C/C++ PNG library for creating polygons - c++

Is there a good C/C++ library for creating PNG files and that supports colored polygons and shapes? This library should be OS independent, since I need it for both Linux and Windows.

The Cairo library meets your requirements.

OpenCV is a cross-platform Computer Vision framework that supports several image formats, including PNG.
Qt is a cross-platform library for building graphical interfaces, and it may provide what you are looking for through QImage.
DevIL is a smaller cross-platform Image Library that also supports PNG.

It depends on your OS...for Windows you may consider GDI+, it comes with a friendly C++ interface and it's more intuitive than GDI (even if performance are really poor). Moreover you can save in many different formats.
You can find some good example here:
Converting a BMP Image to a PNG Image

To save as PNG, you can use LibPNG, it's pretty good. To do the rendering, GDI / GDI+ can be used. (GDI+ is easier to use but is very slow, though, so you won't be able to use that in high-throughput applications.)


How to save graphic to bmp

Need help with an interesting task. I need to write a C++ program that builds the graph and save a graphic file format bmp. I know how to initialize the bmp, but how to build a graph in it , I can`t think up. Necessary practical and theoretical help if there is a link to an article on the subject.
P.S. I apologize for my bad English :I
There are a lot of ways to do graphics in Windows. The lowest level and most fundamental is to use the Win32 APIs that employ the GDI (Graphics Device Interface), which is built in to Windows. With GDI calls you can paint anything to the screen, and the same GDI calls can be used to paint on an in-memory bitmap that is off screen. To get started in this direction search the net for Win32 tutorials.
I recommend FreeImage library (http://freeimage.sourceforge.net/) it's simple and fast lib without additional problems, you can manipulate graphic files dealing with them like 2D array.
And also, they have nice PDF document about API, you don't need tutorials to use it, just read API and you will get it. Also pr0tip: DON'T PUT SPACES BEFORE SPECIAL CHARACTERS LIKE ",!?.".
You might want to take a look at the graphviz package.

Using OpenGL to write to an image file

I'm just curious if there is a way to use OpenGL to write pixel data to an external JPEG/PNG/some other image file type (and also create an image to write the data to if one does not already exist). I couldn't really find anything on the subject. My program doesn't really make use of openGL at all otherwise, I just need something that can write out images.
Every image "put into" or "taken from" OpenGL is in a rather raw pixel format. OpenGL does neither have functionality for file I/O nor for handling of sophisticated image formats like e.g. BMP, JPEG or PNG, as that is completely out of its scope. So you will have to look for a different library to manage that and if this was the only reason you considered OpenGL, then you don't need it at all.
A very simple and easy to use one (and with an interface similar to OpenGL) would be DevIL. But many other larger frameworks for more complex tasks, like Qt (GUI and OS) or OpenCV (image processing) have functionality for image loading and saving. And last but not least many of the individual formats, like JPEG or PNG usually also have small official open-source libraries for handling their respective files.

Any good C++ library for displaying large bitmaps

I'm currently using MFC/GDI and Stingray to display bitmaps in my application and am looking for a better solution. Specifically;
Faster drawing speed - My current solution is slow, based on StretchDIBits
Better rendering quality - StretchDIBits rendering quality is awful when scaling a bitmap
Support for rotated bitmaps
Support for loading / saving in all popular formats
Support for large bitmaps - I'm regularly using aerial photographs that are ~64mb as 12,000x12,000 jpegs. GeoTIFF support would also be useful
Compatible with MFC document/view, including printing (e.g. must be able render to a CDC)
Access to source code is good but not necessary
Easy to use / port existing GDI code
While free is always nice, I don't mind spending a reasonable amount on a decent library, though no run time royalty costs. Googling suggests the following;
Graphics Magick
Lead Tools imaging SDK
Anyone got experience of these or can recommend an good alternative?
GDI+ is available on any Windows machine since early XP. It has codecs for all popular image formats, JPEG is included. Very nice filters for high-quality image rescaling. Unrestricted image rotation. Draws to a CDC through the Graphics class. Source code for the C++ wrappers are available in the SDK gdiplusXxx.h header files. Speed is likely to be equivalent however, rendering is software based to ensure compatibility.
You can #include <gdiplus.h> and use the C++ wrappers directly. The SDK docs are here. The CImage class is available in MFC, it doesn't expose all capabilities however.
I think it's unlikely you'll find something that performs faster than GDI on windows since it has kernel-level support which is something open source solutions will not have.
You might want to also look into OpenGL or Direct2D/Direct3D since these too have direct access to the frame buffer. With 3D APIs, texture size would probably be an issue since most standards limit to something like 4096x4096.
I have used CxImage in the past which is one to add to your evaluation list.

Loading PNG textures to OpenGL

I'm working on a game, and all of my graphics use magenta as transparent/magic color.
They are all 32-bit and the magenta is just for conveniency.
Anyway, I would appreciate if someone could advice me what library should I use to load my images (I need to load them in GL_RGBA format, both internal and texture specific).
If only PNG support is necessary, use libpng. DevIL is supposed to be easy, but it's somewhat bloated (does a lot more than just load images) and internally actually calls OpenGL functions which can mess with your own OpenGL logic.
I personally prefer SDL_image, since I'm using SDL in my projects anyway. While not immediately obvious, SDL_BlitSurface() function can do the conversion from whatever IMG_Load() returns to the necessary pixel format.
DevIL can load virtually every file format and can directly create OpenGL textures. It is the easiest way to go.
You should also use a file format which supports an alpha channel (PNG, TGA, ...). Using a "magic color" in 32-bit images is really out-dated!
Apart from the other answers mentioning SDL and DevIL, there are two more options to consider:
Use libpng directly. This will probably have the smallest impact on the code size if that matters, since you get no bloat for other formats you're not using, no DLLs, etc.
Use operating-system texture loading. This can be a nice way to reduce dependencies if you prefer using OS features over external libraries. GDI+ in Windows XP and up has built-in texture loading for a few formats like PNG and JPEG, and I don't know for certain, but other OSs might have similar features. It's pretty simple to hook GDI+ up in to OpenGL and then the OS is taking care of your texture loading!
There is a very minimalist one file example of loading a png into openGL here:
Another option is OpenCV.
It does a lot more than just texture loading, but odds are good you'll find use of its other features as well.

Cross-platform drawing library

I've been looking for a good cross-platform 2D drawing library that can be called from C++ and can be used to draw some fairly simple geometry; lines, rectangles, circles, and text (horizontal and vertical) for some charts, and save the output to PNG.
I think a commercial package would be preferable over open source because we would prefer not to have to worry about licensing issues (unless there's something with a BSD style license with no credit clause). I've looked at Cairo Graphics which seemed promising, but the text rendering looks like crap out of the box, and upgrading the text back-end brings us into murky license land.
I need it for Windows, Mac and Linux. Preferably something fairly lightweight and simple to integrate. I've thought about Qt but that's way too heavy for our application.
Any ideas on this would be awesome.
Try Anti-Grain Geometry. From the description:
Anti-Grain Geometry (AGG) is an Open Source, free of charge graphic library, written in industrially standard C++. The terms and conditions of use AGG are described on The License page. AGG doesn't depend on any graphic API or technology. Basically, you can think of AGG as of a rendering engine that produces pixel images in memory from some vectorial data. But of course, AGG can do much more than that. The ideas and the philosophy of AGG are:
Subpixel Accuracy.
The highest possible quality.
High performance.
Platform independence and compatibility.
Flexibility and extensibility.
Lightweight design.
Reliability and stability (including numerical stability).
Another one: Skia. Used in Android and Chrome, under active development, HW acceleration.
Have a look at SFML. It's open source but the license is very permissive.
Drawing simple shapes
Displaying text
Antigrain does high quality primitive rendering and seems to be able to render true type fonts and has a commercial license available upon request.
Have you tried FLTK? It is lightweight, cross-platform, has support for 2D/3D graphics and comes with a good widget set (including a charting component). The API is simple and straight forward.
There is also libgd - simple one, but well-written.
Regarding Cairo Graphics, I can't believe it renders text that looks bad. If you are particularly concerned about text rendering, State of the Text Rendering from Jan 2010 gives quite good overview.
I use CImg: cross platform (self contained single header file), simple, concise.
PNG is not natively supported but can be handled if ImageMagick is installed (see supported formats).
See also this related question.
You might use Allegro 5 (since SDL and SFML are mentioned). This provides all of the platforms you require (and more) and can render shapes and save to PNG. Version 5 has a much improved API and hardware acceleration. With any of these low level cross platform libraries you'd have to find your own charting solution.
I put some notes on my blog about Allegro and using it on the Mac.
I would go for AGG or Cairo.