CMake command line for C++ #define - c++

I need to compile different versions of a certain project by adding compiler switches. Usually I would do this by using add_definitions or something like
in the CMakeLists.txt file.
In this specific project however, I am not allowed to modify any sources, including the CMakeLists.txt file.
I was hoping that something like
cmake -D_MYDEFINE=1 <path to sources>
would generate a project file (Visual Studio 2008 in my case, but shouldn't matter) which includes _MYDEFINE=1 in its preprocessor definitions but in fact it won't.
What are my options here? Is there a different cmake command line option to achieve this? Feel free to suggest solutions not including the command line, as long as changing the project's CMakeLists.txt is not necessary.

I managed to do it this way now:
I was able to convince everybody to add the following lines to the common CMakeLists.txt:
SET(_MYDEFINE <default value>)
(No it is not really called "MYDEFINE", and <default value> is just a placeholder, I just replaced all that for this example)
This does not change the current behaviour of compiling with no additional compiler flags and is thus a valid change.
And it allows you to do
cmake -D_MYDEFINE=<my value> <path to sources>
where this cmake definition will be mapped to a C++ precompiler definition when cmake creates the project file.

Container CMakeLists.txt solution
Tricky solution:
Your read only CMakeList.txt path: ${path}/ReadOnlyProject/CMakeLists.txt
Create a new CMakeList.txt to upper to the read only library (${path}/CMakeLists.txt):
Now use your new project (FAKE_PROJECT) to compile. If the ReadOnlyProject does not set compilers definitions directly, it could work.
On Visual Studio 2010:
Try to modify c:\Users\${username}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0\Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props to add custom compiler settings.
You should add the followings:

To pass a C++ or C pre-processor define without modifying any CMake source files, use the environment variables CFLAGS for C or CXXFLAGS for C++ respectively, e.g.:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..


Is there "includePath" option in clangd?

I used to work with VSCode C/C++ extension. there was a feature in this extension(in a json file), called "includePath", which I could set the paths for my headers, so without execution of CMake or make, I would have the suggestion of my headers and code completion from those.
now I have switched to neovim and clangd as the language server for code completion. I searched a lot to find the corresponding feature in clangd options but I could not find anything more than this link.
since the clangd is a powerful language server, I am in wonder if there is not such a feature in it. so I want to know is there actually such a feature in clangd? and if YES how can I use that?
Note: I use a language client, called "coc-clangd". I don't know if it matters or not.
Clangd uses compile_commands.json database file which contains flags (such as include directories) for each file in project. But this file is auto-generated, so all modifications to it will be overwritten eventually. You can ask CMake to add any custom compile flags with -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS command line argument.
Example for system headers (#include <file.h>):
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-isystem /path/to/includes" /path/to/source
For project headers (#include "file.h"):
cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-Ipath/to/includes /path/to/source
Additionally, you can set CXXFLAGS environment variable:
export CXXFLAGS="-isystem /path/to/includes"
cmake path/to/sources
After that new flags should appear in your compile_commands.json file.
Maybe this is useful:
Create a file called '.clangd' in the top-level of the source directory.
Add those content.
CompileFlags: # Tweak the parse settings
- "-I=[folder]"
But I think this is not recommend, all include directories should be add in CMakeLists.txt file.
You can add includePath to clangd.fallbackFlags into vscode's settings.json like this:
"clangd.fallbackFlags": [
To use code completion provided by Clangd, let Clangd retrieve include paths from compiler_commands.json with compiler calls used by CMake. Set the CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS option in CMakeLists.txt, it will output compiler_commands.json to the build directory when CMake is run:
Copy the generated compiler_commands.json to the project source directory. Clangd will now source this file.

CMake: copy header file to output directory

I have a directory with c++ source and header files. I want to create a CMakeLists.txt to build this as a library for use in other CMake projects that include it as a sub directory.
The problem I run into is CMake doesn't seem to put foo.h anywhere, so getting the parent CMake to know how to find the header file is beguiling me.
Here's my current CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8.2)
# add library target foo
add_library(foo STATIC foo.cpp)
# tell cmake where to find headers for it
target_include_directories(foo PUBLIC .)
# sad attempt to get it to output the header
set_target_properties(foo PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER foo.h)
I DON'T want to have to do install. The idea here is that the library would be used by other CMake projects, not by the entire system.
Ideally, the foo.h would show up next to libfoo.a in the build directory.
I've tried calling it a "FRAMEWORK", no luck; that only makes is a macOs framework.
I believe I can jury rig this, but methinks there's a best practice out there.
Open to an answer that says "here's a better way", too...
It might help to clarify how I think I want to pull this project into another. I've seen other projects use something like this:
add_subdirectory(<path_to_foo>/foo foo_build)
which causes the foo build to happen in a subdirectory. This allows me to refer to the library using 'foo_build', which is nice and clean. However, I still have to point at the original include directory to get the .h file, which makes me feel like I'm missing something.
It seems like cmake would have a clean solution for this.
I am fairly new to CMake but what I think you want is a 'add_custom_command'.
That might work.
What you are looking for is the following structure:
- CMakeLists.txt
- src/
- main.c
- sub/
- foo/
- CMakeLists.txt
- src/
- foo/
- foo.c
- foo.h
Your CMakeLists will look like the following
# use modern target-based cmake features
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.0)
# projectname
project (ff1_selfcheck)
add_subdirectory (sub/foo)
# executable to create
# link libraries
foo # imported target
# use modern target-based cmake features
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.0)
# projectname
project (foo)
# executable to create
# directories where to search for header files
source # the headerfiles in source are the includes
By using the project name foo in target_link_libraries(...) you refer to the foo library target
Furthermore, by using the PUBLIC keyword in the foo library, your headers (your include directory) is automatically propagated to every CMake project that adds this library via add_subdirectory(...).
Therefore you don't need to copy your headers! CMake >= 2.8.12 is beautiful, isn't it?
If you really want to copy files via CMake, the following would work:
file(COPY srcDir
Take a look here:
As a general rule for CMake, sources are kept in the source directory and binaries and other generated files are within the build directory. So you wish is not very CMake-ish.
CMake would put headers and libraries according to your wishes when you install the project. Then you can specify what to copy where.
As you don't want to install this module, the best way is to create a package by providing a CMake config file for your project. This means that your project Foo would generate a file FooConfig.cmake which contains the paths to includes and libraries. The other CMake project would use find_package(Foo) to look for the file. By adding a hint to Foo_DIR you can make CMake find your project in a non-standard directory.
Further reading:
CMake documentation about packages
About how to use your library
Note, that configure_file is unrelated to what you wish, the confusing name has historic reasons. You can use this command, but per se it is unrelated.
UPDATE: after the update, I think that you want to use an external project. Behaves like an internal library, but pretty separated. See
you should use generator expression for your "foo" include directory:
target_include_directories(foo PUBLIC
And since you don't want install rules not need to also add a $<INSTALL_INTERFACE:include>...
BTW you should don't care to copy the include file in the build directory (supposing you are building out of the source).
ps: if you also generate headers files simply add $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}>

Compile a single file under CMake project?

I'm developing a C++ project which is going to be enclosed on a bigger one.
I've seen that on the bigger project (is a Qt application and it's being generated from qmake) I am able to compile a single file from the linux command line, just entering the relative path to the specific file as an argument to make.
On the other hand, I'm using CMake for my own project. When I modify some code for a compilation unit and I have to modify its header file, I have to wait a long time to compile its dependencies and then its own source file. But there are some situations in which I would prefer to check whether the source code in the *.cc file is compilable without errors.
Is there a way to generate a Makefile from CMake the way qmake does this? Switching to qmake is not an option anymore.
You do not have to add extra custom targets to your CMake scripts, as the Makefiles generated by CMake already contain .o targets for each .cc file. E.g. if you have a source file called, there will be a Makefile in your build directory that defines a target called <Some Path>/ If you cd into your build directory, you can use grep or ack-grep to locate the Makefile that defines this target, then cd into that Makefile's directory and build it.
E.g. suppose the command ack-grep prints something like:
119:x/y/z/mySourceFile.o: x/y/z/
124: # recipe for building target
Then you can build by doing:
cd foo/bar && make x/y/z/
CMake doesn't have a generic built-in way of doing this (it's an open issue), but if you're using the Ninja generator, you can can use a special Ninja syntax for building just the direct outputs of a given source file. For example, to compile just foo.o you would use:
ninja /path/to/foo.cpp^
Not out-of-the box. CMake does not expose those "internal" makefile rules in the main makefile.
You can do this only if you consider what kind of file structure CMake uses internally. You can e.g. for compiling a single .obj files using CMake generated makefiles call
make -f CMakeFiles/myProg.dir/build.make CMakeFiles/myProg.dir/
when you have something like
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
project(myProg CXX)
file(WRITE "" "int main()\n{\nreturn 0;\n}")
To build src/foo.cpp alone:
cmake --build . --target src/foo.cpp.o
No, CMake does not offer built-in support to compile single files.
You have to add a target for each object file, maybe by a function iterating over all files of a directory.
Others have suggested ways to find the target name (ending in .cpp.o) from the .cpp filename, but if you already know the name of a target that will trigger compilation of the .cpp file and you're using ninja this suggestion should be easier.
First build the target:
ninja TriggersCppCompilationLib
Assuming your file was changed or was not yet built, ninja will print the full target name. When you see the name come up, hit enter so it is not overwritten. Then simply copy the name from the terminal (e.g. using tmux copy mode).

How to print/show included directories in CMakeList

I am trying to build a trivial proof of concept project using CMake, and I am rapidly getting tired of it - to the point that I think it may have been a better idea to handcraft my own damn Makefile.
I have a directory structure that looks something like this:
My CMakeLists.txt file contains the following section, which I, having read the CMake documentation, rather naively believed, will be specifying the include directories for the project:
I am trying to build it using the following command
Where ${ALL_SOURCES} is a list variable that contains all the C++ files I need to compile. I have verified that this variable contains the correct files.
I can't however, for the life of me, work out what on earth is being passed to the compiler as the include directories.
I searched online, and so a post that recommended using get_directory_properties. I tried that and of course CMake immediately failed to generate the Makefile and complained:
Unknown CMake command "get_directory_properties".
When I create a Makefile and run make on it, the compiler barfs immediately, with the error message:
/path/to/project/src/file1.cpp:1:10: fatal error: 'file1.h' file not
Is there ANY WAY, I can find out what on earth is being used as the include paths being passed to my compiler?
I believe the correct way to compile the source files is using
add_executable(executableName ${SRCS}. Then the directories added using include_directories(...) get passed to the compiler automatically.
If you are using a custom command to compile you need to change your CMakeLists.txt file.
set(MY_INCLUDE_DIRS_FLAGS "-Iinclude/ -Iextproj/sdk/math/linearalg/ -Iextproj/sdk/mat/nonlinearsolvers/")

How do I add objects with a custom extension to a cmake library?

I'd like to add some object files to a CMake static library, but they have a custom extension.
Here's what I've tried:
set(SRCS testfile.cxx jsobj.js)
add_library(testlib STATIC ${SRCS})
When made, CMake invokes ar testfile.cxx.o (ie the other file is completely ignored). How do I get it included in the archive? Here are some other tricks I've tried:
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jsobj.js.o
DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jsobj.js.o) # still no luck
(In case you're interested, I'm using the emscripten compiler, which can accept C/C++ files as source input, and JavaScript files are essentially "precompiled objects". I want to find a way to get CMake to add them to the ar commandline, that's all!)
For the record, this is how I solved my problem in a hacky way: "proper" solutions would be gladly accepted.
I made up a new file extension for my special pre-compiled objects, "jso", then added it to the list of input files CMake understands:
Then, I add my object files with the extension ".jso" to the CMake sources for inclusion in a static library target.
Finally, I hacked the compiler by setting CC=mycc, where mycc is a Python script which checks if the input has the extension ".jso": if not, it simply re-invokes the standard compiler; otherwise it copies the input to the output with no changes at all, so that mycc -c input.jso -o output.jso.o is just a file copy.
This isn't pretty, but it picks up all the dependencies perfectly for incremental builds. I can't pretend it's pretty, but doing things the way CMake likes seems to work. Here, we're just pretending all inputs are source files, even if they're actually already compiled.