webservice + facebook-connect - django

I'm working on a project that consist in an IOS App and a webservice written using django-piston. Right now I'm using basic HTTP Auth use the webservice. Any idea of how can i integrate facebook connect to authenticate users to use the webservice?

It depends on if you want to authenticate from your iOS app or your web service.
For the iOS app, you can use the iOS SDK:
If you authenticate from here, you should be able to get an authentication token via HTTP if you need to grab information on your web service. If you post more details I'll try to address them.


When you use DRF(Server API) + React(public Web Client), how do you implement for OAuth2 social login?

I am developing Django(Server) with React(Web Client).
And I want to use facebook social login.
I knew that client is public client, server is confidential. So I want to use authentication code grant way for authenticating user.
So I find out the way but there is no way to implement that. All the python oauth2 library limplements is just for django server side rendering.(Django Server + Web client).
So I confused about I am wrong or just the others just did not make the grant way.
When you use DRF(Server API) + React(public Web Client),
how do you implement for OAuth2 social login?
I wonder that. please give me some advise to me.
Let's start from basics, people usually split frontend and backend to improve the production speed as frontend and backend can be developed by two separate teams. But in order for the frontend and backend to work together, there needs to be a connection interface, an API.
React is a frontend that runs in the browser, so in order to talk to the server, it uses a REST protocol.
As the backend in this scenario is Django we use DRF as React uses REST API. DRF provides easy flexible pre-built packages to carry out this communication job between server and client.
Now the authenticator for web login you choose to be Facebook hence you will get the identity token from facebook, which will correspond to the rows in the Django User table which will give you access to the user's data in Django.
You don't need to do everything at once, you need to first implement the Facebook social auth and after test(test using postman app) only think about connecting React
A good place to start is this DRF documentation, look into Social OAuth2

Flutter app with Django backend and google authentication

i would like to create a flutter app, with social authentication (Facebook & Google) connected to a Django DRF backend.
I could not find any examples for handling the social authentication at the back-end coming from a flutter app, i only found firebase based tutorials.
Any libraries that work this way? in case there aren't, how could i send the required social account from the phone to my backend?
I suggest you to use the Google Auth Library for Ruby (because you are using Django) and expose a service that wrap the API and consume the google libraries.
With your API created you can create a Provider / BLoC or whatever State Management you use in Flutter using the Dart Package Http to consume your own Django backend API
If you have any trouble using HTTP Dart/flutter package let me now to create and example

Laravel 5.2 establish web services for mobile app

I trying to make a back office using laravel 5.2 for my mobile application. Where authentication user could be access of my webservice to fetch information.
I had research on that , I also use JWT plugins but its not fit for me. This plugins can't accept post request.
If you have any idea please share with me.

Django Angular Facebook authentication

I want to do a very simple web app where you can log-in using your facebook account.
I am very comfortable with the django framework and also angularjs. I have an idea how to integrate these two using tastypie api framework for django.
So if I am correct django's backend would be throwing some JSON which can be used by angularjs and so on.
Where I am confused is the authentication mechanism with facebook.
How do I integrate the Facebook's authentication with my app ?
What would be a good design for such an app ?
I am not expecting a complete design or architecture for my app from anyone , but some direction so that I can go forward with the app .
Thanks :)
I wrote a small article on this subject as it seems it was not clearly explained anywhere. I found it easily done with django-rest-framework instead of tastypie though.
Here are the main steps used to authenticate (I’ll try to add a little schema to illustrate) :
On the angular side, user authenticate on facebook with Oauth.io API (it could be directly with Facebook js API).
Client gets a Facebook authentication token.
FB token is used to ask for authentication on server side.
python-social-auth authenticate with FB with the given token.
django-rest-framework sends back to client a auth token for REST API calls.
Angular client passes the token in headers when making API calls.
You can find my article here about facebook angularjs auth with a django rest backend
This repo is designed with php on authenticate server side but it has all of the facebook login code you would need for angular. It should give you an overall idea of how to get started:

Liferay custom web services

I have some questions about the use of Liferay and Lyferay web services.
I have read the documentation liferay in particular the chapter 11 and 12 (development/Documentation)about the development (or use) of web services in Liferay ... but this documentation does not seem complete than what you can do (Searching on the web you can find different approaches regarding the use of Liferay).
So, here are my questions / concerns ...
Suppose you develop your portlets in Liferay .. This way I can interact with the 'core' of Liferay and also write the front-end of my webapp that will be on Liferay. For example I can authenticate the user in my webapp using the Liferay API.
If I wanted to have an authentication system to access in my web app through my mobile app?
I'm not crazy .. I also would like to have my own mobile app developed with native code. In this case I would expect to have a REST service to interact with Liferay.
I think that, in this case, I have to expose all of the functionality of my web app (portlet) also as web serivices
For example ... we can reason with regard to the user authentication..
I thought that you can:
1. Use the webservice native Liferay to access from the outside.
2. E'possibile to write my own web service.
   In this case, I'll have to write a portlet that is actually a webservice?
   When it might be convenient to implement a CAS?
As Liferay works as regards the user session (for authenticated users)?
   In this case we will provide somehow username and password.
If successful, I will have a token or session ID?
Here I can read:
To call the AXIS web service using credentials, you would use the
following URL syntax:
http://" + userIdAsString + ":" + password + "#[server.com]:[port]/api/secure/axis/" + serviceName
I did not really understand if this should be done only to authorize the untente during login
I probably I am confused but the official documentation for Liferay is not my friend right now: (
Yes you want to use custom portlet services in your native mobile app...
I have written very simple blog for doing exactly this:
Please follow the below link:
By this you can use your portlet's custom service in your mobile native application.
And best part is you do not have to go through the authentication process if you use Liferay mobile sdk for this thing direct service call is enough.