Looking for real world Gradle examples [closed] - build

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Closed 10 years ago.
I am currently trying out Gradle on some projects and I am looking for some real world examples of its usage. For example you can see Spring's Gradle configuration here. Can anyone suggest some other examples please?

Most of the projects in my GitHub repository are built with Gradle. You should find plenty of examples there. Three bigger example code bases that use Gradle are Griffon, Gaelyk and of course Gradle itself. Also a search for build.gradle on GitHub will find you a lot of other repositories.

I think the Spring's configuration is the best example: simple, clear and large. If you would like to see some exotic usages, including configuration-time task generation, you should take a look at Hibernate and of course Gradle itself


Logging framework for C++ [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I apologize to take a topic which is widely discussed before - but I find none of the discussions clearly tell which one to use ultimately. My requirements for a logging framework in my C++ project are
Thread safe.
Should support multiple targets.
Log rotation possible.
A way to identify module's implicitly.
I have been using boost log for some time in a small c++ project and it worked well. But when I took to a large C++ project - I found supporting multiple targets(I mean multiple files for the same project) is a nightmare, No way to implicitly mention which module is logging and above all the compile time has increased at-least 40%.
Now I am looking at alternate framework and think log4cplus and logog seems fill all my requirements. Wanted to get an expert opinion on which would suit the above criteria rather than getting in a soup again after using the library for some time.

lein project naming guidelines [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I would like a pointer to the proper way to name a project when invoking
lein new <projectname>
My question is related to a question I've asked recently.
Specifically, a lot of projects I have seen use dashes, like clojure-csv.
Yet, I am having trouble getting a project to work on Windows.
So my specific question is is there a way to create the project when invoking lein new and what other adjustments in project.clj and core.clj should I expect to make when creating a Clojure project on Windows (in my case Windows 7) using lein?
You can take inspiration form search into clojars.org like https://clojars.org/search?q=the.
The pattern seems to be namespace/name-with-dashes or name-with-dashes. For instance :
The recommended way to name namespaces is with a reverse domain like com.stackoverflow.subsection.
There is an "official"* ban on further projects who's name is a pun on the word Clojure... Please, this has to stop ;-) Specifically project names of the form verb+jure
so if your project does foo please do not name it foojure
existing projects like compojure (compose+jure) are cool because they predate this collective intention.
*not in any way official ;-)

Good C++ book about (Unit) Testing [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I looked and searched the web but could not found one book dedicated to Testing in C++. They are all more or less Java related with p.s. like examples should be easy converted to C++...
I would really appreciate a book on C++ Unit Testing and maybe a good book on general testing in C++.
It's not a book but you might find interesting things in Boost::Test.
See: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_45_0/libs/test/doc/html/index.html to get more information and follow a tutorial on Boost's Unit Test framework.
If it's not on Google, I reckon it must not exist.
One more testing framework I recomend is CUTE, which is very easy to use

looking for django app for collaborative Wiki [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I've been trying to find a django wiki app, which has the following -
2.) Attach files
3.) Revisions
I see moinmoin, but before going all in, wanted to see what you all have used.
List of Django Wiki projects:
The two leading candidates I can find are:
django-wikiapp looks a little more mature, and definitely supports revisions but does not seem to support attachments. WYSIWYG wouldn't be too tough to implement using something like TinyMCE or CKEditor. Attachments may be the sticking point.
There is also https://github.com/pinax/django-wakawaka which used in the pinax project. Editing attachments is not supported by the wiki itself but it is suggested to use django-attachments for this use case :)

Good TTCN-3 resources [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Does anyone know any good resources for learning TTCN-3?
All I've seen (through Google) is either toy demos that does not implement real codecs to a real language (i.e. no test adaptors so that your test cases actually talks to the networ), or the ETSI language references which are dry and not exactly helpful for someone to learn to navigate an existing test system.
Try this book, An Introduction to TTCN-3, http://amzn.com/0470663065
I started with this: http://ttcn-3.net/tutorial.html, there's a complete test case example, explained step by step and its implementation in C#.
Here you have some documentation from the TRex TTCN-3 refactoring and metrics tool