facebook like button and google plus button slows down my website - facebook-like

In my website I have both a Facebook like button and a Google+ button.
Both buttons slow down my website by creating many HTTP requests with bad latency.
Any idea how to make it faster?
I think that both consume about 1.5s

You need to load the buttons asynchronously. The +1 buttons officially supports async and there is a workaround to get the like button working too.


Facebook like button renders slowly - cache available?

I managed to add FB like button on my twitter-bootstrap navbar using django-like-button
Now my concern is that the like button renders after my page has already been fully loaded.
I'm using the same button (same href) on each page.
I was thinking if there is an option to cache the button and have it only render once.
I'm open to hear other options that may load it faster.
I'm using the async sdk from Facebook already.

Using a web site button control via C/++

I use www.jango.com as PC music player and want to steer it remotly via my smartphone. I have a server program for controling the PC and an app as client.
I want to use the server program for example to press the play/pause or fast forward button in jango.com running inside the chrome webbrowser.
A simple way would be to simulate a windows mouse click at a specified position within the chrome window. But it would have the disadvantage that it would only work if the jango tab is active and will of course fail if the site changes it's layout and probably due to a lot other reasons.
So I'm thinking about generating kind of the same http request as the browser does if one clicks the button for real. Or somehow accessing the html elemnt
Please consider thatm while having a C/++ background, I lack any web/JS programming skills and would be in favor keeping it this way as much as possible.
Thank you for any suggestions!
The solution is to use an user script for the musik player web site which is able to trigger the buttons in question. Than websockets can be used to communicate between the user script and the c++ server program.

How to detect status of a Like button change outside my page

I am implementing like button in my page an can detect if user likes/unlikes with JS events. Is there a way to detect if user unlikes within Facebook (not from web page). OR a way to detect the status of button when the page first loads?
Not really without asking for app permissions from each user who visits your site and looking at their likes connection via the Graph API.

Help with design a facebook integration for my website.. App or Page?

I´m building a website to post my own videos using JW Player running my own ads as overlay.
All my videos will be
Instead of register my own users, having my own forum etc etc I want to use facebook to interact with my visitors:
Individual discussions/comments on individual films instead of my own comment/forum-function
facebook-like-button for individual films (so induvidual like buttons for individual films)
Share induvidual films
Grab location from every unique visitor
Where do I start?
Do I need to create an application or should I use a Facebook "page"?
Maybe both?
I see that i can add an application to a "page" but what does that really do? How do I use that?
What would be the best way for me to do this?
I already have a Facebook "page" for my website and I just created an App as well.
Which one should I use?
Do I need both?
What is the difference?
I know that I can create a like button for a website address on http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/
But can I monitor that like button from example an application if I can connect them somehow?
Is that something I want to do?
My Facebook-page already have a user-base where my Facebook-application does not.. is my best option to delete my "page" and start all over with my "application"?
App is their encompassing term for any application that uses their API, this could be on Facebook or on your own personal website - these require an API key to make authenticated calls for users. Pages are FB's own in-Facebook content that users have created, like page for a business located at facebook.com/mybusiness. It sounds like you already have a website and want to add Facebook functionality to it, so you don't want to make another Page. You may not even need to create an App. Things like comment boxes and like buttons can be dropped in as stand-alone copy-and-paste widgets. You can track the like button by enabling FB insights for your website.
So like you noticed you can add a like button to your page using the social plugin from http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ - similar to the like button you can add comment boxes with the plugin at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/comments/
You can track the results from these plugins by adding your website to Facebook's analytics (Insights) at http://www.facebook.com/insights/
Most of these things are powered by the opengraph metadata in the headers of your website's pages. You can read up on what tags FB uses here http://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/
Everything at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/ can be used without an application or page ID, and is very good about being responsive to the page they are hosted on: you can add a like button to your video view template without a defined URL in the like button's parameters, and it will automatically direct any likes to the url of the currently viewed video.
You could also direct a like button to point to your existing FB Page, in which case any likes collected from it would be added to the Page's total. Most companies that have a home-page like button do this, so their likes all accumulate to a single total for their business.
Hope that helps.

How can I trigger Facebook's Like action without using facebook like button?

I am trying to trigger the "Like" action to a url by the visitor (if they're logged into facebook) from the user clicking on a button that's on my site. I don't want to embed the facebook like button otherwise the user would have to take two separate actions (e.g. click on my button AND click on the facebook like button). Is there a way to do this?
There is no way to do this that won't get you penalized by Facebook if they find out.
This is intentional to prevent clickjacking and like-worms.
The only alternative would be creating a Facebook App, have the user give you the right to write to his wall and like and then use the Facebook API to directly like your page. However this would be many more steps than the above.
The Facebook like button features quite a few variations. The easiest way would be to pick the one among them that fits your design best and replace your button with it.