Missing descriptor exception while using Eclipselink Expressionbuilder - jpa-2.0

I have an entity Person with fields String name and String designation. When I tried to query using Eclipselink ExpressionBuilder, as:
Project project=new Project();
Login login=new DatabaseLogin();
DatabaseSession session=project.createDatabaseSession();
ExpressionBuilder expBuilder=new ExpressionBuilder();
Expression expression=expBuilder.get("name").equalsIgnoreCase("SomeName");
Vector readAllObjects = session.readAllObjects(Person.class, expression);
On executing last statement the following exception is thrown :
Exception [EclipseLink-6007] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.3.2.v20111125-r10461): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.QueryException
Exception Description: Missing descriptor for [class com.mycompany.entity.Person].
Query: ReadAllQuery(referenceClass=Person)
What might be the reason? Thanks in advance...

At last I got it. Instead of DatabaseSession, org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ClientSession had to be used.
JpaEntityManager jpaEntityManager=em.unwrap(JpaEntityManager.class);
ClientSession session=jpaEntityManager.getServerSession().acquireClientSession();
ExpressionBuilder expBuilder=new ExpressionBuilder();
Expression expression=expBuilder.get("name").equalsIgnoreCase("SomeName");
Vector readAllObjects = session.readAllObjects(Person.class, expression);
em is the EntityManager.
This solved the issue.

You did not add a descriptor for Person. You need to map it to be able to query it.
Also consider using JPA.


Netowrkx len() command giving a 'str' object error

To start, I created a Network using 2014 flight data as explained here:https://ipython-books.github.io/142-drawing-flight-routes-with-networkx/
I'm trying to create smaller graphs using airline specific flight paths to test connectivity within each business, starting with American Airlines, I did the following:
AASys = routes[
routes['source'].isin(airports_us.index) &
routes['dest'].isin(airports_us.index) &
AAedges = AASys[['source', 'dest']].values
AAg = nx.from_edgelist(AAedges)
len(AAg.nodes()), len(AAg.edges())
This mirrors the tutorial input almost exactly, with the only change being the additional str.contains('AA'). But when I try to test the len() of my new database, I get -- TypeError: 'str' object is not callable.
Can anyone explain why my edgelist is reading as a string? How to I fix the TypeError?

Parse Or Regex Query Gives Geoquery Error

I am using a Parse OR query to find user matches based on regex and emails within an array. The regex can be quite long as I am generating it from names in the user's address book. My code is below:
PFQuery *emailQuery = [WPUser query];
[emailQuery whereKey:#"email" containedIn:emails];
PFQuery *nameQuery = [WPUser query];
[nameQuery whereKey:#"name" matchesRegex:regex modifiers:#"i"];
PFQuery *query = [PFQuery orQueryWithSubqueries:#[emailQuery, nameQuery]];
[query whereKey:#"objectId" notEqualTo:[WPUser currentUser].objectId];
[query whereKeyExists:#"signedUp"];
[query findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock:^(NSArray * _Nullable objects, NSError * _Nullable error) {
self.registeredContacts = objects;
The regex format is (^First.*Last$)|(^First.*Last$) etc. for each name in the address book. I use the i modifier to make it case insensitive.
However, I get a weird error with this query and it seems to have only begun recently: [Error]: geo query within or is not supported (Code: 102, Version: 1.14.2). I am not adding any geo constraints to this query as you can see. If my regex somehow causing Parse to add a geoquery? If I comment out the line of matchesRegex:modifiers: then the query returns as normal...however I am obviously losing the functionality I need.
I do not have symbols or anything as I am also validating names with an NSCharacterSet.
NSMutableCharacterSet *validCharacters = [NSMutableCharacterSet letterCharacterSet];
[validCharacters formUnionWithCharacterSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
Why is Parse giving me an error that has no relation to my actual query? If it is related to my regex, any ideas on avoiding it?
I have some Chinese names in my address book and for some reason these names were causing the error I added a line in checking my regex to skip these names and the error is gone.
For reference I added a BOOL check:
BOOL isLatin = [regexName canBeConvertedToEncoding:NSISOLatin1StringEncoding];

How to Mole SPFieldUser from SPField

Im writing the unit test case using Moles for my SharePoint application
I'm stuck up at the below lines of code I'm unable to type cast SPField to SPFieldUser.
SField subfield = list.Fields.GetField("Subscriber");
SPFieldUser userfield = (SPFieldUser)subfield;
userfield.SelectionGroup = web.Groups["Focal Points"].ID; //error line shown in pex
I'm getting "NullReference" exception at the above line
Can someone guide me here..
Although I am sure you have already checked these...:
Does GetField("Subscriber") return an object?
Does userfield get set to an object?
Is userfield.SelectionGroup null?
Try this syntax:
SPFieldUser userfield = subfield as SPFieldUser;
So, these all fail. Let's examine covariance of SPFieldUser to SField. The inheritance hierarchy is:
Unfortunately, I do not have the Microsoft.SharePoint library, to see if the SPFieldLookup classis hiding something important in SPField.

Null Reference Excepion when saving data on subsonic 3

I am testing subsonic 3, i can query my database but when i am inserting a record i have an exception. Here is my code:
Client lClient = new Client();
lClient.Name = "Peter";
lClient.FullName = "Richards";
And i have a null reference exception on this generated code:
var newKey=_repo.Add(this,provider);
Any help is appreciated.
I am using ActiveRecords
I had a similar problem, with code not unlike the following:
var pending = myTable.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == 1);
if (pending == null)
pending = new myTable();
pending.Id = 1;
pending.MyDate = DateTime.Now;
pending.MyString = someString;
This worked the first time I ran it, on an empty table, but not the second time when updating. I got a nullreference exception somewhere inside the subsonic repository. The solution was to add a primary key, as Rob suggested.
Just thought I'd mention it (thanks Rob).
Where does the null reference exception actually happen? Is _repo null?
Try and double check that you don’t have any columns in the “Client” table which are not nullable and you don’t set any value.
Also make sure you PK is handled correctly (check you have the [Property.IsForeignKey=true;] attribute)
Do you have NullReferenceException Checked in (file menu) Debug -> Exceptions (press Find and type NullReferenceException, press OK)?
I downloaded the SubSonic code and used it as reference for my project, the exception is thrown in SubSonic.Core\Repository\SubSonicRepository.cs:209 because prop is not checked for null at line 208, and any exceptions are swallowed as evidenced by line 213.
What happens is visual studio breaks on all the exceptions checked in the mentioned dialog. So in one way, this is the expected behaviour from the code.
What actually causes prop to become null, in my case, the table field name is lower-case, but the property is actually cased properly.
From Immediate:
[0]: {System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[SubSonic.Schema.IColumn] Columns}
// *snip*
[5]: {Int32 PlayerInformationid}
// *snip*
{Int32 PlayerInformationid} // Works!
I hacked this together to "just make it work" (Warning: newbie at 3.5 stuff)
-var prop = item.GetType().GetProperty(tbl.PrimaryKey.Name);
+var lowerCasedPrimaryKeyName = tbl.PrimaryKey.Name.ToLowerInvariant();
+var prop = item.GetType().GetProperties().First<System.Reflection.PropertyInfo>(x => x.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == lowerCasedPrimaryKeyName);
Does your table have a PrimaryKey? It doesn't sound like it does. If not - this is your problem.

SharePoint SoapServerException calling GetListItems web service

I have the following statement in my code:
System.Xml.XmlNode items = lstWebs.GetListItems(
"Tasks", string.Empty, listQuery, listViewFields,
string.Empty, listQueryOptions, WorkspaceId);
When executing this, the following exception occurs:
Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException' was thrown.
Exception Source is:
Stack Trace:
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
at ImpersonationConsoleApp.MossLists.Lists.GetListItems(String listName, String viewName, XmlNode query, XmlNode viewFields, String rowLimit, XmlNode queryOptions, String webID) in C:\Documents and Settings\david\My Documents\_Dew02SiteCreator\DeWProjectStarter\ImpersonationConsoleApp\Web References\MossLists\Reference.cs:line 435
at ImpersonationConsoleApp.Program.DeleteTasksIfNotExist(DataRow[] drTasksdel, String siteURL) in C:\Documents and Settings\david\My Documents\_Dew02SiteCreator\DeWProjectStarter\ImpersonationConsoleApp\Program.cs:line 1384
I have confirmed the site URL and it is fine.
Could you please help on why the exception is occurring? Do I need to reset IIS?
please find the detail.
SoapException.InnerException is Null.
However the soapExcetion.Detail.InnerText is showing: The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002)
Is the name tasks also the actual listname in the url? i.e. http://siteurl/lists/tasks? is the list in a subsite and are you using the service under the site-collection?
IF the list is in a subsite the use http://sitecollectionurl/subsite/_vti_bin/lists.asmx as the Service url, otherwise the lists.asmx will try to find the tasks list in the rootweb instead of the subsite.
The signature for GetListItems is
GetListItems(ListID, "", queryNode, viewFieldsNode, Nothing, queryOptionsNode, Nothing)
Try simplifying queryNode, viewFieldsNode and queryOptionsNode to the minimal.
Dim caml = New XmlDocument
Dim queryNode = caml.CreateElement("Query")
Dim viewFieldsNode = caml.CreateElement("ViewFields")
Dim queryOptionsNode = caml.CreateElement("QueryOptions")
queryOptionsNode.InnerXml = "<ViewAttributes Scope=""Recursive"" /><IncludeMandatoryColumns>FALSE</IncludeMandatoryColumns>"
In C#
var caml = new XmlDocument();
var queryNode = caml.CreateElement("Query");
var viewFieldsNode = caml.CreateElement("ViewFields");
var queryOptionsNode = caml.CreateElement("QueryOptions");
queryOptionsNode.InnerXml = "<ViewAttributes Scope=\"Recursive\" /><IncludeMandatoryColumns>FALSE</IncludeMandatoryColumns>";
If it works, then the web service setup is correct.
When I had the mentioned problem, it was my invalid XML that caused it. There is a missing 'type' attribute on the 'Value' element of the 'Where' element in queryNode. I found it here from Microsoft.
Type | Required Text. Specifies the data type for the value contained by this element.
It works after adding the Type attribute. Check if any missing requirements for the xml in one of the nodes mentioned above?
Have you tried running with elevated permissions, it looks like the running user does not hav sufficient privileges to query the data...