Haskell functions to randomly order a list not working properly (Homework) beginner - list

Only began using Haskell a couple of weeks ago - I am attempting to randomly shuffle a list of type Card by splitting the list into two at a random point int eh list (depending on an array of random integers produced by the randomList function) and swapping the order of these two parts a number of times, but the output is not at all random, and the parse only seems to be happening once, pretty desperate as I need it working and the deadline is tonight!
randomList :: (Random a) => (a,a) -> Int -> StdGen -> [a]
randomList bnds n = take n . randomRs bnds
randomise :: [Int] -> [Card] -> [Card]
randomise [] p = p
randomise (x : xs) p = do
randomise xs ((drop x p) ++ (take x p))
shuffle :: Int -> [Card] -> [Card]
shuffle r p = do
let g = mkStdGen r
randomise(randomList (1, (length p)-1) 500 g :: [Int]) p

You can just make a random number of permutations on your list. You can do it like:
import System.Random
import Data.List
shuffle xs = do
gen <- getStdGen
let (permNum,newGen) = randomR (0,fac (length xs) -1) gen
return $ permutation permNum xs
permutation makes n permutations on the (assumed sorted) list xs. When randomizing, xs need not be sorted however.
fac is just an implementation of the factorial function.
shuffle makes a random number and applies that many permutations to xs.
It's a bit different from what you are trying to do, but it works wonders. I assumed you didn't need to explicitly use your proposed method. You will have to implement permutation and fac yourself though.
For help on permutation, you could look here. It's a description to solve a Project Euler Problem, but you could use the same procedure to make n permutations.
EDIT: I don't know if anyone cares anymore, but I found another way to do it WAY easier:
import System.Random
randPerm :: StdGen -> [a] -> [a]
randPerm _ [] = []
randPerm gen xs = let (n,newGen) = randomR (0,length xs -1) gen
front = xs !! n
in front : randPerm newGen (take n xs ++ drop (n+1) xs)

Quite late to the party, but a small improvement over the suggested solution is to use splitAt instead of take & drop:
shuffle :: [a] -> StdGen -> [a]
shuffle [] _ = []
shuffle list generator = let (index,newGenerator) = randomR (0,length list -1) generator
(listUntilIndex, element:listAfterIndex) = splitAt index list
in element : shuffle (listUntilIndex ++ listAfterIndex) newGenerator


Haskell - Remove n smallest elements in a list of tuples

I've got the following code that takes an int value and removes the first n amount of elements in a list.
removeEle :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
removeEle n xs
| ((n <= 0) || null xs) = xs
| otherwise = removeEle (n-1) (tail xs)
How would i append this so that this works on a list of tuples by their second element? etc
[(String1, 50)], [(String2, 600)], [(String3, 10)]
There is not much you can do to amend your current solution so that it removes the first n smallest elements. To be able to remove the first n smallest, you need to have the total ordering of the whole list so that you can decide which elements are in the n smallest interval.
One easy solution is to sort the list and the remove the first n elements. This solution doesn't preserve the original ordering though.
Using soryBy and drop from Data.List you can do the following:
removeNSmallest :: Ord a => Int -> [(String, a)] -> [(String, a)]
removeNSmallest n xs = drop n $ sortBy (\(_, a) (_, b) -> compare a b) xs
As #Micha Wiedenmann pointed out, you can use sortBy (comparing snd) for sorting the tuples.
A small test:
λ> removeNSmallest 1 [("String1", 50), ("String2", 600), ("String3", 10)]
To preserve the original ordering, one solution is to create a separate ordered list of the second elements of the tuple. Then traverse the original list and for each element that is in the ordered list, remove one from the original.
Your original solution for removing the first n elements of a list would be much more readable if you wrote it using drop:
removeEle :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
removeEle n xs = drop n xs
Or if you want to use explicit recursion:
removeEle :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
removeEle _ [] = []
removeEle 0 xs = xs
removeEle n x:xs = removeEle (n-1) xs

Generate list of Ints in Haskell by adding Ints from a pattern list

I'm playing around with Haskell, mostly trying to learn some new techniques to solve problems. Without any real application in mind I came to think about an interesting thing I can't find a satisfying solution to. Maybe someone has any better ideas?
The problem:
Let's say we want to generate a list of Ints using a starting value and a list of Ints, representing the pattern of numbers to be added in the specified order. So the first value is given, then second value should be the starting value plus the first value in the list, the third that value plus the second value of the pattern, and so on. When the pattern ends, it should start over.
For example: Say we have a starting value v and a pattern [x,y], we'd like the list [v,v+x,v+x+y,v+2x+y,v+2x+2y, ...]. In other words, with a two-valued pattern, next value is created by alternatingly adding x and y to the number last calculated.
If the pattern is short enough (2-3 values?), one could generate separate lists:
[0,x,x,2x,2x,3x, ...]
and then zip them together with addition. However, as soon as the pattern is longer this gets pretty tedious. My best attempt at a solution would be something like this:
generateLstByPattern :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
generateLstByPattern v pattern = v : (recGen v pattern)
recGen :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
recGen lastN (x:[]) = (lastN + x) : (recGen (lastN + x) pattern)
recGen lastN (x:xs) = (lastN + x) : (recGen (lastN + x) xs)
It works as intended - but I have a feeling there is a bit more elegant Haskell solution somewhere (there almost always is!). What do you think? Maybe a cool list-comprehension? A higher-order function I've forgotten about?
Separate the concerns. First look a just a list to process once. Get that working, test it. Hint: “going through the list elements with some accumulator” is in general a good fit for a fold.
Then all that's left to is to repeat the list of inputs and feed it into the pass-once function. Conveniently, there's a standard function for that purpose. Just make sure your once-processor is lazy enough to handle the infinite list input.
What you describe is
foo :: Num a => a -> [a] -> [a]
foo v pattern = scanl (+) v (cycle pattern)
which would normally be written even as just
foo :: Num a => a -> [a] -> [a]
foo v = scanl (+) v . cycle
scanl (+) v xs is the standard way to calculate the partial sums of (v:xs), and cycle is the standard way to repeat a given list cyclically. This is what you describe.
This works for a pattern list of any positive length, as you wanted.
Your way of generating it is inventive, but it's almost too clever for its own good (i.e. it seems overly complicated). It can be expressed with some list comprehensions, as
foo v pat =
let -- the lists, as you describe them:
lists = repeat v :
[ replicate i 0 ++
[ y | x <- [p, p+p ..]
, y <- map (const x) pat ]
| (p,i) <- zip pat [1..] ]
-- OK, so what do we do with that? How do we zipWith
-- over an arbitrary amount of lists?
-- with a fold!
foldr (zipWith (+)) (repeat 0) lists
map (const x) pat is a "clever" way of writing replicate (length pat) x. It can be further shortened to x <$ pat since (<$) x xs == map (const x) xs by definition. It might seem obfuscated, until you've become accustomed to it, and then it seems clear and obvious. :)
Surprised noone's mentioned the silly way yet.
mylist x xs = x : zipWith (+) (mylist x xs) (cycle xs)
(If you squint a bit you can see the connection to scanl answer).
When it is about generating series my first approach would be iterate or unfoldr. iterate is for simple series and unfoldr is for those who carry kind of state but without using any State monad.
In this particular case I think unfoldr is ideal.
series :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
series s [x,y] = unfoldr (\(f,s) -> Just (f*x + s*y, (s+1,f))) (s,0)
λ> take 10 $ series 1 [1,1]
λ> take 10 $ series 3 [1,1]
λ> take 10 $ series 0 [1,2]
It is probably better to implement the lists separately, for example the list with x can be implement with:
xseq :: (Enum a, Num a) => a -> [a]
xseq x = 0 : ([x, x+x ..] >>= replicate 2)
Whereas the sequence for y can be implemented as:
yseq :: (Enum a, Num a) => a -> [a]
yseq y = [0,y ..] >>= replicate 2
Then you can use zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] to add the two lists together and add v to it:
mylist :: (Enum a, Num a) => a -> a -> a -> [a]
mylist v x y = zipWith ((+) . (v +)) (xseq x) (yseq y)
So for v = 1, x = 2, and y = 3, we obtain:
Prelude> take 10 (mylist 1 2 3)
An alternative is to see as pattern that we each time first add x and then y. We thus can make an infinite list [(x+), (y+)], and use scanl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b] to each time apply one of the functions and yield the intermediate result:
mylist :: Num a => a -> a -> a -> [a]
mylist v x y = scanl (flip ($)) v (cycle [(x+), (y+)])
this yields the same result:
Prelude> take 10 $ mylist 1 2 3
Now the only thing left to do is to generalize this to a list. So for example if the list of additions is given, then you can impelement this as:
mylist :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
mylist v xs = scanl (flip ($)) v (cycle (map (+) xs))
or for a list of functions:
mylist :: Num a => [a -> a] -> [a]
mylist v xs = scanl (flip ($)) v (cycle (xs))

Triangularizing a list in Haskell

I'm interested in writing an efficient Haskell function triangularize :: [a] -> [[a]] that takes a (perhaps infinite) list and "triangularizes" it into a list of lists. For example, triangularize [1..19] should return
[[1, 3, 6, 10, 15]
,[2, 5, 9, 14]
,[4, 8, 13, 19]
,[7, 12, 18]
,[11, 17]
By efficient, I mean that I want it to run in O(n) time where n is the length of the list.
Note that this is quite easy to do in a language like Python, because appending to the end of a list (array) is a constant time operation. A very imperative Python function which accomplishes this is:
def triangularize(elements):
row_index = 0
column_index = 0
diagonal_array = []
for a in elements:
if row_index == len(diagonal_array):
if row_index == 0:
(row_index, column_index) = (column_index + 1, 0)
row_index -= 1
column_index += 1
return diagonal_array
This came up because I have been using Haskell to write some "tabl" sequences in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS), and I want to be able to transform an ordinary (1-dimensional) sequence into a (2-dimensional) sequence of sequences in exactly this way.
Perhaps there's some clever (or not-so-clever) way to foldr over the input list, but I haven't been able to sort it out.
Make increasing size chunks:
chunks :: [a] -> [[a]]
chunks = go 0 where
go n [] = []
go n as = b : go (n+1) e where (b,e) = splitAt n as
Then just transpose twice:
diagonalize :: [a] -> [[a]]
diagonalize = transpose . transpose . chunks
Try it in ghci:
> diagonalize [1..19]
This appears to be directly related to the set theory argument proving that the set of integer pairs are in one-to-one correspondence with the set of integers (denumerable). The argument involves a so-called Cantor pairing function.
So, out of curiosity, let's see if we can get a diagonalize function that way.
Define the infinite list of Cantor pairs recursively in Haskell:
auxCantorPairList :: (Integer, Integer) -> [(Integer, Integer)]
auxCantorPairList (x,y) =
let nextPair = if (x > 0) then (x-1,y+1) else (x+y+1, 0)
in (x,y) : auxCantorPairList nextPair
cantorPairList :: [(Integer, Integer)]
cantorPairList = auxCantorPairList (0,0)
And try that inside ghci:
λ> take 15 cantorPairList
We can number the pairs, and for example extract the numbers for those pairs which have a zero x coordinate:
λ> xs = [1..]
λ> take 5 $ map fst $ filter (\(n,(x,y)) -> (x==0)) $ zip xs cantorPairList
We recognize this is the top row from the OP's result in the text of the question.
Similarly for the next two rows:
λ> makeRow xs row = map fst $ filter (\(n,(x,y)) -> (x==row)) $ zip xs cantorPairList
λ> take 5 $ makeRow xs 1
λ> take 5 $ makeRow xs 2
From there, we can write our first draft of a diagonalize function:
λ> printAsLines xs = mapM_ (putStrLn . show) xs
λ> diagonalize xs = takeWhile (not . null) $ map (makeRow xs) [0..]
λ> printAsLines $ diagonalize [1..19]
EDIT: performance update
For a list of 1 million items, the runtime is 18 sec, and 145 seconds for 4 millions items. As mentioned by Redu, this seems like O(n√n) complexity.
Distributing the pairs among the various target sublists is inefficient, as most filter operations fail.
To improve performance, we can use a Data.Map structure for the target sublists.
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
type MIL a = M.Map Integer [a]
buildCantorMap :: forall a. [a] -> MIL a
buildCantorMap xs =
let ts = zip xs cantorPairList -- triplets (a,(x,y))
m0 = (M.fromList [])::MIL a
redOp m (n,(x,y)) = let afn as = case as of
Nothing -> Just [n]
Just jas -> Just (n:jas)
in M.alter afn x m
m1r = L.foldl' redOp m0 ts
fmap reverse m1r
diagonalize :: [a] -> [[a]]
diagonalize xs = let cm = buildCantorMap xs
in map snd $ M.toAscList cm
With that second version, performance appears to be much better: 568 msec for the 1 million items list, 2669 msec for the 4 millions item list. So it is close to the O(n*Log(n)) complexity we could have hoped for.
It might be a good idea to craete a comb filter.
So what does comb filter do..? It's like splitAt but instead of splitting at a single index it sort of zips the given infinite list with the given comb to separate the items coressponding to True and False in the comb. Such that;
comb :: [Bool] -- yields [True,False,True,False,False,True,False,False,False,True...]
comb = iterate (False:) [True] >>= id
combWith :: [Bool] -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
combWith _ [] = ([],[])
combWith (c:cs) (x:xs) = let (f,s) = combWith cs xs
in if c then (x:f,s) else (f,x:s)
λ> combWith comb [1..19]
Now all we need to do is to comb our infinite list and take the fst as the first row and carry on combing the snd with the same comb.
Lets do it;
diags :: [a] -> [[a]]
diags [] = []
diags xs = let (h,t) = combWith comb xs
in h : diags t
λ> diags [1..19]
[ [1,3,6,10,15]
, [2,5,9,14]
, [4,8,13,19]
, [7,12,18]
, [11,17]
, [16]
also seems to be lazy too :)
λ> take 5 . map (take 5) $ diags [1..]
[ [1,3,6,10,15]
, [2,5,9,14,20]
, [4,8,13,19,26]
, [7,12,18,25,33]
, [11,17,24,32,41]
I think the complexity could be like O(n√n) but i can not make sure. Any ideas..?

Better way to write this function: list to matrix (= list of lists)

Is there a better way to write this function (i.e. in one line via folds)?
-- list -> rowWidth -> list of lists
listToMatrix :: [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
listToMatrix [] _ = []
listToMatrix xs b = [(take b xs)] ++ (listToMatrix (drop b xs) b)
Actually this is a nice case for unfolding. Data.List method unfoldr, unlike folding a list, creates a list to a from a seed value by applying a function to it up until this function returns Nothing. Until we reach the terminating condition that will return Nothing the function returns Just (a,b) where a is the current generated item of the list and b is the next value of the seed. In this particular case our seed value is the given list.
import Data.List
chunk :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunk n = unfoldr (\xs -> if null xs then Nothing else Just (splitAt n xs))
*Main> chunk 3 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
*Main> chunk 3 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
Yes, there is a better way to write this function. But I don't think that making it one line is going to improve anything.
Use the prepending operator (:) instead of list concatenation (++) for single-element prepending
The expression [(take b xs)] ++ (listToMatrix (drop b xs) b) is inefficient. I don't mean inefficient in terms of performances, because the compiler probably optimizes that, but, here, you are constructing a list, and then calling a function on it ((++)) which is going to deconstruct it by pattern matching. You could instead build your list directly using the (:) data constructor, which allows you to prepend a single element to your list. The expression becomes take b xs : listToMatrix (drop b xs) b
Use splitAt to avoid running through the list twice
import Data.List (splitAt)
listToMatrix :: [a] -> Int -> [[a]]
listToMatrix xs b = row : listToMatrix remaining b
where (row, remaining) = splitAt b xs
Ensure the correctness of your data by using Maybe
listToMatrix :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe [[a]]
listToMatrix xs b
| length xs `mod` b /= 0 = Nothing
| null xs = Just []
| otherwise = Just $ row : listToMatrix remaining b
where (row, remaining) = splitAt b xs
You can even avoid checking every time if you have the right number of elements by defining a helper function:
listToMatrix :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe [[a]]
listToMatrix xs b
| length xs `mod` b /= 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (go xs)
where go [] = []
go xs = row : go remaining
where (row, remaining) = splitAt b xs
Ensure the correctness of your data by using safe types
A matrix has te same number of elements in each row, whereas nested lists don't allow to ensure that kind of conditions. To be certain that every row has the same number of elements, you can either use a library such as matrix or hmatrix
No, although I wish chunksOf was in the standard library. You can get that from here if you want: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/split-
Note a better definition would be:
listToMatrix xs b = (take b xs) : (listToMatrix (drop b xs) b)
although this might compile to the same core. You could also use splitAt, though again this is likely to perform the same.
listToMatrix xs b = let (xs,xss) = splitAt b xs in xs : listToMatrix xss
You can use this, the idea is to take all the chunks of the main list, it is a different approach but basicly do the same:
Prelude> let list2Matrix n xs = map (\(x ,y)-> (take n) $ (drop (n*x)) y) $ zip [0..] $ replicate (div (length xs) n) xs
Prelude> list2Matrix 10 [1..100]

Reverse first k elements of a list

I'd like to reverse the first k elements of a list efficiently.
This is what I came up with:
reverseFirst :: Int -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
reverseFirst 0 xs rev = rev ++ xs
reverseFirst k (x:xs) rev = reverseFirst (k-1) xs (x:rev)
reversed = reverseFirst 3 [1..5] mempty -- Result: [3,2,1,4,5]
It is fairly nice, but the (++) bothers me. Or should I maybe consider using another data structure? I want to do this many million times with short lists.
Let's think about the usual structure of reverse:
reverse = rev [] where
rev acc [] = acc
rev acc (x : xs) = rev (x : acc) xs
It starts with the empty list and tacks on elements from the front of the argument list till it's done. We want to do something similar, except we want to tack the elements onto the front of the portion of the list that we don't reverse. How can we do that when we don't have that un-reversed portion yet?
The simplest way I can think of to avoid traversing the front of the list twice is to use laziness:
reverseFirst :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
reverseFirst k xs = dis where
(dis, dat) = rf dat k xs
rf acc 0 ys = (acc, ys)
rf acc n [] = (acc, [])
rf acc n (y : ys) = rf (y : acc) (n - 1) ys
dat represents the portion of the list that is left alone. We calculate it in the same helper function rf that does the reversing, but we also pass it to rf in the initial call. It's never actually examined in rf, so everything just works. Looking at the generated core (using ghc -O2 -ddump-simpl -dsuppress-all -dno-suppress-type-signatures) suggests that the pairs are compiled away into unlifted pairs and the Ints are unboxed, so everything should probably be quite efficient.
Profiling suggests that this implementation is about 1.3 times as fast as the difference list one, and allocates about 65% as much memory.
Well, usually I'd just write splitAt 3 >>> first reverse >>> uncurry(++) to achieve the goal.
If you're anxious about performance, you can consider a difference list:
reverseFirstN :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
reverseFirstN = go id
where go rev 0 xs = rev xs
go rev k (x:xs) = go ((x:).rev) (k-1) xs
but frankly I wouldn't expect this to be a lot faster: you need to traverse the first n elements either way. Actual performance will depend a lot on what the compiler is able to fuse away.