Qt get a threads ID in the main thread? - c++

I have some issues with this:
First I create my object and move it to a thread:
FileUploader *fileUploader = new FileUploader(fileList_, start, (offset == 0 ? (fileList_.count() - start) : offset));
QThread *fileUploaderThread = new QThread;
fileUploaders_.append(fileUploader); // contains pointers to the objects
connect(fileUploader, SIGNAL(progressChangedAt(int)), model_, SLOT(reportProgressChanged(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(fileUploader, SIGNAL(statusChangedAt(int)), model_, SLOT(reportStatusChanged(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(fileUploader, SIGNAL(finished()), fileUploaderThread, SLOT(quit()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(fileUploaderThread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(checkIfFinished()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
The in the slot checkIfFinished() I wanna go though all the threads and see if they quit.
qDebug() << "one thread done";
foreach(QThread *thread, fileUploaderThreads_) { // or FileUploader* fileuploader, fileUploaders_ ?
if(thread && !thread->isFinished()) {
qDebug() << "not finished " << thread->currentThreadId();
return; // not done
When this is printed out, I only get the main thread Id, not the threads. I tried to print the threads id's out but with no luck (after they are started ofc).
The reason why I'm doing this I because the person writing "Advanced Qt Programming - Mark S" did a similar thing with QThreads that he placed in a list and checked if they where finished. The only thing thats working now is the connection which kills the thread when the fileUploader is done.
Also, how do I store pointers for the threads? I wounder how I will be able to delete them all if they don't seem to point to the right threads.
I tried to store the QObjects in a list instead and do this:
QThread *senderx = qobject_cast<QThread*>(sender());
qDebug() << "one thread done" << senderx;
foreach(FileUploader *fileUploader, fileUploaders_) {
if(fileUploader && !fileUploader->thread()->isFinished()) {
qDebug() << "not finished " << fileUploader->thread();
return; // not done
qDebug() << "done";
And my outprint on the last call is :
one thread done QThread(0x43ee180)
not finished QThread(0x43ee180)
How is this possible? It is done, but the method says otherwise.

you want QObject::thread(), not QThread::currentThreadId() - the second one returns the thread that the function was called in.
Once you fix that, your pointers will work fine.


Qt, C++, How to Quit QThread

I have a calculator and a calculator method startCalculations() which is to put onto a QThread. I successfully connect mStopCalcButton and the thread's quit()/terminate(). However, when I press mStopCalcButton, the thread does not quit/terminate.
Here is the code in question...
QThread* thread = new QThread;
Calculator* calculator = new Calculator();
connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), calculator, SLOT(startCalculations())); //when thread starts, call startCalcuations
connect(calculator, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(quit()));
connect(calculator, SIGNAL(finished()), calculator, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(mStopCalcButton, SIGNAL(released()), thread, SLOT(quit()) );
In the calculator, this is the only defined method...
void Calculator::startCalcuations()
int x = 0;
while (true)
qDebug() << x++;
Why does my QThread not quit?
The first thing, function QThread::quit() only tell that thread to exit it's event loop, but do nothing related to terminate or exit. you can read Qt document here: QThread:quit()
To terminate a thread, in general implement, you should change your thread's running function code by using stop flag rather than infinitive loop. Whenever you want to terminate thread, you only need change that stop flag and wait for thread terminating.
Using stop flag:
void Calculator::startCalcuations()
int x = 0;
while (!mStopFlag) {
qDebug() << x++;
// In addition, you should add a little sleep here to avoid CPU overhelming
// like as msleep(100);
Terminate thread by turning on the stop flag:
void YourClass::requestTerminateThread()
mStopFlag = true;
thread.terminate(); // tell OS to terminate thread
thread.wait(); // because thread may not be immediately terminated by OS policies
In addition, as you can see my comment on above code, you should add some thread sleep time to avoid CPU overhelming.
For more information, please clearly read QThread document specs first.

Communicating with a loop in another thread

So my task is this - I have a GUI thread with sliders of HSV values (among other things), and a worker thread that does all the OpenCV work and sends processed video images back to GUI thread.
Like it usually is, the OpenCV work is inside of an endless loop. The thing is, half the work is transforming the current video frame according to HSV values sent from GUI sliders. If sent before the loop starts, it works. But not while it's going on, and I need it to work on the fly.
Is there any good way to communicate with that thread and change the HSV values the OpenCV loop is using, or is it a fool's errand? I can think of two solutions, one of which is probably highly inefficient (involves saving values to a file). I'm fairly new to Qt, and I could've easly missed something in the documentation and tutorials.
Here's how my app works - in GUI thread, user picks a file. A signal with an url is sent to the worker thread, which starts working away. When the user changes HSV values, a signal is sent to change the values from another thread. If the loop hasn't been started, they're received and QDebug shows me that.
I might've been thinking about it all wrong. Is there a way for the thread to pull values from the other one? Instead of waiting for them to be sent?
kalibracja.cpp, for Micka.
int hueMin=0;
int hueMax=180;
int satMin=0;
int satMax=255;
int valMin=15;
int valMax=255;
int satMinDua=133; //tests
HSV::HSV(QObject * parent) : QObject(parent)
hsvThread = new QThread;
hsvThread ->start();
moveToThread( hsvThread );
HSV::~HSV() //destruktor
hsvThread ->exit(0);
hsvThread ->wait();
delete hsvThread ;
void HSV::processFrames(QString kalibracja) {
while(1) {
cv::VideoCapture kalibrowanyPlik;
int maxFrames = kalibrowanyPlik.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT);
for(int i=0; i<maxFrames; i++)
cv::Mat frame;
cv::Mat gray;
qDebug() << "kalibracja satMin - " << satMin;
qDebug() << "fdfdf - " << satMinDua;
cv::cvtColor(frame, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
QImage image(cvMatToQImage(frame));
QImage processedImage(cvMatToQImage(gray));
emit progressChanged(image, processedImage);
QThread::msleep(750); //so I can read qDebug() messages easly
void MainWindow::onProgressChagned(QImage image, QImage processedImage) {
QPixmap processed = QPixmap::fromImage(processedImage);
processed = processed.scaledToHeight(379);
QPixmap original = QPixmap::fromImage(image);
original = original.scaledToHeight(379);
void HSV::updateHsv(QString hmin, QString hmax, QString smin, QString smax, QString vmin, QString vmax){
mainwindow.cpp connection
HSV *hsv = new HSV;
(.... all kinds of things ....)
void MainWindow::updateHsvValues() {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(hsv, "updateHsv", Qt::QueuedConnection,
Q_ARG(QString, hmin),
Q_ARG(QString, hmax),
Q_ARG(QString, smin),
Q_ARG(QString, smax),
Q_ARG(QString, vmin),
Q_ARG(QString, vmax));
It is certainly possible, but you need to be careful.
One of the ways to achieve this would be:
Create an object that stores the "current" HSV values to be used
Give a reference (or pointer) to this object to both the GUI thread and the OpenCV thread
When the GUI wants to "tell" the processing thread to use new values, it published them to that object
When the processing thread is ready to move on the the next frame (start of loop body), it fetches the values from that object.
You only need to make sure that the set and get methods on that shared object are synchronized, using a mutex for example, to prevent the processing thread from reading half-written values (data races lead to undefined behavior in C++).
If you use QThread in the "wrong" way (by subclassing QThread and using ::run , compare to https://mayaposch.wordpress.com/2011/11/01/how-to-really-truly-use-qthreads-the-full-explanation/ ), signal-slot parameter change works in endless loops too:
This is a small sample thread for testing:
void MyThread::run()
// start an infinite loop and test whether the sliderchange changes my used parameters
std::cout << "start infinite loop" << std::endl;
unsigned long long bigVal = 0;
int lastVal = mValue;
std::cout << "start internal processing loop " << std::endl;
for(unsigned long long i=0; i<1000000000; ++i)
bigVal += mValue;
if(lastVal != mValue)
std::cout << "changed value: " << mValue << std::endl;
lastVal = mValue;
std::cout << "end internal processing loop: " << bigVal << std::endl;
std::cout << "stop infinite loop" << std::endl;
with this SLOT, which is connected to the main window slider SIGNAL
void MyThread::changeValue(int newVal)
// change a paramter. This is a slot which will be called by a signal.
// TODO: make this call thread-safe, e.g. by atomic operations, mutual exclusions, RW-Lock, producer-consumer etc...
std::cout << "change value: " << newVal << std::endl;
mValue = newVal;
giving me this result after using the slider:
this is how the slot was connected:
QObject::connect(mSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), mTestThread, SLOT(changeValue(int)) );
if the infinite loop is performed as some kind of workerObject method which was moved to the thread with moveToThread, you can either change the way how the slot is called:
QObject::connect(mSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), mTestThread, SLOT(changeValue(int)), Qt::DirectConnection );
Never used, but I guess the same should work for invoke:
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(hsv, "updateHsv", Qt::DirectConnection, ...
(the main thread will call changeValue then so the worker thread doesnt need to stop processing to change values => value access should be thread safe!
or you have to process the event queue of that thread:
I think the simplest solution here may be to take advantage of the fact that Qt Signals/Slots work across threads.
Setup the appropriate slots in the processing thread and then signal them from the GUI thread.
There are all sorts of interesting questions about whether you signal for every user input, or whether you batch up changes for a moment on the GUI side...
There is some ideas for thread sync in the docs: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/threads-synchronizing.html

Communication with QThread not working with Signals / Slots

I followed this tutorial for QThreads:
The only problem I am having is killing the QThread. I have a flag in the process() loop of the worker object that I push into my QThread instance that is called m_ShouldSendFrames. If that flag is flipped to false, then my processing loop breaks and the worker object emits the finished() signal.
The problem I have is that I cannot seem to get my worker object in the QThread to receive my stopSendingFrames() signal from the main thread. I connect that ( and the connection returns 'true' ) like this:
connect(this, SIGNAL(stopSendingFrames()), m_UdpWorkerBlended, SLOT(stopFrames()),Qt::QueuedConnection); // Stop broadcasting
In my killUdpThread function, I'd like to emit the stopSendingFrames() signal and have the m_UdpWorker object get it. But it never does! The only way I can get that flag to change is to do this in the killUdpThread:
That however, is unsafe and randomly crashed because it is not called from the QThread that the worker is running in.
I've also tried the invokeMethod way - but it never fires the slot either:
Can someone please help me understand why I cannot call invokeMethod or use signals to fire my slot running in the worker object in the QThread but I can call it ( unsafely ) directly? Thanks!
Start thread function:
int UdpThreadController::startUdpThread(int frameType, int port, QString ip) {
qDebug() << "Starting Thread! Frame type is: " << frameType;
// Check for type of frame to emit
if ( frameType == 0 ) {
qDebug() << "Frames are vl";
// Delete any existing threads / workers
// New objects
m_UdpThreadBlended = new QThread();
m_UdpWorkerBlended = new UdpWorker();
// Assign Port and IP and Frame Type
m_UdpWorkerBlended->m_ShouldSendFrames = true;
m_UdpWorkerBlended->m_Port = port;
m_UdpWorkerBlended->m_AddressToUse = ip;
m_UdpWorkerBlended->m_FrameType = frameType;
// Push into thread
// Connect signals
connect(this, SIGNAL(stopSendingFrames()), m_UdpWorkerBlended, SLOT(stopFrames()),Qt::QueuedConnection); // Stop broadcasting
connect(m_UdpThreadBlended, SIGNAL(started()), m_UdpWorkerBlended, SLOT(process()));
connect(m_UdpWorkerBlended, SIGNAL(finished()), m_UdpThreadBlended, SLOT(quit()));
connect(m_UdpWorkerBlended, SIGNAL(finished()), m_UdpWorkerBlended, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(m_UdpThreadBlended, SIGNAL(finished()), m_UdpThreadBlended, SLOT(deleteLater()));
// All done
return 0;
Kill thread function:
int UdpThreadController::killUdpThread(int frameType) {
qDebug() << "Killing Thread! Frame type is: " << frameType;
// Check for type of frame to emit
if ( frameType == 0 ) {
// Delete any existing threads / workers
if ( m_UdpWorkerBlended ) {
qDebug() << "Emit signal to kill thread...";
// Stop broadcasting
qDebug() << "Success ending UDP...";
// All done
return 0;
Thanks for the input. I solved it by having a singleton that has a flag that the processing loop in my worker object in the QThread reads each loop iteration. It is protected by a QReadWrite lock.
int UdpThreadController::killUdpThread(int frameType) {
qDebug() << "Killing Thread! Frame type is: " << frameType;
// Check for type of frame to emit
if ( frameType == 0 ) {
// Delete any existing threads / workers
if ( m_UdpWorkerBlended ) {
qDebug() << "Setting flag to kill thread...";
// Stop broadcasting
m_ShouldSendFramesBlended = false;
qDebug() << "Success ending Blended UDP...";
// All done
return 0;
bool UdpThreadController::shouldContinueSendingFrames(int frameType) {
qDebug() << "Checking if we should continue processing: " << frameType;
// Check for type of frame to emit
if ( frameType == 0 ) {
qDebug() << "Should continue Blended: " << m_ShouldSendFramesBlended;
bool shouldBroadcast = m_ShouldSendFramesBlended;
// All done
return shouldBroadcast;

QProcess does not complete creating file

I am just trying to create a file with QProcess by the following source code:
void Processmethod()
QDialog *ProcessMessage = new QDialog;
Ui::DialogProcessMessage Dialog;
void processmethodONE()
QString ProcessCommand = "w8 " + blablubli";
Prozess.setWorkingDirectory(Path); //QProcess "Prozess" is globaly defined
Prozess.setStandardOutputFile(Path); //in my class
QProcess::ExitStatus Status = Prozess.exitStatus();
if (Status == 0)
std::cout << "File created!" << std::endl;
This process creates out of another file which is located in the QString "Path" a new file, let me call it "PROFILE" (PRO for Problem :). The Profile also is created, but is never completed, I guess not even 50% of the file are completed.
Just when using
std::cerr << "Process Create PROFile running " << std::endl;
the file is written completely.
Furthermore I tried to use the QProcess finished(int) Signal to start another method and deleted the while loop (which freezes the whole GUI). I declared it in the constructor with:
connect(&Prozess, SIGNAL(finished(int)), this, (SLOT(processmethodTWO())));
But I guess this could not work because the first process isn't finished completely. Where is the problem?
There is no warranty that right after Prozess.start(ProcessCommand); process will be finished, so calling "Prozess.exitStatus();" right after it will give you "false positive". You certainly will have to wait until process is finished. You may either do it with with while loop, that you suggested or with QEventLoop
// ...
Prozess.setStandardOutputFile(Path); //in my class
QEventLoop loop;
connect(&Prozess, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
connect(&Prozess, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), &loop, SLOT(quit()));
// Now your process status should be valid:
QProcess::ExitStatus Status = Prozess.exitStatus();

How to use a process (QProcess) in a new thread (QThread)?

I have the following code:
void Processmethod()
QDialog *ProcessMessage = new QDialog;
Ui::DialogProcessMessage Dialog;
void processmethodONE()
QString ProcessCommand = "w8 " + blablubli";
Prozess.setWorkingDirectory(Path); //QProcess "Prozess" is globaly defined
Prozess.setStandardOutputFile(Path); //in my class
QThread* thread = new QThread;
std::cerr << "Process running " << std::endl;
QProcess::ExitStatus Status = Prozess.exitStatus();
if (Status == 0)
std::cout << "File created!" << std::endl;
In this source code I try to open a popup dialog before some processes are starting. problem is that the dialog is not clickable, but on the dialog I want to create a button to abort the running method. As you can see I tried using QThread to run the process(es) in another thread, but still I can't click the dialog. Furthermore if I open my application (GUI) with the "application/x-executable"-file the dialogs content is missing when activating the above shown method. How can I fix these problems? Where am I wrong? greetings
void processmethodONE()
QThread* thread = new QThread;
Here you moved the QProcess to another thread. But then you call start() on it. That's already not thread-safe.
std::cerr << "Process running " << std::endl;
This blocks and makes using a thread useless. Also, it's not thread-safe.
You should instead not use threads but:
remove the waitForFinished() call
Connect the finished() and error() signals of the QProcess to slots which then start the next step, i.e. processMethodTWO.
I would also advise against reusing QProcess objects and just create a new one for each step.
While I still don't fully understand your recently updated code example, I feel this might be your issue:
std::cerr << "Process running " << std::endl;
Wherever you are really calling this in your original code is blocking while waiting for Prozess to finish.
Use a brand new QProcess instance for each one, and connect their finished() signals to a SLOT that will get called when they have finished. Don't manually poll them and block. This will allow you to completely get rid of QThreads altogether.