llvm pass error - llvm

i'm using this guide: http://llvm.org/releases/3.0/docs/WritingAnLLVMPass.html for creating an llvm pass, but i have the following error when i use
opt -load ../../../Debug+Asserts/lib/Hello.so -hello < hello.bc > /dev/null
Error opening '../../../Release/lib/Hello.so': ../../../Release/lib/Hello.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4llvm12PassRegistry12registerPassERKNS_8PassInfoEb
-load request ignored.
opt: Unknown command line argument '-hello'. Try: 'opt -help'
note that i haven't the folder "Debug+Asserts" but "Release"
someone know what's the problem?
maybe because for creating the Hello.bc file i use llvm-clang instead of llvm-gcc? (this guide says to use llvm-gcc but it doesn'n work: http://llvm.org/releases/3.0/docs/GettingStarted.html#tutorial) or maybe because i have opt version 2.8 while i'm using llvm-3.0 ?

You should use the same version of opt as the LLVM version you're building the pass against.


Meson build gives "clang-14: error: unknown argument" for opt options when passed through meson.build but clang options are accepted

I need to use meson build system, for a project, I am forced to give CXXFLAGS via, meson.build itself. According to offical meson documentation To add compiler options via add_project_arguments meson I need to give clang and opt options in the meson.build itself. This is how I do it in meson.build, I am supposed to use clang-14. The problem is as per the error log file, It accepts the clang options ( Those not prefixed by -mllvm ) like -O3 or -ftlo, because I see no error log for these clang options, but the options with ( -mllvm -some_opt_option ) gives me error clang-14: error: unknown argument: 'some_opt_option' how do I get past this error, and make meson to accept these opt options and not just clang options.
if cc.get_id() == 'clang'
# Thread safety annotation
add_project_arguments('-O3', language : 'cpp')

Using shared object (.so) by command opt in llvm

I am a llvm beginner. I run the command:
../llvm-6.0.0.src/build/bin/opt -load=./test.so -Hello < main.bc
according to the tutorial but got the error:
opt: CommandLine Error: Option 'use-dbg-addr' registered more than once!
LLVM ERROR: inconsistency in registered CommandLine options
I googled again and again, and got nothing about this error.
You need a LLVM build with shared libraries enabled, which corresponds to cmake options BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=On. You can check what type of LLVM you have installed by either checking its lib directory or executing:
llvm-config --shared-mode
This should report shared; anything else will require you to recompile.

Undefined symbol when loading LLVM plugin

I am developing an LLVM pass and want to run it as a plugin via the Clang LLVM driver:
clang -Xclang -load -Xclang myPlugin.so ...
At first I got an error similar to that described here
undefined symbol for self-built llvm opt?
After applying the flag -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 as suggested, I'm getting this error:
error: unable to load plugin 'myPlugin.so': 'myPlugin.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK4llvm12FunctionPass17createPrinterPassERNS_11raw_ostreamERKSs
This page suggests that there may be an ABI compatibility issue (which I don't fully understand)
My objective is to compile the pass with either GCC or Clang and run it with the system Clang installation (Ubuntu 16.04, LLVM 3.8) rather than building Clang/LLVM from source.
The problem could come from multiple clang installations. The clang version you have used to compile your plugin may be different from the clang called in
clang -Xclang -load -Xclang myPlugin.so ...
If you use cmake to build your plugin, then
will generate the file compile_commands.json that will contain the llvm version you have used. bear make or make -n are alternatives if you don't use cmake for your plugin.
If compile_commands.json contains for example
"command": "c++ -c -I/usr/lib/llvm-4.0/include ..."
and if clang -v is clang version 3.8.0, you are likely to obtain this error message especially if llvm::FunctionPass::createPrinterPass is in llvm-4.0 and not in llvm-3.8.
A solution may be to compile with
clang-xxx -Xclang -load -Xclang myPlugin.so ...
where clang-xxx contains the llvm-xxx that is referenced in compile_commands.json.
I was receiving that error because first argument I passed into the RegisterPass had the same name as the pass itself:
static RegisterPass<MyPass> X("MyPass", "DPVariableNamePass", false, false);
Changing it fixed the issue:
static RegisterPass<MyPass> X("my-pass", "DPVariableNamePass", false, false);
Maybe it helps

OpenMP with clang

I was trying an openmp code with clang compiler as specified in
I downloaded the code via git and did make and make install. It successfully installed the clang compiler with openmp support. But when I try to compile a sample code (specified in the above link), I get the following error :
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -liomp5
I did not specify path to include and lib as mentioned in the site, but I intend to specify them while compiling on command line with -L and -I options.
$clang -I/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.6/include -fopenmp test.c -o test
However, I could not find path for iomp5 lib and hence I got the above error. Can someone please tell me how to resolve this?
At first you need to build openmp library libiomp5. You can take the latest source code here

g++: error: unrecognized option ‘--as-needed’

I am using Ubuntu 12.10 with a gcc version 4.6.3. I am trying to build my code and getting an error when using 'make' command
g++: error: unrecognized option ‘--as-needed’
My Makefile looks as follows:
LFLAGS = -Wl,-rpath,. -Wl,-rpath-link,../bin --as-needed
Previously this code was successfully building on RedHat Linux. But now I need to run this code on Ubuntu.
If anyone knows about this. Please help
#FatalError is right
And also better late than never answering this question.
you need to use -Wl,--as-needed
Seems like you had an extra space between the ld specifier "-Wl" and the option to be passed to ls "--as-needed". For the linker to get the extra option from g++ command, it should be "-Wl,--as-needed"