How can I send OSC packets simply in windows/C++? - c++

I have a VS2010 project which is a windows application that acquires data from a particular bluetooth device. All I want to do is alter my acquisition thread to send the data it acquires using OSC.
I spent a long time trying to use a library called LIBLO but it appears to function using POSIX style asynchronicity. I spent even more time trying to make pthreads-win32 work for me so that I could still use this library but still had no luck.
I switched to trying to use the OSCPACK library which I could not get to compile using the batch file included in the release. I was eventually able to get my VS2010 project to recognise the library but all I get now are linker errors (LNK2019 and LNK2001). The relevant directories are listed in "Additional Include Directories" in the project properties. I know this should be something easy to fix but after a day of frustration I am at my wits' end. I am used to working with xcode in osx so find it difficult to accomplish anything in VS2010. Do I need to give additional instructions to the linker?
can anyone either suggest a simple, prebuilt OSC library compatible with windows/VS or how I can fix my problem with unresolved externals?

OSC is a very simple protocol, especially if you only need to send outgoing OSC messages and don't care about receiving (and parsing) incoming OSC messages. One thing you can do is simply read the spec and look at some examples and write your own function that adds OSC data into a byte buffer in the prescribed format. That's only a few hours of work to do. Then it's just a matter of sending that char buffer out over a UDP socket, which is also quite straightforward to do. Depending on your needs, that might be easier that trying to integrate with a third-party OSC library (which I agree can be frustrating, especially under Windows).
Another possibility is to use OSCPACK, but instead of trying to build it separately and then link to the resulting DLL/LIB file, simply copy the necessary OSCPACK .c files directly into your own project's source tree and compile them in to your executable the same way you compile your own code. That will avoid any annoying build/link issues that can come with trying to get two different build systems to work together, and it also gives you full control over your (bastard) copy of the OSC code... e.g. if you want a particular function in OSCPACK to work differently, you can simply modify your copy of that function. (If you do that, be sure to make it obvious that the code is no longer 'stock', to avoid confusion... and of course try not to modify it in such a way as to break protocol compatibility with other OSC-using software)


Windows Store C++ apps cannot create files using fopen() under Windows 8.1

We have several Windows 8 Store C++ apps that need to maintain configuration and data files.
Files are written in subfolders of Windows::Storage::ApplicationData::Current->LocalFolder. Example:
In Windows 8.1 we have received a few reports from users that say state isn't remembered between app invocations. Upon closer inspection the files are not created (the subfolders are indeed created, but there are no files inside them)
Subfolders are created using CreateDirectory(), files are created using fopen()
Files are created/opened using absolute paths
This always worked under Windows 8.0 and the code has not been changed since. In fact, one of our user reports stated that the app saved files fine under Windows 8.0, but stopped saving after the user upgraded to Windows 8.1.
We have not been able to replicate the issue locally using Windows 8.1. We're not sure how common this failure is, but we estimate that most users are unaffected. Affected users do not appear to have any special hardware/software configuration.
If a user is affected, then files are consistently never saved, even after retrying or uninstalling and re-installing the app (i.e., it's not a case of intermittent failure)
It's hard to get error information given (i) the rarity of the issue (ii) the fact that the logs that would reveal this are by definition not saved, and (iii) the apps don't require internet connectivity so there is no alternative communication channel.
Can anyone think of any reason why this might fail under Windows 8.1?
Are there non-ascii characters in path to appdata? CreateDirectory has unicode version, but fopen takes const char* strings as argument.
If I were you, I'd try to abstract away from OS-specific calls using something like boost or Qt. That should work, because Qt uses unicode string for opening files and Boost should have something similar (unsure about this one).
Also on windows compiler _wfopen may be present. It is the same as fopen, but takes wchar_t strings as argument. It should work for you, but you'll need a few ifdefs here and there.
You could also try setting current directory with function that supports unicode and then calling fopen, but I wouldn't call it a "clean" solution.
Anyway, when you run into problem that is related to system calls, then on machine with a problem you can monitor calls using something like process monitor. You could instruct user with a problem to do that and send you a log.
Why don't you use the Windows.Storage classes to work with filesystem? WinRT is recommended way to work with IO not legacy C API. I believe it is more robust approach and you could get more info about the cause from WinRT exception rather than from an unknown failure of old API.

How to determine an order of opening files for a process?

Is there a way to get all opened file handles for a process and arrange it by time files were opened? We have a project, which requires exactly this - we need to determine which files are opened by a Dj software, such as Traktor or Serato. The reason we need to know its order is to determine, which file is in the first deck, and which is in the second one.
Currently we are using Windows internal APIs from the Ntdll.dll (Winternl.h) to determine a list of all opened files for a process. Maybe that's not the best way to do it. Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
We relied on an observed behavior of that APIs on certain OS version and certain Dj software versions, which was that the list of all opened files for a process never get rearranges, i.e. adheres an order. I know that's a bad practice, but it was a "should be" feature from the customer right before the release, so we had to. The problem is now we have a bug when those handles are sometimes randomly rearranged without any particular cause. That brakes everything. I thought maybe there would be a field in those win structures to obtain file's been opened time, but seemingly there are no such things. Docs on that APIs are quite bad.
I thought about some code paste, but it's a function 200 lines long and it uses indirect calls from the dll using function pointers and all structures for WinAPIs are redefined manually, so it's really hard to read it. Actually, the Winternl.h header isn't even included - all stuff is loaded manually too, like that:
GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll"), "NtQuerySystemInformation" );
It's really a headache for a cross platform application...
P.S. I have posted a related question here about any cross-platform or Qt way to get opened file handles, maybe that stuff will be useful or related.
if it's just to check the behavior in other OS for debug purpose, you can use the technique of creating process in debug mode and intercept in the order all events of dll loading, here's a good article talking about that.

D-Bus Remote Controlled Car Example

I try to send integer value from one to another programme using for IPC QtDBUS(they are different executable files). My attempts to find simple example was unsuccessful. So, I am forced to build huge example D-Bus Remote Controlled Car Example like for one who has never used QtDBus. I repeated full tree structure(sources, headers). But one file controller.h includes #include “ui_controller.h”. There is no such file. So, I am not able to compile.
Maybe, is there something that I don’t understand?
Yes, ui_* files are generated in the build process. You can find the complete sources of all the dbus examples, including the one you're referring to here.

Versioning executable and modifying it in runtime

What I'm trying to do is to sign my compiled executable's first 32 bytes with a version signature, say "1.2.0" and I need to modify this signature in runtime, keeping in mind that:
this will be done by the executable itself
the executable resides on the client side, meaning no recompilation is possible
using an external file to track the version instead of encoding it in the binary itself is also not an option
the solution has to be platform-independent; I'm aware that Windows/VC allows you to version an executable using a .rc resource, but I'm unaware of an equivalent for Mac (maybe Info.plist?) and Linux
The solution in my head was to write the version signature in the first or last 32 bytes of the binary (which I didn't figure out how to do yet) and then I'll modify those bytes when I need to. Sadly it's not that simple as I'm trying to modify the same binary that I'm executing.
If you know of how I can do this, or of a cleaner/mainstream solution for this problem, I'd be very grateful. FWIW, the application is a patcher/launcher for a game; I chose to encode the version in the patcher itself instead of the game executable as I'd like it to be self-contained and target-independent.
Update: from your helpful answers and comments, I see that messing with the header/footer of the binary is not the way to go. But regarding the write permission for the running users, the game has to be patched one way or another and the game files need to be modified, there's no way to circumvent that: to update the game, you'll need admin privileges.
I would opt for using an external file to hold the signature, and modify that with every update, but I can't see how I can guard against the user spoofing with that file: if they mess up the version numbers, how can I detect which version I'm running?
Update2: Thanks for all your answers and comments, in truth there are 2 ways to do this: either use an external resource to track the version or embed it in the main application's binary itself. I could choose only 1 answer on SO so I did the one I'm going with, although it's not the only one. :-)
Modern Windows versions will not allow you to update an installed program file unless you're running with administrator privileges. I believe all versions of Windows block modifications to a running file altogether; this is why you're forced to reboot after an update. I think you're asking for the impossible.
This is going to be a bit of a challenge, for a number of reasons. First, writing to the first N bytes of the binary is likely to step on the binary file's header information, which is used by the program loader to determine where the code & data segments, etc. are located within the file. This will be different on different platforms (see the ELF format and executable format comparison)--there are a lot of different binary format standards.
Assuming you can overcome that one, you're likely to run afoul of security/antivirus systems if you start modifying a program's code at runtime. I don't believe most current operating systems will allow you to overwrite a currently-running executable. At the very least, they might allow you to do so with elevated permissions--not likely to be present while gaming.
If your application is meant to patch a game, why not embed the version in there while you're at it? You can use a string like #Juliano shows and modify that from the patcher while the game is not running - which should be the case if you're currently patching anyways. :P
Edit: If you're working with Visual Studio, it's really easy to embed such a string in the executable with a #pragma comment, according to this MSDN page:
#pragma comment(user, "Version: 1.4.1")
Since the second argument is a simple string literal, it can be concatenated, and I'd have the version in a simple #define:
// somehwere
#define MY_EXE_VERSION "1.4.1"
// somewhere else
#pragma comment(user, "Version: " MY_EXE_VERSION)
I'll give just some ideas on how to do this.
I think it's not possible to change some arbitrary bytes in the executable without side effects. To overcome this, I would create some string in your source code, like:
char *Version = "Version: AA.BB.CC";
I don't know if this is a rule, but you can look for this string in your binary code (open it in a text editor and you will see). So, you search and change this bytes for your version number in the binary file. Probably, their position will vary each time you compile the application, so this it is possible only if that location is not a problem for you.
Because the file is being used (it's running), you have to launch an external program that would do this. After modifying the file, this external program could relaunch the original application.
The version will be stored in your binary code in some part. Is that useful? How will you retrieve the version number?

Error handling / error logging in C++ for library/app combo

I've encountered the following problem pattern frequently over the years:
I'm writing complex code for a package comprised of a standalone application and also a library version of the core that people can use from inside other apps.
Both our own app and presumably ones that users create with the core library are likely to be run both in batch mode (off-line, scripted, remote, and/or from command line), as well as interactively.
The library/app takes complex and large runtime input and there may be a variety of error-like outputs including severe error messages, input syntax warnings, status messages, and run statistics. Note that these are all incidental outputs, not the primary purpose of the application which would be displayed or saved elsewhere and using different methods.
Some of these (probably only the very severe ones) might require a dialog box if run interactively; but it needs to log without stalling for user input if run in batch mode; and if run as a library the client program obviously wants to intercept and/or examine the errors as they occur.
It all needs to be cross-platform: Linux, Windows, OSX. And we want the solution to not be weird on any platform. For example, output to stderr is fine for Linux, but won't work on Windows when linked to a GUI app.
Client programs of the library may create multiple instances of the main class, and it would be nice if the client app could distinguish a separate error stream with each instance.
Let's assume everybody agrees it's good enough for the library methods to log errors via a simple call (error code and/or severity, then printf-like arguments giving an error message). The contentious part is how this is recorded or retrieved by the client app.
I've done this many times over the years, and am never fully satisfied with the solution. Furthermore, it's the kind of subproblem that's actually not very important to users (they want to see the error log if something goes wrong, but they don't really care about our technique for implementing it), but the topic gets the programmers fired up and they invariably waste inordinate time on this detail and are never quite happy.
Anybody have any wisdom for how to integrate this functionality into a C++ API, or is there an accepted paradigm or a good open source solution (not GPL, please, I'd like a solution I can use in commercial closed apps as well as OSS projects)?
We use Apache's Log4cxx for logging which isn't perfect, but provides a lot of infrastructure and a consistent approach across projects. I believe it is cross-platform, though we only use it on Windows.
It provides for run time configuration via an ini file which allows you to control how the log file is output, and you could write your own appenders if you want specific behaviour (e.g. an error dialog under the UI).
If clients of your library also adopt it then it would integrate their logging output into the same log file(s).
Differentiation between instances of the main class could be supported using the nested diagnostic context (NDC) feature.
Log4Cxx should work for you. You need to implement a provider that allows the library user to catch the log output in callbacks. The library would export a function to install the callbacks. That function should, behind the scenes, reconfigure log4cxxx to get rid of all appenders and set up the "custom" appender.
Of course, the library user has an option to not install the callbacks and use log4cxx as is.