving this message in the application output:
QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents: Cannot send posted events for objects in another thread
I already read in another topics that QThreads doesn't work with QWidgets (the UI widgets must be in the main thread), but the output in my application seems to be correct.
Can anyone explain to me why this message appears? And what can happen if I let the code as is?
Note: sorry, I can't post the code.
Thanks in advance
I already read in another topics that QThreads doesn't work with QWidgets [...]
but the output in my application seems to be correct.
It's not correct, otherwise you wouldn't ask, right?
A QWidget must be in the main thread. And most likely it is. But you're invoking its methods from another thread, and the methods you invoke are not thread safe. Don't do that. There are other ways of invoking methods safely across threads. Use them instead. For example, assuming that you wish to call QWidget::resize, you could use postToThread from this answer:
QWidget* widget;
QSize size;
Q_ASSERT_X(widget->thread() == qApp->thread(), "widget",
"The widget must live in the main thread.");
postToThread([=]{ widget->resize(size); }, widget);
If you want to be more verbose, or have to maintain a Qt 4 code base, you could do this instead:
class TSWidgetAdapter : public QObject {
QWidget * widget() const { return qobject_cast<QWidget*>(parent()); }
Q_SLOT void resize_d(const QSize & size) { widget()->resize(size); }
explicit TSWidgetAdapter(QWidget * parent) : QObject(parent) {
Q_ASSERT_X(parent->thread() == qApp->thread(), "TSWidgetAdapter()",
"The widget must live in the main thread.");
connect(this, SIGNAL(resize(QSize)), this, SLOT(resize_d(QSize)));
Q_SIGNAL void resize(const QSize & size);
QWidget* widget;
QSize size;
TSWidgetAdapter widget_ts(widget);
The _d slots are called in the thread of the widget. That's the beauty of automatic connections: you can call the signal in any thread, and the slot will be called in the thread of the target object only. Since the adapter is a child of the widget, it is in the widget's thread - that's enforced by Qt.

How to force Qt to update GUI from not main thread

I'm fighing since last week with problem caused by update of QPlainTextEdit. I'm trying to create separate from QMainWindow Dialog window with QPlainTextEdit inside. The problem begins when I try to use appendHtml signal (also tried with appendText), text that is placed is not visible unless marked by by mouse. Repainting or updating cause in program crash or no visible action.
Simplified code of QDialog with QPlainTextEdit header:
namespace Ui {
class LogWindow;
class LogWriter: public QDialog
QMutex print_lock;
class Log{
const static int MAX_SIZE = 100;
bool to_terminal;
QString color;
QMutex *print_lock;
QPlainTextEdit *text_place;
QVector< QPair<QString,time_t> > history;
LogWriter * obj;
bool print;
Log(bool _print,QString _color,LogWriter *obj_ = NULL)
{print = _print; color = _color; obj = obj_;}
void setLock(QMutex *print_lock_){print_lock = print_lock_;}
void setTextField(QPlainTextEdit *_text) {text_place = _text;}
Log& operator<<(QString &a);
Log& operator<<(const char* a);
static LogWriter* getInstance()
static LogWriter instance; // Guaranteed to be destroyed.
// Instantiated on first use.
return &instance;
Ui::LogWindow *ui;
void signalLogAppend(QString);
Simplified code of methods definitions:
LogWriter::LogWriter(QWidget * parent): QDialog(parent) {
ui = new Ui::LogWindow;
LogWriter::Log& LogWriter::Log::operator<< (QString &s){
if(history.size() > MAX_SIZE) history.pop_back();
QString text = "<font color=\"";
text += color + "\">";
text += s + "</font>";
//cout << text.toStdString() << endl;
emit (obj)->signalLogAppend(text);
return *this;
I have two separate ui files (first for main window, second for log window).
I have to use log window all across my program (something about 10 threads), and I stucked on this issue. My question is - is it possible to force GUI update without using main thread and if not - what else possibilities I have. If possible I would rather avoid reconstructing all my code - it would take me some time to do it. Right now logging is super easy - I ony need:
LogWindow *log = LogWindow::getInstance();
log->MEDIUM << "something";
As additional info I add QTCreator warning:
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QTextBlock'
(Make sure 'QTextBlock' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QTextCursor'
(Make sure 'QTextCursor' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)
If I understand your code correctly, you're trying to log from a background thread and are using a direct connection to pass the signal to the GUI thread? That's not going to work, you have to send the signal via the default connection so Qt can figure out that it's a cross-thread signal and pass it across threads accordingly (ie, via the message loop on the foreground thread).
In Qt, any GUI interaction has to happen in the Main/foreground thread otherwise bad things happen as you discovered. You can certainly send a signal from a background thread to trigger a GUI update - I do this all the time - but you need to ensure that you're using the correct connection for it. The direct connection results in a direct function call and is not going to work for you in this case.
In your code, the problem is the call to connect() - you explicitly specify the connection mode for the signal to slot connection when you should just use the default setting. If you set the connection explicitly to Qt::DirectConnection, the underlying code will execute a direct call to the specified slot, which means that you end up calling the slot in the thread context of the signal. You don't want that because the signal is triggered in a background thread.
You can't pass arbitrary types/classes to signals and slots. The list is limited and not all Qt classes are in the list. To add types/classes to the list of those that can be passed to a signal/slot, you must call qRegisterMetaType for that class. I recommend calling it in the constructor of the class you're trying to pass to a signal like this:
MyClass::MyClass() : MyParentClass()
static int reg = qRegisterMetaType<MyClass>("MyClass");
The static int ensures the registration is only called once and before any instance of MyClass could ever be used.