Analyse format of alpha-numeric string - regex

I'm trying to write a function that takes in a string, parses it, and returns another string that summarizes the number of consecutive alpha or numeric characters in the original string.
For example, the string 999aa45bbx would return 3N2A2N3A,
3 numbers,
followed by 2 alpha,
by 2 numbers,
by 3 alpha.
I'm using the function to analyze formats of insurance policy ID numbers. So far, I've found solutions online that extract either alpha or numeric characters, but nothing that describes the format or order in which these characters exist in the original string.
Can anyone help?

A regexp like this will do the job
press altf11 together to go the VBE
Insert Module
copy and paste the code below
press altf11 together to go back to Excel
then you can use the function (which also detects invalid strings) within Excel, ie in B1
Function AlphaNumeric(strIn As String) As String
Dim objRegex As Object
Dim objRegMC As Object
Dim objRegM As Object
Dim strOut As String
Set objRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With objRegex
.Global = True
.ignorecase = True
.Pattern = "[^\w]"
If .test(strIn) Then
AlphaNumeric = "One or more characters is invalid"
.Pattern = "(\d+|[a-z]+)"
Set objRegMC = .Execute(strIn)
For Each objRegM In objRegMC
strOut = strOut & (objRegM.Length & IIf(IsNumeric(objRegM), "N", "A"))
AlphaNumeric = strOut
End If
End With
End Function

Old school, looping through all characters in the string:
Function IdentifyCharacterSequences(s As String) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim charCounter As Long
Dim currentCharType As String
Dim sOut As String
sOut = ""
charCounter = 1
currentCharType = CharType(Mid(s, 1, 1))
For i = 2 To Len(s)
If (Not CharType(Mid(s, i, 1)) = currentCharType) Or (i = Len(s)) Then
sOut = sOut & charCounter & currentCharType
currentCharType = CharType(Mid(s, i, 1))
charCounter = 1
charCounter = charCounter + 1
End If
Next i
IdentifyCharacterSequences = sOut
End Function
This uses the following helper function. Note that non-alphanumeric characters are identified using the letter "X". You can easily modify this to suit your purposes.
Function CharType(s As String) As String
If s Like "[A-z]" Then
CharType = "A"
ElseIf s Like "[0-9]" Then
CharType = "N"
CharType = "X"
'Or raise an error if non-alphanumerical chars are unacceptable.
End If
End Function
Usage example:


Break String into individual elements and test for type of Character - NUM - LETTER - SPECIAL - Excel VBA

I need to figure out how I can test each character in the string to see if it is a number/letter/special character.
My question is, how can I break a string and test each individual character to see if the character is a number/letter/special character
var = 1S#
Result1 = Num
Result2 = Alpha
Result3 = Special
If you mean
escaping user input that is to be treated as a literal string within a
regular expression—that would otherwise be mistaken for a special
Then you can replace it with given regular expression:
So I got it to work by combining a few different posts on SO. This code breaks the string in an array and then checks each one for num/alpha/special and has a special case for *.
Split string into array of characters?
Regex Expression to check if there are any special characters in string like(!,#<#,$,%<^< etc)
How to use Regular Expressions (Regex) in Microsoft Excel both in-cell and loops
Sub test()
'''Special Character Section'''
Dim special_charArr() As String
Dim special_char As String
special_char = "!,#,#,$,%,^,&,*,+,/,\,;,:"
special_charArr() = Split(special_char, ",")
'''Special Character Section'''
'''Alpha Section'''
Dim regexp As Object
Set regexp = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
Dim strPattern As String
strPattern = "([a-z])"
With regexp
.ignoreCase = True
.Pattern = strPattern
End With
'''Alpha Section'''
Dim buff() As String
my_string = "t3s!*"
ReDim buff(Len(my_string) - 1)
For i = 1 To Len(my_string)
buff(i - 1) = Mid$(my_string, i, 1)
char = buff(i - 1)
If IsNumeric(char) = True Then
MsgBox char & " = Number"
End If
For Each Key In special_charArr
special = InStr(char, Key)
If special = 1 Then
If Key <> "*" Then
MsgBox char & " = Special NOT *"
MsgBox char & " = *"
End If
End If
If regexp.test(char) Then
MsgBox char & " = Alpha"
End If
End Sub

VBA Find a string that has range of value in it with Regular Expression and replace with each value in that range

First of all, sorry for the long title. I just don't know how to put it succinctly. I am trying to do this in VBA as normal Excel will not cut it.
Basically, I have a column. Each cells may contain data in the format of something like
flat 10-14;Flat 18-19;unit 7-9;flat A-D;ABC;DEF;
What I need is to find the string that has "-" in it, and attempt to replace it with anything in between. so the above code will become
Flat 10, Flat 11; Flat 12, Flat 14;Flat 18, Flat 19;Unit 7, Unit 8, Unit 9;Flat A, Flat B, Flat C; ABC;DEF;
With the help of this article on RegExpression, I have managed to work out how to expand the bits of data with number, which I will post the code below. However, I don't know a good way to expand the data with the letter. i.e from Flat A-C to Flat A, Flat B, Flat C
My code is below, please feel free to give any pointers if you think it can be more efficient. I am very much an amateur at this. Thank you in advance.
Sub CallRegEx()
Dim r As Match
Dim mcolResults As MatchCollection
Dim strInput As String, strPattern As String
Dim test As String, StrOutput As String, prefix As String
Dim startno As Long, endno As Long
Dim myrange As Range
strPattern = "(Flat|Unit) [0-9]+-+[0-9]+"
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
lrow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 9).End(xlUp).Row
For Each x In .Range("A2:A" & lrow)
strInput = Range("A" & x.Row).Value
Set mcolResults = RegEx(strInput, strPattern, True, , True)
If Not mcolResults Is Nothing Then
StrOutput = strInput
For Each r In mcolResults
startno = Mid(r, (InStr(r, "-") - 2), 2)
endno = Mid(r, (InStr(r, "-") + 1))
prefix = Mid(r, 1, 4)
test = ""
For i = startno To endno - 1
test = test & prefix & " " & i & ","
Next i
test = test & prefix & " " & endno
'this is because I don't want the comma at the end of the last value
StrOutput = Replace(StrOutput, r, test)
Debug.Print r ' remove in production
Next r
End If
.Range("D" & x.Row).Value = StrOutput
Next x
End With
End Sub
This function below is to support the Sub above
Function RegEx(strInput As String, strPattern As String, _
Optional GlobalSearch As Boolean, Optional MultiLine As Boolean, _
Optional IgnoreCase As Boolean) As MatchCollection
Dim mcolResults As MatchCollection
Dim objRegEx As New RegExp
If strPattern <> vbNullString Then
With objRegEx
.Global = GlobalSearch
.MultiLine = MultiLine
.IgnoreCase = IgnoreCase
.Pattern = strPattern
End With
If objRegEx.test(strInput) Then
Set mcolResults = objRegEx.Execute(strInput)
Set RegEx = mcolResults
End If
End If
End Function
Letters have character codes that are ordinal (A < B < C ...) & these can be accessed via asc()/chr$() - here is one way to do it:
inputStr = "flat 10-14;Flat 18-19;unit 7-9;flat A-D;ABC;DEF;flat 6;flat T"
Dim re As RegExp: Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "(flat|unit)\s+((\d+)-(\d+)|([A-Z])-([A-Z]))"
re.Global = True
re.IgnoreCase = True
Dim m As MatchCollection
Dim start As Variant, fin As Variant
Dim tokens() As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim isDigit As Boolean
tokens = Split(inputStr, ";")
For i = 0 To UBound(tokens) '// loop over tokens
Set m = re.Execute(tokens(i))
If (m.Count) Then
With m.Item(0)
start = .SubMatches(2) '// first match number/letter
isDigit = Not IsEmpty(start) '// is letter or number?
If (isDigit) Then '// number
fin = .SubMatches(3)
Else '// letter captured as char code
start = Asc(.SubMatches(4))
fin = Asc(.SubMatches(5))
End If
tokens(i) = ""
'// loop over items
For j = start To fin
tokens(i) = tokens(i) & .SubMatches(0) & " " & IIf(isDigit, j, Chr$(j)) & ";"
End With
ElseIf i <> UBound(tokens) Then tokens(i) = tokens(i) & ";"
End If
Debug.Print Join(tokens, "")
flat 10;flat 11;flat 12;flat 13;flat 14;Flat 18;Flat 19;unit 7;unit 8;unit 9;flat A;flat B;flat C;flat D;ABC;DEF;flat 6;flat T

How to extract ad sizes from a string with excel regex

I am trying to extract ad sizes from string. The ad sizes are all set standard sizes. So while I'd prefer to have a regex that looks for a pattern, IE 3 numbers followed by 2 or 3 numbers, hard coding it will also work, since we know what the sizes will be. Here's an example of some of the ad sizes:
I was able to find some VBScript that I modified that almost works, but because my strings that I'm searching are inconsistent, it's pulling too much in some cases. For example:
You see how it's not matching correctly in every instance.
The VB code I found is actually matching everything EXCEPT that ad sizes. I don't know enough about VBScript to reverse it to just look for ad sizes and pull them. So instead it looks for all other text and removes it.
The code is below. Is there a way to fix the Regex so that it just returns the ad sizes?
Function getAdSize(Myrange As Range) As String
Dim regEx As New RegExp
Dim strPattern As String
Dim strInput As String
Dim strReplace As String
Dim strOutput As String
strPattern = "([^300x250|728x90])"
If strPattern <> "" Then
strInput = Myrange.Value
strReplace = ""
With regEx
.Global = True
.MultiLine = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = strPattern
End With
If regEx.Test(strInput) Then
getAdSize = regEx.Replace(strInput, strReplace)
getAdSize = "Not matched"
End If
End If
End Function
EDIT: Since it's not actually underscore delimited we can't use Split. We can however iterate over the string and extract the "#x#" manually. I have updated the code to reflect this and verified that it works successfully.
Public Function ExtractAdSize(ByVal arg_Text As String) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim Temp As String
Dim Ad As String
If arg_Text Like "*#x#*" Then
For i = 1 To Len(arg_Text) + 1
Temp = Mid(arg_Text & " ", i, 1)
If IsNumeric(Temp) Then
Ad = Ad & Temp
If Temp = "x" Then
Ad = Ad & Temp
If Ad Like "*#x#*" Then
ExtractAdSize = Ad
Exit Function
Ad = vbNullString
End If
End If
End If
Next i
End If
End Function
Alternate version of the same function using Select Case boolean logic instead of nested If statements:
Public Function ExtractAdSize(ByVal arg_Text As String) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim Temp As String
Dim Ad As String
If arg_Text Like "*#x#*" Then
For i = 1 To Len(arg_Text) + 1
Temp = Mid(arg_Text & " ", i, 1)
Select Case Abs(IsNumeric(Temp)) + Abs((Temp = "x")) * 2 + Abs((Ad Like "*#x#*")) * 4
Case 0: Ad = vbNullString 'Temp is not a number, not an "x", and Ad is not valid
Case 1, 2, 5: Ad = Ad & Temp 'Temp is a number or an "x"
Case 4, 6: ExtractAdSize = Ad 'Temp is not a number, Ad is valid
Exit Function
End Select
Next i
End If
End Function
I have managed to make about 95% of the required answer - the RegEx below will remove the DDDxDD size and would return the rest.
Option Explicit
Public Function regExSampler(s As String) As String
Dim regEx As Object
Dim inputMatches As Object
Dim regExString As String
Set regEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With regEx
.Pattern = "(([0-9]+)x([0-9]+))"
.IgnoreCase = True
.Global = True
Set inputMatches = .Execute(s)
If regEx.test(s) Then
regExSampler = .Replace(s, vbNullString)
regExSampler = s
End If
End With
End Function
Public Sub TestMe()
Debug.Print regExSampler("uni3uios3_300x250_ASDF.html")
Debug.Print regExSampler("uni3uios3_34300x25_ASDF.html")
Debug.Print regExSampler("uni3uios3_8x4_ASDF.html")
End Sub
E.g. you would get:
From here you can continue trying to find a way to reverse the display.
To go from the 95% to the 100%, I have asked a question here and it turns out that the conditional block should be changed to the following:
If regEx.test(s) Then
regExSampler = InputMatches(0)
regExSampler = s
End If
This formula could work if it's always 3 characters, then x, and it's always between underscores - adjust accordingly.
=iferror(mid(A1,search("_???x*_",A1)+1,search("_",A1,search("_???x*_",A1)+1)-(search("_???x*_",A1)+1)),"No match")

Excel UDF for capturing numbers within characters

I have a variable text field sitting in cell A1 which contains the following:
This format can keep repeating, but the pattern is always Text;#Number.
The numbers can vary from 1 digit to n digits (limit 7)
Original Value
Required value:
123, 3456, 78
The field is too variable for excel formulas from my understanding.
I tried using regexp but I am a beginner when it comes to coding. if you can break down the code with some explanation text, it would be much appreciated.
I have tried some of the suggestions below and they work perfectly. One more question.
Now that I can split the numbers from the text, is there any way to utilize the code below and add another layer, where we split the numbers into x cells.
For example: once we run the function, if we get 1234, 567 in the same cell, the function would put 1234 in cell B2, and 567 in cell C2. This would keep updating all cells in the same row until the string has exhausted all of the numbers that are retrieved from the function.
This is the John Coleman's suggested method:
Public Function GetTheNumbers(st As String) As String
ary = Split(st, ";#")
GetTheNumbers = ""
For Each a In ary
If IsNumeric(a) Then
If GetTheNumbers = "" Then
GetTheNumbers = a
GetTheNumbers = GetTheNumbers & ", " & a
End If
End If
Next a
End Function
If the pattern is fixed, and the location of the numbers never changes, you can assume the numbers will be located in the even places in the string. This means that in the array result of a split on the source string, you can use the odd indexes of the resulting array. For example in this string "Text;#Number;#Text;#Number" array indexes 1, 3 would be the numbers ("Text(0);#Number(1);#Text(2);#Number(3)"). I think this method is easier and safer to use if the pattern is indeed fixed, as it avoids the need to verify data types.
Public Function GetNums(src As String) As String
Dim arr
Dim i As Integer
Dim result As String
arr = Split(src, ";#") ' Split the string to an array.
result = ""
For i = 1 To UBound(arr) Step 2 ' Loop through the array, starting with the second item, and skipping one item (using Step 2).
result = result & arr(i) & ", "
If Len(result) > 2 Then
GetNums = Left(result, Len(result) - 2) ' Remove the extra ", " at the end of the the result string.
GetNums = ""
End If
End Function
The numbers can vary from 1 digit to n digits (limit 7)
None of the other responses seems to take the provided parameters into consideration so I kludged together a true regex solution.
Option Explicit
Option Base 0 '<~~this is the default but I've included it because it has to be 0
Function numsOnly(str As String, _
Optional delim As String = ", ")
Dim n As Long, nums() As Variant
Static rgx As Object, cmat As Object
'with rgx as static, it only has to be created once; beneficial when filling a long column with this UDF
If rgx Is Nothing Then
Set rgx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
End If
numsOnly = vbNullString
With rgx
.Global = True
.MultiLine = False
.Pattern = "[0-9]{1,7}"
If .Test(str) Then
Set cmat = .Execute(str)
'resize the nums array to accept the matches
ReDim nums(cmat.Count - 1)
'populate the nums array with the matches
For n = LBound(nums) To UBound(nums)
nums(n) = cmat.Item(n)
Next n
'convert the nums array to a delimited string
numsOnly = Join(nums, delim)
End If
End With
End Function
Regexp option that uses Replace
Sub Test()
Debug.Print StrOut("MyName;#123;#YourName;#3456;#HisName;#78")
End Sub
Option Explicit
Function StrOut(strIn As String) As String
Dim objRegex As Object
Set objRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With objRegex
.Pattern = "(^|.+?)(\d{1,7})"
.Global = True
If .Test(strIn) Then
StrOut = .Replace(strIn, "$2, ")
StrOut = Left$(StrOut, Len(StrOut) - 2)
StrOut = "Nothing"
End If
End With
End Function

match date pattern in the string vba excel

Since my string became more and more complicated looks like regexp is the only way.
I do not have a lot experience in that and your help is much appreciated.
Basically from what I read on the web I construct the following exp to try matching occurrence in my sample string:
"My very long long string 12Mar2012 is right here 23Apr2015"
[0-9][0-9] + [a-zA-Z] + [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]
and trying this code. I do not have any match. Any good link on regexp tutorial much appreciated.
Dim re, match, RegExDate
Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
re.Pattern = "(^[0-9][0-9] + [a-zA-Z] + [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$)"
re.Global = True
For Each match In re.Execute(str)
MsgBox match.Value
RegExDate = match.Value
Exit For
Thank you
This code validates the actual date from the Regexp using DateValuefor robustness
Sub Robust()
Dim Regex As Object
Dim RegexMC As Object
Dim RegexM As Object
Dim strIn As String
Dim BDate As Boolean
strIn = "My very long long string 12Mar2012 is right here 23Apr2015 and 30Feb2002"
Set Regex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With Regex
.Pattern = "(([0-9])|([0-2][0-9])|([3][0-1]))(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)(\d{4})"
.Global = True
If .test(strIn) Then
Set RegexMC = .Execute(strIn)
On Error Resume Next
For Each RegexM In RegexMC
BDate = False
BDate = IsDate(DateValue(RegexM.submatches(0) & " " & RegexM.submatches(4) & " " & RegexM.submatches(5)))
If BDate Then Debug.Print RegexM
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End With
End Sub
thanks for all your help !!!
I managed to solve my problem using this simple code.
Dim rex As New RegExp
Dim dateCol As New Collection
rex.Pattern = "(\d|\d\d)(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)(\d{4})?"
rex.Global = True
For Each match In rex.Execute(sStream)
dateCol.Add match.Value
Just note that on my side I'm sure that I got valid date in the string so the reg expression is easy.
The following is a quick attempt I made. It's far from perfect.
Basically, it splits the string into words. While looping through the words it cuts off any punctuation (period and comma, you might need to add more).
When processing an item, we try to remove each month name from it. If the string gets shorter we might have a date.
It checks to see if the length of the final string is about right (5 or 6 characters, 1 or 2 + 4 for day and year)
You could instead (or also) check to see that there all numbers.
Public Function getDates(ByVal Target As String) As String
Dim Data() As String
Dim Item As String
Dim Index As Integer
Dim List() As String
Dim Index2 As Integer
Dim Test As String
Dim Result As String
List = Split(MonthList, ",")
Data = Split(Target, " ")
Result = ""
For Index = LBound(Data) To UBound(Data)
Item = UCase(Replace(Replace(Data(Index), ".", ""), ",", ""))
For Index2 = LBound(Data) To UBound(Data)
Test = Replace(Item, List(Index2), "")
If Not Test = Item Then
If Len(Test) = 5 Or Len(Test) = 6 Then
If Result = "" Then
Result = Item
Result = Result & ", " & Item
End If
End If
End If
Next Index2
getDates = Result
End Function