django form: Passing parameter from to forms gives out error - django

Newbie question:
I need to accept a parameter in a form from a method in but it gave me troubles. In the view I created a method with following snippet:
def scan_page(request):
myClient = request.user.get_profile().client
form = WirelessScanForm(client = myClient) # pass parameter to the form
and in the I defined the following form:
class WirelessScanForm(forms.ModelForm):
time = forms.DateTimeField(label="Schedule Time", widget=AdminSplitDateTime())
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
myClient = kwargs.pop("client") # client is the parameter passed from
super(WirelessScanForm, self).__init__(*args,**kwargs)
prob = forms.ChoiceField(label="Sniffer", choices=[ x.sniffer.plug_ip for x in Sniffer.objects.filter(client = myClient) ])
But django keeps giving me error saying: TemplateSyntaxError: Caught NameError while rendering: name 'myClient' is not defined(This error happens in the query)
I'm afraid it would be something stupid missing here, but I cannot really figure out why. Please help, thanks.

Assuming I've corrected your formatting properly, you have an indentation issue: prob is outside __init__, so doesn't have access to the local myClient variable.
However if you bring it inside the method, it still won't work, as there are two other issues: first, simply assigning a field to a variable won't set it on the form; and second, the choices attribute needs a list of 2-tuples, not just a flat list. What you need is this:
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
myClient = kwargs.pop("client") # client is the parameter passed from
super(WirelessScanForm, self).__init__(*args,**kwargs)
self.fields['prob'] = forms.ChoiceField(label="Sniffer", choices=[(x.plug_ip, x.MY_DESCRIPTIVE_FIELD) for x in Sniffer.objects.filter(client = myClient)])
Obviously replace MY_DESCRIPTIVE_FIELD with the actual field you want displayed in the choices.


Passing a variable defined in previous form to another form

So I have this flask app I'm making and I need some help with a variable access.
Most of the time, when you define a form in flask, you'll do the following :
class MyForm(Form):
my_field = StringField('I'm a field')
my_submit = SubmitField('Go!')
And when the time comes where you need the form, you'll declare an instance of that class with form = MyForm()
Up to here, it's all good, However :
If you want say, a SelectField (Dropdown) where the choices depend on the answers of a previous form, you need to be able to give the new form those choices. This is what I'm trying to achieve, but I can't get a variable to keep its contents.
Here is my Form code (Above the page code):
class DataMappingForm(Form):
dm_choices = #I need this array !
DMpatient_id = SelectField(u'Select Patient ID Column',
choices=dm_choices, validators=[Required()])
Here is my Page code :
#app.route('/upload', methods=['GET','POST'])
def upload():
uform = SomeOtherForm()
if uform.is_submitted() and['Usubmit']:
#Do stuff from previous form
# and declare array_of_choices
dmform = DataMappingForm() #Needs array_of_choices to work
What I've tried so far :
session['dm_choices'] gives me a working outside of request context error
global variables, get reset for some reason
overloading the __init__ of Form by adding the array but i can't access it in the parts above the __init__ function.
I should mention, this all needs to be on the same page.
Is there a way to pass this array_of_choices to my DataMappingForm class ?
EDIT This is what it looked like when I trid the __init__ overload:
class DataMappingForm(Form):
def __init__(self, dm_choices, *args, **kwargs):
self.dm_choices = dm_choices
Form.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
DMpatient_id = SelectField(u'Select Patient ID Column',
choices=dm_choices, validators=[Required()])
#I've tried putting it above or below, I get 'dm_choices is not defined'
I've Got it ! Thanks to #synonym for pointing me in the right direction with your last link.
All you need to do is declare a function in which the class is defined. You then pass the variable to the function, and it will be accessible within the class.
Finally, make the function return the form object.
Example :
def makeMyForm(myArray):
def class MyForm(Form):
my_select_field = SelectField(u'I'm a select field', choices=myArray)
my_submit = SubmitField(u'Go!')
return MyForm()
And to make the form, you use :
form = makeMyForm(theArrayYouWant)
And VoilĂ  !
Note : As I've had the problem before, I'll mention that the Array is composed of tuples :
myArray = [('value','What you see'),('value2','What you see again')]
If you want to dynamically change the choices of a SelectField the following should work:
class DataMappingForm(Form):
def __init__(self, choices)
self.DMpatient_id.choices = choices
DMpatient_id = SelectField(u'Select Patient ID Column') #note that choices is absent
If you want fully dynamic fields you can create the class dynamically in a function. From the WTForms Documentation:
def my_view():
class F(MyBaseForm):
F.username = StringField('username')
for name in iterate_some_model_dynamically():
setattr(F, name, StringField(name.title()))
form = F(request.POST, ...)
# do view stuff
In that case you can customize the form as much as you want. Of course in the case you only want to customize the choices the first approach should be enough.

Django CBV - dealing with optional parameters in URLs

I have a Class Based View to list animals from a specific herd. There are multiple herds, so the user can either see all animals from ONE herd, or all animals from ALL herds.
How do I have an optional URL parameter and handle it in the CBV?
url(r'list/(?P<hpk>[0-9]+)/$', AnimalList.as_view(), name = 'animal_list'),
url(r'list/$', AnimalList.as_view(), name = 'animal_list'),
My view:
class AnimalList(ListView):
model = Animal
def get_queryset(self):
if self.kwargs is None:
return Animal.objects.all()
return Animal.objects.filter(herd = self.kwargs['hpk']) # <--- line 19 that returns an error
Going to a URL of like /animals/list/3/ works fine, while /animals/list/ fails with an error. Here's that error:
KeyError at /animals/list/
Request Method: GET
Request URL: http://localhost:8000/animals/list/
Django Version: 1.8.2
Exception Type: KeyError
Exception Value:
Exception Location: /var/www/registry/animals/ in get_queryset, line 19
I get that the self.kwargs is a dictionary, and when I print() it inside the view, it'll show it's empty. But I can't figure out how to capture that scenario. I feel like this is a simple, stupid error I'm missing.
To anyone who may stumble on this and need an answer, here is my working code after figuring it out:
class AnimalList(ListView):
model = Animal
def get_queryset(self):
if 'hpk' in self.kwargs:
return Animal.objects.filter(herd = self.kwargs['hpk'])
return Animal.objects.all()
Essentially we test to see if the URL parameter hpk is present in the list of self.kwargs. If it is, we filter the queryset. Otherwise, we return all animals.
Hope this helps someone :)
I would implement this using GET parameters instead of separate URLs. With this approach, there is only one URL /list/ that is filtered by parameters, for example /list/?hpk=1.
This is more flexible as you can eventually add more queries /list/?hpk=1&origin=europe
#url(r'list/$', AnimalList.as_view(), name = 'animal_list'),
class AnimalList(ListView):
model = Animal
def get_queryset(self):
queryset = Animal.objects.all()
hpk = self.request.GET.get("hpk"):
if hpk:
queryset = queryset.filter(herd=hpk)
# Display error message
return queryset

How to dynamically update the 'initial' value in a Form ChoiceField

I have a Form with the following field:
image_choices = []
images = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Images"), choices=image_choices, initial="")
I need to be able to update the value of the 'initial' attribute, after I learn what that value should be.
Currently, I have this assignment done within the __init__:
def __init__(self, request, image_choices=image_choices,
flavor_choices=flavor_choices, args, *kwargs):
super(UpdateWorkload, self).__init__(request, args, *kwargs)
selected_image = selected_workload['image']
self.fields['images'].initial = selected_image
I do not get any errors, and, when printed, the value is there,
but, in the actual form on the screen,
I still get my default list, and no specific items are selected, as per self.fields['images'].initial = str(selected_image)
How can I fix that?
After all, using this approach:
self.fields['images'].initial = selected_image
self.fields['flavors'].initial = selected_flavor
is working. The only thing I did differently was changing my backend from django restframework to tastypie

Django ValidationError

According to
# Good
_('Invalid value: %(value)s'),
params={'value': '42'},
# Bad
ValidationError(_('Invalid value: %s') % value)
The docs doesnt really explain why it is bad / good. Can someone give a concrete example?
Furthermore, when I inspect form.errors, I get something like 'Invalid: %(value)s'. How do I get the params from the Validation error and interpolate them into the error msg?
So is this considered good?
_('Invalid value: %(value)s') % {'value': '42'},
I think the real question is: why pass the variables separately via the params argument? Why not interpolate directly into the error msg (ignore named or positional interpolation for now)???
Ok, From the source #
I don't think there is any way to retrieve ValidationError's params since the Form does not even save the ValidationError object itself. See code below.
class ValidationError(Exception):
"""An error while validating data."""
def __init__(self, message, code=None, params=None):
import operator
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
ValidationError can be passed any object that can be printed (usually
a string), a list of objects or a dictionary.
if isinstance(message, dict):
self.message_dict = message
# Reduce each list of messages into a single list.
message = reduce(operator.add, message.values())
if isinstance(message, list):
self.messages = [force_text(msg) for msg in message]
self.code = code
self.params = params
message = force_text(message)
self.messages = [message]
class Form:
def _clean_fields(...):
except ValidationError as e:
self._errors[name] = self.error_class(e.messages) # Save messages ONLY
if name in self.cleaned_data:
del self.cleaned_data[name]
If you have multiple parameters, they might appear in a different order when you translate the error message.
Named arguments allow you to change the order in which the arguments appear, without changing params. With a tuple of arguments, the order is fixed.
Note that you are linking to the development version of the Django docs. The validation error is not interpolating the parameters because you are using Django 1.5 or earlier. If you try your code in the 1.6 beta, then the parameters are interpolated into the error message.
ValidationError is caught by the form validation routine and though it can just show a message, it's better to save the possibility of getting params of error; eg. field name, value that caused error and so on. It's stated just before the example you've provided.
In order to make error messages flexible and easy to override

django - how can I clean variable data passed by an url?

When I'm using a form I clean field data using Django forms but how do you clean variable data that's passed by an URL?
For example I have an URL like this: where my-tag is the variable that I'm passing to a function on my
I tried to use a Django form to clean the data but I'm getting en error saying "'TagForm' object has no attribute 'cleaned_data'".
I know my-form variable is reaching the tags function in the since I'm able to show its content on a template so the problem is probably with the way I'm using the form.
def tags(request, my-tag):
tagform = TagForm(request.GET)
cleaned_dt = tagform.cleaned_data
form_tag = cleaned_dt['tag']
class TagForm(forms.Form):
tag = forms.CharField()
Any ideas?
The cleaned_data dictionary attribute appears after you call is_valid method on your form.
def tags(request, my-tag):
tagform = TagForm(request.GET)
if tagform.is_valid():
cleaned_dt = tagform.cleaned_data
form_tag = cleaned_dt['tag']
return render(request, "may_template.html", {"form":tagform})
You are creating a TagForm with a request object, but you're not giving the TagForm the value of my-tag anywhere that I can see.
The /my-tag/ section of the URL isn't a request parameter. It's part of the url, and presumably passed to the view function as my-tag (you might want to rename it my_tag to be more Pythonic).
You can simple create a dict object to initialize to Form object instead of request.GET. An example is here.
data = {'tag': my_tag,
'anotherIfNecessary': 'Hi there'}
tagform = TagForm(data)
Basically, the dictionary used to populate a form object must contain a mapping of form field names to the value you wish to set it at.
In this case, you have a form field name of "tag" and want to set it to my-tag (are you sure you don't get a syntax error with the dash in the variable name? I do...). I've corrected my example.