Set domain for cookie (localhost) in IE - cookies

I need to set cookie's domain for localhost and I'm using internet explorer. I tried:
Response.Cookies["MyCookie"].Domain = ".local";
but it didn't work, because cookies value and domain are later set to null. Any idea?

I suppose this question is related to your local development environment. localhost does not map to the local domain, e.g. pinging localhost.local should not work.
In Windows environments I successfully worked with domain cookies by updating the hosts file with a statement like this: localhost
Now you can point your browser to and set the cookie's domain property to You may need to make this FQDN available to your runtime (in e.g. Tomcat it worked out of the box).


How to make a cookie available to all paths in a domain?

I created a cookie in a java filter and added back to the response
before returning to the client node.js application. This web application is accessed using a localhost URL in the browser. After reading about cookie domain issue while using 'localhost', i did not set any domain or path in the cookie, while creating it.
Now the Chrome or Firefox browsers don't show-up the cookie in the browser. All my URLs are http://localhost but, each page having different path.
Step 1: During a request to http://localhost/app/login cookie is created and set in the response
Step 2: When the page loads after response, no cookies are shown in Chrome
Step 3: During the next request http://localhost/app/customer the previously created cookie is not recieved when trying request.getCookies().
Step 4: Before returning back to client application, a cookie is created
Step 5: Now the cookie created in Step 4 is shown in Chrome
Step 6: The next request is also sent to http://localhost/app/customer , now the cookie created in step 4 is recieved in the server as well
If cookie creation for localhost is an issue, how does it work for Steps 4-6 only ?
How can i make the created cookie available to all paths under the
localhost domain ? I tried using cookie.addPath("/") but, no change.
Note: Due to admin privilege issues in my development machine, i am not able to set-up a domain name to my localhost IP in etc/hosts file.
In your Java server, you should call cookie.setPath("/") before adding it to response.
Such cookie will match all request URIs. It's a pity that it is not the default behavior.
I have a more detailed explanation of cookie path here -
Not sure path is the issue. Path does not affect whether a cookie is created; it only determines whether it is presented. If cookies aren't showing up in the browser's cookie jar they are being rejected for some reason other than path.
Chrome will not accept cookies for localhost because it does not accept cookies in the top level domain. The domain in the URL has to have a dot in it somewhere. So you could either add a hosts entry (recommended) or just trying using instead of localhost.
Also, none of this will work if the cookie is marked as secure or is being set with a domain attribute. If either of those is the case, you MUST use a hosts entry instead of localhost or

How do I stop re-directs to another website?

I created my own local website(to run in my localhost) called But when I key that in a browser, it is redirecting to someone else's I want to prevent this and view my How do I do this? I am using apache webserver
I think the problem cames from the browser: since third level domain "www." browsers now a days are trying to add that domain to the URL. To solve that try to type all the address adding also http://.
If still not working you should try to use a local DNS: add the alias in your /etc/resolv.conf to the line starting with appending the domain name separated with a space(in UNIX systems).

Django- session cookies and sites on multiple ports

I have multiple Django projects running on one server using gunicorn and nginx. Currently they are each configured to run on a unique port of the same IP address using the server directive in nginx. All this works fine.
server {
listen 81;
server_name my.ip.x.x;
... #static hosting and reverse proxy to site1
server {
listen 84;
server_name my.ip.x.x;
... #static hosting and reverse proxy to site2
I came across a problem when I had 2 different projects open in 2 tabs and I realized that I could not be logged into both sites at once (both use the built-in Django User model and auth). Upon inspecting the cookies saved in my browser, I realized that the cookie is bound to just the domain name (in my case just an ip address) and it does not include the port.
On the second site, I tried changing SESSION_COOKIE_NAME annd SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN, but it doesn't seem to be working and with these current settings I can't even log in.
SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = 'my.ip.x.x:84' #solution is to leave this as default
SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = 'site2' #just using this works
SESSION_COOKIE_PATH = '/' #solution is to leave this as default
#site1 is using all default values for these
What do I need to do to get cookies for both sites working independently?
Just change the SESSION_COOKIE_NAME. The SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN doesn't support port numbers afaik. So they are all the same for your apps.
Another solution that doesn't require hard-coding different cookie names for each site is to write a middleware that changes the cookie name based on the port the request came in on.
Here's a simple version (just a few lines of code).

How to stop domain cookies being used for subdomains?

I have a setup with the following domains:
There is one problem (tested on Internet Explorer):
if some cookie is set for, this cookie is also effective for even if I set a cookie with the same name for
More specific examople:
1) the user chooses his prefered language on website and I set the cookie usrlng=en
2) next day someone else uses the same computer, naviagtes to and chooses his language, and I set the usrlng=de. But Internet Explorer keeps sending both cookies usrlng=en and usrlng=de to the server (I see this in Fiddler)! Why is it sending the same cookie twice and not overriding 'usrlng' with the subdomain value?
At the same time I see that PHPSESSID is being overwritten correctly for the subdomain, there are no two PHPSESSID cookies being sent to the server.
How can I fix the usrlng cookie and make it work the same way as PHPSESSID works?
You can also set a different save_path for each... so they don't share the sessions.
PHP example:
$subdomain = array_shift(explode('.',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']));
PHP needs access to write in the sessions directory.
For now I solved the problem by setting the 'host' of the cookie instead of 'domain'; 'host' property allowed to limit the cookie to or
Maybe that is the only way to go and 'domain' cannot be set up to oveeride top level domain cookies.

Is it possible to read a cookie from a different sub-domain? If so, how?

I'm currently doing development on a site for a client. This site will be hosted on a subdomain of the client's main site. The client's main site is
and the site I'm working on will be hosted at
Anyone who visits will have a cookie written to their machine which contains data specifying the user's region. I need that data on my site. Is it possible for me to get access to this cookie?
Yes, so long as the cookie is set for domain "" (note the leading "."). This makes the cookie available to all subdomains of
On the other hand, if the domain is "", the cookie is only visible to the www subdomain.
I believe if you create a cookie with domain name: it will be accessible across all sub domains.