One producer, two consumers acting on one 'queue' produced by producer - c++

Preface: I'm new to multithreaded programming, and a little rusty with C++. My requirements are to use one mutex, and two conditions mNotEmpty and mEmpty. I must also create and populate the vectors in the way mentioned below.
I have one producer thread creating a vector of random numbers of size n*2, and two consumers inserting those values into two separate vectors of size n.
I am doing the following in the producer:
Lock the mutex: pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex1)
Wait for consumer to say vector is empty: pthread_cond_wait(&mEmpty,&mMutex1)
Push back a value into the vector
Signal the consumer that the vector isn't empty anymore: pthread_cond_signal(&mNotEmpty)
Unlock the mutex: pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex1)
Return to step 1
In the consumer:
Lock the mutex: pthread_mutex_lock(&mMutex1)
Check to see if the vector is empty, and if so signal the producer: pthread_cond_signal(&mEmpty)
Else insert value into one of two new vectors (depending on which thread) and remove from original vector
Unlock the mutex: pthread_mutex_unlock(&mMutex1)
Return to step 1
What's wrong with my process? I keep getting segmentation faults or infinite loops.
Edit: Here's the code:
void Producer()
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mTotalNumberOfValues; i++){
mGeneratedNumber.push_back((rand() % 100) + 1);
void Consumer(const unsigned int index)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mNumberOfValuesPerVector; i++){

I'm not sure I understand the rationale behind the way you're doing
things. In the usual consumer-provider idiom, the provider pushes as
many items as possible into the channel, waiting only if there is
insufficient space in the channel; it doesn't wait for empty. So the
usual idiom would be:
provider (to push one item):
pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );
while ( ! spaceAvailable() ) {
pthread_cond_wait( &spaceAvailableCondition, &mutex );
pthread_cond_signal( &itemAvailableCondition );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );
and on the consumer side, to get an item:
pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex );
while ( ! itemAvailable() ) {
pthread_cond_wait( &itemAvailableCondition, &mutex );
pthread_cond_signal( &spaceAvailableCondition );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex );
Note that for each condition, one side signals, and the other waits. (I
don't see any wait in your consumer.) And if there is more than one
process on either side, I'd recommend using pthread_cond_broadcast,
rather than pthread_cond_signal.
There are a number of other issues in your code. Some of them look more
like typos: you should copy/paste actual code to avoid this. Do you
really mean to read and pop mGeneratedValues, when you push into
mGeneratedNumber, and check whether that is empty? (If you actually
do have two different queues, then you're popping from a queue where no
one has pushed.) And you don't have any loops waiting for the
conditions; you keep iterating through the number of elements you
expect (incrementing the counter each time, so you're likely to
gerninate long before you should)—I can't see an infinite loop,
but I can readily see a endless wait in pthread_cond_wait in the
producer. I don't see a core dump off hand, but what happens when one
of the processes terminates (probably the consumer, because it never
waits for anything); if it ends up destroying the mutex or the condition
variables, you could get a core dump when another process attempts to
use them.

In producer, call pthread_cond_wait only when queue is not empty. Otherwise you get blocked forever due to a race condition.

You might want to consider taking mutex only after condition is fulfilled, e.g.
while true
while true

Here is a solution to a similar problem like you. In this program producer produces a no and writes it to a array(buffer) and a maintains a file then update a status(status array) about it, while on getting data in the array(buffer) consumers start to consume(read and write to their file) and update a status that it has consumed. when producer looks that both the consumer has consumed the data it overrides the data with a new value and goes on. for convenience here i have restricted the code to run for 2000 nos.
// Producer-consumer //
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <pthread.h>
#define MAX 100
using namespace std;
int dataCount = 2000;
int buffer_g[100];
int status_g[100];
void *producerFun(void *);
void *consumerFun1(void *);
void *consumerFun2(void *);
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t dataNotProduced = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t dataNotConsumed = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
int main()
for(int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
status_g[i] = 0;
pthread_t producerThread, consumerThread1, consumerThread2;
int retProducer = pthread_create(&producerThread, NULL, producerFun, NULL);
int retConsumer1 = pthread_create(&consumerThread1, NULL, consumerFun1, NULL);
int retConsumer2 = pthread_create(&consumerThread2, NULL, consumerFun2, NULL);
pthread_join(producerThread, NULL);
pthread_join(consumerThread1, NULL);
pthread_join(consumerThread2, NULL);
return 0;
void *producerFun(void *)
//file to write produced data by producer
const char *producerFileName = "producer.txt";
ofstream producerFile(producerFileName);
int index = 0, producerCount = 0;
if(index == MAX)
index = 0;
if(status_g[index] == 0)
static int data = 0;
cout << "Produced: " << data << endl;
buffer_g[index] = data;
producerFile << data << endl;
status_g[index] = 5;
index ++;
producerCount ++;
cout << ">> Producer is in wait.." << endl;
pthread_cond_wait(&dataNotConsumed, &mutex);
if(producerCount == dataCount)
return NULL;
void *consumerFun1(void *)
const char *consumerFileName = "consumer1.txt";
ofstream consumerFile(consumerFileName);
int index = 0, consumerCount = 0;
if(index == MAX)
index = 0;
if(status_g[index] != 0 && status_g[index] != 2)
int data = buffer_g[index];
cout << "Cosumer1 consumed: " << data << endl;
consumerFile << data << endl;
status_g[index] -= 3;
index ++;
consumerCount ++;
cout << "Consumer1 is in wait.." << endl;
pthread_cond_wait(&dataNotProduced, &mutex);
if(consumerCount == dataCount)
return NULL;
void *consumerFun2(void *)
const char *consumerFileName = "consumer2.txt";
ofstream consumerFile(consumerFileName);
int index = 0, consumerCount = 0;
if(index == MAX)
index = 0;
if(status_g[index] != 0 && status_g[index] != 3)
int data = buffer_g[index];
cout << "Consumer2 consumed: " << data << endl;
consumerFile << data << endl;
status_g[index] -= 2;
index ++;
consumerCount ++;
cout << ">> Consumer2 is in wait.." << endl;
pthread_cond_wait(&dataNotProduced, &mutex);
if(consumerCount == dataCount)
return NULL;
Here is only one problem that producer in not independent to produce, that is it needs to take lock on the whole array(buffer) before it produces new data, and if the mutex is locked by consumer it waits for that and vice versa, i am trying to look for it.


If statement passes only when preceded by debug cout line (multi-threading in C)

I created this code to use for solving CPU intensive tasks real-time and potentially as a base for a game engine in the future. For it I created a system where there is an array of ints each thread modifies to signal whether they are done with their current task.
The problem occurs when running it with more than 4 threads. When using 6 threads or more, the "if (threadone_private == threadcount)" stops working UNLESS I add this debug line "cout << threadone_private << endl;" before it.
I cannot comprehend why this debug line makes any difference on whether the if conditional functions as expected, neither why it works without it when using 4 threads or less.
For this code I'm using:
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
Right now this code only counts up to 60 trillion, in asynchronous steps of 3 billion, really fast.
Here are the relevant parts of the code:
int thread_done[6] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0 };
atomic<long long int> testvar1 = 0;
atomic<long long int> testvar2 = 0;
atomic<long long int> testvar3 = 0;
atomic<long long int> testvar4 = 0;
atomic<long long int> testvar5 = 0;
atomic<long long int> testvar6 = 0;
void task1(long long int testvar, int thread_number)
int continue_work = 1;
for (; ; ) {
while (continue_work == 1) {
for (int i = 1; i < 3000000001; i++) {
thread_done[thread_number] = 1;
if (thread_number==0) {
testvar1 = testvar;
if (thread_number == 1) {
testvar2 = testvar;
if (thread_number == 2) {
testvar3 = testvar;
if (thread_number == 3) {
testvar4 = testvar;
if (thread_number == 4) {
testvar5 = testvar;
if (thread_number == 5) {
testvar6 = testvar;
continue_work = 0;
if (thread_done[thread_number] == 0) {
continue_work = 1;
And here is the relevant part of the main thread:
int main() {
long long int testvar = 0;
int threadcount = 6;
int threadone_private = 0;
thread thread_1(task1, testvar, 0);
thread thread_2(task1, testvar, 1);
thread thread_3(task1, testvar, 2);
thread thread_4(task1, testvar, 3);
thread thread_5(task1, testvar, 4);
thread thread_6(task1, testvar, 5);
for (; ; ) {
if (threadcount == 0) {
for (int i = 1; i < 3000001; i++) {
cout << testvar << endl;
else {
while (testvar < 60000000000000) {
threadone_private = thread_done[0] + thread_done[1] + thread_done[2] + thread_done[3] + thread_done[4] + thread_done[5];
cout << threadone_private << endl;
if (threadone_private == threadcount) {
testvar = testvar1 + testvar2 + testvar3 + testvar4 + testvar5 + testvar6;
cout << testvar << endl;
thread_done[0] = 0;
thread_done[1] = 0;
thread_done[2] = 0;
thread_done[3] = 0;
thread_done[4] = 0;
thread_done[5] = 0;
I expected that since each worker thread only modifies one int out of the array threadone_private, and since the main thread only ever reads it until all worker threads are waiting, that this if (threadone_private == threadcount) should be bulletproof... Apparently I'm missing something important that goes wrong whenever I change this:
threadone_private = thread_done[0] + thread_done[1] + thread_done[2] + thread_done[3] + thread_done[4] + thread_done[5];
cout << threadone_private << endl;
if (threadone_private == threadcount) {
To this:
threadone_private = thread_done[0] + thread_done[1] + thread_done[2] + thread_done[3] + thread_done[4] + thread_done[5];
//cout << threadone_private << endl;
if (threadone_private == threadcount) {
Disclaimer: Concurrent code is quite complicated and easy to get wrong, so it's generally a good idea to use higher level abstractions. There are a whole lot of details that are easy to get wrong without ever noticing. You should think very carefully about doing such low-level programming if you're not an expert. Sadly C++ lacks good built-in high level concurrent constructs, but there are libraries out there that handle this.
It's unclear what the whole code is supposed to do anyhow to me. As far as I can see whether the code ever stops relies purely on timing - even if you did the synchronization correctly - which is completely non deterministic. Your threads could execute in such a way that thread_done is never all true.
But apart from that there is at least one correctness issue: You're reading and writing to int thread_done[6] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0 }; without synchronization. This is undefined behavior so the compiler can do what it wants.
What probably happens is that the compiler sees that it can cache the value of threadone_private since the thread never writes to it so the value cannot change (legally). The external call to std::cout means it can't be sure that the value isn't change behind its back so it has to read the value each iteration new (also std::cout uses locks which causes synchronization in most implementations which again limits what the compiler can assume).
I cannot see any std::mutex, std::condition_variable or variants of std::lock in your code. Doing multithreading without any of those will never succeed reliably. Because whenever multiple threads modify the same data, you need to make sure only one thread (including your main thread) has access to that data at any given time.
Edit: I noticed you use atomic. I do not have any experience with this, however I know using mutexes works reliably.
Therefore, you need to lock every access (read or write) to that data with a mutex like this:
std::mutex myMutex;
std::condition_variable myCondition;
int workersDone = 0;
/* main thread */
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(myMutex); //waits until mutex is locked.
while(workersDone != 2) {
myCondition.wait(lock); //the mutex is unlocked while waiting
std::cout << "the data is ready now" << std::endl;
} //the lock is destroyed, unlocking the mutex
/* Worker thread */
while(true) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(myMutex); //waits until mutex is locked
if(read_or_modify_a_piece_of_shared_data() == DATA_FINISHED) {
break; //lock leaves the scope, unlocks the mutex
prepare_everything_for_the_next_piece_of_shared_data(); //DO NOT access data here
//data is processed
myCondition.notify_one(); //no mutex here. This wakes up the waiting thread
I hope this gives you an idea on how to use mutexes and condition variables to gain thread safety.
Disclaimer: 100% pseudo code ;)

"Segmentation fault (core dumped)" while using pthread_create

So I've got a problem: when I trying to create the last thread it always says that core is dumped. Doesn't matter if I write to create 5 or 2 threads. Here is my code:
UPD: Now I can't do more than 3 threads and threads don't do functions that I want them to do(consume and produce)
UPD_2: Now I've go a message like that: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'terminate called recursively
terminate called recursively
Aborted (core dumped)
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <mutex>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <condition_variable>
#define NUM_THREADS 4
using namespace std;
struct thread_data
int thread_id;
int repeat;
class our_monitor{
int buffer[100];
mutex m;
int n = 0, lo = 0, hi = 0;
condition_variable in,out;
unique_lock<mutex> lk;
void insert(int val, int repeat)
in.wait(lk, [&]{return n <= 100-repeat;});
for(int i=0; i<repeat; i++)
buffer[hi] = val;
hi = (hi + 1) % 100; //ring buffer
n = n +1; //one more item in buffer
int remove(int repeat)
out.wait(lk, [&]{return n >= repeat;});
int val;
for(int i=0; i<repeat; i++)
val = buffer[lo];
lo = (lo + 1) % 100;
n -= 1;
return val;
our_monitor mon;
void* produce(void *threadarg)
struct thread_data *my_data;
my_data = (struct thread_data *) threadarg;
cout<<"IN produce after paramiters"<< my_data->repeat<<endl;
int item;
item = rand()%100 + 1;
mon.insert(item, my_data->repeat);
cout<< "Item: "<< item << " Was prodused by thread:"<< my_data->thread_id << endl;
void* consume(void *threadarg)
struct thread_data *my_data;
my_data = (struct thread_data *) threadarg;
cout<<"IN consume after paramiters"<< my_data->repeat<<endl;
int item;
item = mon.remove(my_data->repeat);
if(item) cout<< "Item: "<< item << " Was consumed by thread:"<< my_data->thread_id << endl;
int main()
our_monitor *mon = new our_monitor();
pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS];
thread_data td[NUM_THREADS];
int rc;
int i;
for( i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++ )
td[i].thread_id = i;
td[i].repeat = rand()%5 + 1;
if(i % 2 == 0)
cout << "main() : creating produce thread, " << i << endl;
rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, produce, (void*) &td[i]);
if (rc)
cout << "Error:unable to create thread," << rc << endl;
} else
cout << "main() : creating consume thread, " << i << endl;
rc = pthread_create(&threads[i], NULL, consume, (void *)&td[i]);
if (rc)
cout << "Error:unable to create thread," << rc << endl;
pthread_join(threads[0], NULL);
pthread_join(threads[1], NULL);
pthread_join(threads[2], NULL);
UPD: Now I can't do more than 3 threads and threads don't do functions that I want them to do(consume and produce)
UPD_2: Now I've go a message like that: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'terminate called recursively
terminate called recursively
Aborted (core dumped)
From cppref regarding std::condition_variable.wait(...)
"Calling this function if lock.mutex() is not locked by the current
thread is undefined behavior."
Unfortunately, the program doesn't crash on line 47, but on line 55, where you unlock the lock that wasn't locked.
Lock the lock when you enter your functions. I've done a quick check of the rest of your logic, and I'm like 85% sure it's otherwise ok.
While I have you here, this is not strictly necessary, but it's good practice. std::lock_guard and std::unique_lock automatically lock the mutex when it enters scope and unlock it when it leaves scope. This helps simplify exception handling and weird function returns. I recommend you get rid of lk as a member variable and use it as a scoped local variable instead.
void insert(int val, int repeat)
{ // Scoped. Somewhat pedantic in this case, but it's always best to signal after the mutex is unlocked
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(m);
in.wait(lk, [&]{return n <= 100-repeat;});
for(int i=0; i<repeat; i++)
buffer[hi] = val;
hi = (hi + 1) % 100; //ring buffer
n = n +1; //one more item in buffer
Ok, now for the final issue. The cool thing about producer/consumer is that we could produce and consume at the same time. However, we just locked our functions so this is no longer possible. What you can do now is move your condition lock/wait/unlock/work/signal inside the for loop
in pseudocode:
// produce:
while (true)
unique_lock lk(m)
wait(m, predicate)
produce 1
The is equivalent to using semaphores (which C++'11 stl doesn't have, but you can easily make your own as shown above.)
// produce:
semaphore in(100);
semaphore out(0);
while (true)
in.down(1) // Subtracts 1 from in.count. Blocks when in.count == 0 (meaning the buffer is full)
produce 1
out.up(1) // Adds 1 to out.count
When main ends, td goes out of scope and ceases to exist. But you passed pointers into it to threads. You need to make sure td continues to exist as long as any threads might be using it.

Dividing work between fixed number of threads with pthread

I have n number of jobs, which there is no shared resource between them, and mthreads. I want to efficiently divide number of jobs in threads in such a way that there is no idle thread untill everything is processed?
This is a prototype of my program:
class Job {
//constructor and other stuff
public: doWork();
struct JobParams{
int threadId;
Job job;
void* doWorksOnThread(void* job) {
JobParams* j = // cast argument
cout << "Thread #" << j->threadId << " started" << endl;
return (void*)0;
Then in my main file I have something like:
int main() {
vector<Job> jobs; // lets say it has 17 jobs
int numThreads = 4;
pthread_t* threads = new pthread_t[numThreads];
JobParams* jps = new JubParams[jobs.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < jobs.size(); i++) {
jps[i]->job = jobs[i];
for(int i = 0; i < numThread; i++) {
pthread_create(&t[i], null, doWorkOnThread, &jps[0])
//another for loop and call join on 4 threads...
return 0;
how can I efficiently make sure that there is no idle thread until all jobs are completed?
You'll need to add a loop to identify the threads that completed and then start new ones, making sure you always have up to 4 threads running.
Here is a very basic way to do that. Using a sleep as proposed could be a good start and will do the job (even if adding an extra delay before you'll figure out the last thread completed). Ideally, you should use a condition variable notified by the thread when job is done to wake up the main loop (then sleep instruction would be replaced by a wait condition instruction).
struct JobParams{
int threadId;
Job job;
std::atomic<bool> done; // flag to know when job is done, could also be an attribute of Job class!
void* doWorksOnThread(void* job) {
JobParams* j = // cast argument
cout << "Thread #" << j->threadId << " started" << endl;
j->done = true; // signal job completed
return (void*)0;
int main() {
std::map<JobParams*,pthread_t*> runningThreads; // to keep track of running jobs
for(int i = 0; i < jobs.size(); i++) {
jps[i]->job = jobs[i];
jps[i]->done = false; // mark as not done yet
while ( true )
vector<JobParams*> todo;
for( int i = 0; i < jobs.size(); i++ )
if ( !jps[i]->done )
if ( runningThreads.find(jps[i]) == runningThreads.end() )
todo.push_back( &jps[i] ); // job not started yet, mask as to be done
// else, a thread is already processing the job and did not complete it yet
if ( runningThreads.find(jps[i]) != runningThreads.end() )
// thread just completed the job!
// let's join to wait for the thread to end cleanly
// I'm not familiar with pthread, hope this is correct
void* res;
pthread_join(runningThreads[jps[i]], &res);
runningThreads.erase(jps[i]); // not running anymore
// else, job was already done and thread joined from a previous iteration
if ( todo.empty() && runningThreads.empty() )
break; // done all jobs
// some jobs remain undone
if ( runningThreads.size() < numThreads && !todo.empty() )
// some new threads shall be started...
int newThreadsToBeCreatedCount = numThreads - runningThreads.size();
// make sure you don't end up with too many threads running
if ( todo.size() > newThreadsToBeCreatedCount )
todo.resize( newThreadsToBeCreatedCount );
for ( auto jobParam : todo )
pthread_t* thread = runningThreads[&jobParam];
pthread_create(thread, null, doWorkOnThread, &jobParam );
// else: you already have 4 runnign jobs
// sanity check that everything went as expected:
assert( runningThreads.size() <= numThreads );
msleep( 100 ); // give a chance for some jobs to complete (100ms)
// adjust sleep duration if necessary
Note: I'm not very familiar with pthread. Hope the syntax is correct.

C++ Syncing threads in most elegant way

I am try to solve the following problem, I know there are multiple solutions but I'm looking for the most elegant way (less code) to solve it.
I've 4 threads, 3 of them try to write a unique value (0,1,or 2) to a volatile integer variable in an infinite loop, the forth thread try to read the value of this variable and print the value to the stdout also in an infinite loop.
I'd like to sync between the thread so the thread that writes 0 will be run and then the "print" thread and then the thread that writes 1 and then again the print thread, an so on...
So that finally what I expect to see at the output of the "print" thread is a sequence of zeros and then sequence of 1 and then 2 and then 0 and so on...
What is the most elegant and easy way to sync between these threads.
This is the program code:
volatile int value;
int thid[4];
int main() {
HANDLE handle[4];
for (int ii=0;ii<4;ii++) {
handle[ii] = (HANDLE) CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) ThreadProc, &thid[ii], 0, NULL);
return 0;
void WINAPI ThreadProc( LPVOID param ) {
int h=*((int*)param);
switch (h) {
case 3:
while(true) {
cout << value << endl;
while(true) {
// setting a unique value to the volatile variable
your problem can be solved with the producer consumer pattern.
I got inspired from Wikipedia so here is the link if you want some more details.
I used a random number generator to generate the volatile variable but you can change that part.
Here is the code: it can be improved in terms of style (using C++11 for random numbers) but it produces what you expect.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <chrono>
#include <stdlib.h> /* srand, rand */
using namespace std;
//random number generation
std::mutex mutRand;//mutex for random number generation (given that the random generator is not thread safe).
int GenerateNumber()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mutRand);
return rand() % 3;
// print function for "thread safe" printing using a stringstream
void print(ostream& s) { cout << s.rdbuf(); cout.flush(); s.clear(); }
// Constants
const int num_producers = 3; //the three producers of random numbers
const int num_consumers = 1; //the only consumer
const int producer_delay_to_produce = 10; // in miliseconds
const int consumer_delay_to_consume = 30; // in miliseconds
const int consumer_max_wait_time = 200; // in miliseconds - max time that a consumer can wait for a product to be produced.
const int max_production = 1; // When producers has produced this quantity they will stop to produce
const int max_products = 1; // Maximum number of products that can be stored
// Variables
atomic<int> num_producers_working(0); // When there's no producer working the consumers will stop, and the program will stop.
stack<int> products; // The products stack, here we will store our products
mutex xmutex; // Our mutex, without this mutex our program will cry
condition_variable is_not_full; // to indicate that our stack is not full between the thread operations
condition_variable is_not_empty; // to indicate that our stack is not empty between the thread operations
// Functions
// Produce function, producer_id will produce a product
void produce(int producer_id)
while (true)
unique_lock<mutex> lock(xmutex);
int product;
is_not_full.wait(lock, [] { return products.size() != max_products; });
product = GenerateNumber();
print(stringstream() << "Producer " << producer_id << " produced " << product << "\n");
// Consume function, consumer_id will consume a product
void consume(int consumer_id)
while (true)
unique_lock<mutex> lock(xmutex);
int product;
if(is_not_empty.wait_for(lock, chrono::milliseconds(consumer_max_wait_time),
[] { return products.size() > 0; }))
product =;
print(stringstream() << "Consumer " << consumer_id << " consumed " << product << "\n");
// Producer function, this is the body of a producer thread
void producer(int id)
for(int i = 0; i < max_production; ++i)
print(stringstream() << "Producer " << id << " has exited\n");
// Consumer function, this is the body of a consumer thread
void consumer(int id)
// Wait until there is any producer working
while(num_producers_working == 0) this_thread::yield();
while(num_producers_working != 0 || products.size() > 0)
print(stringstream() << "Consumer " << id << " has exited\n");
// Main
int main()
vector<thread> producers_and_consumers;
// Create producers
for(int i = 0; i < num_producers; ++i)
producers_and_consumers.push_back(thread(producer, i));
// Create consumers
for(int i = 0; i < num_consumers; ++i)
producers_and_consumers.push_back(thread(consumer, i));
// Wait for consumers and producers to finish
for(auto& t : producers_and_consumers)
return 0;
Hope that helps, tell me if you need more info or if you disagree with something :-)
And Good Bastille Day to all French people!
If you want to synchronise the threads, then using a sync object to hold each of the threads in a "ping-pong" or "tick-tock" pattern.
In C++ 11 you can use condition variables, the example here shows something similar to what you are asking for.

How do I reverse set_value() and 'deactivate' a promise?

I have a total n00b question here on synchronization. I have a 'writer' thread which assigns a different value 'p' to a promise at each iteration. I need 'reader' threads which wait for shared_futures of this value and then process them, and my question is how do I use future/promise to ensure that the reader threads wait for a new update of 'p' before performing their processing task at each iteration? Many thanks.
You can "reset" a promise by assigning it to a blank promise.
myPromise = promise< int >();
A more complete example:
promise< int > myPromise;
void writer()
for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i )
cout << "Setting promise.\n";
myPromise.set_value( i );
myPromise = promise< int >{}; // Reset the promise.
cout << "Waiting to set again...\n";
this_thread::sleep_for( chrono::seconds( 1 ));
void reader()
int result;
auto myFuture = myPromise.get_future();
cout << "Waiting to receive result...\n";
result = myFuture.get();
cout << "Received " << result << ".\n";
} while( result < 9 );
int main()
std::thread write( writer );
std::thread read( reader );
return 0;
A problem with this approach, however, is that synchronization between the two threads can cause the writer to call promise::set_value() more than once between the reader's calls to future::get(), or future::get() to be called while the promise is being reset. These problems can be avoided with care (e.g. with proper sleeping between calls), but this takes us into the realm of hacking and guesswork rather than logically correct concurrency.
So although it's possible to reset a promise by assigning it to a fresh promise, doing so tends to raise broader synchronization issues.
A promise/future pair is designed to carry only a single value (or exception.). To do what you're describing, you probably want to adopt a different tool.
If you wish to have multiple threads (your readers) all stop at a common point, you might consider a barrier.
The following code demonstrates how the producer/consumer pattern can be implemented with future and promise.
There are two promise variables, used by a producer and a consumer thread. Each thread resets one of the two promise variables and waits for the other one.
#include <iostream>
#include <future>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
// produces integers from 0 to 99
void producer(promise<int>& dataready, promise<void>& consumed)
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
// do some work here ...
consumed = promise<void>{}; // reset
dataready.set_value(i); // make data available
consumed.get_future().wait(); // wait for the data to be consumed
dataready.set_value(-1); // no more data
// consumes integers
void consumer(promise<int>& dataready, promise<void>& consumed)
for (;;) {
int n = dataready.get_future().get(); // wait for data ready
if (n >= 0) {
std::cout << n << ",";
dataready = promise<int>{}; // reset
consumed.set_value(); // mark data as consumed
// do some work here ...
int main(int argc, const char*argv[])
promise<int> dataready{};
promise<void> consumed{};
thread th1([&] {producer(dataready, consumed); });
thread th2([&] {consumer(dataready, consumed); });
std::cout << "\n";
return 0;