ORM Entity - Remove a record, and add a property - coldfusion

I am putting together a store finder which works on a radius from a postal code. I have done this many times using standard Queries and QoQs, but now trying to put one together using cf9 ORM... but seemed to have reached the limit of my capabilities with the last bit.
I am pulling out an entity and processing it. At the end, I need to:
a. Remove a record if it doesn't meet a certain criteria (distance is greater than specified by user)
OR b. Add a new property to the record to store the distance.
So at the end, all I want in my entity are those stores that are within the range specified by the user, with each record containing the calculated distance.
Best way to see what I am trying to do is to view the full function
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!!
public function getByPostcodeRadius(required postcode="",
required radius=""){
//set some initial vals
rs = {};
geo = New _com.util.geo().init();
local.postcodeGeo = geo.getGeoCode("#arguments.postcode#, Australia");
local.nearbyStores = "";
local.returnStores = {};
//load stores
local.stores = entityload("stores");
//loop over all stores and return list of stores inside radius
for(i=1; i <= ArrayLen(local.stores); i++){
store = {};
store.id = local.stores[i].getID();
store.geoCode = local.stores[i].getGeoCode();
store.Lat = ListgetAt(store.geoCode,1);
store.Lng = ListgetAt(store.geoCode,2);
distance = geo.getDistanceByGeocode(local.postcodeGeo.Lat,local.postcodeGeo.Lng,store.Lat,store.Lng);
if (distance LT arguments.radius){
//here I need to add a property 'distance' and set it's value
local.stores[i].distance = distance; // this adds it to the object, but not with the PROPERTIES
} else {
// here i need to remove the store from the object as it's distance was greater than the one passed in
arrayDeleteAt(local.stores,i); //this clearly isn't working, as positions are changing with each loop over
return local.stores;

If you delete an object from an array it will mess up your loop.
Try either looping backwards:
var i = arrayLen( local.stores );
for ( i; i == 0; i-- )
Or looping like this
for ( var local.store in local.stores )
(That's rough code and may need some tweaks)

I'd approach this from a different angle:
1) Instead of deleting from the array of all stores those that don't match, I'd build an array of those that do and return that.
2) If the distance is specific to each query and not a property of the store object, then I wouldn't try adding it to the store, but just "associate" it with the specific data I'm returning for this search.
Putting to the 2 together, I'd return an array of structs containing the store object and its distance from the requested postcode. (You could just return a single struct of the store object and distance, with the store ID as key, but I prefer working with arrays.)
Here's how I'd code it (not tested because I don't have your geo class or entity code):
public array function getByPostcodeRadius(required postcode="", required radius=""){
hint="I return an array of structs each containing a store object within the requested radius and its distance from the requested post code"
// Geo settings
local.geo = New _com.util.geo().init();
local.postcodeGeo = local.geo.getGeoCode("#arguments.postcode#, Australia");
// initialise the array of structs to return, which will contain stores within the requested radius and their distance from the postcode
local.nearbyStores = [];
//load all stores
local.stores = entityload("stores");
//loop over all stores and add those inside the radius to the return array with their distance
for( var storeObject in local.stores ){
// determine the lat-lng for this store
local.storeLat = ListgetAt(storeObject.getGeoCode(),1);
local.storeLng = ListgetAt(storeObject.getGeoCode(),2);
// get the distance from the requested postcode
local.distance = local.geo.getDistanceByGeocode(local.postcodeGeo.Lat,local.postcodeGeo.Lng,local.storeLat,local.storeLong);
if (local.distance LT arguments.radius){
// create a struct of the store object and its distance and add to the nearby stores array
local.thisStore = {
store = storeObject
,distance = local.distance
ArrayAppend( local.nearbyStores,local.thisStore );
return local.nearbyStores;


UE4: Randomly spawning Blueprint Class actors inheriting from single C++ class

I am making a system in Unreal Engine to spawn items my character can pick up. I have a single Item C++ class with this in the header file :
bool Inventoriable;
float Power;
int Spawn_Weight;
In my Game Mode header, I have an array meant to hold all possible items
TArray<TSubclassOf<AItem>> PlayerRecharge;
And in the cpp file, i have a SpawnPlayerRecharge() function that looks like this:
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITEMS; i++) {
Item_Spawned = Cast<AItem>(PlayerRecharge[i]);
if (Item_Spawned) {
Total_Spawn_Weights += Item_Spawned->Spawn_Weight;
// Choose random number for spawn selection
int Rand = FMath::RandRange(0, Total_Spawn_Weights);
// Iterates through spawnable items and tries to cast as Item object
// Weight variable stores the summed weights to compare to the random number
//if Weight > the random number, store the index in Weight and break from loop
int Weight = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_ITEMS; i++) {
Item_Spawned = Cast<AItem>(PlayerRecharge[Weight]);
if (Item_Spawned) {
Weight += Item_Spawned->Spawn_Weight;
if (Weight > Rand) {
Weight = i;
FActorSpawnParameters Params;
Params.Owner = this;
// Spawn AItem actor from the array based on index found above
GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AItem>(PlayerRecharge[Weight], SpawnPosition, SpawnRotation, Params);
Basically, all the types of items I have are in Blueprint classes that inherit from Item with different meshes, Power properties, etc. In SpawnPlayerRecharge(), I'm trying to randomly spawn one of the different types based on weights set in each child's Blueprint editor. In the function, the cast always fails (I checked with UE_LOG), and if I try to access the weights directly with PlayerRecharge[i], it gives me an error saying that UOBJECT does not have property Spawn_Weight. How do I get access to those Blueprint children, or is there a better way to do this?
If you need to see code I didn't post, it's on my GitHub: https://github.com/Chriq/BatteryMan

Machine Learning Algorithm using recursion

I am currently working on a very beginners version of the ID3 machine learning algorithm. I am stuck on how to recursively call my build_tree function to actually make the rest of the decision tree and output it in a nice format. I have calculated gains, entropies, gain ratios, etc. but I have no clue how to integrate recursion into my function.
I am given a data set, which after doing all the calculations mentioned above, have split it into two datasets. Now I need to be able to recursively call it until both the left and right data sets become pure [which can easily be checked by a function i wrote called dataset.is_pure()], all while keeping track of the threshold at each node. I know that all my calculations and split methods are working as I have done individuual testing on them. It is just the recursive part that I am having trouble with.
Here is my build_tree function that I am having a recursion nightmare with. I am currently working in a linux environment with the g++ compiler. The code I have right now compiles, but when run gives me a segmentation error. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
struct node
vector<vector<string>> data;
double atrb;
node* parent;
node* left = NULL;
node* right = NULL;
node(node* parent) : parent(parent) {}
node* root = new node(NULL);
void build_tree(node* current, dataset data_set)
vector<vector<string>> l_d;
vector<vector<string>> r_d;
double global_entropy = calc_entropy(data_set.get_col(data_set.n_col()-1));
int best_col = this->get_best_col(data_set, global_entropy);
hash_map selected_atrb(data_set.n_row(), data_set.truncate(best_col));
double threshold = get_threshold(selected_atrb, global_entropy);
cout << threshold << "\n";
split_data(threshold, best_col, data_set, l_d, r_d);
dataset right_data(r_d);
dataset left_data(l_d);
node* new_left = new node(current);
new_left->atrb = threshold;
current->left = new_left;
new_left->data = l_d;
return build_tree(new_left, left_data);
node* new_right = new node(current);
new_right->atrb = threshold;
current->right = new_right;
new_right->data = r_d;
return build_tree(new_right, right_data);
id3(dataset data)
build_tree(root, data);
This is only a part of my class. If you wish to see any other code, just let me know!
I will explain to you with pseudocodigo how the reclusive function works, I will also leave you the code that you make in javascript for the implementation of said algorithm.
Before going into detail, I will mention certain concepts and classes you use.
Attribute: Characteristic of the data set, it is usually the name of a column of the data set.
Class: Decision characteristic, it is generally of binary value and usually it is always the last column of the data set.
Value: Possible value of the attribute in the data set, for example (Sunny, Cloudy, Rainy)
Tree: classes that have a number of nodes associated with each other.
Node: Entity in charge of storing the attribute (question), also has a list with the arcs.
Arc: Contains the value of an attribute and has an attribute that will contain the following child node.
Leaf : Contains a class. This node is the result of a decision, for example (Yes or No).
Best feature: Attribute with the highest information gain.
Function to create the tree from a set of data:
Obtain the values ​​of a class.
Evaluate if there is only one type of class in the data set, for example (Yes).   
If true, then we create a Leaf object and return this object
Obtain the information gain of each current attribute.
Choose the attribute with the highest information gain.
Create a node with the best feature.
Obtain the values ​​of the best feature.
Iterate the list of those values.
Filter the list, so that there are only records with the value that we are iterating (save it in a variable temporary)
Create an Arc with this value.
     - Assign the following attribute to the Arc: (Here comes the recursion) call again the same only function that you send (the filtered list of records, the class, the list of attributes without the best feature, the list of general attributes without the attributes of the best feature)
Add the arc to the node.
Return the node.
This would be the segment of code that is responsible for creating the tree
let crearArbol = (ejemplosLista, clase, atributos, valores) => {
let valoresClase = obtenerValoresAtributo(ejemplosLista, clase);
if (valoresClase.length == 1) {
return new Hoja(valoresClase[0], autoIncremental);
if (atributos.length == 0) {
let claseDominante = claseMayoritaria(ejemplosLista);
return new Atributo();
let gananciaAtributos = obtenerGananciaAtributos(ejemplosLista, valores, atributos);
let atributoMaximo = atributos[maximaGanancia(gananciaAtributos)];
let nodo = new Atributo(atributoMaximo, [], autoIncremental);
let valoresLista = obtenerValoresAtributo(ejemplosLista, atributoMaximo);
valoresLista.forEach((valor) => {
let ejemplosFiltrados = arrayDistincAtributos(ejemplosLista, atributoMaximo, valor);
let arco = new Arco(valor);
arco.sigNodo = crearArbol(ejemplosFiltrados, clase, [...eliminarAtributo(atributoMaximo, atributos)], [...eliminarValores(atributoMaximo, valores)]);
return nodo;
Unfortunately, the code is only in Spanish.
This is the repository that contains my project with this implementation Source code of id3

Can I put a lua_table in another table to build a multi-dimensional array via C++?

for my game im trying to accomplish the following array structure by C++ because the data come from an external source and should be available in a lua_script.
The array structure should look like this: (The data are in a map, the map contains the name of the variable and a list of Pairs (Each pair is a key value pair considered to be one element in one subarray)...
The data prepared in the map are complete and the structure is definetly okay.
So basically I have
typedef std::map<std::string, std::list<std::pair> >;
/\index(e.g: sword) /\ /\
|| ||
|| Pair: Contains two strings (key/value pair)
List of Pairs for each array
items = {
["sword"] = {item_id = 1294, price = 500},
["axe"] = {item_id = 1678, price = 200},
["red gem"] = {item_id = 1679, price = 2000},
What I got so far now is:
for(ArrayMap::iterator it = this->npc->arrayMap.begin(); it != this->npc->arrayMap.end(); it++) {
std::string arrayName = (*it).first;
if((*it).second.size() > 0) {
for(ArrayEntryList::iterator itt = (*it).second.begin(); itt != (*it).second.end(); itt++) {
LuaScript::setField(luaState, (*itt).first.c_str(), (*itt).second.c_str());
lua_setglobal(luaState, arrayName.c_str());
But this will only generate the following structure:
[item_id] = (string) 2000
[name] = (string) sword
[price] = (string) 500
The problem is that the table can ofcourse only contain each index once.
Thatswhy I need something like "a table in a table", is that possible?
Is there a way to achieve this? Im glad for any hints.
So from what I understand, if you have two "sword", then you can not store second one? If that's the case, you are doing it wrong. The key of map should be unique and if you decide that you are going to use std::map to store your items then your external source should provide unique keys. I used std::string as key in my previous game. Example:
"WeakSword" -> { some more data }
"VeryWeakSword" -> { some more data }
or, with your data (assuming item_ids are unique) you can get something like following from external source:
1294 -> { some more data }
1678 -> { some more data }
I'm not sure how efficient is this but I wasn't programming a hardware-hungry 3D bleeding-edge game so it just did a fine job.
The data structure that you are using also depends on the how you are going to use it. For example, if you are always iterating through this structure why don't you store as follows:
class Item {public: ... private: std::string name; int id; int value;}
std::vector<Item> items // be careful tho, std::vector copies item before it pushes
Extract(or Parse?) the actual value you want from each entity in external source and store them in std::vector. Reaching the middle of std::vector is expensive, however, if your intention is not instant accessing but rather iterating over data, why use map? But, if your intention is actually reaching a specific key/value pair, you should alter your external data and use unique keys.
Finally, there is also another associative container that stores non-unique key/value pairs called std::multimap but I really doubt you really need it here.

Data structure for selecting groups of machines

I have this old batch system. The scheduler stores all computational nodes in one big array. Now that's OK for the most part, because most queries can be solved by filtering for nodes that satisfy the query.
The problem I have now is that apart from some basic properties (number of cpus, memory, OS), there are also these weird grouping properties (city, infiniband, network scratch).
Now the issue with these is that when a user requests nodes with infiniband I can't just give him any nodes, but I have to give him nodes connected to one infiniband switch, so the nodes can actually communicate using infiniband.
This is still OK, when user only requests one such property (I can just partition the array for each of the properties and then try to select the nodes in each partition separately).
The problem comes with combining multiple such properties, because then I would have to generate all combination of the subsets (partitions of the main array).
The good thing is that most of the properties are in a sub-set or equivalence relation (It sort of makes sense for machines on one infiniband switch to be in one city). But this unfortunately isn't strictly true.
Is there some good data structure for storing this kind of semi-hierarchical mostly-tree-like thing?
EDIT: example
node1 : city=city1, infiniband=switch03, networkfs=server01
node2 : city=city1, infiniband=switch03, networkfs=server01
node3 : city=city1, infiniband=switch03
node4 : city=city1, infiniband=switch03
node5 : city=city2, infiniband=switch03, networkfs=server02
node6 : city=city2, infiniband=switch03, networkfs=server02
node7 : city=city2, infiniband=switch04, networkfs=server02
node8 : city=city2, infiniband=switch04, networkfs=server02
Users request:
2x node with infiniband and networkfs
The desired output would be: (node1, node2) or (node5,node6) or (node7,node8).
In a good situation this example wouldn't happen, but we actually have these weird cross-site connections in some cases. If the nodes in city2 would be all on infiniband switch04, it would be easy. Unfortunately now I have to generate groups of nodes, that have the same infiniband switch and same network filesystem.
In reality the problem is much more complicated, since users don't request entire nodes, and the properties are many.
Edit: added the desired output for the query.
Assuming you have p grouping properties and n machines, a bucket-based solution is the easiest to set up and provides O(2p·log(n)) access and updates.
You create a bucket-heap for every group of properties (so you would have a bucket-heap for "infiniband", a bucket-heap for "networkfs" and a bucket-heap for "infiniband × networkfs") — this means 2p bucket-heaps.
Each bucket-heap contains a bucket for every combination of values (so the "infiniband" bucket would contain a bucket for key "switch04" and one for key "switch03") — this means a total of at most n·2p buckets split across all bucket-heaps.
Each bucket is a list of servers (possibly partitioned into available and unavailable). The bucket-heap is a standard heap (see std::make_heap) where the value of each bucket is the number of available servers in that bucket.
Each server stores references to all buckets that contain it.
When you look for servers that match a certain group of properties, you just look in the corresponding bucket for that property group, and climb down the heap looking for a bucket that's large enough to accomodate the number of servers requested. This takes O(log(p)·log(n)).
When servers are marked as available or unavailable, you have to update all buckets containing those servers, and then update the bucket-heaps containing those buckets. This is an O(2p·log(n)) operation.
If you find yourself having too many properties (and the 2p grows out of control), the algorithm allows for some bucket-heaps to be built on-demand from other bucket-heaps : if the user requests "infiniband × networkfs" but you only have a bucket-heap available for "infiniband" or "networkfs", you can turn each bucket in the "infiniband" bucket-heap into a bucket-heap on its own (use a lazy algorithm so you don't have to process all buckets if the first one works) and use a lazy heap-merging algorithm to find an appropriate bucket. You can then use a LRU cache to decide which property groups are stored and which are built on-demand.
My guess is that there won't be an "easy, efficient" algorithm and data structure to solve this problem, because what you're doing is akin to solving a set of simultaneous equations. Suppose there are 10 categories (like city, infiniband and network) in total, and the user specifies required values for 3 of them. The user asks for 5 nodes, let's say. Your task is then to infer values for the remaining 7 categories, such that at least 5 records exist that have all 10 category fields equal to these values (the 3 specified and the 7 inferred). There may be multiple solutions.
Still, provided there aren't too many different categories, and not too many distinct possibilities within each category, you can do a simple brute force recursive search to find possible solutions, where at each level of recursion you consider a particular category, and "try" each possibility for it. Suppose the user asks for k records, and may choose to stipulate any number of requirements via required_city, required_infiniband, etc.:
either(x, y) := if defined(x) then [x] else y
For each city c in either(required_city, [city1, city2]):
For each infiniband i in either(required_infiniband, [switch03, switch04]):
For each networkfs nfs in either(required_nfs, [undefined, server01, server02]):
Do at least k records of type [c, i, nfs] exist? If so, return them.
The either() function is just a way of limiting the search to the subspace containing points that the user gave constraints for.
Based on this, you will need a way to quickly look up the number of points (rows) for any given [c, i, nfs] combination -- nested hashtables will work just fine for this.
Step 1: Create an index for each property. E.g. for each property+value pair, create a sorted list of nodes with that property. Put each such list into an associative array of some kind- That is something like and stl map, one for each property, indexed by values. Such that when you are done you have a near constant time function that can return to you a list of nodes that match a single property+value pair. The list is simply sorted by node number.
Step 2: Given a query, for each property+value pair required, retrieve the list of nodes.
Step 3: Starting with the shortest list, call it list 0, compare it to each of the other lists in turn removing elements from list 0 that are not in the other lists.
You should now have just the nodes that have all the properties requested.
Your other option would be to use a database, it is already set up to support queries like this. It can be done all in memory with something like BerkeleyDB with the SQL extensions.
If sorting the list by every criteria mentioned in the query is viable (or having the list pre-sorted by each relative criteria), this works very well.
By "relative criteria", I mean criteria not of the form "x must be 5", which are trivial to filter against, but criteria of the form "x must be the same for each item in the result set". If there are also criteria of the "x must be 5" form, then filter against those first, then do the following.
It relies on using a stable sort on multiple columns to find the matching groups quickly (without trying out combinations).
The complexity is number of nodes * number of criteria in the query (for the algorithm itself) + number of nodes * log(number of nodes) * number of criteria (for the sort, if not pre-sorting). So Nodes*Log(Nodes)*Criteria.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace bleh
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Node> list = new List<Node>();
// create a random input list
Random r = new Random();
for (int i = 1; i <= 10000; i++)
Node node = new Node();
for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) node.Properties[c.ToString()] = (r.Next() % 10 + 1).ToString();
// if you have any absolute criteria, filter the list first according to it, which is very easy
// i am sure you know how to do that
// only look at relative criteria after removing nodes which are eliminated by absolute criteria
// example
List<string> criteria = new List<string> {"c", "h", "r", "x" };
criteria = criteria.OrderBy(x => x).ToList();
// order the list by each relative criteria, using a ***STABLE*** sort
foreach (string s in criteria)
list = list.OrderBy(x => x.Properties[s]).ToList();
// size of sought group
int n = 4;
// this is the algorithm
int sectionstart = 0;
int sectionend = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++)
bool same = true;
foreach (string s in criteria) if (list[i].Properties[s] != list[sectionstart].Properties[s]) same = false;
if (same == true) sectionend = i;
else sectionstart = i;
if (sectionend - sectionstart == n - 1) break;
// print the results
for (int i = sectionstart; i <= sectionend; i++)
Console.Write("[" + i.ToString() + "]" + "\t");
foreach (string s in criteria) Console.Write(list[i].Properties[s] + "\t");
I would do something like this (obviously instead of strings you should map them to int, and use int's as codes)
struct structNode
std::set<std::string> sMachines;
std::map<std::string, int> mCodeToIndex;
std::vector<structNode> vChilds;
void Fill(std::string strIdMachine, int iIndex, structNode* pNode, std::vector<std::string> &vCodes)
if(iIndex < vCodes.size())
// Add "Empty" if Needed
if(pNode->vChilds.size() == 0)
pNode->mCodeToIndex.insert(pNode->mCodeToIndex.begin(), make_pair("empty", 0));
// Add for "Empty"
Fill(strIdMachine, (iIndex + 1), &pNode->vChilds[0], vCodes );
if(vCodes[iIndex] == "empty")
// Add for "Any"
std::map<std::string, int>::iterator mIte = pNode->mCodeToIndex.find("any");
if(mIte == pNode->mCodeToIndex.end())
mIte = pNode->mCodeToIndex.insert(pNode->mCodeToIndex.begin(), make_pair("any", pNode->vChilds.size()));
Fill(strIdMachine, (iIndex + 1), &pNode->vChilds[mIte->second], vCodes );
// Add for "Segment"
mIte = pNode->mCodeToIndex.find(vCodes[iIndex]);
if(mIte == pNode->mCodeToIndex.end())
mIte = pNode->mCodeToIndex.insert(pNode->mCodeToIndex.begin(), make_pair(vCodes[iIndex], pNode->vChilds.size()));
Fill(strIdMachine, (iIndex + 1), &pNode->vChilds[mIte->second], vCodes );
// Get
// NULL on empty group
set<std::string>* Get(structNode* pNode, int iIndex, vector<std::string> vCodes, int iMinValue)
if(iIndex < vCodes.size())
std::map<std::string, int>::iterator mIte = pNode->mCodeToIndex.find(vCodes[iIndex]);
if(mIte != pNode->mCodeToIndex.end())
if(pNode->vChilds[mIte->second].sMachines.size() < iMinValue)
return NULL;
return Get(&pNode->vChilds[mIte->second], (iIndex + 1), vCodes, iMinValue);
return NULL;
return &pNode->sMachines;
To fill the tree with your sample
structNode stRoot;
const char* dummy[] = { "city1", "switch03", "server01" };
const char* dummy2[] = { "city1", "switch03", "empty" };
const char* dummy3[] = { "city2", "switch03", "server02" };
const char* dummy4[] = { "city2", "switch04", "server02" };
// Fill the tree with the sample
Fill("node1", 0, &stRoot, vector<std::string>(dummy, dummy + 3));
Fill("node2", 0, &stRoot, vector<std::string>(dummy, dummy + 3));
Fill("node3", 0, &stRoot, vector<std::string>(dummy2, dummy2 + 3));
Fill("node4", 0, &stRoot, vector<std::string>(dummy2, dummy2 + 3));
Fill("node5", 0, &stRoot, vector<std::string>(dummy3, dummy3 + 3));
Fill("node6", 0, &stRoot, vector<std::string>(dummy3, dummy3 + 3));
Fill("node7", 0, &stRoot, vector<std::string>(dummy4, dummy4 + 3));
Fill("node8", 0, &stRoot, vector<std::string>(dummy4, dummy4 + 3));
Now you can easily obtain all the combinations that you want for example you query would be something like this:
vector<std::string> vCodes;
vCodes.push_back("empty"); // Discard first property (cities)
vCodes.push_back("any"); // Any value for infiniband
vCodes.push_back("any"); // Any value for networkfs (except empty)
set<std::string>* pMachines = Get(&stRoot, 0, vCodes, 2);
And for example only City02 on switch03 with networfs not empty
vector<std::string> vCodes;
vCodes.push_back("city2"); // Only city2
vCodes.push_back("switch03"); // Only switch03
vCodes.push_back("any"); // Any value for networkfs (except empy)
set<std::string>* pMachines = Get(&stRoot, 0, vCodes, 2);

CStringList in MFC

I was coding with 2 CStringList objects. Each has its own data, for eg one has name and other the phoneno, and both are in sync, i.e, if there is a phoneno there is a name and viceversa.
Now, i have 2 combobox in which i show the names and the respective phonenos. The name combobox is sorted, hence the sync between the two goes for a toss. hence for sorting i did the following:
int aComboElementNo = myNameComboBox.GetCount();
if( aComboElementNo >= 1 )
for( int aIndex = 0; aIndex < aComboElementNo; aIndex++ )
CString aTempStr;
// Getting the string in the combobox
myNameComboBox.GetLBText( aIndex, aTempStr );
// Getting the position where the name is present in the list
POSITION aPos = aNameList.Find( aTempStr );
// setting the appropriate phoneno in the 2nd combobox
myPhoneComboBox.AddString( aPhoneList.GetAt( aPos ) );
When i executed this i got the names in the myPhoneComboBox rather than the phonenos.
Now i have 2 qns:
how come i get the name present in namelist when i am accessing the phonelist? isn't it a breach, as i am able to access some other variables data using some other variable.
how to sort the 2nd list.
I Hope U are using CStringArray and not CStringList.
You need to use FindIndex rather than Find since Find will return OBJECT Pos rather than the Index count....
and to get the element with array use simply [] the operator.
If You still want to use CStringList then through Iterator Find the Index Count of the first match of string in one List and Use FindIndex of that IndexCount to get the postition object for the secondlist to use GetAt to the second list.
Why do you have 2 separate lists? Why not one CTypedPtrArray of structures holding both the name and the phone nb?
That is a crazzy, forgive me, stupid way to find names. It assumes the names are unique. God help me, I've had to deal with these things, name fields should never be viewed as unique, its bloody dangerious. Just ask my dad Baash05 Sr.
I'd assume there's an ID or some data set as the app adds to the combo box. Please use that in your map. My guess is the programmer set the data to either the ID of the name, or a pointer to the object that contained the name. (person object/business object/student object...).
If the code that adds the names didn't add a way to tell the difference between George Forman and any of his kids, then make an argument to the boss, that it's implementation should be changed, because by god it should be!
int aComboElementNo = myNameComboBox.GetCount();
for( int aIndex = 0; aIndex < aComboElementNo; aIndex++ )
int nameLocal = myNameComboBox.GetItemData( aIndex);
myPhoneComboBox.InsertString(aIndex, aPhoneList[namelocal] );