Does C++ code run faster if there is no structure in program - c++

I know it helps a lot if we structure our programs using classes, structs etc. but does it help in terms of running speed that we avoid these structures and write code plain in terms of basic C++ syntax?
For example, I am trying to write a program that works on vectors. Now it sounds tempting to write a class vector and define its methods like set_at_index(int i) that sets the value of specific row i of this vector. Furthermore I can check whether i<=N where N is the length of the vector in question.
My confusion is that with these routine every set_at_index method that is used a lot will require one 'if' statement. So if I want my code to run faster should I avoid it and go with declaring an array and manually take care that there is no memory leak?
Is there any way I can check for the memory leaks without putting burden on the code speed?

Yes, bounds checking will take slightly more time. But it will take so little extra time that it will only matter if the code is being run 28894389375 times and then it might add up to a millisecond. Note that std::vector only performs bounds checking if you use the at member function, not if you use operator[]. Also, if you are doing anything like writing to a file or printing text to the console, doing that one time will likely take more time than ten million bounds-checked array accesses, because I/O is relatively very very slow.
Typically, without bounds checking code using classes will run at the same speed as code using plain arrays. The problem with manually managing memory like you suggest is that it's easy to forget to clean it up, or to clean it up only through one path of execution through the program, or to fail to clean it up in the event of an exception. It's really hardly ever worth it. Also, it'll be just as fast to use a vector class without bounds checking as it will be to use a dynamic array without bounds checking. You pay for it either way.
I also suggest using std::vector instead of writing your own vector class since they do pretty much every optimisation you could do yourself, and they usually have the advantage of being able to write the code for their specific compiler and perhaps be able to take advantage of things that only that compiler does because they know more of its implementation. The STL classes are also rigorously tested and written by experts (usually).
You should write your code first, then measure with a profiler to see the bottlenecks in your code if it is not fast enough already, then optimise the bottlenecks. I will bet that bounds checking on arrays is probably not going to be one of those bottlenecks.
Checking for memory leaks can be done with a tool like valgrind. You don't do it in the code itself.

Don't try to over optimize before you even start writing. Go ahead and write code that is easily maintainable, readable, and as bug free as possible. Once you have things working, you can start profiling to see the real bottlenecks.

"Premature optimization is root of all evils" - Donald Knuth. (this is true 97% of the time).
Unless you profile your application and see that your class encapsulation is a bottleneck that does slow your application in a significant amount, don't hesitate to have high level structures. It will brings you plenty of benefits like readability, maintainance, and understanding what you do. That's what brings OOP: Big scale programs.

Some good answers have already been posted, and premature optimization is indeed inadvisable as others have said. However, let me put your question in slightly another light.
I know it helps a lot if we structure our programs using classes,
structs etc. but does it help in terms of running speed that we avoid
these structures and write code plain in terms of basic C++ syntax?
Theoretically, most properly written C++ code should run just as fast with fully developed classes as without, but
there are exceptions to the rule;
the effort required to write the C++ code theoretically properly may be too great; and
the same features of the C++ compiler that make it hard to write incorrect code can make it all too easy to write grossly inefficient code.
Point-by-point remarks follow.
Consider a complex three-dimensional vector type, of which each instance consists of six doubles (three real parts and three imaginary parts). If there were not so many doubles, your compiler might load them directly into your microprocessor's registers, but with six they are likely to remain on the stack when the complex three-dimensional vector is loaded. Some operations however on a complex three-dimensional vector do not require all six doubles, but only one, two or three of them. If so, then it might be preferable to store the six floating-point components separately. Thus, rather than an array of 1000 vectors, you'd keep six arrays of 1000 doubles each. Of course, one can (and probably should) bind the arrays together in a class of some kind, but -- for efficiency reasons only -- a good design might never explicitly associate individual elements from one array to another.
Sometimes, you know where your data is and what you want to do with it, and C++'s elaborate organizational and access-control facilities only get in your way. In this case, you might skip the high-level C++ and just do what you want in primitive, hackworthy, brutish, machete-wielding C-style code. Indeed, C++ explicitly supports this style of coding by making it possible -- nay, easy -- to wrap the primitive C code safely within a module and thus to hide its horror from the rest of your beautiful C++ program. Of course, if you hand your code a machete, so to speak, then you take a risk, don't you, because your code may hack up data you never wanted it to, and your compiler will stand aside and let it do it; but sometimes the risk is worth the gain, and sometimes the risk is even fun (and character-building) for a programmer's change of pace.
This point is the most subtle of the three. Where a user-defined type consists partly of other user-defined types, multiple layers of constructors will be called and implicitly invoked. This is great, and usually it is what you want, especially if you have a good unit-testing regime at each layer. The rose however has a thorn, as it were. A properly written constructor is careful never to lose anything it needs. So, unless the programmer is most careful, a constructor may quietly make a lot of strictly unnecessary copies of very large objects. Sometimes, the programmer will mentally lose track of all the levels of implicit invocation, which he never would have done if he had had to handle each invocation explicitly. Also, your data in an object of one type may lack access to a member function to which it can easily gain access, so long is it temporarily copies itself to an object of another type (you can avoid the copy with the use of handle types, reference counting and so forth, but this is not free: it's quite a bit of work). Even if the programmer is conscious of the implicit copy, the implicit copy is so much easier to code in the moment that the temptation to do so is sometimes too great -- especially when a deadline looms! Several hidden inefficiencies can arise in these ways. One can, and should, work around such inefficiencies, of course, but it can take a lot of coding effort to do so and, even then, your compiler is so busy helping you to avoid logical errors that it tends to cause you to create inadvertent inefficiencies that you would never purposely have created. The unnecessary, hidden copying of data is a much bigger problem in C++ than it ever was in C.
All in all, I would say that the C++ trade-off is worth it 80 percent of the time. C++'s organizational and access-control facilities merit the effort it takes to apply them properly. If your question regards the 20 percent, well, there is more than one valid approach to programming, in my view. Sometimes it really does help "that we avoid these structures and write code plain in terms of basic C++ syntax," as you have said.
Usually, no. Sometimes, yes. I think that the earlier answers are right, though, that the particular example you have posed is probably better treated in boring, neat, orderly C++, without tricks.

Two things:
DO NOT do any kind of premature optimization, CPUs are fast nowadays, compilers are smart and able to figure out optimizations that you wouldn't think of in months of looking at your code.
you can easily check things like memory leaks by profiling your code and/or using conditional compilation. Leaks shouldn't occur on release versions so you should just skip that checks.


Efficiency of program

I want to know whether there is an effect on program efficiency by adopting object oriented approach to a problem as compared to the structured programming approach in any programming language but specially in c++.
Maybe. Maybe not.
You can write efficient object-oriented code. You can write inefficient structured code.
It depends on the application, how well the code is written, and how heavily the code is optimized. In general, you should write code so that it has a good, clean, modular architecture and is well designed, then if you have problems with performance optimize the hot spots that are causing performance issues.
Use object oriented programming where it makes sense to use it and use structured programming where it makes sense to use it. You don't have to choose between one and the other: you can use both.
I remember back in the early 1990's when C++ was young there were studies done about this. If I remember correctly, the guys who took (well written) C++ programs and recoded them in C got around a 15% increase in speed. The guys who took C programs and recoded them in C++, and modified the imperative style of C to an OO style (but same algorithms) for C++ got the same or better performance. The apparent contradiction was explained by the observation that the C programs, in being translated to an object oriented style, became better organized. Things that you did in C because it was too much code and trouble to do better could more easily be done properly in C++.
Thinking back about this I wonder about the conclusion some. Writing a program a second time will always result in a better program, so it didn't have to be imperative to OO style that made the difference. Todays computer architectures are designed with hardware support for common operations done by OO programs, and compilers have gotten better at using the instructions, so I think that it is likely that whatever overhead a virtual function call had in 1992 it is far smaller today.
There doesn't have to be, if you are very careful to avoid it. If you just take the most straightforward approach, using dynamic allocation, virtual functions, and (especially) passing objects by value, then yes there will be inefficiency.
It doesn't have to be. Algorithm is all matters. I agree encapsulation will slow you down little bit, but compilers are there to optimize.
You would say no if this is the question in computer science paper.
However in the real development environment this tends to be true if the OOP paradigm is used correctly. The reason is that in real development process, we generally need to maintain our code base and that the time when OOP paradigm could help us. One strong point of OOP over structured programming like C is that in OOP it is easier to make the code maintainable. When the code is more maintainable, it means less bug and less time to fix bug and less time needed for implementing new features. The bottom line is then we will have more time to focus on the efficiency of the application.
The problem is not technical, it is psychological. It is in what it encourages you to do by making it easy.
To make a mundane analogy, it is like a credit card. It is much more efficient than writing checks or using cash. If that is so, why do people get in so much trouble with credit cards? Because they are so easy to use that they abuse them. It takes great discipline not to over-use a good thing.
The way OO gets abused is by
Creating too many "layers of abstraction"
Creating too much redundant data structure
Encouraging the use of notification-style code, attempting to maintain consistency within redundant data structures.
It is better to minimize data structure, and if it must be redundant, be able to tolerate temporary inconsistency.
As an illustration of the kind of thing that OO encourages, here's what I see sometimes in performance tuning: Somebody sets SomeProperty = true;. That sounds innocent enough, right? Well that can ripple to objects that contain that object, often through polymorphism that's hard to trace. That can mean that some list or dictionary somewhere needs to have things added to it or removed from it. That can mean that some tree or list control needs controls added or removed or shuffled. That can mean windows are being created or destroyed. It can also mean some things need to be changed in a database, which might not be local so there's some I/O or mutex locking to be done.
It can really get crazy. But who cares? It's abstract.
There could be: the OO approach tends to be closer to a decoupled approach where different modules don't go poking around inside each other. They are restricted to public interfaces, and there is always a potential cost in that. For example, calling a getter instead of just directly examining a variable; or calling a virtual function by default because the type of an object isn't sufficiently obvious for a direct call.
That said, there are several factors that diminish this as a useful observation.
A well written structured program should have the same modularity (i.e. hiding implementations), and therefore incur the same costs of indirection. The cost of calling a function pointer in C is probably going to be very similar to the cost of calling a virtual function in C++.
Modern JITs, and even the use of inline methods in C++, can remove the indirection cost.
The costs themselves are probably relatively small (typically just a few extra simple operations per instruction call). This will be insignificant in a program where the real work is done in tight loops.
Finally, a more modular style frees the programmer to tackle more complicated, but hopefully less complex algorithms without the peril of low level bugs.

Is it worth writing part of code in C instead of C++ as micro-optimization?

I am wondering if it is still worth with modern compilers and their optimizations to write some critical code in C instead of C++ to make it faster.
I know C++ might lead to bad performance in case classes are copied while they could be passed by reference or when classes are created automatically by the compiler, typically with overloaded operators and many other similar cases; but for a good C++ developer who knows how to avoid all of this, is it still worth writing code in C to improve performance?
I'm going to agree with a lot of the comments. C syntax is supported, intentionally (with divergence only in C99), in C++. Therefore all C++ compilers have to support it. In fact I think it's hard to find any dedicated C compilers anymore. For example, in GCC you'll actually end up using the same optimization/compilation engine regardless of whether the code is C or C++.
The real question is then, does writing plain C code and compiling in C++ suffer a performance penalty. The answer is, for all intents and purposes, no. There are a few tricky points about exceptions and RTTI, but those are mainly size changes, not speed changes. You'd be so hard pressed to find an example that actually takes a performance hit that it doesn't seem worth it do write a dedicate module.
What was said about what features you use is important. It is very easy in C++ to get sloppy about copy semantics and suffer huge overheads from copying memory. In my experience this is the biggest cost -- in C you can also suffer this cost, but not as easily I'd say.
Virtual function calls are ever so slightly more expensive than normal functions. At the same time forced inline functions are cheaper than normal function calls. In both cases it is likely the cost of pushing/popping parameters from the stack that is more expensive. Worrying about function call overhead though should come quite late in the optimization process -- as it is rarely a significant problem.
Exceptions are costly at throw time (in GCC at least). But setting up catch statements and using RAII doesn't have a significant cost associated with it. This was by design in the GCC compiler (and others) so that truly only the exceptional cases are costly.
But to summarize: a good C++ programmer would not be able to make their code run faster simply by writing it in C.
measure! measure before thinking about optimizing, measure before applying optimization, measure after applying optimization, measure!
If you must run your code 1 nanosecond faster (because it's going to be used by 1000 people, 1000 times in the next 1000 days and that second is very important) anything goes.
Yes! it is worth ...
changing languages (C++ to C; Python to COBOL; Mathlab to Fortran; PHP to Lisp)
tweaking the compiler (enable/disable all the -f options)
use different libraries (even write your own)
What you must not forget is to measure!.
pmg nailed it. Just measure instead of global assumptions. Also think of it this way, compilers like gcc separate the front, middle, and back end. so the frontend fortran, c, c++, ada, etc ends up in the same internal middle language if you will that is what gets most of the optimization. Then that generic middle language is turned into assembler for the specific target, and there are target specific optimizations that occur. So the language may or may not induce more code from the front to middle when the languages differ greatly, but for C/C++ I would assume it is the same or very similar. Now the binary size is another story, the libraries that may get sucked into the binary for C only vs C++ even if it is only C syntax can/will vary. Doesnt necessarily affect execution performance but can bulk up the program file costing storage and transfer differences as well as memory requirements if the program loaded as a while into ram. Here again, just measure.
I also add to the measure comment compile to assembler and/or disassemble the output and compare the results of your different languages/compiler choices. This can/will supplement the timing differences you see when you measure.
The question has been answered to death, so I won't add to that.
Simply as a generic question, assuming you have measured, etc, and you have identified that a certain C++ (or other) code segment is not running at optimal speed (which generally means you have not used the right tool for the job); and you know you can get better performance by writing it in C, then yes, definitely, it is worth it.
There is a certain mindset that is common, trying to do everything from one tool (Java or SQL or C++). Not just Maslow's Hammer, but the actual belief that they can code a C construct in Java, etc. This leads to all kinds of performance problems. Architecture, as a true profession, is about placing code segments in the appropriate architectural location or platform. It is the correct combination of Java, SQL and C that will deliver performance. That produces an app that does not need to be re-visited; uneventful execution. In which case, it will not matter if or when C++ implements this constructors or that.
I am wondering if it is still worth with modern compilers and their optimizations to write some critical code in C instead of C++ to make it faster.
no. keep it readable. if your team prefers c++ or c, prefer that - especially if it is already functioning in production code (don't rewrite it without very good reasons).
I know C++ might lead to bad performance in case classes are copied while they could be passed by reference
then forbid copying and assigning
or when classes are created automatically by the compiler, typically with overloaded operators and many other similar cases
could you elaborate? if you are referring to templates, they don't have additional cost in runtime (although they can lead to additional exported symbols, resulting in a larger binary). in fact, using a template method can improve performance if (for example) a conversion would otherwise be necessary.
but for a good C++ developer who knows how to avoid all of this, is it still worth writing code in C to improve performance?
in my experience, an expert c++ developer can create a faster, more maintainable program.
you have to be selective about the language features that you use (and do not use). if you break c++ features down to the set available in c (e.g., remove exceptions, virtual function calls, rtti) then you're off to a good start. if you learn to use templates, metaprogramming, optimization techniques, avoid type aliasing (which becomes increasingly difficult or verbose in c), etc. then you should be on par or faster than c - with a program which is more easily maintained (since you are familiar with c++).
if you're comfortable using the features of c++, use c++. it has plenty of features (many of which have been added with speed/cost in mind), and can be written to be as fast as c (or faster).
with templates and metaprogramming, you could turn many runtime variables into compile-time constants for exceptional gains. sometimes that goes well into micro-optimization territory.

C++ style vs. performance?

C++ style vs. performance - is using C-style things, that are faster the some C++ equivalents, that bad practice ? For example:
Don't use atoi(), itoa(), atol(), etc. ! Use std::stringstream <- probably sometimes it's better, but always? What's so bad using the C functions? Yep, C-style, not C++, but whatever? This is C++, we're looking for performance all the time..
Never use raw pointers, use smart pointers instead - OK, they're really useful, everyone knows that, I know that, I use the all the time and I know how much better they're that raw pointers, but sometimes it's completely safe to use raw pointers.. Why not? "Not C++ style? <- is this enough?
Don't use bitwise operations - too C-style? WTH? Why not, when you're sure what you're doing? For example - don't do bitwise exchange of variables ( a ^= b; b ^= a; a ^= b; ) - use standard 3-step exchange. Don't use left-shift for multiplying by two. Etc, etc.. (OK, that's not C++ style vs. C-style, but still "not good practice" )
And finally, the most expensive - "Don't use enum-s to return codes, it's too C-style, use exceptions for different errors" ? Why? OK, when we're talking about error handling on deep levels - OK, but why always? What's so wrong with this, for example - when we're talking about a function, that returns different error codes and when the error handling will be implemented only in the function, that calls the first one? I mean - no need to pass the error codes on a upper level. Exceptions are rather slow and they're exceptions for exceptional situations, not for .. beauty.
etc., etc., etc.
Okay, I know that good coding style is very, very important <- the code should be easy to read and understand. I know that there's no need from micro optimizations, as the modern compilers are very smart and Compiler optimizations are very powerful. But I also know how expensive is the exceptions handling, how (some) smart_pointers are implemented, and that there's no need from smart_ptr all the time.. I know that, for example, atoi is not that "safe" as std::stringstream is, but still.. What about performance?
EDIT: I'm not talking about some really hard things, that are only C-style specific. I mean - don't wonder to use function pointers or virtual methods and these kind of stuff, that a C++ programmer may not know, if never used such things (while C programmers do this all the time). I'm talking about some more common and easy things, such as in the examples.
In general, the thing you're missing is that the C way often isn't faster. It just looks more like a hack, and people often think hacks are faster.
Never use raw pointers, use smart pointers instead - OK, they're really useful, everyone knows that, I know that, I use the all the time and I know how much better they're that raw pointers, but sometimes it's completely safe to use raw pointers.. Why not?
Let's turn the question on its head. Sometimes it's safe to use raw pointers. Is that alone a reason to use them? Is there anything about raw pointers that is actually superior to smart pointers? It depends. Some smart pointer types are slower than raw pointers. Others aren't. What is the performance rationale for using a raw pointer over a std::unique_ptr or a boost::scoped_ptr? Neither of them have any overhead, they just provide safer semantics.
This isn't to say that you should never use raw pointers. Just that you shouldn't do it just because you think you need performance, or just because "it seems safe". Do it when you need to represent something that smart pointers can't. As a rule of thumb, use pointers to point to things, and smart pointers to take ownership of things. But it's a rule of thumb, not a universal rule. Use whichever fits the task at hand. But don't blindly assume that raw pointers will be faster. And when you use smart pointers, be sure you are familiar with them all. Too many people just use shared_ptr for everything, and that is just awful, both in terms of performance and the very vague shared ownership semantics you end up applying to everything.
Don't use bitwise operations - too C-style? WTH? Why not, when you're sure what you're doing? For example - don't do bitwise exchange of variables ( a ^= b; b ^= a; a ^= b; ) - use standard 3-step exchange. Don't use left-shift for multiplying by two. Etc, etc.. (OK, that's not C++ style vs. C-style, but still "not good practice" )
That one is correct. And the reason is "it's faster". Bitwise exchange is problematic in many ways:
it is slower on a modern CPU
it is more subtle and easier to get wrong
it works with a very limited set of types
And when multiplying by two, multiply by two. The compiler knows about this trick, and will apply it if it is faster. And once again, shifting has many of the same problems. It may, in this case, be faster (which is why the compiler will do it for you), but it is still easier to get wrong, and it works with a limited set of types. In paticular, it might compile fine with types that you think it is safe to do this trick with... And then blow up in practice. In particular, bit shifting on negative values is a minefield. Let the compiler navigate it for you.
Incidentally, this has nothing to do with "C style". The exact same advice applies in C. In C, a regular swap is still faster than the bitwise hack, and bitshifting instead of a multiply will still be done by the compiler if it is valid and if it is faster.
But as a programmer, you should use bitwise operations for one thing only: to do bitwise manipulation of integers. You've already got a multiplication operator, so use that when you want to multiply. And you've also got a std::swap function. Use that if you want to swap two values. One of the most important tricks when optimizing is, perhaps surprisingly, to write readable, meaningful code. That allows your compiler to understand the code and optimize it. std::swap can be specialized to do the most efficient exchange for the particular type it's used on. And the compiler knows several ways to implement multiplication, and will pick the fastest one depending on circumstance... If you tell it to. If you tell it to bit shift instead, you're just misleading it. Tell it to multiply, and it will give you the fastest multiply it has.
And finally, the most expensive - "Don't use enum-s to return codes, it's too C-style, use exceptions for different errors" ?
Depends on who you ask. Most C++ programmers I know of find room for both. But keep in mind that one unfortunate thing about return codes is that they're easily ignored. If that is unacceptable, then perhaps you should prefer an exception in this case. Another point is that RAII works better together with exceptions, and a C++ programmer should definitely use RAII wherever possible. Unfortunately, because constructors can't return error codes, exceptions are often the only way to indicate errors.
but still.. What about performance?
What about it? Any decent C programmer would be happy to tell you not to optimize prematurely.
Your CPU can execute perhaps 8 billion instructions per second. If you make two calls to a std::stringstream in that second, is that going to make a measurable dent in the budget?
You can't predict performance. You can't make up a coding guideline that will result in fast code. Even if you never throw a single exception, and never ever use stringstream, your code still won't automatically be fast. If you try to optimize while you write the code, then you're going to spend 90% of the effort optimizing the 90% of the code that is hardly ever executed. In order to get a measurable improvement, you need to focus on the 10% of the code that make up 95% of the execution time. Trying to make everything fast just results in a lot of wasted time with little to show for it, and a much uglier code base.
I'd advise against atoi, and atol as a rule, but not just on style grounds. They make it essentially impossible to detect input errors. While a stringstream can do the same job, strtol (for one example) is what I'd usually advise as the direct replacement.
I'm not sure who's giving that advice. Use smart pointers when they're helpful, but when they're not, there's nothing wrong with using a raw pointer.
I really have no idea who thinks it's "not good practice" to use bitwise operators in C++. Unless there were some specific conditions attached to that advice, I'd say it was just plain wrong.
This one depends heavily on where you draw the line between an exceptional input, and (for example) an input that's expected, but not usable. Generally speaking, if you're accepting input direct from the user, you can't (and shouldn't) classify anything as truly exceptional. The main good point of exceptions (even in a situation like this) is ensuring that errors aren't just ignored. OTOH, I don't think that's always the sole criterion, so you can't say it's the right way to handle every situation.
All in all, it sounds to me like you've gotten some advice that's dogmatic to the point of ignoring reality. It's probably best ignored or at least viewed as one rather extreme position about how C++ could be written, not necessarily how it always (or ever, necessarily) should be written.
Adding to #Jerry Coffin's answer, which I think is extremely useful, I would like to present some subjective observations.
The thing is that programmers tend to get fancy. That is, most of us really like writing fancy code just for the sake of it. This is perfectly fine as long as you are doing the project on your own. Remember a good software is the one whose binary code works as expected and not the one whose source code is clean. However when it comes to larger projects which are developed and maintained by lots of people, it is economically better to write simpler code so that no one from the team loses time to understand what you meant. Even at the cost of runtime(naturally minor cost). That's why many people, including myself, would discourage using the xor trick instead of assignment(you may be surprised but there are extremely many programmers out there that haven't heard of the xor trick). The xor trick works only for integers anyway, and the traditional way of swapping integers is very fast anyway, so using the xor trick is just being fancy.
using itoa, atoi etc instead of streams is faster. Yes, it is. But how much faster? Not much. Unless most of your program does only conversions from text to string and vice versa you won't notice the difference. Why do people use itoa, atoi etc? Well, some of them do, because they are unaware of the c++ alternative. Another group does because it's just one LOC. For the former group - shame on you, for the latter - why not boost::lexical_cast?
exceptions... ah ... yeah, they can be slower than return codes but in most cases not really. Return codes can contain information, which is not an error. Exceptions should be used to report severe errors, ones which cannot be ignored. Some people forget about this and use exceptions for simulating some weird signal/slot mechanisms (believe me, I have seen it, yuck). My personal opinion is that there is nothing wrong using return codes, but severe errors should be reported with exceptions, unless the profiler has shown that refraining from them would considerably boost the performance
raw pointers - My own opinion is this: never use smart pointers when it's not about ownership. Always use smart pointers when it's about ownership. Naturally with some exceptions.
bit-shifting instead of multiplication by powers of two. This, I believe, is a classic example of premature optimization. x << 3; I bet at least 25% of your co-workers will need some time before they will understand/realize this means x * 8; Obfuscated (at least for 25%) code for which exact reasons? Again, if the profiler tells you this is the bottleneck (which I doubt will be the case for extremely rare cases), then green light, go ahead and do it (leaving a comment that in fact this means x * 8)
To sum it up. A good professional acknowledges the "good styles", understands why and when they are good, and rightfully makes exceptions because he knows what he's doing. Average/bad professionals are categorized into 2 types: first type doesn't acknowledge good style, doesn't even understand what and why it is. fire them. The other type treats the style as a dogma, which is not always good.
What's a best practice ? Wikipedia's words are better than mine would be :
A best practice is a technique,
method, process, activity, incentive,
or reward which conventional wisdom
regards as more effective at
delivering a particular outcome than
any other technique, method, process,
etc. when applied to a particular
condition or circumstance.
A given best practice is only
applicable to particular condition or
circumstance and may have to be
modified or adapted for similar
circumstances. In addition, a "best"
practice can evolve to become better
as improvements are discovered.
I believe there is no such thing as universal truth in programming : if you think that something is a better fit in your situation than a so called "best practice", then do what you believe is right, but know perfectly why you do (ie: prove it with numbers).
Functions with mutable char* arguments are bad in C++ because it's too difficult to manually handle their memory, since we have an alternatives. They aren't generic, we can't easily switch from char to wchar_t as basic_string allows. Also lexical_cast is more straight replacement for atoi, itoa.
If you don't really need smartness of a smart pointer - don't use it.
To swap use swap. Use bitwise operations only for bitwise operations - checking/setting/inverting flags, etc.
Exceptions are fast. They allow removing error checking condition branches, so if they really "never happen" - they increase performance.
Multiplication by bitshifting doesn't improve performance in C, the compiler will do that for you. Just be sure to multiply or divide by 2^n values for performance.
Bitfield swapping is also something that'll probably just confuse your compiler.
I'm not very experienced with string handling in C++, but from from what I know, it's hard to believe it's more flexible than scanf and printf.
Also, these "you should never" statements, I generally regard them as recommendations.
All of your questions are a-priori. What I mean is you are asking them in the abstract, not in the context of any specific program whose performance is your concern.
That's like trying to swim without being in water.
If you do tuning on a specific concrete program, you will find performance problems, and chances are they will have almost nothing whatever to do with these abstract questions. They will most likely all be things you could not have thought of a-priori.
For a specific example of this, look here.
If I could generalize from experience, a major source of performance problems is galloping generality.
That is, while data structure abstraction is generally considered a good thing, any good thing can be massively over-used, and then it becomes a crippling bad thing. This is not rare. In my experience it is typical.
I think you're answering big parts of your question on your own. I personally prefer easy-to-read code (even if you understand C style, maybe the next to read your code has more trouble with it) and safe code (which suggests stringstream, exceptions, smart pointers...)
If you really have something where it makes sense to consider bitwise operations - ok. But often I see C programmers use a char instead of a couple of bools. I do NOT like this.
Speed is important, but most of the time is usually required at a few hotspots in a program. So unless you measure that some technique is a problem (or you know pretty sure that it will become one) I would rather use what you call C++ style.
Why the expensiveness of exceptions is an argument? Exceptions are exceptions because they are rare. Their performance doesn't influence the overall performance. The steps you have to take to make your code exception-safe do not influence the performance either. But on the other hand exceptions are convenient and flexible.
This is not really an "answer", but if you work in a project where performance is important (e.g. embedded/games), people usually do the faster C way instead of the slower C++ way in the ways you described.
The exception may be bitwise operations, where not as much is gained as you might think. For example, "Don't use left-shift for multiplying by two." A half-way decent compiler will generate the same code for << 2 and * 2.

Most common reasons for unstable bugs in C++?

I am currently working on a large project, and I spend most of the time debugging. While debugging is a normal process, there are bugs, that are unstable, and these bugs are the greatest pain for the developer. The program does not work, well, sometimes... Sometimes it does, and there is nothing you can do about it.
What can be done about these bugs? Most common debugging tools (interactive debuggers, watches, log messages) may lead you nowhere, because the bug will disappear ... just to appear once again, later. That is why I am asking for some heuristics: what are the most common reasons for such bugs? What suspicious code should we investigate to locate such a bugs?
Let me start the list:
using uninitialized variables.
Common misprints like mMember =
thread synchronization.
Sometimes it can be a matter of
working with non-smart
pointers, dereferencing invalid
what else?
IME the underlying problem in many projects is that developers use low-level features of C++ like manual memory management, C-style string handling, etc. even though they are very rarely ever necessary (and then only well encapsulated in classes). This leads to memory corruption, invalid pointers, buffer overflows, resource leaks and whatnot. All the while nice and clean high-level constructs are available.
I was part of the team for a large (several MLoC) application for several years and the number of crashing bugs for different parts of the application nicely correlated to the programming style used within these parts. When asked why they wouldn't change their programming style some of the culprits answered that their style in general yields more performance. (Not only is this wrong, it's also a fact that customers rather have a more stable but slower program than a fast one that keeps crashing on them. Also, most of their code wasn't even required to be fast...)
As for multi-threading: I don't feel expert enough to offer solutions here, but I think Herb Sutter's Effective Concurrency columns are a very worthwhile read on the subject.
Edit to address the discussions in the comments:
I did not write that "C-style string handling is not more performant". (Certainly a lot of negation in this sentence, but since I feel misread, I try to be precise.) What I said is that high level constructs are not in general less performant: std::vector isn't in general slower than manually doing dynamically allocated C arrays, since it is a dynamically allocated C array. Of course, there are cases where something coded according to special requirements will perform better than any general solution -- but that doesn't necessarily mean you'll have to resort to manual memory management. This is why I wrote that, if such things are necessary, then only well-encapsulated in classes.
But what's even more important: in most code the difference doesn't matter. Whether a button depresses 0.01secs after someone clicked it or 0.05secs simply doesn't matter, so even a factor 5 speed gain is irrelevant in the button's code. Whether the code crashes, however, always matters.
To sum up my argument: First make it work correctly. This is best done using well-proven off-the-shelf building blocks. Then measure. Then improve performance where it matters, using well-proven off-the-shelf idioms.
I was actually going to post a question that asked exactly the opposite - do others find, as I do, that you spend almost no time using the debugger when working with C++? I honestly cannot remember the last time I used one - it must have been about six months ago.
Frankly, if you spend most of the time in the debugger, I think there is something very wrong with your basic coding practices.
Race conditions.
These are one of the few things that still sends a shiver down my spine when it comes up in debugging (or in the issue tracker). Inherently horrible to debug, and extremely easy to create. The three most common causes of bugs in my C++ software have been race conditions, reliance on uninitialised memory, and reliance on static constructor order.
And if you don't know what race conditions are, chances are they're the cause of your instability ;)
If you are really in a position where you already have bad code that breaks, the best plan is probably to throw as many tools at it as you can (OS/lib-level memory checking, automated testing, logging, core dumps, etc) to find the problem areas. Then rewrite the code to do something more deterministic. Most of the bugs come from people doing things that mostly work most of the time, but C++ offers stronger guarantees if you use the right tools and approaches.
Haven't seen this one mentioned yet:
Inheriting from a class that does not have a virtual destructor.
Reading from uncached memory while a cache line is being written back over the memory (This is a right bastard to find).
Buffer overwrites
Stack overflows!
The only 3 i can think of at the mo ... may edit later :)
buffer overflows
using pointers to deleted objects
returning invalid references or references to out of scope objects
unhandled exceptions
resource leaks (not only memory)
infinite recursion
dynamic libraries version mismatch
Not really a C++ issue but seen in a C/C++ project.
The trickiest issue I had to deal with was an initialization issue when starting up the OS on our platform that lead to unusual crashes. It took years before we found out what happened. Before that we ran the system overnight and if it didn't crash, then it was normally okay.
Luckily, the OS isn't sold anymore.
addresses and memory used before allocation or after deallocation, segmentation faults, arrayoutofbounds, offset, threadlocks, unintelligible operator overloading, inline assembly, void exit and void in general where return values are desired complicates where math.h functions are worth a look since all math.h functions both have working arguments and return values compared to other library overly void, emptiness tests, nils, nulls and voids. 4 general conventions I recommend are return values, arguments, ternary choices and invertible changes. Faultprone to avoid are vectors (use arrays instead) void with empty arguments and in my subjective opinion I avoid the switch statement in favor of more intelligible or readable if...elseif or more abstract "is".
C++ also has rather lousy forward compatibility compared to scripts and interpreted, to try a decade old Java it still runs unchanged and safe in later vm.

Embedded C++ : to use STL or not?

I have always been an embedded software engineer, but usually at Layer 3 or 2 of the OSI stack. I am not really a hardware guy. I have generally always done telecoms products, usually hand/cell-phones, which generally means something like an ARM 7 processor.
Now I find myself in a more generic embedded world, in a small start-up, where I might move to "not so powerful" processors (there's the subjective bit) - I cannot predict which.
I have read quite a bit about debate about using STL in C++ in embedded systems and there is no clear cut answer. There are some small worries about portability, and a few about code size or run-time, but I have two major concerns:
1 - exception handling; I am still not sure whether to use it (see Embedded C++ : to use exceptions or not?)
2 - I strongly dislike dynamic memory allocation in embedded systems, because of the problems it can introduce. I generally have a buffer pool which is statically allocated at compile time and which serves up only fixed size buffers (if no buffers, system reset). The STL, of course, does a lot of dynamic allocation.
Now I have to make the decision whether to use or forego the STL - for the whole company, for ever (it's going into some very core s/w).
Which way do I jump? Super-safe & lose much of what constitutes C++ (imo, it's more than just the language definition) and maybe run into problems later or have to add lots of exception handling & maybe some other code now?
I am tempted to just go with Boost, but 1) I am not sure if it will port to every embedded processor I might want to use and 2) on their website, they say that they doesn't guarantee/recommend certain parts of it for embedded systems (especially FSMs, which seems weird). If I go for Boost & we find a problem later ....
I work on real-time embedded systems every day. Of course, my definition of embedded system may be different than yours. But we make full use of the STL and exceptions and do not experience any unmanageable problems. We also make use of dynamic memory (at a very high rate; allocating lots of packets per second, etc.) and have not yet needed to resort to any custom allocators or memory pools. We have even used C++ in interrupt handlers. We don't use boost, but only because a certain government agency won't let us.
It is our experience you can indeed use many modern C++ features in an embedded environment as long as you use your head and conduct your own benchmarks. I highly recommend you make use of Scott Meyer's Effective C++ 3rd edition as well as Sutter and Alexandrescu's C++ Coding Standards to assist you in using C++ with a sane programming style.
Edit: After getting an upvote on this 2 years later, let me post an update. We are much farther along in our development and we have finally hit spots in our code where the standard library containers are too slow under high performance conditions. Here we did in fact resort to custom algorithms, memory pools, and simplified containers. That is the beauty of C++ though, you can use the standard library and get all the good things it provides for 90% of your use cases. You don't throw it all out when you meet problems, you just hand-optimize the trouble spots.
Super-safe & lose much of what
constitutes C++ (imo, it's more than
just the language definition) and
maybe run into problems later or have
to add lots of exception handling &
maybe some other code now?
We have a similar debate in the game world and people come down on both sides. Regarding the quoted part, why would you be concerned about losing "much of what constitutes C++"? If it's not pragmatic, don't use it. It shouldn't matter if it's "C++" or not.
Run some tests. Can you get around STL's memory management in ways that satisfy you? If so, was it worth the effort? A lot of problems STL and boost are designed to solve just plain don't come up if you design to avoid haphazard dynamic memory allocation... does STL solve a specific problem you face?
Lots of people have tackled STL in tight environments and been happy with it. Lots of people just avoid it. Some people propose entirely new standards. I don't think there's one right answer.
The other posts have addressed the important issues of dynamic memory allocation, exceptions and possible code bloat. I just want to add: Don't forget about <algorithm>! Regardless of whether you use STL vectors or plain C arrays and pointers, you can still use sort(), binary_search(), random_shuffle(), the functions for building and managing heaps, etc. These routines will almost certainly be faster and less buggy than versions you build yourself.
Example: unless you think about it carefully, a shuffle algorithm you build yourself is likely to produce skewed distributions; random_shuffle() won't.
Paul Pedriana from Electronic Arts wrote in 2007 a lengthy treatise on why the STL was inappropriate for embedded console development and why they had to write their own. It's a detailed article, but the most important reasons were:
STL allocators are slow, bloated,
and inefficient
Compilers aren't actually very good at inlining all those deep function calls
STL allocators don't support explicit alignment
The STL algorithms that come with GCC and MSVC's STL aren't very performant, because they're very platform-agnostic and thus miss a lot of microoptimizations that can make a big difference.
Some years ago, our company made the decision not to use the STL at all, instead implementing our own system of containers that are maximally performant, easier to debug, and more conservative of memory. It was a lot of work but it has repaid itself many times over. But ours is a space in which products compete on how much they can cram into 16.6ms with a given CPU and memory size.
As to exceptions: they are slow on consoles, and anyone who tells you otherwise hasn't tried timing them. Simply compiling with them enabled will slow down the entire program because of the necessary prolog/epilog code -- measure it yourself if you don't believe me. It's even worse on in-order CPUs than it is on the x86. For this reason, the compiler we use doesn't even support C++ exceptions.
The performance gain isn't so much from avoiding the cost of an exception throw — it's from disabling exceptions entirely.
Let me start out by saying I haven't done embedded work for a few years, and never in C++, so my advice is worth every penny you're paying for it...
The templates utilized by STL are never going to generate code you wouldn't need to generate yourself, so I wouldn't worry about code bloat.
The STL doesn't throw exceptions on its own, so that shouldn't be a concern. If your classes don't throw, you should be safe. Divide your object initialization into two parts, let the constructor create a bare bones object and then do any initialization that could fail in a member function that returns an error code.
I think all of the container classes will let you define your own allocation function, so if you want to allocate from a pool you can make it happen.
The open source project "Embedded Template Library (ETL)" targets the usual problems with the STL used in Embedded Applications by providing/implementing a library:
deterministic behaviour
"Create a set of containers where the size or maximum size is determined at compile time. These containers should be largely equivalent to those supplied in the STL, with a compatible API."
no dynamic memory allocation
no RTTI required
little use of virtual functions (only when absolutely necessary)
set of fixed capacity containers
cache friendly storage of containers as continously allocated memory block
reduced container code size
typesafe smart enumerations
CRC calculations
checksums & hash functions
variants = sort of type safe unions
Choice of asserts, exceptions, error handler or no checks on errors
heavily unit tested
well documented source code
and other features...
You can also consider a commercial C++ STL for Embedded Developers provided by E.S.R. Labs.
for memory management, you can implement your own allocator, which request memory from the pool. And all STL container have a template for the allocator.
for exception, STL doesn't throw many exceptions, in generally, the most common are: out of memory, in your case, the system should reset, so you can do reset in the allocator. others are such as out of range, you can avoid it by the user.
so, i think you can use STL in embedded system :)
In addition to all comments, I would propose you reading of Technical Report on C++ Performance which specifically addresses topics that you are interested in: using C++ in embedded (including hard real-time systems); how exception-handling usually implemented and which overhead it has; free store allocation's overhead.
The report is really good as is debunks many popular tails about C++ performance.
It basically depends on your compiler and in the amount of memory you have. If you have more than a few Kb of ram, having dynamic memory allocation helps a lot. If the implementation of malloc from the standard library that you have is not tuned to your memory size you can write your own, or there are nice examples around such as mm_malloc from Ralph Hempel that you can use to write your new and delete operators on top.
I don't agree with those that repeat the meme that exceptions and stl containers are too slow, or too bloated etc. Of course it adds a little more code than a simple C's malloc, but judicious use of exceptions can make code much clear and avoid too much error checking blurb in C.
One has to keep in mind that STL allocators will increase their allocations in powers of two, which means sometimes it will do some reallocations until it reaches the correct size, which you can prevent with reserve so it becomes as cheap as one malloc of the desired size if you know the size to allocate anyway.
If you have a big buffer in a vector for example, at some point it might do a reallocation and ends using up 1.5x the memory size that you are intending it to use at some point while reallocating and moving data. (For example, at some point it has N bytes allocated, you add data via append or an insertion iterator and it allocates 2N bytes, copies the first N and releases N. You have 3N bytes allocated at some point).
So in the end it has a lot of advantages, and pays of if you know what you are doing. You should know a little of how C++ works to use it on embedded projects without surprises.
And to the guy of the fixed buffers and reset, you can always reset inside the new operator or whatever if you are out of memory, but that would mean you did a bad design that can exhaust your memory.
An exception being thrown with ARM realview 3.1:
--- OSD\#1504 throw fapi_error("OSDHANDLER_BitBlitFill",res);
S:218E72F0 E1A00000 MOV r0,r0
S:218E72F4 E58D0004 STR r0,[sp,#4]
S:218E72F8 E1A02000 MOV r2,r0
S:218E72FC E24F109C ADR r1,{pc}-0x94 ; 0x218e7268
S:218E7300 E28D0010 ADD r0,sp,#0x10
S:218E7304 FA0621E3 BLX _ZNSsC1EPKcRKSaIcE <0x21a6fa98>
S:218E7308 E1A0B000 MOV r11,r0
S:218E730C E1A0200A MOV r2,r10
S:218E7310 E1A01000 MOV r1,r0
S:218E7314 E28D0014 ADD r0,sp,#0x14
S:218E7318 EB05C35F BL fapi_error::fapi_error <0x21a5809c>
S:218E731C E3A00008 MOV r0,#8
S:218E7320 FA056C58 BLX __cxa_allocate_exception <0x21a42488>
S:218E7324 E58D0008 STR r0,[sp,#8]
S:218E7328 E28D1014 ADD r1,sp,#0x14
S:218E732C EB05C340 BL _ZN10fapi_errorC1ERKS_ <0x21a58034>
S:218E7330 E58D0008 STR r0,[sp,#8]
S:218E7334 E28D0014 ADD r0,sp,#0x14
S:218E7338 EB05C36E BL _ZN10fapi_errorD1Ev <0x21a580f8>
S:218E733C E51F2F98 LDR r2,0x218e63ac <OSD\#1126>
S:218E7340 E51F1F98 LDR r1,0x218e63b0 <OSD\#1126>
S:218E7344 E59D0008 LDR r0,[sp,#8]
S:218E7348 FB056D05 BLX __cxa_throw <0x21a42766>
Doesn't seem so scary, and no overhead is added inside {} blocks or functions if the exception isn't thrown.
The biggest problem with STL in embedded systems is the memory allocation issue (which, as you said, causes a lot of problems).
I'd seriously research creating your own memory management, built by overriding the new/delete operators. I'm pretty sure that with a bit of time, it can be done, and it's almost certainly worth it.
As for the exceptions issue, I wouldn't go there. Exceptions are a serious slowdown of your code, because they cause every single block ({ }) to have code before and after, allowing the catching of the exception and the destruction of any objects contained within. I don't have hard data on this on hand, but every time I've seen this issue come up, I've seen overwhelming evidence of a massive slowdown caused by using exceptions.
Since a lot of people wrote comments stating that exception handling is not slower, I thought I'd add this little note (thanks for the people who wrote this in comments, I thought it'd be good to add it here).
The reason exception handling slows down your code is because the compiler must make sure that every block ({}), from the place an exception is thrown to the place it is dealt with, must deallocate any objects within it. This is code that is added to every block, regardless of whether anyone ever throws an exception or not (since the compiler can't tell at compile time whether this block will be part of an exception "chain").
Of course, this might be an old way of doing things that has gotten much faster in newer compilers (I'm not exactly up-to-date on C++ compiler optimizations). The best way to know is just to run some sample code, with exceptions turned on and off (and which includes a few nested functions), and time the difference.
On our embedded scanner project we were developing a board with ARM7 CPU and STL didn't bring any issue. Surely the project details are important since dynamic memory allocation may not be an issue for many available boards today and type of projects.